Black Rain Ch. 02


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"John," Tishara said from behind, startling him and making his heart jump.

"You scared me," Ashton laughed a little.

"Sorry," she said and put one of the plastic containers of food down at his feet. She sat down beside him on the rising slab of hull that had embedded itself into the soft alien soil. With a hard push to the release button, the container opened and revealed a supply of pre-dried food and non-perishables. She asked, "Hungry?"

"Not really," Ashton shook his head. He listened as the ships engines hissed and cooled down, still hot by thousands of degrees even a day after the crash. Sonny had told him that the engine outlets were high in the air, raised up and off the ground away from the grass and foliage. At least there wouldn't be any fires.

"Are we fucked?" he asked.

Tishara opened a can of peaches and chuckled, "Well, yeah. Kinda."

"You know," he said, "I always thought that crashing my ship and being stranded on an uncharted world was the worst thing that could happen to me. You know what I've discovered?"

"What?" she slipped a slice of peach in her mouth.

"Being blind is worse," he said.

"It may not be permanent," Tishara offered.

"Maybe," he said, "Maybe not. Either way, I'll never fly again."

"That's pessimistic," she told him and took his hand, "It's too early to just give up."

Ashton smiled a little. "You're a good first officer, you know that?"

Tishara shrugged and smiled through a mouthful of peaches, "You're just saying that because we sleep together."

"Yeah," he nodded and smiled, "But it's also true. If you hadn't launched the buoy before the crash, our chances of survival would be nil."

"When we get out of here," Tishara leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "You can give me a commendation."

"Deal," Ashton said.

Overhead a sonic boom swallowed the sound around them and exploded. The boom echoed through the valley as Ashton fell backwards and landed hard on his ass. Tishara dropped her peaches and covered her ears as the familiar sound of a ship screaming through reentry bellowed overhead. The whine of heated engines and air being sliced by alloy tweaked their senses. Tishara looked up and saw burning trail of smoke and the dark shape of a bird-like ship streaking across the violet-tinted sky.

"What the fuck was that?!" Ashton yelled and stood up on legs that shook badly.

"Another ship!" Tishara screamed over the noise as the vessel passed them and darted to the horizon. The smoke trail billowed and plumed in the sky, slowly dissolving as Tishara tried to pick out any defining traits of the new ship. She shielded her eyes from the sun with a hand to the forehead and watched it get smaller and smaller. She said, "I can't tell who it belongs to."

"It could belong to anybody out here," Ashton said as the world began to quiet down again, "We're in a no-man's land here."

"It's definitely alien," she squinted, "Ship looks like a medium-sized warship. Shaped like a huge, stocky bird, dark coloring on the hull."

"Scavengers? Salvagers?" Ashton suggested, "God, I hope they're not scavengers."

Tishara agreed. One of the few consistent universal social traits shared by all the known species of the galaxy was that of the scavenger. Every species had that group of enterprising, capitalistic entrepreneurs who scoured the various planetary systems for leftovers and unclaimed treasures. The human scavengers were bad news in any given situation. The Terran Government had outlawed them for being murderous and more akin to wild animals that civilized men and women.

"Wait," Tishara said suddenly as the ship banked and turned, revealing the top of its' impressive wingspan. She saw a familiar circular red logo painted on the wing, offset by thee yellow slash marks. She looked again to be sure and then said, "It's a Jah-Haran vessel."

"Fuck me running," Ashton breathed. The Jah-Haran made human scavengers look like Girl Scouts going door to door for cookie sales. He said, "Are you sure?"

"It's not one of their traditional designs," she said, "But it carries the Jah-Haran sun and slashes."

The ominous dark ship arched around the edge of the valley and the came about, it's beak-like forward hull glistening in the sun. A huge shadow swept across the valley floor as it prepared to make another pass over the ruined hulk of The Haven. The ground began tremble slightly as it neared them, the massive anti-gravity generators in its' wings thundering along.

Tishara couldn't help but think of the time she had gone to the zoo in New York when she was seven and saw the big Condors there. At that time, there was only two left in the entire world and she remembered thinking how alone they looked. The big male bird-of-prey had opened his wings and soared around the huge cage. It was a relic, a beast that was alone and on the verge of permanent darkness. She had looked into its' yellow eyes as it passed her, the draft from its flight flowing over her. She had felt scared of it.

