Black Bears Cave

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Younger man finds company with a pair of black bears.
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Lucas groggily opened his eyes, hearing the soft chirp of the alarm on his phone steadily getting louder. It was the first Monday in his new apartment, a 2 bedroom with a roommate he met on craigslist. Laying back he couldn't help but feel a bit hopeless, he did everything right, great grades high school, a great college with a degree in English yet here he was at 25. Waking up in a small apartment with a near complete stranger, working at a grocery store for slightly over minimum wage. Hardly enough to make ends meet, he had no idea how to move forward with his life, let alone dating. Picking up his phone he saw a few notifications from the well-known flame icon, the little red bubbles most certainly catfish or scams. Opening the app, his suspicions were confirmed, every woman was a picturesque model taking immaculate selfies, all of them initiating a conversation with some variation of hello handsome. He knew it was his own fault, mindlessly swiping while watching TV hadn't helped weed out the fakes. Groaning, he turned and got out of bed, the chilly air and floor hitting his skin causing immediate goosebumps. He wasn't overweight, but was sitting comfortably at average, he was never much of a gym goer and never had the inclination. Walking over to his on suite bathroom, one of the few luxuries of this apartment, he stumbled into the tiny shower cubicle and began showering for the day. It was the first day of his new independent life, and he was dreading it.

The walk to the grocery store was cold, Lucas was bundled as much as he could, but the frigid morning air was constantly attacking his face. Half of his decision to work at this store came from the convenience of the walk, saving what little he could on gas given all the rising prices. Opening the door his manager Dennis greeted him with a wide beaming smile, this was the man that hired him last week. He was taller than Lucas, forcing him to crane his neck up slightly. Dennis was big man, with a slight paunch and plenty of muscle, his dark skin contrasted the white shelving of the store.

"Welcome to your first day on the job!" Dennis said, extending his hand, staring Lucas straight in the eyes.

Lucas took the handshake and put on his best face responding, "Thank you, it's great to be here, maybe not at this hour in the morning but I can manage."

With a big laugh Dennis responded, "Well let's get you some coffee then, that may ease the pain."

The rest of the day went without incident, Dennis showed Lucas his responsibilities, which were stocking shelves and general cleaning, which he did mindlessly until the end of the day finally clocking out and returning home.

The rest of the week continued in the same fashion, wake up, check for any potential matches, chase off existential dread, shower, go to work, rinse and repeat. It didn't help his situation that the only food he could afford was a PB&J he packed for lunch, and ramen for dinner. Friday rolled around starting much the same as the rest of the week, Dennis greeting him at the door, always friendly and beaming. He breathed positivity into the store, and it was one of the only things that made this chore bearable. He was always giving him positive reassurance and mentorship, encouraging him to do the best he could without trying to manage his every move. Once lunch rolled around, he sat down in the breakroom unpacking his fifth PB&J sandwich of the week, taking a slow bite mulling over how much he wanted something different and all his other problems. Dennis strolled in shortly after sitting down at the same round table pulling out his own lunch, unwrapping what looked like a giant turkey sandwich loaded with veggies and bag of chips.

"You must really like PB&J" Dennis said with a smile, taking a large bite of his sandwich.

Lucas sighed, looking up from his sandwich "This is about all I can afford right now, I'm working on expanding my selection of jellies next paycheck."

Dennis smirked, "How about we trade, half my sandwich for half of yours?"

Lucas looked at him quizzically, "You mean it?"

"Sure, here is half, its probably the best thing you'll eat all week," Dennis said handing over half his prized lunch.

Lucas took one bite and immediately felt some comfort, it was indeed the best thing he had eaten all week, maybe even in the last few years. The collegiate diet wasn't known for culinary excellence.

"This is amazing, do you always eat like this?"

Dennis smiled back, "Of course, I'm something of a chef, this is just leftovers, it's even better fresh."

Lucas looked down at the sandwich and took another bite, savoring it.

"Do you have any friends here?" Dennis asked casually.

Lucas looked down again, "I don't, I haven't had a chance to check the city out, or the finances to really do anything. I live a pretty boring and simple life right now" chuckling a little at the end, trying not to make it sound so pathetic.

