Black and Blue


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Sheila tilts her head back, pressing her bare forehead against his thigh. She takes advantage of every rattle and roll of the train to bump and jostle his hip. When his fingers comb through her hair, her pelvis rocks forward and her lips part. Now I'm sure she has a wide-on.

Joseph's fingers comb through Sheila's hair and drift down her shoulder to quietly find her side-boob. She flinches. He freezes. She waits. He cups the curve. She holds her breath. He hefts the tit weight. She turns towards him. He pinches her nipple. She moans and her eyes flicker open to see if Johno has noticed. She breathes again.

Johno reaches my clit. I moan. He rubs a circle. My head rocks back against his shoulder to nestle beneath his jawline. He glances down at me knowing exactly what he's doing. His familiar black eyes and grey temples fill me. My cunt twitches upwards, seeking his finger, which he inserts.

Joseph is watching me while cupping Sheila's double-D and tweaking her fat mousey nipple, and stroking his cock firmly with his free hand.

Sheila's hands are between her legs, her fingers busy.

Angela takes another sip of whisky and glances at Johno feeling me up, and me looking at Joseph stroking his cock, and Joseph exploring Sheila's tits and nipples, and Sheila edging and wondering if she'll finally cum for the first time since she gave herself to Johno.

I tell Angela, "You're my guardian angel," slurring my words.

Angela sighs and takes another sip. It will be a long, lonely night for her.

::::::Passage 12: Everyone Joins In::::::

It's ten thirty and Johno stops abruptly and switches on the light. An audible sigh and rustle of clothes being adjusted fills the compartment. The scent of sex permeates. We all look at Johno.

We're approaching Casino and he has a plan. As we pull in, he will jump out and race to the nearest pub and buy a few bottles of beer. Passengers aren't allowed to consume alcohol but we've been hiding the whisky whenever the conductor walks by, and we're not concerned.

We pull into the station and Johno races off. As the whistle goes he leaps back aboard with a grin and brown paper bag containing two six packs. Johno really does know how to take charge, just like Mama's Johno.

"It was a rort," he says. "They must be used to it, because they dropped everything to serve me."

He settles back beside me, comfortably pressing his thigh against mine, passing round the beers, dropping his free hand back beneath the table and up under my waiting dress. My legs part for him, as he taught me.

"Here'ya go, Mary, get this down you," he says as he pops a beer for me. "I know you're used to serving a bloke's needs, so let's get you well lubricated, so you can enjoy the ride."

He's not even attempting to hide his intentions now, and as I take a big swig he tucks his hand high up between my legs and starts to finger me again. Two fingers to the second knuckle, reaching for my G-spot, thumb working my clit.

My mini-skirt is up and Joseph is captivated, watching as I part my legs further. Johno thinks it's to give him more access, but I'm really giving my blue eyed Joe a show.

Joseph watches Johno turn my mouth to him and take possession with his tongue. Joe watches me push Johno away, Johno lean over me, hears me moan.

Is it a moan of resistance or assent?

I don't know. I'm out of control. A blur.

Someone says, "Stop! No!", but it's slurred. I'm slurred. I push at Johno again, I may as well be pulling him in. He's pushing me back into the seat, almost riding me.

My hand grasps his long thin cock bulging through his pants. Just like Mama's Johno's cock, it's long enough to reach deep and hurt, but never thick enough to really fill me.

"What does Joesph's cock feel like?" I wonder, and part my legs wide, knowing he's watching.

I'm dimly aware of alcohol and Johno's hands and the smell of male rut and Joseph sitting there across from me slowly stroking his cock now straight up and fat in his pants.

Someone turns out the light. Johno is kissing me. I'm kissing him. My left hand at his crotch, my right at my nipple.

Angela is somehow climbing over the two of us. Did she just cop a feel of my other tit as she squeezed by? Her big arse is turned towards Joseph just a foot behind, and I see his right hand speed up.

Joseph's left hand is vigorously squeezing both Sheila's double-Ds and flicking her big nips. Her mouth is open and she's humping. She tries to move away but can't. I know just how she feels.

Angela is standing in front of Johno and me and she's looking down at us. She's swaying, forward and backward, humping.

"Mary, are you coming?" she asks.

She giggles, then burps, then says, "Well, excuse me!".