Now, as she watched the massive alien ship draw near, looking more and more like a black metal version of that extinct bird, she felt the fear again. The trees around the wreck shifted and rustled as the Jah-Haran ship roared overhead. Leaves and dust kicked up and polluted the air as it passed over them. Tishara forced herself to look up, trying to keep the dirt out of her eyes.

It wasn't a Jah-Haran vessel by construction. It was probably one they had either stolen or salvaged from some as yet unclassified species. The hull was a tarnished black, certain portions discolored and rusted over from old age and repairs. She counted a dozen blast marks on the hull and penetrations burns from laser fire. The ship had no running lights that she could see. She realized that the ship was rigged for silent running in deep space. The dark coloring of the hull was typical of the kind of radar and sensor-repellant alloys used by the military.

It was a predatorial ship equipped for the hunt and designed for the kill.

"I count six standard blaster cannons mounted to the wings," she told Ashton as the ship slowed and hovered above them, casting a dark shadow across the wreck, "Looks like it has two torpedo tubes and a multiple shielding matrix."

"Not a pleasure cruiser," Ashton said dryly.

"Pirates," Tishara shook her head, "Jah-Haran pirates."

"Worse than scavengers then."


The massive predator hovered for five minutes longer, no doubt scanning them and taking a brief reconnaissance of the wreck to determine what was worth what. Then it backed up and surged forward into the sky. The blast of heat and wind in its wake knocked both Tishara and Ashton to the ground again as plastic containers toppled over and debris cycloned into the air. From her place in the alien grass, she watched the dark ship arc into the distance and then disappeared into the growing cloud formations above them. It flew away, wings stretched out like one of those condors.

"That was the Jah-Haran way of saying 'hello'," Ashton muttered as Tishara helped him up off the ground.

"They were checking us out," Tishara said, "Taking inventory."

"And they'll be back too," Ashton agreed.

The ramp hatch to the bridge opened and Gordon led four passengers out into the dusty daylight. The big black man swatted at the air and coughed as he walked over to Ashton and Tishara. He looked up in the sky and asked, "What was that? The whole fucking ship was shaking."

"Jah-Harans," Tishara told him dismally.

"That's just fucking great," Gordon growled.

"How many passengers, Gordon?" Ashton asked.

"I got four with me," he said, "All of them are colony staff. Sonny and I are gonna check the aft holding bays in a minute for more survivors."

"Good man," his captain nodded and then asked under his breath, "Are they within earshot?"


"Listen," Ashton grabbed his engineer's powerful, broad shoulder and whispered, "I'm in a bad way here."

Gordon looked at the wicked wound on Ashton's forehead and asked, "You okay?"

"Can't see anything," he replied discreetly, "I don't know if it's permanent or not."

"Shit, boss," Gordon looked at Tishara, his eyes filled with sympathy the big man couldn't find the words to express, "Is there anything we can do?"

"Doctor Jennings was killed in the crash," Tishara shook her head, "And I don't think you or I know anything about this kind of injury."

Gordon motioned to the people standing in front of the broken hull, "There's a biologist over there."

Tishara shrugged hopefully, "Better than nothing, right?"

She went over the group of passengers as Gordon and Ashton walked the other way. Ashton said, "Jah-Haran's already made their initial sweep."

"The armory is good to go," Gordon said and guided his captain by the arm as they walked, "Limited ammo, though."

Ashton knew their chances of survival had just dropped dramatically. The crash landing was the least of their problems now. Jah-Haran pirates looted every single marketable piece of equipment, hardware and software from their prey and then took the crews hostage as slave labor and sometimes even worse. Men, regardless of species, were always used as either slave labor in their sector mines or used as cannon fodder on their ships. Women were regarded as sex toys, sex slaves and pieces of meat with a heartbeat. He cringed to think of Tishara being subjugated under the brutal whips of some Jah-Haran captain.

"When they come, we have to be ready," Ashton said.

"Yes sir."

"Captain!" Tishara called. Gordon helped him turn and face his first officer as she and the four passengers walked over to them. She said, "Dr. Howe here is a planetary biologist and also a certified med tech. Thank God for small favors."

"Dr. Howe," Ashton smiled and offered his hand in the wrong direction.

"Cara, please," she said and gripped his hand in an awkward shake, "I understand you sustained head trauma?"

"You could say that," Ashton replied and motioned to the gash on his head.