Dennis smiled back at him, "How about coming to my house tomorrow for a barbeque then? There will be plenty of people and some decent food. Maybe it will help you get acquainted with the neighborhood."

Lucas smiled back "Sure is there anything I can bring?"

Dennis laughed "I don't want you taking out a loan for a package of buns, just come over as my guest."

Lucas smiled and agreed, getting directions to his house, and making a mental note that it was more than a walk away, forcing him to drive. An expense that was well worth it to him at this point.

The sun beamed into Lucas' window, hitting him in the face. Today was Saturday, his first day off. He stretched in bed, enjoying sleeping in while hearing the stirring in the hall of his roommate. A constant reminder that he didn't truly have his own space. Lucas leisurely got out of bed and strolled into the shower, enjoying the hot water, and taking his time. There was no rush today, and he could just focus on relaxing as he let his mind wander while he soaped himself up. He thought of his ex-girlfriend from college, she had introduced him to the joys of anal with a gentle finger inside of him during blowjobs. Something he experimented with himself from time to time. He slowly started stroking himself, imagining her there bobbing up and down. His other hand found its way to the back, mimicking the way she had done it, slowly inserting a finger into himself. It didn't take long for his pace to quicken and shoot a stream of white liquid at the wall. He leaned back satisfied and after taking a moment cleaned off the soap and got ready for his day.

He pulled up in front of Dennis' house a few hours later, the parking was packed on the street, so Lucas has to drive quite a ways until he found a side street with an empty spot. He strolled out onto the street and up the house in no time, knocking on the door. Another equally large Black man, answered the door with the same beaming smile Dennis wore. The inside of the house behind him was spacious, hard wood flooring and plain white walls. There were a few levels, from what he could see, but Dennis was living very well off, in stark contrast to his own living situation.

"Hello you must be Lucas" the man said holding out his hand.

Lucas shook the man's hand meeting his smile "Yes I am, did Dennis prep everyone for my arrival?" and chuckled.

"No, just me, my name is Jerome, its good to finally meet you, Dennis has told me all about his favorite new coworker."

Lucas smiled brightly, "Well glad to hear I'm someone's favorite," he chuckled, "So how do you know Dennis?" Lucas asked.

"Well we were best friends in college, and after a few years we decided to get married, he still gives me a run for my money though" Jerome laughed.

Lucas was a bit surprised; he didn't figure either for being gay, much less married but they were the friendliest people he had met in town. He had known his share of gay men in college, with a lot of them fitting into neat stereotypes. Maybe being gay wasn't as awkward as he originally though.

Dennis walked up behind Jerome, wearing a white chef apron and giant smile. "Hey Lucas, glad you could make it, was my husband giving you the third degree about work?"

Lucas laughed, "No he just spilled the beans that I'm your favorite coworker, so I think it's a prime opportunity to ask for a raise."

They laughed together, the two older Black men dwarfing Lucas. Afterwards Jerome introduced Lucas to many of the other guests at the party. They were mostly in the LGBT community; all were friendly and accepting of him. He wound up talking to more people that night than he had in the last few months, enjoying a few drinks and shots with the rest of the party. Lucas even got pulled into a round of Mario Kart with Jerome, who was a big gaming enthusiast. Lucas won handily and only gloated a little bit before losing and being dethroned by the luck of the game. Lucas ended up having a great night, finding that he had a lot of hobbies in common with Jerome, who loved video games but unluckily for him Dennis did not. Lucas did agree before leaving to come back soon to play a new game Jerome had gotten, it was a co-operative game, and he was having zero luck playing online, and really needed a skilled player 2. Walking to his car afterwards he felt happy, that was the most fun he had in a long time.

Monday came in like a lion, a softly chirping lion alerting Lucas that it was time for work. He groggily silenced his alarm and got to his feet; it was time to get back to routine. He proceeded to rush through his normal routine and get to work, where as always, he saw Dennis beaming at him inside the doors.

"Welcome back to work, just so you know Jerome has asked me all weekend when you're coming over to help him with that video game, he's going insane waiting for you."

Lucas smiled "Well I'm free most nights of the week, is dinner included in this?".

Dennis laughed back "As long as I don't have to play video games with him anymore you can have as much dinner as you want."

