Birthday Girl Ch. 05


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"Mel, if he was that good, how come he's an ex?"

"When things seem too good to be true, they usually are Brian," she said as she measured her hand on mine, her palm flat against mine. The tips of her fingers reached just beyond the line of my third knuckle.

That hit a little too close to home. As I turned to look at her beautiful face in the soft glow of the candle-light I wondered whether she was too good to be true for me too.

"What happened?" I asked, tucking away a strand of her unruly hair that had come loose. She smiled at that.

"Remember I told you he was a in a different city almost every night?"


"Well, he had a different girl in almost every city as well," she said quietly as she interlaced her fingers with mine.

"He cheated on you?" I asked incredulously.

She just nodded, bringing our joined hands to her lips and tracing the outline of my knuckles with her lower lip.

"That must be the dumbest son of a bitch on the face of this planet."

And I meant it. Who in their right mind would cheat on this amazing woman next to me? You'd have to be stark raving mad. Even Johnny Bravo wasn't that stupid.

"Smartest thing you've said all night," she said as she looked up at me smiling, "But enough about that."

She got up onto her knees and swung one leg over mine and sat with my legs between hers, straddling my thighs. "I don't think I've thanked you properly for the other night," she said, taking both my hands in hers and pinning them on the couch, on either side of my shoulders.

There was something nagging me and I guess she must have she picked up on it by the look on my face, "What's wrong?"


"Brain, what did I say about you and lying?"

"I'm not very good at it?"

She kissed my nose, "That's right. Now tell me what's wrong." She still had my hands pinned.

"It's just... your ex was like WOW!... and I'm like wow..." I was finding it difficult to explain myself, "how can I even begin to..."

"No." she said forcefully as she brought our hands between us. "Don't you dare. You don't have to compete with anyone Brian, least of all him. Do you understand?"

I nodded but it must have not been very convincing as she continued, "Brain, do you know why I'm with you?" she asked in a softer tone, "Why I like you?"

"Temporary Insanity?"

"Stop it." she admonished. "It's because when I'm with you I can be myself. I can joke around, I can snort when I laugh, I can eat like a pig and I know I'm not going to be judged."

I was still looking doubtfully at her.

"Do you think I've ever eaten a GMCT in front of my ex?

Judging by the line of questioning I think the answer should be no. I shook my head.

"That's right. Never. You know why? Because it's not proper and lady like and all that crap. I know it sounds ridiculous but I'm expected to act a certain way, be the perfect arm candy, and be sophisticated and suave all the time. Trust me, it gets old very fast."

I had never looked at it that way before. I heard Spiderman in my head saying, With great beauty comes great responsibility. Or something like that.

"But when I'm with you, I can just be me. You let me be me, no pressure, and I can tell that you like me the way I am, the real me. You do like me that way, don't you?" she asked sternly, pinning my arms again and leaning closer.

"I wouldn't have you any other way," I breathed, looking directly into her eyes even though I could barely see them in the dark.

She closed the distance between us and grazed her lips on mine from left to right. The feeling was exquisite.

"Are you going to stop thinking about all that now?" she whispered in my right ear.

Damn, she was a good negotiator. The doubts were already disappearing one by one. She descended again, this time dragging her lips from right to left. They felt like they were on fire.

"You didn't answer, "she whispered in my left.

Answer what? What were we talking about? I was brain-dead. She dipped further and softly bit my lower lip and pulled back, taking my lip with her, her teeth dragging over it as it sprang back to its position.

"Any more doubts?" she asked, looking at my lips before lifting her gaze to look me in the eye.

"Huh?" I asked stupidly.

She smiled, her dimple pronounced even in the dim light, "Perfect." She tilted her head to the side and planted her lips on mine, while shifting my hands from the couch and placing them on her back. My hands were on the curve of her lower back, just above her ass. I moved them up and down slightly relishing the way it swelled closer to her butt and narrowed as I travelled up. Her hands came to rest on my collar bones.

She deepened the kiss, opening her mouth slightly and tentatively exploring my lips with her tongue, imploring me to open up as well. I was just following her lead, rolling with the waves, going with the flow. My inexperience didn't allow me to do much more, but I could mimic, and mimic I did. Parting my lips as well, I granted her access and immediately she snaked her tongue forward, flicking my tongue with the tip of hers. Her hands travelled up to either side of my neck, the tips of her fingers lightly caressing the back.

I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Her mouth was slightly sweet and the way she was playing with me, her tongue occasionally darting out and teasing me before retreating back into its cave had me growing hard in my pants.

The rain was now just a dull buzz in the background as I was itching to explore her body, my hands gripping her waist tightly. She broke the kiss momentarily to look up at me.

"You know there are other parts of me besides my waist right?" she asked huskily.

"I... I didn't know if I should, maybe you didn't want..." my fog-induced brain wasn't firing on all cylinders at the moment.