"I'll do what I can," she smiled and pulled him aside, "Please, sit down."

As Howe looked at the wound on Ashton's head, he addressed the survivors of The Haven. He said, "Okay, here's the deal. We've crash-landed on an uncharted planet somewhere between Earth and Delta Prime. We have sufficient food and water for the moment. Mr. Gordon is going to lead you all in a sweep of the ship for survivors."

"I doubt we'll find anyone else alive, captain," Soniah said.

"I'd have to agree," Ashton said, his voice bordering on impatience, "But you're not in charge. Once we finish searching the ship, we'll back track and locate the missing boom assembly. There may have been people who survived back there in the jungle."

"Fools errand," the blue-skinned alien said.

"You're running the errand," Ashton replied, "If you don't feel like following orders, Mr. Gordon can find a comfortable room for you to be locked in."

"I am the site administrator for this expedition," Soniah said coldly, "My authority is cleared defined in the mission charter."

"On Delta Prime it is," the captain reminded her, "Anywhere else, you're under my command. Get it?"

The Denavian was silent.


Soniah bit her lip and looked away. "Yes, captain."

"Good," Ashton nodded and then said to his engineer, "Gordon, round up some flashlights and get going. Dinner will be ready when you get back."

"Sweet," the big smiled and motioned to the ship, "All right people, let's go."

"Captain," Howe said from behind as she touched the gash on his scalp, "I can't say for certain if your blindness is permanent or not. It's a nasty wound to be sure, but I'd need better equipment and more than just a visual assessment to say anything definitive."

"That's fine doctor," Ashton smiled, "Sonny tells me the med lab is still working. After you and the others return, maybe we can set aside some time?"

"Of course," Howe and nodded and turned to leave.

"Doctor?" Tishara called after her.


"Take care of yourself," she said, "You're the only medically trained person we have here."

Howe smiled a quirky, nervous half smile. She was both flattered and overwhelmed by her sudden importance, She said, "I will."

Gordon and the others went back into the ship as Tishara sat down by Ashton. She put her arm around his shoulder and hugged him. The captain smiled and said, "Not much use for hiding our relationship now, huh?"

"Not really," she sighed, "I doubt anyone from administration is going to see us way out here."

Ashton laughed and inhaled the scent of her hair. Even after being through a crash and subsequent evacuation, she smelled great. He touched her long dark hair and whispered, "Is there any place we can get some privacy?"

"You're kidding," she looked at him.

Ashton shrugged, "So sue me."

Tishara smiled.

"Are you going to deny a blind man?"

She laughed, "Now there's a new line."

Ashton felt her lips graze his in a deep kiss. Their tongues rolled together in between their open mouths as he pulled her to him. She broke the kiss and said, "You know, I think the cartography lab might be empty."


"Really," she licked his lips.

"Let's go and see."


"Yo Paisley!"

Miranda Paisley opened her eyes to the sound of Sonny's voice. She was in the women's head, huddled against one of the stall partition walls. The room was tilted at an angle and water was spilling out of a busted pipe freely. She couldn't remember how she had gotten here or what had caused the ship to be so disorganized as to have water leaking everywhere. She looked at the entrance and said, "Sonny?"

"Hey you," the engineer said, "You all right?"

"What happened?"

"We crashed," Sonny said.

"Oh my God," she whispered and shuddered, the memories of the accident trying to birth in her mind.

"Hey listen," Sonny called to her, "I can't get the over ride to unlock the flight recorder. What's your access code?"

"Get me out of here, Sonny," Miranda called and stood up on the wall, her legs shaking. She noticed she was dressed in cryo-clothes, a pair of short shorts and a tank top. She was also wet and damp, though the room was still heated enough to be warm. "Where's my uniform?"

"In your locker."

"Why am I out of uniform?"

"Believe me, you a lot less on 'til I dressed you."

"What?" she gasped.

"Just sit tight-"

"Sonny, get me the fuck out of this bathroom."

"Can't do it, Paisley. I'm sorry."

"Why am I in here?"

Sonny leaned against the doorway. He hated this. Locking Harmon up was one thing, but Paisley? She was as sweet and honest as they came. He said, "Captain's orders. I'm sorry."

"What?" she cried, "Sonny, what did I do? What happened?"

"I know as much as you do," he said, "Please, Paisley. Just try and relax until we get it sorted out."