Lucas laughed back and agreed to come over after work, he would need to retrieve his car and toss in a few dollars for gas. The damn thing burned through his bank account faster than he could put it in.

Later that evening Lucas knocked at the door of the large home, and was greeted by Jerome, a big smile as always who ushered him in. They traversed the large hallways and into the dimly lit den with the giant TV and PS5 sitting right below it, with the familiar glow and sleek white siding. Jerome took no time in booting it up and shoving the second controller in Lucas' hands, it was a first-person shooter, and a fairly difficult one at that.

Dennis peaked around the corner at them yelling, "Dinner will be ready in 20 minutes, you have your warning"

They both looked at him, and then instantly back at the screen, focused on killing the nondescript alien enemies.

They had a great time, and made great progress in the twenty minutes, beating that level swiftly, before a bellow from the kitchen beckoned them out into the light, where they sat at the table.

There was a massive spread of chicken, broccoli, mac and cheese, and salad waiting for them. Dennis had really outdone himself, 'was this really how they lived' Lucas had thought.

"Dig in" Dennis said taking a piece of chicken and some mac and cheese. As all three of them descended on the feast. Taking a few moments to pick

"So how is the dating life going?" Dennis asked, looking at Lucas while taking a bit of his chicken.

Lucas nervously chuckled a bit "Not great, I'm starting to think real women don't live in this city, and I'd need to start an onlyfans to afford dating anyone."

Jerome laughed at that remark "Well if you start one we will buy a subscription, as long as its reasonably priced and has plenty of spicy content."

Lucas blushed at that. "Well thanks for the vote of confidence, but I don't think too many people would want to see me in that situation." He said with a nervous chuckle.

Jerome smiled even brighter at that, "Don't sell yourself short, if you were even bi we would husband you up in an instant."

Dennis laughed at that, "Don't scare him Jerome, plus that's illegal here."

Lucas laughed at that "Well thank you for the offer, if I ever start one you two will be the first to know."

Jerome showing his broad smile responded, "If you ever need some compliments just keep dropping subtle hints, I'm more then fine calling you cute. But if everyone is done here let's get your cute ass back to the living room and beat that level."

Lucas was a bit uncomfortable with the topic of the last conversation but brushed it out of his head as they moved back to the den. He hadn't considered himself gay or bi, but he had to admit it was nice someone was interested in him. He did notice both men check out his butt as he got up, another confidence booster for him.

After finishing the level and checking the time, Lucas had to say his goodbyes. The men waved him off at the door as Lucas hopped in his cold car and drove home. He had mixed feelings about the night, he got along really well with both of them, and at least some part of him felt excited about being called cute.

The rest of the week went without incident, and things were normal between Dennis and Lucas, the bigger man showing him the ropes of the store and giving him advice on the day to day. Dennis now brought him a sandwich every day, stuffed to the brim which Lucas thanked him profusely for every day. Finally when Friday rolled around Dennis popped the question.

"Did you want to come over again tonight? I've had to hear all week from Jerome about this game, he's obsessed right now, same deal as last time."

"I would love to, but I'm a bit strapped on cash now for gas, I think ill have to wait a paycheck," Lucas said a bit sheepishly.

Dennis returned his textbook smile, "I can drive you there and back if you want, anything to get Jerome to stop asking about video games," he chuckled.

Lucas accepted, and after work hopped in Dennis' car. It was a spacious SUV, again seemingly a bit pricy for working at a supermarket. Jerome must have an excellent job to afford this lifestyle for the both of them. They talked on the drive, noting some of the odd customers they had through the day, including one woman who thought she could just eat the produce in the store as a free trial to see if she liked it. Lucas felt at ease with Dennis and relaxed as they drove out to his house.

Jerome was sitting on the couch as they walked in, ready to go with a controller in his hand. Dennis laughed loudly and walked away, as the spare controller came flying at Lucas. They were able to play for a few hours prior to dinner, where Dennis had some beer set out for everyone, proclaiming it was Friday why not relax. Lucas and Jerrome finished their dinner quickly to run back to the games, leaving Dennis to clean up. He didn't mind the chores, he got peace and quiet, and the ability to drink a few more beers and relax from the day.

