Birthday Out with Mom

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Son watches drunk MILF at club forced by two guys.
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Mother reduced to submissive slut by 2 guys in front of her son on his 21st birthday.

Jason Harding was not a popular college kid. Actually, he was more of a nerd, and did not have too many friends. His mother, Mary, had him at the very young age of 17, which made her 38 years old. Unfortunately for Jason, his being a nerd combined with her young and still perky 36B chest, 5'4" height, and slim 105lb build made him the subject of endless teasing throughout high school and college for having a MILF. Jason would get angry about the teasing when his few friends said anything, but found himself remaining silent and not having the balls to say anything if either the punks or jocks said anything.

When Jason was an 18 yr old senior in high school, he was befriended by Alan, a punk kid who smoked pot, acted older than his age, and was a real badass in his grade. He had absolutely no idea why Alan had decided to start calling him to hang out until they actually hung out, whereupon it became blatantly obvious.

Alan started by asking Jason all kinds of questions about his mom, such as had he seen her naked? How often? What kind of panties did she wear? What sized tits did she have? What was her pussy like? Did he ever see or hear her fucking? He got very graphic and wanted to know every detail. Jason didn't feel comfortable being asked the questions, but was so happy to feel accepted by Alan that he found himself answering with complete honesty, which included describing his mother's nude body down to the smallest details. Alan would pull up porn on Jason's computer and have him compare the women to his mom to get a sense of what she really looked like. Sometimes he would even pull out his big dick and start jacking off to the porn, not caring in the least that Jason was next to him.

Alan was always very sweet to Mary, hugging her and complimenting her. Mary was perplexed as to why this boy who seemed so well-adjusted and mature would be hanging out with her son who spent most of his time on video games, but was happy that Jason had a positive influence.

Alan would spend the night over at the house quite often (at his own request, which Jason never denied), and loved hugging Mary in her little nightgowns that she wore around before bed. There was always a little cleavage visible, and they never went as far as mid-thigh, exposing her beautifully shaped legs. Sometimes Alan would even invite over Tommy, who did not even pretend to be friends with Jason, to sleep over at Jason's with them. The two of them would whisper together, and one night Jason got up to go to the bathroom and saw them laying on the floor with their faces pushed up against the 1" crack between the carpet and the bottom of his mom's closed bedroom door. He knew that she had just gotten out of her before-bed shower and they were watching her naked, drying off and changing into her nightgown. He got rock hard seeing the two boys lusting after his mother's naked body and quietly stepped back into his room to let them enjoy her without a disturbance. All night he had dreams of Alan and Tommy fucking his mom in every position imaginable, and he knew they were dreaming of similar things after just having seen his mom's beautiful pussy, which she kept trimmed to a thin line of hair.

The "friendship" deteriorated as Alan became more confident that he no longer really even needed to pretend to be Jason's friend to get what he needed from him. It became a relationship where Alan would tell Jason when he was coming by (which always coordinated with Mary's schedule) and ask him what his mom was wearing, what she had been doing, etc. Alan came over and Jason could do nothing but watch when his mom was hugged by a semi-to fully erect Alan in mesh shorts with no underwear. His mom seemed so oblivious and was so comfortable with Alan and their innocent but playful relationship that when Alan would pick her up while hugging, her legs would instinctively wrap around his waist. Jason got hard every time he watched this happen, even as Alan grinned at him and made faces at him over her shoulder as though he was fucking his mom while he hugged her. The relationship continued until they graduated, after which Jason never heard from him again.

Well, today Jason turned 21, and he was going to party like a 21 year old and get crazy... who cares if he never really partied, right? He bought a handle of tequila and called his friends to pick up more liquor and come over to pregame the club. Mary was concerned about Jason and knew that he had no partying experience and wanted her son to have a good time. Although Mary hadn't drank more than a glass of wine in one sitting for the last 15 years or so, she knew she could handle a night out with her son and his nerdy friends. Jason didn't resist too hard after she promised not to tell anyone she was his mom, and besides, it would look good to have a girl with them.

