Birching Miss Birch Pt. 03


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Maddy didn't answer, but instead closed her eyes and slowed her hands and fingers so that they were barely moving. At the end of the hour, Darla announced, "Time to do a favor for W," and then took her suitcase out of the closet and placed it on the bed.

"Let's see what we have in the goodie box, shall we?" Darla muttered as she began pulling items out of the case. "Get your white ass over here," she barked loudly and Maddy quickly jumped to her feet and hurried over to Darla's side.

Maddy's eyes widened slightly as she caught sight of the very shiny, somewhat large, metal bikini that Darla was holding. "You know what this is?" Darla asked as she approached.

"I think it's a chastity belt," answered Maddy. "I've seen pictures on line." She paused as she looked more closely at what Darla was holding. "But it seems a little larger and there's something strange about the cups."

"There is something strange about this whole device," Darla replied with a laugh. "That's because it is much more than just a chastity belt." She held up the two pieces in her hand and said, "This is a Model 37, Programmable Edging Teaser, which will be marketed as the PET 37. According to W, it is capable of taking you to the very edge and keeping you there for days. But we are going to primarily be testing its manual override mode this afternoon."

She handed what was apparently the bottoms of the device to Maddy and ordered, "Put this on." She then laughed and said, "It says to be sure to lubricate the probes to insure easy entry, but I think you have more than enough lubricant already flowing. Just smear a little of that back onto your asshole so the anal plug slides in a little easier."

Maddy squatted down slightly and pushed her hand through her slit and back over her rosebud. Her fingers were slick with her cunt juices and easily entered her ass. After repeating that action several times, she pulled the metal bikini up over her legs until the two dildos were just touching her cunt and asshole.

"What are you waiting for?" snapped Darla. "Shove it in!"

Maddy did so with a slight gasp. "Sorry, Mistress," she said. "They're cold."

As she was slipping her arms through the metal bands which supported the top piece, Darla came up behind her and pulled the waistband of the bottoms together tightly. A soft click indicated that she had somehow locked it in place. A moment later, the top was also squeezed shut and locked in place. Then Maddy felt Darla's fingers grasp the bottoms as if she were connecting something, which is exactly what she was doing. The batteries in the dildos powered the entire system and a small cable connected the bottoms to the tops.

"How's that feel?" Darla asked.

"OK, I guess," Maddy replied. Then after a short paused added, "Mistress Darla."

Darla held up a remote control and explained, "This controls the PET. The bottoms work about as you would imagine. The dildos can vibrate..." She pressed a button on the control and Maddy moaned slightly. "... or move..." Another button was pressed and Maddy's moan increased in volume. "... or deliver a shock from mild and stimulating to severe and painful." Two more button presses caused Maddy to once again moan and then shriek in pain.

"And of course," Darla said with a chuckle, "all of those functions can be programed by the remote or by any smart device."

She held up the remote so Maddy could see it clearly. "But there are several devices on the market that can do all of that," she continued. "What makes the PET 37 unique is the automatic programming which senses a woman's state of arousal and automatically does what is necessary to take you to the very edge without ever allowing you to cum."

She laughed her deep laugh and touched another button on the remote. "And that is only the bottoms. The top is absolutely unique in what it can do."

Maddy gasped as something that felt like small rollers suddenly turned very slightly and pulled at her nipples. "There are two 'manipulator bars' on the end of each bra cup," Darla said as she tapped her finger lightly against one of the metal cups that covered Maddy's breasts. "They can turn slightly to pull on your little tittie tips like they are now." Darla pressed a button. "Or they can really stretch out those nubs."

Maddy squeaked as the device pulled painfully at her nipples. "They also move slightly side to side, sort of like someone rolling your nipple between their fingers." Darla pressed another button and then asked, "Does that feel like someone's finger playing with your nipple."

Maddy gasped slightly and answered, "Yes, Mistress Darla. It is almost like someone is tweaking my nipples with their fingers."

"Good," Darla replied. "Then it's time for us to go for another walk."