I don't answer because Johno's fingers have me climbing the walls and I can only grunt. I open my eyes for a moment and black eyes beneath grey temples are boring into mine and all those years lying under Johno serving his needs and taking what I can when I can are in that moment. I cum.

And that triggers Mousey. Her cum is so loud we all pause as best we can to look at her. It's a pent up cum, two years in the coming. Johno is perplexed. She's never cum with him, ever since she's been with him these past two years. He doesn't know what to do. So he just ignores her.

He turns back to me and starts to ease me off the seat. I resist but he gets his torso over me without breaking his finger rhythm and bears me down between the seat and the table. My legs bend, my sight blurs, and it suddenly feels good to be flat on my back, his fingers at my G-spot, my legs apart.

On my back under the table I see used chewing gum on the underside. I see Angela's legs leaving the compartment. I see Joseph on the seat beside me slowly jacking himself and massaging Mousey's big fat breast. I see Mousey jilling as she watches this man she married yesterday pull my pants down to my ankles a foot in front of her glazed eyes, saying so everyone can hear, "Let's get these out of the way."

Johno glances at Mousey, "If you don't want to watch, then piss off," he says calmly. Anyone would think he was about to lay a brick wall, not me lying open and waiting on the floor.

I watch as she struggles to her feet, hair awry, spittle on her chin, Joseph's hand trapped between a double-D and the inside of her bra. He pulls it free. The compartment door slams shut behind her.

There's no turning back. There's nothing left between me and Johno's purpose. My hands automatically rise to his tattooed biceps, my legs part to his weight, my mouth opens to breathe in the familiar smell of stale beer, whisky, cigarettes and male rut. He's always been here, ever since my my twentieth years ago, when he began to saddle train me

"Do you have a condom...," I start to ask, but a stinging smack to my cheek is the immediate answer.

My face swivels on my neck like a bruised plum on a stalk, and I find myself looking into two blue eyes suddenly filling with pain. A pain they've never known. Unlike mine. I'm used to it but blue eyes is not. I want to comfort him. I start to reach out.

"Mind your place, girly!" Johno says.

I stop and lie still.

Home is where the cunt is. I am home again. Rouged. Roughed. Ready. Now all I need is Johno's need and seed.

::::::Passage 13: Johno Breeds Me::::::

Johno is quick, lost in his rut, alone in his universe.

He twists awkwardly to pull my panties off my right ankle. No room for romance on the dirty floor under the table. I kick them off my left. My legs spread again. He frees his long thin cock—I wonder if it's tattooed like Mama's Johno's cock—and quickly positions it against my sopping wet pussy. He is up on his hands above me and I feel his biceps flex against my fingers. Then he takes what's his.

His core muscles and abs lock as he grips my hips, then his entire weight is on me, and he's humping feverishly. I am sopping wet and feel his cock sliding in and out. There must still be some of Johno's spunk in me from this afternoon, and I wonder which Johno load will win out.

As the thought of two cocks filling me fills my brain, this new lech catches me unawares and my cunt jerks upwards to receive as much of this cock as I can. I've never had two cocks competing to breed me and now it's happening. I cum violently which triggers Johno and he starts pumping seed into me.


Under the table I cry out as I cum, but amidst the familiar sense-storm I feel something new. A strange stillness. Calmness. Something beckoning me to warmth and comfort. Gentle fingers slicking up along my inner thigh, massaging the cunt juice that's squelches out of me. Fingers gently sliding down the crease beside my pussy lips to my arse-crack, arsehole and back. Fingers almost but not quite touching the cock which never stops pulsing. Fingers making this girl feel good and wanted.

Johno's thoughts are elsewhere. Centred on his cock glans. Unaware of everything else.

I look to my right and see Joseph lying on his side, his blue eyes absorbing the scene in the dim light under the table. He has draped his hand gently high on my inner thigh, pulling it back just enough so Johno's humping hip doesn't touch his fingers.

Joseph is using those fingers as tactile eyes. With them he sees and feels all. He sees and feels the cock thrust in. He sees and feels my hips thrust up. He sees and feels my cunt tight filled with cock. He sees and feels it receiving semen warm from Johno's body, He sees and feels each cock pulse distend my tight stretched pussy lips. He sees and feels the semen blowing back along the shaft, the excess my cunt cannot contain. Johno has always delivered large loads.

Both Johno and Joseph are possessing me. Three males participate in my breeding. One bred me this afternoon. One breeds me now. One holds me in my breeding.