Chris and Peter showed up a half hour early (not having anything else to do) and were eager to start pregaming the club. This started them all drinking much too early, and everyone was already pretty wasted by the time they left for the club. They decided to take the metro in, no one being sober enough to drive, but they all were having a great time and felt like true party animals.

Rob and Steve were easily identifiable as the two of the best looking guys, and the alpha males at the club. They both had incredibly well-built athletic bodies, and the good looks matching their dominant attitudes that led to them always getting what they wanted. They were 22-year-old college seniors already bored with the easy sluts they had conquered in college, and they liked a challenge. They immediately noticed the sexy older woman that entered with the three geeks and grinned to each other as they realized they had a MILF on their hands.

Experienced at picking up girls, Rob and Steve maneuvered themselves up to Mary and were able to separate the distracted boys from her at the bar. They charmed Mary right away and their sexy bodies didn't hurt in getting her attention. It felt good to be sought after and she was flattered by the attention from such young boys. They bought her shot after shot and soon she was much drunker than she ever intended to be, with her words slurring a little, and her balance starting to become unsteady. Mary was asked about the geeks she was with and she told them about celebrating her son's birthday with him and his friends. Rob offered to have Steve go over to Jason, make him the life of the party, and attract some attention to the boys to help them get the girls. Mary was grateful for this as she wanted Jason to be shown a great time on his birthday. The only catch was, Mary had to agree to dance with Rob while Steve entertained her son and his friends.

Steve bought them each another shot, but 4 shots came out and Mary was convinced to take the extra one. Rob then led her to the dance floor and she followed, legs a bit wobbly. She saw Steve walk up to the boys at the bar and they seemed to be relieved that someone was engaging them in conversation. He ordered shots and she saw the boys eagerly drinking them down.

Rob held her close into him, gripping and kneading her tight ass in his hands like putty. She knew she shouldn't allow him to touch her like this but she found herself too drunk and feeling too good to stop him. Besides, it had been a while since she was at a club and she knew that dancing had gotten more physical, with the kids grinding and gyrating together like on the rap videos. The song got faster and Rob was moving her faster, before she knew it, he had spun her around so her ass was against his crotch and his left hand was groping her left breast and squeezing it.

"Oh mommy your titty feels soo nice" he said softly into her ear. She knew she should stop this and started to stand up and say no, but her legs were too weak and wobbly and his hands and arms were so strong.

She watched as Jason's friend Peter started looking ghostly pale and ran off to the bathroom from too much alcohol. Rob's hand started snaking under her skirt along her right thigh, his left hand still squeezing her tit. His hand cupped her pussy right over her panties and squeezed hard, sending a jolt of electricity through her body. She immediately felt her body slacken against Rob's body and submit to his roaming hands. Sensing her submission, Rob quickly pulled her panties to the side and started sliding his fingers along her slit, playing with her clit and starting to rub it.

"I knew you were a fucking slut," he said as she gasped aloud. She knew she shouldn't be letting a boy only a year older than her son touch her and talk to her like this, but felt powerless to stop him. His left hand was leaving her tit and reaching under her skirt to join the right hand when she noticed Chris and Peter saying goodbye to Jason and leaving, Peter looking very sick.

Steve was with Jason, keeping him entertained, but she saw Jason's eyes starting to roam the crowd to find his mother, probably thinking it was about time they leave as well. Both of Rob's hands were too much for Mary, he was shoving two fingers roughly in and out of her pussy while rubbing her clit with his thumb and grinding against her ass. She was quickly approaching orgasm. When it hit her eyes shot open as the waves of pleasure shot through her body. She found her eyes locked with Jason's, who had just spotted her from the bar. He couldn't see the lower half of her body and so was blissfully unaware of her current condition. Rob's fingers were fucking her pussy without mercy, playing her like an instrument in the crowded club. As the orgasm ended, Rob pulled her in close as he spoke in her ear.

"Listen to me you horny slut. You are coming with Steve and I tonight."

"But Jason is here with me" she weakly protested.

"He can come to, there is a couch for him to sleep on. He is drunk and won't know anything. Just make it happen, now" he ended his sentence with force and then released his grip to let her make her way over to her son.