Maddy's collar was still around her neck, so all Darla had to do was attach the leash and pull Maddy toward the door. As they started up the path, Maddy stopped suddenly and gave a groaning intake of breath.

"Ah, yes," Darla said. "It will be in automatic mode as we walk. I will switch it over to manual when we get to Echo Peak."

Darla walked quickly up that path with Maddy following behind her, struggling against the continuous arousal of the PET 37 as she walked. Occasionally, Maddy would yelp loudly as the PET shocked her cunt, ass or breasts to bring her back from the brink of an orgasm. Once, after the manipulator bars in the breast cups pressed together to squeeze her nipples painfully, Maddy whined softly, "This isn't fair."

"No this isn't fair," Darla replied with an overly exaggerated emphasis on the word fair. "Fair is where you win blue ribbons for pigs and pies." She snorted and continued, "This is life... your life as my little lily-white pain-slut slave!"

"Yes, Mistress Darla," Maddy replied in what she hoped was a very obedient tone of voice.

The path went through the birch stand where Darla had tied Maddy only the day before and continued winding its way up the mountain until it ended at a large, flat area on one side of the mountain near the top.

"This is Echo Peak," Darla announced. "That cliff behind us and the valley in front of us work together to create echos." She then yelled, "Hello!" out toward the valley below them. "Hello, hello, hello, hello..." echoed back. "You can hear that for sure back in camp, maybe even in town," she said with a smile. "And luckily for you, you don't even have to be standing right at the edge."

Darla pulled Maddy back from the steep dropoff to the back edge of the flat area against a sheer rock wall and once again yelled, "Hello!" If anything, the returning echo was louder than when Darla had yelled while standing right at the edge of the cliff.

Darla pointed to the ground and said, "You are going to stand here by the wall, while I stand over in the center of this ledge and see what echoes we can create." She paused a moment and then ordered loudly, "Present yourself!"

Maddy looked at her blankly for just a second before remembering and putting her body into the position which Darla had specified. Her hands were on her head with her elbows pulled back; her back was very straight; and her feet were spread a little more than shoulder width apart.

"A little slow on the uptake, lily, but I won't punish you this time," Darla said softly. "I think the PET has you a little distracted."

Darla pressed several buttons on the remote and smiled. Then she said, "But you are about to become a lot more distracted."

Maddy's eyes opened wide and she gasped loudly as the vibrators in both the dildo and the anal plug sprang to life. In the quiet of the mountaintop, it almost sounded like two angry wasps buzzing around her. Then the dildo began to pump and squirm inside of her.

"Ahhhh" she groaned out, and Darla said sharply, "Remember, slave, you may not cum until I say you can."

Maddy's only response was another intense moan. She then gave what sounded like a combination of a grunt and a moan as the nipple stimulators began moving. The small rods holding her nipples squeezed slightly tighter and then began rolling in and out and moving from side to side at the same time. The effect was as if someone were rolling her nipple between their fingers.

Her legs were starting to quiver and her voice was becoming a series of low grunts, "Uh, uh, uh, uh," that were in time with the thrusting of the dildo within her. Those thrusts were synchronized with the movements of the nipple rods, so it was difficult to know whether it was the stimulation to her cunt or her breasts that was exciting her the most.

Her eyes were growing wider and wider. Her legs- and her entire body- were beginning to shake. She was right on the verge of a powerful orgasm when suddenly Darla pointed the remote at her and pushed one of the large buttons near the top of the device.

Maddy's scream echoed through the mountains, "AIEEE! AIEEe!, AIEee, AIeee, Aieee, aieee..."

"I'm sure they heard that one in camp," Darla said with a laugh. Maddy was now on her knees on the hard ground.

"Present yourself!" Darla commanded, and Maddy struggled to rise and get into the proper position.

Darla said nothing, but pushed a different button on the remote and the stimulation of the dildos and the nipple bars began once more. Again, she waited until Maddy was right at the brink of orgasm before unleashing the electrical torment that pulled Maddy away from that desired climax and release.

This time the scream was not quite as loud, but it still echoed through the valley. The third time the scream was even less loud, and the fourth time there was barely an echo.

