Blasphemia Ch. 06


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Nico was having more difficulty than he'd initially expected with the trio of demon hunters.

He swung his longsword with both hands, the blade whistling through the air at the neck of one of the hunters. The man simply moved, as if the act of motion was an afterthought, and avoided the blade.

Nico had the physical strength of a hundred, perhaps a thousand men. With every missed blow he was becoming more and more aware of the axiom that strength means absolutely nothing unless you could actually hit your foe. Along with that awareness came retaliation, as knives flashed inches from his skin and blessed silver bullets scored stinging furrows across his body and dented his armor where they hit.

The hunters moved as a single organism, all of them acting as if they were linked by some higher consciousness. When two moved forward, the other one hung back and fired their gun. As soon as Nico would parry one, the one hanging back would surge forward into the gap, and the one who had been parried would take up the ranged position. It was elegant, it was efficient, and it was pissing Nico off.

Judith continued to surprise him. The Nephilim had made no move to cover herself, and was fighting him completely naked, blade in one hand and gun in the other. Her expression was a mask of tightly controlled rage as she hacked and slashed at him.

The observation cost him as the hunter at the ranged position threaded the needle between his two allies with a bullet and shot Nico in the thigh. Nico grunted as he felt the mass of the bullet lodged in his leg, burning like a briquette. Blood ran down his thigh as he pumped his legs and threw himself down the upper hallway of the dorm to get himself together.

Judith followed ahead of her companions, that unique kind of holy smugness radiating from her expression and her loping gait. "Not so invincible now, are you?" she taunted.

Nico considered his options. He could go outside, which would give him more options in facing his assailants but also give them almost unlimited freedom of movement, which would just make his efforts to subdue them more of a challenge. They were cutting him to pieces inside, however. He couldn't just level the whole building in a blast of hellfire, either - Lily and some of the thralls were in the basement.

Then they were on him, bullets pinging off his obsidian armor but leaving more dents that forced him to pay attention. This time he went on the offensive, charging down the hallway like a bull and throwing a ball of hellfire ahead of him. The demon hunters contorted themselves to avoid it, and Nico lunged at the nearest one, leading with his sword as the man scrambled to pick himself up off the floor.

Judith was suddenly there, her heels kicking the flat of his sword and altering it's momentum. Rather than spearing the hunter to the ground, the sword struck the wall an inch from his side. Just as Nico realized what had happened and tensed to jerk the sword through the wall and, by extension, the man, the hunter had scrambled away. Nico yelled in pain as a bullet found its way into his lower back. At the same time, Judith jumped on his shoulders and plunged her dagger into the gorget of his armor, the blade slicing into the meat of his neck.

"Out of bullets," she panted, her naked sweat heady in his nose. "But you're out of time, demon. Much as I'd like to fucking castrate you, I'll just make it quick."

"You know," Nico said, "in some circles of Hell, what we're doing here counts as foreplay."

Judith made a disgusted noise. She leaned on her dagger, trying to find an angle to force it further down into Nico's body, but the gorget prevented it from moving much. Nico ran a few steps forward, then simply fell backwards with all his weight. Judith's body hit the carpeted hallway floor with a heavy thud, and she grunted in pain, but held on tenaciously.

Nico growled in frustration as her legs hooked around his neck. Her hand, now slick with his blood, slapped against the side of his head as she continued to try to jam the dagger into him further. "You're insatiable."

"Shut up," Judith growled.

"It was a compliment," Nico grunted, eyeing her companions as they stalked him with daggers at the ready. "Resisting the mark repeatedly, somehow managing to call for help through that and all the other runes we've got around here, and still having the physical strength to fight me? I'm impressed."

"Silence. Your. Tongue!" Judith leaned on the dagger hard, and Nico shuddered as he felt it slice him a little bit deeper. Blood welled around the wound and flooded his gorget, spilling onto the floor beneath them.

"What's the matter with me talking?" Nico said, taking a page out of Filia's book. "Does your body like the sound of my voice?"