Jason was drunk and silly by the time Mary reached him. Steve had convinced him he was having an amazing time and Mary was glad to see it. Rob introduced himself to Jason who failed to notice Rob's fingers being wet against his hand as they shook. Rob gave Mary's ass a hard pinch and she found herself telling Jason that they had offered to let the two of them stay over at Rob's place for the night and drive them home in the morning. Jason was happy to be doing something spontaneous and crazy with new friends on his 21st and so readily agreed.

Mary was very drunk but was still a bit uneasy about going over to Rob's place with him and Steve. She tried to tell herself that she had just been asked by some guys who they were having fun with...besides Jason had made friends with Steve, right? She didn't want to face the truth that she was going with them (and taking her son along) because she had been commanded to come. A few more shots for son and mother put them both into a drunken stupor. They were led into the car and driven to Rob's apartment.

When they walked into the 1 bedroom apartment, there was a small kitchen attached to a room with a TV and a couch. There was only one door besides the entrance, and it led to Rob's bedroom. Steve pointed to the couch and told Jason that was where he was sleeping. Jason sat down and watched as Steve and Rob half led, half pushed his drunken mom into the next room.

"Where are you guys going?" he asked Steve as he looked past them and saw a plain room with a desk, dresser, and queen bed attached to a bathroom.

"This is where we are going to sleep, just go to bed" said Steve, closing the door behind them.

Jason lied down, Steve was probably right about him needing to sleep after all, and his head was spinning. He found, however, that after a few minutes he couldn't sleep.

Drunkenly, he stumbled over to the door and pulled it open. What he saw before him completely stunned him. His mother was a mess; her clothes half torn off, her makeup smeared and her eyes half open, she was on her knees in front of a standing Rob with no pants on. Rob had one hand on her neck, the other gripping a fistful of her hair, and was forcing his big hard dick in and out of her mouth. Steve sat on the bed completely clothed with a small digital video camera in his hand, he was recording Mary's face-fucking.

"Mom?" was all Jason could manage to say.

"Mommy is busy right now honey, ok?" mocked Steve.

"uhh..oh.. wait, does she want to say something?" Rob asked, pretending to be listening for something as he slid his dick part of the way out of her mouth. Mary's eyes looked toward Jason and he thought she was about to speak. "Nooo.." Rob proclaimed as he shoved her head back into his crotch, slamming his prick into her throat all the way to its base "this slut doesn't have anything to say".

"Jason," Steve called to him "be a good boy and go away, we are having playtime with your mommy right now, ok?" Jason was in a dizzy shock, but instantly became hard from hearing his mother called a slut. He knew his mother was way too drunk to give consent to these guys. He knew he should do something to stop them. His excitement and inability to stand up to these two alpha males made him slowly back out of the room, leaving the door slightly open.

Rob grinned at Steve, he really knew how to handle this kid Jason and shit, the kid was only a year younger than them, why wasn't he getting angry? What a pussy.

He heard them calling her names in the next room. He heard the noises get louder and louder as the two college studs a year older than him slammed his little milf mommy with their big dicks, taking complete ownership of her. Jason couldn't help but peek in from time to time, seeing the video camera (now laid on the desk) recording his mother getting it from both ends as one cock fucked her doggy style while another was forced down her throat. These guys didn't even respect his mom at all, slapping her with their cocks and even both fucking her pussy at the same time, giving her two cocks and stretching her cunt. He watched her take load after load and orgasm multiple times.

After it became obvious that Jason wasn't going to do anything but sit and watch in the doorway no matter what they did, Rob grabbed Mary and yanked her onto the bed. He lay down on his back and commanded her to ride his cock. She was so drunk that she was passing out but he twisted her nipple hard and said "ride me you fucking whore". Her obedience took over and she climbed on his cock and started rocking back and forth on him. "No you lazy cunt, bounce!" As she started to bounce Rob grabbed her chin with an iron grip and turned her head toward Jason. "It's your son's birthday, sing to him" he cruelly commanded.

