Blissful Beach Birthday Ch. 01

Story Info
70 year old man shares kinky hotel night with two beach babes.
4.1k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/05/2024
Created 05/23/2024
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Chapter 1

Making New Friends

Walter eased himself down onto the large blue-gray blanket he had laid out under the shade of a towering palm tree. Today was his 70th birthday and he intended to celebrate it alone on the beach. He stretched out his old legs with a sigh, leaning back against the rough trunk as he gazed out at the beautiful scene before him. The white sand seemed to glitter under the bright sun which was slowly making its descent toward the turquoise waters of the ocean. Gentle waves lapped at the shoreline in a soothing, rhythmic motion that perfectly complemented the peaceful atmosphere.

Closing his eyes, Walter inhaled deeply, taking in the refreshing salty air. He had always loved the beach, ever since he was a small child begging his parents for frequent trips to the seaside. It was one of the few places left where he could forget his aches and pains and lose himself in the timeless beauty of nature.

After a few moments of silent reflection, Walter opened his eyes, not wanting to miss a second of the stunning view. As he watched the hypnotic roll of the waves, his gaze landed on two young women strolling along the shore up ahead. One was a gorgeous brunette with a curvy figure tucked into a tiny red bikini. Her luxurious dark brown locks cascaded over her shoulders in gentle waves as she walked barefoot through the surf, laughing brightly at something her friend had said.

The other girl had short blonde hair that fluttered lightly in the ocean breeze. Petite and slender, she wore a black one-piece swimsuit that showed off her trim physique. She playfully splashed water at the brunette, who squealed and tried to dodge the spray. Their joyful banter and radiant smiles instantly captivated Walter. How he wished he was just a few decades younger! Although, he amended his thoughts, even if he could go back and relive his twenties, a pair of beautiful beach babes like those wouldn't likely have given him a second glance.

The two women came closer as they strolled down the beach hand-in-hand. Walter watched them intently, knowing they would soon pass by his little encampment under the palm tree. Before he even realized what he was doing, he raised a hand in greeting as the women drew nearer. To his shock, they both smiled and waved in return, as if they were simply two friends happy to see him. The gesture filled Walter's heart with joy. After so many years of invisibility as an elderly man, this small acknowledgment from two radiant beauties felt like a gift.

As the pair walked by, still grinning warmly at him, he overheard a snippet of their conversation. "Let's go talk to that nice old fellow under the tree," the brunette suggested to her friend. "He looks so happy to see us. It would be rude not to say hello." Walter could hardly believe his ears. They wanted to come chat with him? Two gorgeous young ladies like that? The blonde nodded in agreement and they changed course, heading directly for Walter's little oasis in the shade.

Walter quickly tried to smooth down his tousled white hair and brush any stray sand off his clothes before they arrived. His heart pounded with surprise and excitement. Up close, the girls were even more stunning, with long tanned limbs, beautiful faces, and eyes that sparkled with spirit and life. He imagined they must have to fend off admirers constantly. What could they possibly want with a 70-year-old man? Walter wondered if they merely felt sorry for him, a lonely geezer sitting by himself on the beach.

"Hi there!" the brunette said warmly as they reached his spot beneath the palm tree. "I'm Brittany and this is my friend Samantha. Do you mind if we join you for a little bit?"

Walter gestured quickly to the empty space on the blanket. "Please, have a seat! I'm Walter. It's nice to meet you both. Beautiful day, isn't it?"

The girls plopped down gracefully on the blanket, leaving a polite distance between themselves and Walter.

"Thanks, Walter," Samantha replied with a kind smile. "You looked so cozy and happy here under your palm tree that we just had to come say hi." Brittany nodded enthusiastically. "This is one of our favorite beaches. Do you come here often?"

Walter couldn't believe his luck at having these two beautiful creatures sitting with him and acting as if his age and appearance meant nothing to them. He figured they must be genuinely good-hearted souls. With a mix of gratitude and astonishment, he settled in for a lovely conversation with his two new friends. Though decades apart in age, they chatted comfortably about their shared appreciation for the beach's simple gifts of sun, surf, and sand.