"You know me!" she insisted, "Please, Sonny."

"Baby, there might be something wrong with you. And your husband would never forgive me if I let you go running around without knowing all the facts."

"There's nothing wrong with me!"

Sonny was silent.

"What happened?"

"Short version," he said, "Captain and Tishara caught you and Harmon on the bridge just before we hit."

"Harmon?" her eyes widened, "Harmon?"

Sonny looked embarrassed. "You were, uhm... well you were naked with Harmon."

"Naked?" she whispered as her blood ran cold, "Did he... you know?"

"Well," he hesitated, "He was clothed but you weren't."


Sonny lowered his voice sympathetically, "Baby, I don't know. Do you think he might have?

"Oh my God," Miranda felt like vomiting. Harmon was the nastiest, most unattractive man she had ever seen in her life. He was a repugnant, egotistical asshole who was always leering over her and watching her every move. The first three years of serving together on The Haven had been a nightmare for her, and the only reason she didn't transfer was because her leaving would make Harmon think he'd gotten to her. And she couldn't abide Harmon thinking he had won. So she endured his bullshit on a daily basis, trying to keep from killing him.

In short, she despised the man.

"Oh my God..."

"That's what we said," Sonny told her.

Miranda looked down at her wedding ring and rubbed it with her finger. What if Harmon had done something to her? She shook her head. Not even he could be that despicable. Somehow, the logic of that thought brought her no comfort. She looked down at her crotch and realized she felt tender, maybe even a little more moist that usual. She braced her forehead against the wall as tears welled in the corners of her eyes.

How was she ever going to explain this to her husband? What could she say to soften the blow? She couldn't even recall how it happened, let alone the actual experience. She wondered if she could be judged for actions she wasn't aware of taking. She wondered just what the hell had happened to lead her to be on the bridge with Harmon in the first place.

"So what now," she asked, feeling more alone than she ever had before in her life, "Everyone thinks I'm crazy?"

"Well," Sonny shrugged, "Not necessarily crazy..."

"If I was crazy, wouldn't I have jumped you the minute you opened the door?" she asked.

She had a point, but then Harmon hadn't jumped him either when he checked in on him. And Sonny was quite certain that Harmon was loonier than a shit house rat. Still, he replied, "Maybe you're crazy but not stupid. How the fuck should I know?"

Miranda wiped the tears from her eyes, "Please Sonny. Let me out."

Sonny sighed. He never could say no to her. Not once. He closed his eyes, knowing the ass chewing he was bringing down on himself if she had gone around the galactic bend, "You feeling okay?"

She could feel the dull, phantom throb of a headache behind her eyes as she called back, "A little sore, but okay."

"All right," Sonny said finally and reached into his duffel bag. He pulled out a strong vinyl line and tossed it down to her, "But just remember, the captain ordered you sealed up. If you go ape shit on me, you'd better kill me while you're at it."

Miranda grasped the line and pulled herself up the incline of the floor. Water from the overhead lines rained down and filled the bathroom like a pool. Her clothes soaked up the excess from the smooth deck plates as she reached out for Sonny's hand. He grasped her tight and pulled. Once outside she leaned against the bulkhead and huffed, tired and her arms burning from the long climb up. Her breasts were visible through the wet fabric of her tank top, and Sonny did his best not to look. He noticed that the fleshy mound of her sex was visible through her wet shorts.

Sonny took his duty jacket off and offered it to Miranda. She smiled and took it. As she put it on, she felt a strange pain seize the muscles in her crotch. She felt like she had been fucking with someone in a vigorous frenzy. It was the kind of after effect she felt upon returning home to her husband after a long haul, their passion far outweighing any physical pain. This was similar, but she knew that her husband had been nowhere near her in the last two years.

'Oh Jesus, please no...' she thought.

And she had been found on the bridge, in the middle of a crash naked with the one prick in the universe she hated most. Her interior was hot and swollen as she followed Sonny down the corridor, her bare feet wet and slick on the cool metal. Miranda put a hand on her friend's shoulder as her voice broke into a choked sob, "You don't think he raped me, do you?"

Sonny touched her cheek, his weathered face kind and filled with empathy. He said, "If he did, I'll personally cut his dick off. I swear."

And then he hugged her tightly. Miranda let herself fall limp in the embrace, her heart and mind shorted out from exhaustion and confusion.