"Interesting," Darla said quietly as she once again activated the dildos and the nipple bars. "It's starting to get late," she observed. Then she walked up directly in front of Maddy and said, "This time you may cum... when I tell you to. There will be no shocks, just pleasure."

Soon, Maddy as again shaking and quivering as the PET 37 drove her higher and higher. "Hold it off! Hold it off!" Darla commanded.

Maddy was now wailing continuously as if exerting a tremendous amount of effort for some important task. "Please," she said weakly. "Please, let me cum. I can't hold it back any longer."

In response, Darla held up her hand with her fingers spread. "On the count of five," she said and then began closing the digits of her hand one at a time starting with her thumb. Maddy's wailing grew louder and louder as the pinkie, then the ring finger, then the middle finger closed.

When the pointer finger finally closed, a new scream echoed through the valley. This time it was not an "Aieee!" of pain, but rather an "Aaaaahhhhh!" of orgasm that reverberated from the adjacent peaks.

"That one," said Darla, "I'm sure they heard in town."

Maddy was now on her back on the hard ground, her body thrashing and convulsing in one of the most intense orgasms she had ever experienced. "Time to go back to the cabin and clean up for our closing banquet," said Darla softly.

As Maddy wobbled to her feet and held out her leash to her Mistress, Darla said, "I'm setting this on level one for the rest of the evening." Then Darla took the leash and led her back to the cabin.

"W says this is totally waterproof," Darla said when they got back, "but I'm taking it off of you so you can shower and wash the dust and stink off yourself. Besides, I want to put it in its charger for a while so it will be at full power for tonight and tomorrow."

An hour later, they began walking back to the main camp. Darla was wearing her jeans and a camp shirt. Maddy was wearing a loose-fitting dress and sandals. It looked a little inadequate for the evening chill, but not so much as to cause a great deal of notice. Besides, it set her apart as someone "above" the others.

When they got to the main lodge, the rest of the office was already gathered. There was a roaring fire in the lodge's huge fireplace and everyone was talking loudly. When Darla and Maddy entered the room, everything suddenly became quiet.

"Don't worry," Darla said loudly. "Things have changed. Miss B is now just Miss Birch. She will be a good manager from now on." She laughed slightly and added, "And Jessie tells me you are no longer a bunch of squabbling children."

Despite Darla's assurances, the room remained quiet until everyone was directed to go through the serving area to pick up their meals. Once the people were again seated and eating, the noise of conversation slowly began to again fill the room.

After everyone had eaten and the plates and table service returned to the kitchen, Jessie stood up at the head table and said. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we have reached the end of this experience. It is time to look back and see how we each have changed. We are going to go around the room and each of you will say what the most important change has been in this weekend."

Most of the people said something like, "I learned better ways to communicate with my fellow employees and how to better handle minor conflicts." Twila said that she had not realized how much the rest of the office appreciated what she did for them.

Ramone's comments were the most surprising. He stood very nervously and said, "I never realized that what I thought were funny comments were being taken as sexual attacks. I'm sorry if I upset any of you. If I say something I shouldn't in the future, just tell me. Eventually, I'll figure out what is OK and what isn't."

As Ramone was speaking, Darla looked over at Maddy and raised her eyebrows. Maddy just lowered her eyes in response. When everyone had finished, Darla stood to speak. "I am going to tell you all the absolute truth," she began. "The jerks in upper management thought this weekend would be a failure and that nothing could turn our office around. In fact, they were going to use the failure of this weekend to fire me, Miss Birch, and about half of you. But you have shown them- and yourself- that you can change. All we have to do now is go back and put these changes to work, and your jobs- and mine- are secure."

There was a huge round of applause, but then Twila raised her hand. "Darla," she said, "that is all fine and good, but in our discussions here it became very apparent that a lot of the problem is from the top... yes, I mean Miss Birch. She wasn't here with us. Most of us are afraid that when we go back, she will still be the same and all of this will be for nothing."