Judith made an incoherent noise of rage and yanked the dagger out, intending to plunge it into the same spot with all her force behind it. But it was exactly what Nico had been waiting for. He folded his body at the waist, then kicked his legs with all his strength, pushing up off the floor with his wings. The movement whipped him to his feet, and as he did he grabbed hold of Judith and threw her down the hallway. Judith flew through the air and crashed into her allies. Nico made to follow, but pain forestalled him and he sank to one knee, taking deep breaths as the agony of his neck wound threatened to overcome him. That silver dagger hurt.

The hunters recovered. Judith bashed her shoulder into a nearby wall, popping it back into place with an audible noise. Her eyes glittered with pain and determination. "Good trick," she thought. "Won't happen again."

As Judith and her allies began to stalk him again, Nico began to think outside the box. Trying to break the hunters in half wasn't working, so he'd have to resort to natural demon craftiness. The hunters advanced as one, their footsteps in perfect sync on the carpet. Nico's eyes narrowed. Judith had contacted the others somehow, which meant that she had a way to do it nonverbally, and even with her consciousness mostly bound by the thrall rune. Some kind of telepathic connection? His mind wandered further as his body sat back on his haunches, ready to spring away from whatever attack they came at him with next. The runes he'd pulled from Judith's mind flickered past his mind's eye rapidly. Mark of Power, Seal of Binding, Seal of Chaos, Sigil of Healing, Mark of Purity...

His eyes wandered over Judith's naked body, at the red, raw flesh on her shoulder where one of her allies had seared a physical brand into her flesh. It had made him lose his control over her. In that moment, an idea coalesced in his mind. It was a longshot, but so many good ideas through history had been, both human and Infernal.

All he had to do was touch Judith once. Just once.

Nico dismissed his conjured weapons. The demon hunters stopped, eyeing him warily. Nico rose to his full height, keeping his posture relaxed but ready. Blood began to flow from his neck wound down his torso "Alright," he said. "Shall we keep going?"

Judith raised an eyebrow. Then, quick as a flash, she threw her long dagger at his face. Her two allies did the same with theirs. Nico ducked under the flashes of silver and charged them. He heard the snicker snack of air behind as the blades heeded their masters' calls, scything back through the air towards him. He planted his foot and pushed off the floor hard, flapping his wings once to add momentum to his lunge.

The hunters scattered away from him, as he'd expected. Judith bent backwards as if she were a stunt double for the Matrix, and she actually locked eyes with Nico as he flew over her. Nico rotated his body as he streaked past her, gathering Infernal power in the tip of his wing. The smooth, leathery membrane brushed along her bicep like the kiss of a bat's wing.

Nico flipped over and landed, looking back over his shoulder to see if his plan was working. Judith caught her dagger and spun to rush him again. On her arm, orange light traced the pattern of the brand on her arm. The skin scabbed over and healed rapidly, going from an angry red to a soft pink then to Judith's normal skin tone. Nico felt that connection between them click back into place in his mind as the counter-rune's power was disrupted by him healing it.

Comprehension flickered in Judith's eyes. A look of panic crossed her face as she looked down at her arm, now unblemished. Her gaze turned back to Nico. "No. No!"

"Yes," Nico said, drawing power from all the thralls he could. "Oh, yes."

Filia's plan hinged on a similar strategy. If she could get her hand on one the Angels, she could find out if she was strong enough to brand them with the thrall rune. Such a thing had never been attempted by an Infernal before, but the alternative was getting skewered like a kebab on the end of Calliope and Hyperia's lances.

And the Angels were really trying to make that happen.

"Hold... still... dammit!" Filia grunted as she and the Angels fought on the ground. The thralls had cleared a space for them at her whim, most of them content to keep fucking each other's brains out as mortal combat happened not ten feet from where they lay. But they were happy, and Filia didn't want to put any of her toys at risk by placing them in the path of the Angels' lances.

She willed her shadows into the ground, and they burst free a moment later like weeds. They wrapped around Hyperia's ankles, and Filia felt triumph for a brief moment, until Calliope cleaved the shadows in twain with a sweep of her lance. The shadows came back to Filia, and she pirouetted like a ballerina and thrust out her arm. The shadows struck, weaving through the air and wrapping around Calliope's arm. Filia pulled, actually yanking the Angel off her feet for a moment, until Hyperia sliced the shadows apart with her twin lances. "By the Fires, would the two of you just let up for one fucking second?" Filia yelled.