"Brian, I'm draped across your lap and playing tag with your tonsils, I don't think I can give you any more indication than that," she said nudging the tip of my nose with hers.

"So I can...?"

"Yes, you can," she nodded and our lips met again.

Slowly I dragged my hands lower than I had previously dared and slid the over her jean covered ass. I was rock hard just by that simple move. The way she was sitting had her ass jutting out and the jeans were pulled taut against it. I ran my hands all around her cheeks, squeezing and making her give a little moan into my mouth.

The little moan gave me the confidence to try something more, after all, it wasn't fair if she didn't enjoy what we were doing as well. Waiting for the right moment I snaked my tongue into her mouth as soon as she had pulled back and began exploring. Her mouth was even sweeter on the inside and I could tell I had surprised her by the way she jerked her head back a little before accepting the intrusion.

I welcomed her tongue back, then sucked on it briefly, swirling my tongue around hers simultaneously. She moaned again, a little louder and longer this time, and the sensation travelled straight down to my groin. She had arched her back, pressing her soft breasts into my chest and her breathing was becoming heavier.

I wasn't going to let up. As I kept up my onslaught, my hands travelled up and under her top, touching her silky smooth skin for the first time. It was warm and felt like velvet under my fingers. I traced the twin ridges that ran parallel on either side of her spine. The higher I went, the more she pressed herself against me, her crotch now directly sitting on mine. There was no doubt she could feel all of my excitement, even through my pants and her jeans.

Reaching her upper back I came across her bra and stopped there. From there I raked my fingernails back down slowly until I reached the top of her jeans. Through all this she had begun attacking my mouth with fevered intensity, her hands now in my hair, gripping it tightly in her fingers. I was painfully hard by now and afraid of losing control but I just couldn't get enough of her.

Finally she broke off and rested her forehead on mine, her breathing slightly ragged, her breasts heaving against my chest. I loved the feel of them on me and thought about how they would feel when we were both out of our clothes.

"Someone's a quick learner," she whispered between breaths, her eyes still closed.

"I can't take all the credit," I managed to respond, breathing equally hard, "I've got an amazing tutor."

Her eyes opened and she looked into mine, as if searching for something. Then, unexpectedly she pivoted her hips down than back up so that her crotch slid along the entire length of my erection.

"Lisssssssssy!" I hissed between clenched teeth, my hands grabbing her hips firmly.

"Hmmm...?" she asked, not having moved at all except for her hips.

She did it again, more slowly, pausing at the base before dragging back up.

"Lissy don't..." I managed to get out, pulling her hips towards me to try to prevent her from doing it again.

"Why not...?" her voice was barely above a whisper.

"Because..." I didn't want to admit it.

Her hips went down again and I could feel the heat emanating from between her legs even through her jeans as she came back up. Despite my efforts to still her, she continued to torture me, her strokes getting slower and slower and my peak approaching closer and closer. The whole time she never took her eyes off mine and I couldn't stop looking into hers. She must have sensed I was about to blow because she paused at the bottom. I shut my eyes and my whole body was as tight as a drawn bow-string as I tried to concentrate on anything except what she was doing.

"Why...?" she whispered again, her tongue snaking out to trace my upper lip.

If she came back up I was done for. I didn't know if she knew what she was making me go through but deep inside I had the feeling she knew exactly what she was doing. This was like payback for getting her all hot and bothered.

"Because... Because I'll make a mess if you do," I croaked. I was so going to get her back for this. I was going to pay her back a thousand fold, I was going to tease her until she begged me for mercy.

She smiled and I knew she had no intention of stopping, this had been her goal all along. She was going to finish me off, in all senses of the word.

As she began her upward stroke I tensed up for the inevitable, feeling the rush building up, ready to shoot, when, from nowhere, there was a blinding flash of light. We both started and shut our eyes, covering them with our palms. The power was back. After so long in the dim light, it was like someone had put a floodlight right into our eyes.

I simultaneously thanked and cursed whoever restored the power. Thanks... asshole.

We blinked as we adjusted to the light, slowly lowering our arms to look at each other. It was like waking up from a dream. Did all that really happen? I was all confused inside. On one hand I was glad that I didn't make a complete mess in my pants and on the other hand...

"Well that was a complete mood killer," she said, leaning back and putting her hands behind her on my knees.

"It saved me from a sticky situation," I looked at her accusingly.

"You got lucky, next time-"

"Next time you're the one going to be begging," I interrupted her.

"Really? Those are big words. Wanna bet on it?"

"Absolutely." I wasn't going to lose this time, she was going to scream for mercy by the time I was done with her.

An evil smile spread across her face, "Whoever loses has to be the winner's slave for a day."

"You better start practicing then."

She laughed and got off me, landing on the couch next to me. I was already missing her closeness, she was becoming addictive. I glanced over at the clock and was surprised to find it was already midnight and the rain seemed to have stopped outside.