As the night rolled on Jerome and Lucas beat level after level, with beer after beer. They had a great night with tons of cheering every time they finished a mission. Even Dennis cheered, but mostly just to be part of the team, he was otherwise occupied on his laptop watching something on Netflix that Lucas couldn't quite see. Eventually after suffering a string of losses the gaming duo finally decided to call it quits. Dennis noticing the quiet turned away from his show and took off his headphones.

"So I've got bad news Lucas, there is a zero point oh 8 chance I can drive you back tonight, the good news is the spare room is unoccupied if you don't mind staying here tonight."

Lucas more than a bit buzzed smiled back "Yea that sounds fair to me, I appreciate it, no need to take a risk."

The three men headed upstairs Jerome going into the master bedroom, to clean up as Dennis lead Lucas to the spare room down the hall. "Here is your room" Dennis said, smiling at the younger man. Walking in he showed him the towels and extra blankets, everything much nicer than what Lucas had sitting in his apartment.

Dennis turned to Lucas on the way out smiling "This is hard to say, and I'm only going to offer this once, but if you are interested you can sleep with us in the Master bedroom, you don't have to do anything you don't want to, but I think its obvious we really like you, this is your choice. I'm not going to ask you to decide now but if you want to, come in when you are ready."

Lucas was frozen, this thought really excited him, but at the same time it felt wrong. Everything he experienced growing up had told him this was not something he should do, but these two had made him feel welcomed and treated him far better than anyone else had leading up to this point. As Dennis walked out, closing the door, Lucas caught his breath and sat down, letting his mind race. His legs were frozen, and his stomach felt full of butterflies. It took him a few minutes to make up his mind, what did he have to lose, these were some of the best people he met in the new city.

'Would this make me gay,' he thought, as images of the two men naked flashed in his mind.

Lucas took a sharp breath in and walked out of the guest room, every step felt like thunder down the hall and opened the door to the master bedroom. The two men smiled at him, both of them were under the covers but naked from the chest up.

Jerome spoke first "I knew you couldn't resist my charm."

That caused Lucas and Dennis to both laugh and break the tension.

Lucas slipped out of his clothes and climbed in between the two Black men, his penis rock hard. Dennis brough him in for a kiss, the giant man smothering him as Jerome kissed his shoulder. Lucas felt electricity from this, this whole scene was far more erotic than any sex he had felt before. Dennis slowly felt around for Lucas' erection, rubbing it softly as Jerome explored his body.

Lucas felt hot, and decided to try exploring, this was his first experience in this area and slowly kissed his way down Dennis, over his bulging muscles and thick belly, until he found the mammoth between his legs. Dennis had a much bigger erection than Lucas was sporting, thick and black with protruding veins, It was a tool to be used. Lucas tried what he had seen every girlfriend he had to, and everything he knew that felt good and began to bob his head on it. Stroking it with his hand as Dennis leaned back and smiled giving him the same encouragement he did on the job.

"Good job Lucas, you're doing great, keep working the shaft like that."

As Lucas focused on the task at hand, he felt a tongue glide in between his cheeks. The feeling was magical and sent him into overdrive, hammering back and forth on Dennis as his husband methodically tossed Lucas' salad. It didn't take long for Dennis to come, spraying Lucas' face down catching him slightly off guard. Dennis chuckled as Lucas took a taste of it, finding that it wasn't as bad as he though, it was warm and salty sent a dirty tingle down his spine when it licked it.

Jerome noticed Dennis had his fun and stepped back, his own cock at attention as he reached into a drawer and pulled out a plug and lube.

"I have a question for you." Jerome said holding the plug.

"How far do you want to go, we may need to stretch you out a bit if you want to go further, but I've wanted that ass since day one" he said smiling.

Lucas chuckled back, "I'd love to try it, as long as it doesn't hurt too bad."

Jerome laughed and squeezed some lube on the toy.

"It wont hurt too much after this, but its gotta stay in for a bit, probably overnight if you can handle it."

Lucas nodded as Jerome skillfully inserted the plug into him, pushing very slowly as to not cause too much discomfort. Lucas gritted his teeth for some of it, but by the end he was feeling very full.