"Never!" Calliope cried. "By His grace and majesty, we shall not rest until you are consigned back to the Fires by which you swear. We are ceaseless. We are indefatigable. We are you doom, creature of Hell!"

Filia gazed up at the Angel, her jaw slack. "Amazing. I've never heard such tripe in my entire unlife. You're just embarrassing yourself, you know!"

"Your words are as hollow as your body!" Hyperia retorted.

"This is hollow?" FIlia yelled. "Take a look in the mirror, Seraphim. You are divine perfection, yet He makes you cover yourselves." She dismissed her armor, letting her natural Infernal beauty be fully on display. Her tail coiled around her leg and she hooked a finger coquettishly into her lower lip. "I bet the both of you are stunning under those masks and armor. If you saw things my way, you'd be free to take them off and bare those bodies to Creation. I've got mortal men down here who are more than capable of satiating your desires." She held up her hand, two fingers ready to snap. "Just say the word. I can be reasonable."

The Angels hesitated for a moment before responding. "As the Serpent whispered to Eve," Calliope murmured, spinning her lance and holding it at the ready. "You shall not tempt us."

Filia smiled her sweetest smile. "Then if you won't come willingly, I guess I'll have to just show you that I'm right."

The source of her confidence and bravado made itself known as Nico dove out of the space of sky occupied by the sun, where even the Angels couldn't see clearly. His wings were folded as he dropped like a bomb. They heard him a few moments before he struck, turned, then flitted out of his way.

Filia was on Calliope before the Angel could even blink, crimson fingers closing around a bronzed ankle. The contact felt akin to slapping a cactus. Then FIlia felt her palm grow white hot and she yanked Callipe down to the ground. The Angel went limp and tumbled; Filia caught the Angel in her arms like a blushing bride. The succubus braced herself - she might have just earned herself a javelin to the face.

But such a blow never came. The Angel's masked face turned towards her. "My body..." the angel said. "It feels so actually caught me..."

"Of course," Filia said. "We're not trying to hurt anyone here, just... show them a different path."

"Calliope! No!" Hyperia tucked her wings and dive-bombed Filia, leading with both her lances.

Filia slowly reached up and took off Calliope's golden mask, exposing her face. The Angel was nothing short of gorgeous, with a pretty, youthful face. Her hair was the same light brown as her feathers, spilling down over her face and shoulders in soft, bouncy curls. Eyes of a beautiful gold blinked up at her as if seeing the sun for the first time, and two soft, cherry red lips parted slightly. Filia felt her heart actually skip a beat. "Oh, my. Excuse me for one moment, dear."

Hyperia's war cry reached a fever pitch as she narrowed the gap between her and Filia in seconds. But in her haste, she charged blindly, right into FIlia's trap. The succubus let Calliope down on the ground gently, then snapped upright and jumped. Quick as a flash her arms wrapped around Hyperia's neck, and the Angel's momentum slammed them both into the ground. The blow would've reduced the spine of any mortal being to the consistency of gravel, but Filia was made of stronger stuff.

And with that one touch, the fight was over.

Nico flapped over to Filia anxiously. "You okay?" he asked her.

The succubus rolled Hyperia off her, who was spasming and twitching as the thrall rune took over. Filia picking herself up out of a buxom succubus-sized indentation in the ground. "Aye, I'm fine. Did you deal with Judith and her hunter friends?"

Nico nodded across the quad. Filia looked to see Judith sandwiched between two well-built, well-hung men, both of them thrusting frantically into her pussy and ass. She looked like she was in heaven. "They're dealt with. Did it actually work on the Angels?"

Filia looked down at Hyperia. The Angel was squirming on the grass now, her hands sliding up and down her bronze thighs. "Such heat..." she panted, drawing her kilt up to expose her delicious legs all the way up to the curve of her rear. On the back of her neck, the thrall rune burned bright.

A grin spread across Filia's face. "By the Fires of Hell, Nico. Do you know what this means?"

"An orgy the likes of which the realm of Creation has never seen before?" the demon ventured, his voice tinged with a horny growl.

"Well, I was thinking we finally have a way to bring the flying pillows to heel, an undeniable edge in the Great War," Filia said, feeling her sex ache as Hyperia struggled out of her skirt while murmuring over and over about heat, delighting in the realization that Angels, it seemed, didn't wear underthings. "But honestly? That can wait."