Three hold me down, three mount me, three fill me.

This new lech catches me, and I cum again, and Joseph's fingers grip my inner thigh muscles hard enough to leave a rose, possessing me in my cumming.


My right hand drops to enfold Joseph's hand high up against the side of my pussy where Johno's cock still spurts in full flight. Together we three feel the pulses, and I carefully squeeze Joe's hand against my pussy lips stretched thin around the cock so he knows he fills me too.

I watch Joe's watchful blue eyed gaze as we lie here, bare to each other, open to each other's desire, and feel Johno's spasms slow and stop. We wait while Johno rests a moment and casually withdraws. We see his pants pulled up, his cock tucked in, his fly zipped. The compartment door opens, his legs depart, the door bangs closed behind.

Joe's and my ten fingers remain entwined, warm high on my inner thigh, wet against my pussy lips, wet with my cream, wet with each other, wet with our wanting, wet in our silence and Johno's semen.

::::::Passage 14: Joe Claims Me::::::

High up between my spread legs, as high as he can thrust his hand, warm against my inner thigh, Joe's five slick fingers now begin to slide. They slide between and over and under and through my five wet fingers, restraining them while his fingertips reach my gaping cunt and slither in. His blue eyes stare inside me, deep, to where I sense his fingers approaching from outside, until two fingers, three knuckles deep, extend from his curled fist, which presses deep and stretches my pussy lips around it's fisted girth.

Joe is forcing his first entry into me. When his fingers are as deep as possible, they gently caress my cervix then deliberately curl, scoop and withdraw.

Outside my body I sense them emerge with a gob of Johno's semen, and wipe it on a seat cover.

Inside my body I sense the fingers return. Again, three knuckles deep. Again, extend, curl, turn, swipe and scoop along my corrugated cunt walls. Again, withdraw. Another gob of Johno's load is smeared on a seat.

For ten minutes Joe purposefully, insistently, courteously removes Johno's seed. He is skilful, possessive and masterful. He is making me his.

He is abolishing Johno from me, to claim and master me for himself. How does he know what to do? I don't know. Somehow his fingers know. All I know is I relish his hand slicking in and out, sliding under my curled wet palm, cleansing me, possessing me gently.

I know too well how easily Johno's seed can find my egg. Many times in training I learned the power of Johno's seed, and every time I would have been laid up had not Johno and Mama intervened and sorted me. Mama proposed she put me on the pill, but Johno would have none of it. He's a purist in his craft.

So I'm grateful to Joseph whose blue eyes transfix me as his fingers slide in and out, knowing me, making him at home, making himself a home, preparing a nest in me. His nest. His home. His cunt.

Home is where the cunt is.

::::::Passage 15: Joe Breeds Me::::::

When he is satisfied, he stands awkwardly from under the table. I see his legs for the first time as he kicks off shoes and pants. His shirt follows to the heap. I see his cock for the first time as he slips off his shorts. He bends and reenters our space under the table. The flickering shadows play around his beautiful body, virgin to me. I have not moved.

A roar of a passing train rattles the windows and for a few seconds flashing lights illuminate us, like a strobe switched quickly on then off. The scene is seared in my memory forever. He is on hands and knees, hands beside my shoulders, muscular chest over me, thick thighs between my legs. He is still young and his torso is almost hairless though he sports a thick nest of blond pubic hair.

This night of escape is a nest, and within it is our train, and within the train our carriage, within that our table, under that is him, and under him is me. I am a nest within a nest within a nest within a nest within a nest. My parted legs offer him the nest he has prepared, and await his offered nesting cock. I am being nested in.

He hovers over. Blue eyes looking down. Holding me. More demanding than I had dared hope. Cock ready. Long, hard, thick. Thicker than I had dared hope. Mastering.

In that instant of illumination I have time to form one thought.

"Oh, Mama...", and then the passing train is rattling away with a thousand oblivious passengers.

"Oh, Mama...!", then the pitch black returns, leaving Mama's words echoing in my brain, "Don't fuss so, Mary. You're a big girl now. He needs you. Learn. Learn him. Learn his needs. Learn yours. Learn what you need from him. Don't fuss. Girls resist, men insist, lust persist, cock's pleasure is't."

Silently Joe spreads his knees, splaying mine to their limit, pressing muscled thigh fronts against my inner thighs still slick with cunt juice and Johno's drying semen, and lowers his hips, pelvis and cock to me.