Mary was a drunken slobbering mess and impaling herself on Rob's huge cock, but she still managed to mumble a weak rendition of "Happy Birthday." He made her fuck him until she came like a stupid slut, looking at her son, then shot a final load up her conquered milf pussy. He slapped her face hard after he came, and threw her off him, flashing a tired grin at Jason who he knew had no balls to do anything about it. Then Rob passed out.

Jason woke up his mother who was severely hung over and helped her get home the next morning. Rob and Steve were still passed out when they left, but Jason discretely left his mother's cell phone number and their home address on the dresser without her noticing.

This is what he had dreamed of since Alan and Tommy were his mother's voyeurs back in high school. He would search google and every porn site for the video they took the night before until the end of time. Knowing the types of guys Steve and Rob were, he knew they wouldn't be able to keep it to themselves.

Jason felt a little guilty but not that bad. After all, she had come out to make sure he had a fun birthday, and she succeeded.


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This is so good. I love stories about mommies being used.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I wish i was there together with Rob and Steve ;)

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I hope more patrs of this story are to come.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

We took one home, a drunk mum, who turned out to be a real slut, reluctant at first but she ended being done by 3 of us, asking me to give it to her as I fucked her sloppy pussy doggy style, while her daughter, my mates girl friend was busy with him in another room.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Great story more stories about this slut mommy

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
It wasn't until after Jason got his mom home that the fun really began!

As Jason got his mom into her bedroom, he helped her out of her clothes, and into her nightgown. As soon as he was done, Mary fell onto her bed, and passed out. As Jason looked at his mother, he couldn't help but stare at her hairy pussy. He felt his cock growing at the sight. Jason thought why not, and stripped himself naked. He got on top of his mother, then worked his hard cock into her pussy. Mary groggily mumbled, "Again Rob?" Knowing his mother thought that it was Rob on top of her, Jason fucked her hard, and fast, like there was no tomorrow, until he busted a big nut inside her snatch.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Great story

Loved the story, now he can pimp his porn start mom

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Hot concept

had me hard the whole way. wish there was a sequel

HolleyHolleyover 10 years ago
Hot Story

Loved it, fast and to the point,

deptfordbadboydeptfordbadboyover 11 years ago
Drunken slut

Really great story well written with good description of situations and characters. Write more stories please

leathercatsuitgirlleathercatsuitgirlalmost 12 years ago
Great story

WOW! beautiful story, I would LOVE to be that mum - fuck! the whole story and plot are so horny, makes me wet reading it - Maybe when my daughters are older and they bring their boyfriends home - maybe I'll get stuffed with some young hard cock!.

Impregnated as well !!!!.

Just love this type of story, keep up the excellent writing.


Sarah Leather, London, England

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

great story plz post more

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
We're waiting!

so many more adventures from a great and very original start.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
good start

So, when's Jason get to fuck mommy?

gaijinahogaijinahoalmost 14 years ago

Pretty hot one. LIked it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Absolute Trash

Pathetic. Get off this site, loser.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
more more

part two,and three

HighRiseWriterHighRiseWriterabout 14 years ago
Good first start!

You show some major promise in your writing. The continuity and realism shows through nicely. Some of your sentences tend to run on just a bit too long. Tighten those up and possibly add a bit more dialogue (personal preference). I am adding you to my Favorites to see what you come up with next. Keep Writing !!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
More stories

Glad to see your first story was a great, hot idea. Hopefully you will write more stories of similar nature. I think it had a lot of potential right up until you fast forwarded to his 21st bday where some random dudes got his mom drunk and took her. While that's good, I was hoping his friends Alan and Tommy would get a piece of hot naive mommy while at his house during a sleepover or something. I think you are on the right track, and I hope to see more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

There she was my single mum with my best mate Graemes cock hard in her pussy,she riding up and down.the party was downstairs but Graeme bet me he could fuck my mum,well he won.What a slut,but my cock was growing,Graeme waved me over,and held my mum,her round arse on display.My cock was hard,i walked up behind her and positioned my cock at her arse,she said no but Graeme held her and with a little help from saliva i got my cock into her arse.Then we both went at it,my cock swelling until i blasted my cumm into my mums arse,Graeme filled her pussy.I moved away,she didnt know it was me.

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