Night fell upon Saint Bethany's later, and with it, the students and faculty gathered firewood at the behest of their Master and Mistress and built six massive bonfires on the quad outside the cathedral. When lit, the fires burned tall and bright, casting a glow that could be seen for miles around, if one had the ability to peek through runic veils of concealment.

There, by firelight, they daubed themselves one at a time with red paint that the Infernals had mixed some of their blood into, marking their skin with crude, but rudimentary versions of the runes the demons used. Using undiluted runes would reduce their bodies to ash, but the crude versions still had potent effects on the mortals. Females were marked with two sigils to increase their pleasure by an order of magnitude and another to constantly stimulate them so their pussies would always be slick, ready, and wanting. Males painted on runes that would render their cum impotent so as to avoid conception, and another mark that kicked their sex drive past their body's normal peak, so that even the oldest male had the drive of a twenty-something.

As they were marked, the human thralls joined hands and circled the bonfire, dancing with unbridled passion, moving their bodies freely in the ways they had never been permitted to before. They sang the praises of the Lightbringer, Lucifer, Satan, the Dark Lord and Great Liberator. Then, with such ritual necessities completed, they made their way from the fires to join all who were already inside the cathedral at the top of the quad.

The inside had been scoured of all holy iconography, every last whiff of the Divine purged by the Infernals. The pews had been reduced to kindling for the fires outside, along with the large crucifix that had formerly dominated the space. Arcane script covered the walls - if one had gazed upon the symbols without the Infernal's brand upon them, they would've been afflicted with splitting headaches. But to the thralls, they were beautiful messages of truth and guidance, imploring them to heed the urges of their bodies.

On the wall behind the altar where the crucifix had been, a massive pentagram had been painted in the same mixture of paint and Infernal blood used for the runes. It loomed over the space, spellbinding and powerful. Nico and Filia had punched holes in the stained glass ceiling, right through the faces of the saints and the Archangels, to let moonlight into the space unimpeded. It cascaded over the floor, reflecting off the bare, sweaty bodies of the impassioned.

Here, the Infernals bore witness to the fruit of their labors over the past few weeks. WIth their bodies enhanced by the runes, their human thralls fell upon each other in a manner even more frenzied than the previous orgy. Everyone was there, and no pleasure was being denied by anyone.

"H-how is this possible?" Calliope breathed, leaning back against the male student behind her with his cock buried between her legs. "How can it feel this good?" The Angel's body was alight with a pleasure greater than catching a glimpse of His radiance, emanating from the thick shaft thrusting between her legs. A young woman knelt in front of the Angel, lashing her clit with her tongue.

Behind them, Hyperia moaned around the cock in her mouth as she stroked the other two in her hands, bucking her hips against the fingers of another young woman as they spread and teased her cunny. Fully naked, the Angels were beings of striking beauty that every human wished to worship in the same way they did their Infernal masters.

After considering a more painful form of torture for Judith, Nico had persuaded FIlia to simply put the demon hunter at the center of a gangbang, with one caveat - the Angel Galimian got her ass. The Angel's thick member, easily comparable to Nico's, spread the tight bud wide as another male thrall claimed her snatch. Judith howled her ecstacy to the remnants of the rafters above them, her eyes glassy and glazed, her whole consciousness under the sway of the Infernals. There was nothing left for her but the will of her Master and Mistress, who's command was simple - fuck until you cannot anymore, then keep going even further.

Nico and Filia sat on the remains of the altar, taking a brief respite to survey their handiwork. Lily sat between the two of them, her body still damp with sweat from taking her turn with the enthralled Angels earlier. "Is this what the two of you were looking for?" she asked.

Filia petted the head of the female thrall sitting on her opposite side - the young woman dipped her head and sucked gently on one of the succubus's tits. "Mmm, I think so," she mused. "Nico?"

The demon wrapped a wing around Lily's back. "Yeah. Though I never expected to see a sight like that." He pointed to Hyperia, who had moved her head between the legs of a male buried deep in Calliope and was eagerly sucking on his balls like they were hard candies. Her whole body was trembling with ecstacy.