He settles to me. Weight and mass on my tits, belly and pubic bone. Home. Home is where the cunt is.

He waits, so I can learn him, then enters me for the first time.

He is big. Like one of those enormous candles they light at Mass, only bigger. It hurts and suddenly I am so full of him I think I will tear but I find slick juice flowing from my slot that makes it easier for him to slide in. Then he slides out and then with an enormous push all the way back in until his root hairs push hard against my mound and his bag of balls rests firmly down my arse. It hurts. But I am enfolded and warm and full and he holds still so I can learn him.

Now he begins to move in and out. Slowly at first. And my head against the carriage wall recalls the rhythmic banging, fast and insistent, of my bed against my bedroom wall, all these years past. I hear my voice calling loudly, not then and there in my bed but here and now under our table, in our carriage nest, "Yes... yes... yes... oh... Mama... yes... Joe... yes... Joe... oh... oh...".

Now his thrusts get short and slow and my head against the carriage wall slows and for the first time I feel him swell and pulse in me and I feel warm and protected and belonging and at home. My back is arched, my toes curled, my cunt tight around him squeezes and squeezes as he pulses inside me.

::::::Passage 16: Joe Seals his Claim::::::

We rest awhile and tell a little of ourselves. He just eighteen, on his own, inexperienced, sure, lost, confident but not cocky. Me twenty-four, on my own, experienced, unsure, found, unconfident and no longer cocky. We don't delve further in our stories. We will stop at Broadmeadows station in an hour. Time is short.

He mounts—Johno taught me to call it that—he mounts me again, but slower and for longer. I feel so full and this time I rise to meet his thrusts. I know why I do and I love him so, and lift off the floor again and again to meet him. As he feels me rising to his thrusts he kisses me slowly and pushes his tongue in my mouth for me to suck, to learn him. I moan around his tongue as he fills and warms me again.

Then we stand and dress hurriedly and take our seats on opposite sides of the table. He lies down but doesn't sleep. I look out the window.

Ten minutes later Angela comes and says, "Oh, Johno's gone. I thought he was still here. Sheila and I have been in the buffet car."

She glances at Joe and says, "Joseph really is a hunk. He can sleep through anything. Come on, let's get you cleaned up."

We take our bags of girl things and I go with her and as we wash and clean and fix our hair we chatter about everything. Everything but Johno and what was. We talk of the future. We talk of Sydney. Of what jobs we'll get. We talk of taking care of each other. Of the blokes we'll meet. Of being maids of honour at each other's wedding. Of growing old as friends. Of how she's one hour younger and my angel. Of how I'm one hour older and her big sister. Of how we are a team.

We talk so long we don't notice the train pull in at Broadmeadows, the banging of doors, the murmur and melange of passengers leaving the train, the whistle, the bang, the jerk, the moving out, the gathering speed away from the station.

::::::Passage 17: Joe Leaves His Claim::::::

When we get back to the our compartment it is empty. I look to the luggage rack and see Joe's bag is gone.

Thirty minutes later I am still crying. My angel doesn't ask why. She doesn't have to. She knows me better than I do.

Two hours later in Sydney at Central Station we leave the train and what might have been.

The crowd absorbs us.

::::::Passage 18: Who Claims Me Now?::::::

Tired decorations try exuding Christmas cheer, but fail. I am lying in bed. I'm sore. I don't know how I could have done it without my angel. She has been with me ever since I knew, through the long months of struggle, through the final days. No hope is left, only knowing struggle.

A nurse pops her head around the curtain and asks, "So how are you feeling, Mary? You're looking much better. May I come in?" Without waiting, she does.

Angela makes room and listens.

"Can we talk about your decision again?" asks the nurse.

"It hasn't changed," I say.

"But you know how difficult it will...." and she trails off. She's experienced and knows a made up mind.

"When can I...," I ask.

"How about now...," and she leaves.

When she's gone, Angela takes my hand, and says simply, "I found this in my bag after we arrived in Sydney in April." She hands me an envelope. It's sealed. On it is written, "For Mary, at the right time"

I'm puzzled. My skin is prickling. The hair stands on the back of my neck. I don't know what's happening.

"I think now..." Angela starts but doesn't finish. Nurse is back. She was quick because she was prepared because she already knew.

She's carrying a small bundle in her arms.

I'm suddenly scared. "You look," I say to Angela.