"Shit Mel, I gotta run, I've got an early day tomorrow," I said getting up and adjusting my pants. I was still at half mast and sporting a small tent in my trousers that I tried to hide.

"Yeah me too, I didn't realize the time because of the dark," she got up with me and walked me to the door, "I've got to get to the hospital by six in the morning."

"You start that early?"

"Not really, my duty usually starts at eight but I've got some pending work need to finish so I thought I would go early and get done with it before we leave on Friday."

There was still a light drizzle outside and it was quite chilly, the wind blowing in as soon as I opened the door. I stepped out as Melissa paused on the doorstep.

"Thanks for dinner and everything else..." I said turning back to her.

She grabbed my shirt and pulled me back and gave me another toe curling kiss, running a light finger over my pants. Little Brian was already giving an encore.

"Next time you won't be so lucky," she said as she let me go.

"We'll see about that," I said as I walked to the car, the tiny droplets doing nothing to calm the heat inside me.

I paused after opening the door, forearms leaning on the top edge "Wait, so that means I won't be so lucky because I'll get lucky?"

"Go home Brian."

"Think about it, I'm going to get lucky, but that makes me unlucky..."



She pointed at the road, "Go!"

"Aye aye!" I saluted her and got into the car, already a little soaked from the drizzle.

She waved and closed the door as I backed out and pulled away, turning on the heater in the car. The roads were treacherous when wet and I didn't trust the car I was given so I drove along slowly, not wanting any unexpected surprises at this time of the night. The slow pace and the intermittent swipe of the wipers let me drift over my thoughts.

I was really falling for Melissa, and falling hard. It was an exhilarating feeling but terrifying at the same time. Her words came back to haunt me. When they are too good to be true, they usually are. Was that what this was? Was I just fooling myself with the fantasy that she could actually fall for someone like me?

She had given me no reason to doubt her, and tonight was out of this world, but that did nothing to quell my misdirected fears. It was quickly getting to a point where it would be unbearable to lose her. I was becoming attached and that scared me. It was difficult for me to get attached to someone but once I did, it was even harder for me to let go, which is why I hardly ever let anyone get close. Melissa was an oddity in that sense, she had managed to worm her way under my skin in record time and with almost no effort at all. She walked past my defenses as if she was walking through tall grass, running her hands over the long stalks while she was at it. The fact that I hadn't cracked a joke in my head for more than five minutes was a cause for concern in itself.

As I stopped and waited at a red-light I watched as tiny droplets of rain gathered on the windscreen before the wiper slid across and wiped them all away. When I was with Melissa she was my wiper, clearing all my little doubts and misgivings that gathered in my head like the raindrops in a single stroke. Every time they gathered up, she would wipe the slate clean.

Pulling away from the light I decided to just see where things would go. It wasn't like I could do anything about it anyway, there was no way I was going to stop seeing Melissa, it wasn't even an option, downright unthinkable. I couldn't even picture my life without her in it now.

My thoughts reverted back to her straddling me, her warm soft body pressed up on me, and a big smile broke out on my face as I looked down at the memento of our time fooling around together. She had left me with quite an uncomfortable situation that I was going to have to deal with once I got home. One thing was for sure, my right hand was going to get some exercise tonight before I went to bed.

Make that a lot of exercise.

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pip1247pip1247over 7 years ago

I love the banter and the playfulness of the characters. Can't wait to keep reading.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I've read about sandwiches on this site

but this GMCT is the one I want the recipe for. Sounds orgasmic. So...please? Good read, too. Thanks.

FloribundaFloribundaover 8 years ago
Well, I'm not sure that best story on this site is right ;)

There's a lot of people on line that might want weigh in on that comment!

But this story is really well written and majorly engaging and for those reading this story, they want to know what happens next and are invested!

Brian and Melissa are really compelling characters and I want to know what happens to them next.


arrowglassarrowglassover 8 years ago
This is a great story!

I like the pace...the story...the players...the way you write...the humor...GUESS WHAT? I REALLY LIKE THIS ONE!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Well done

Another great chapter, keep up the good work my brother.

-Fellow Enthusiast

CRisNeelCRisNeelover 8 years ago

This is the best story I've ever read on Literotica!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Best story on this site

Wonderful, realistic storytelling. The pace is perfect, and the characters are believable. Looking forward to many more chapters as their relationship deepens.

J_RReaderJ_RReaderover 8 years ago
Romantic and enjoyable

Brian and Melissa relationship starts and does not stop, all the nerdy texts fitted well and led to believable characters and situations.

You are taking your time and it makes the story more romantic, as I see it there must be at least 1 chapter more and I am looking forward to it.

PrettyVirgo24PrettyVirgo24over 8 years ago

More please don't stop


DirtynNerdyDirtynNerdyover 8 years ago
Great story

I've been following your story for a few months now and it's fantastic. Your writing is funny and relatable, and very easy to get sucked into. Great job.

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