"Good point!" Darla said emphatically. "And two things have changed that you don't know about yet. One, I am calling most of the shots from now on. You all know that I am fair and know what I am doing." There was a murmuring of approval to Darla's comment. "And two, from now on I control The Mad Bitch, not the other way around."

There was a large, collective gasp at the public use of the name by which almost everyone in the office privately referred to Maddy. "How can we be sure of that?" asked someone from the back of the room.

Darla turned to Maddy who was seated next to her and ordered in a loud voice, "Present yourself!"

Maddy jumped to her feet and in one, smooth motion dragged her dress over her head and placed her hands on the top of her head. The glow of the fire in the fireplace reflected from the bright metal PET 37.

"No one must ever know of this!" Darla said firmly. "If this becomes known, it all falls apart. But The Mad Bitch is dead. Meet my new slave, lily."

Maddy's face colored a very deep red as the room began applauding and screaming. When things returned to relative quiet, Darla said loudly, "You will tell no one of this! You will call her Miss Birch or Miss B."

She looked around the room and rapidly made eye contact with each person there before continuing, "You will treat her with respect or you will answer to me! Amanda Birch is still your boss!" Then she smiled and finished with, "But if you have questions or need something done, you come to me!"

The room again erupted in applause and Darla turned to Maddy and said, "Put your dress back on and sit down." Jessie then stood and announced that the last item of business for the night was a group picture and that everyone should stand behind the head table.

After the picture, everyone was told that they could remain at the lodge for snacks or return to their cabins. Most stayed until late in the evening. Darla and Maddy also stayed. Many people came up to speak with Darla. They acknowledged Maddy sitting next to her on the couch, but their conversation was with Darla.

It would have been difficult to have a conversation with Maddy anyway. Her eyes seemed almost glazed over, and she periodically took deep intakes of breath. Her face was flushed and at times she held her arms very tightly together. It was almost as if she were on the brink of orgasm and was struggling not to climax in public- which is exactly what was going on.

The next day, Maddy wore the same dress- and the same expression on her face- as they traveled home. Darla once again sat up front in the seat across from the driver where the leader of the group should sit. Maddy sat alone, moaning and quivering, in the back of the bus.


Just before Christmas, Maddy was moved up into a supervisory position that had opened up due to a retirement. Her boss made the announcement to the office and added, "You know, a couple month ago, I was ready to fire her and about half of this office. And James over in acquisitions was ready to sell off that camp. But now you are the most productive and efficient office in the company. And there is a backlog of clients waiting to go through the wilderness turnaround experience."

He then turned to Darla and said, "And Jessie says that the secret to turning around an office like this is to talk to the second in command. I'm making sure that you stay with Amanda Birch from now on." He laughed slightly, "Besides, Maddy often says that she wouldn't know what to do unless you told her."

"I just give her some suggestions once in a while," Darla replied. "It's not like I'm the master and she's the slave taking orders."

The supervisor said something else, but it was drowned out by the laughter of the entire office.

Finally he just shook his head and said, "Things really have changed around here, haven't they?"

"That they have, Mr. Arnold," Darla said. "That they have."


Epilogue (A section nobody reads that wraps up the loose ends in the story.)

Six years later Amanda Jo Birch was named a vice-president of the company. Darla Lewis was still her administrative assistant. Maddy's rise to such a level was the subject of several articles in well-known magazines and more than a few segments on morning news shows.

There were also several articles about Darla. One of which was entitled, "The Power Behind the Throne." Darla, herself, became a news story for a short while after the release of a book entitled,"Behind Every Powerful Woman Is An Even More Powerful Secretary."

The book was written under the pseudonym, Sara DeWille, and the cover of the book showed a drawing of a black woman of Darla's approximate size and shape standing on her desk in full dominatrix attire holding a black leather whip in her hand. An interviewer asked her whether she was, in fact, the basis for that book. She laughed and replied, "You will have to ask Sara that question. Only she knows for sure."

No one ever asked Sara because no one knew who she was. The book had been written anonymously and all royalties went to a scholarship fund for black female business management students. Those few who recognized that Sara DeWille was an anagram of Darla Lewis apparently kept that information to themselves.

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