The beach was empty apart from the three of them. The vast expanse of white sand stretched on for miles in either direction, not a soul in sight. The turquoise waves lapped gently at the shore under the cloudless blue sky. It was a sleepy Tuesday afternoon in the off season, and they had the entire idyllic seaside all to themselves.

After chatting for a while, Brittany asked Walter if he would mind if she went topless. She explained in her bubbly, cheerful voice that she loved the feeling of the sun kissing her bare skin.

"I know I probably shouldn't do it," she said with an impish grin and a glance at Samantha, who smiled and shook her head indulgently. "But we're the only ones here, and it just feels so freeing!"

Walter was momentarily stunned, his mind going blank at the thought of this gorgeous creature removing her bikini top. He stammered, not wanting to seem inappropriate, "O-of course, dear, whatever makes you comfortable." Brittany rewarded him with a dazzling smile.

"Awesome!" She reached behind her back and unclasped her bikini top with practiced ease. Walter forced himself to look away politely as she removed it, laying the scrap of red fabric beside her on the blanket.

"You can look now," Brittany said with a playful lilt. Walter turned his gaze back to see her lovely breasts on full display. They were large and pert, with long dusky nipples pointing straight out and no tan lines. She had her arms raised over her head, stretching languidly.

"Mmm, that feels nice!" she purred contentedly. Walter quickly lifted his eyes back to her face so as not to ogle. Her cascade of chocolate brown hair draped lightly over her bare shoulders and chest, not quite obscuring the view. She tilted her face up to the sun, eyes closed and long lashes fanned out across her cheeks.

Samantha gave Walter an apologetic look. "Sorry about her, she's a bit of an exhibitionist. I keep telling her she's going to get us arrested one day!" They both laughed good-naturedly.

Walter's pulse was racing but he did his best to take it in stride. He had to admit, it was rather thrilling to have such a carefree beauty unselfconsciously topless in his company.

"Not to worry," he said, hoping his voice sounded casual. "It's your beach too. And there's no one around to offend."

Brittany's eyes fluttered open and she rewarded his gracious response with a sunny smile. "You're so sweet, Walt! Most old dudes would be leering down my top right now."

He waved away her praise magnanimously. "Oh I'm not that virtuous, my dear. I may be seven decades old but I'm still a red-blooded man." They all chuckled together.

Brittany sighed contentedly, her naked breasts jiggling slightly as she settled back on her elbows on the blanket. She turned her face toward Samantha and they chatted lightly about plans for the rest of their beach vacation, seeming to forget Walter was even there for a moment.

He didn't mind at all. In fact, he was happy to sit in silence and discreetly admire Brittany's sun-kissed form next to him. Her bare breasts were just as stunning as the rest of her. Her flawless bronze skin seemed to glow in the bright sunlight.

As the conversation lulled, Brittany reached for a bottle of suntan lotion. "Will you get my back, Sam?"

"Sure." Samantha knelt behind her friend and squeezed some creamy lotion into her palm. She rubbed her hands together to warm it up before smoothing it over Brittany's strong shoulders. Samantha's delicate hands glided down the brunette's glistening back in long strokes.

Suddenly, Brittany turned her head toward Walter with an impish smile.

"Want to help with my front?"

Walter chuckled, holding up his weathered hands in protest. "Oh no, I don't think I'm qualified for that job."

Brittany pretended to pout. "Aww, you're no fun!" She let out an exaggerated gasp as Samantha flicked cold lotion at her bare breasts in retaliation, glancing down at herself with feigned dismay.

"Oh no, look what you've done Sam!" she exclaimed, biting her lip to hide a smile. "You got my girls all messy."

Brittany looked up at Walter through her long lashes, eyes twinkling. "Now how am I ever going to get this lotion rubbed in evenly?" She asked coquettishly.

Samantha rolled her eyes with a smirk. "Here we go..."

Brittany held Walter's gaze, silently extending the offer for him to assist once more. This time, emboldened by her playful persistence, he decided to rise to the occasion.

"Well, I suppose it would be ungentlemanly of me to leave a lady in distress," Walter replied, unable to keep the grin off his weathered face.

Brittany beamed, delighted at his change of heart. "My hero!" she proclaimed melodramatically, clasping her hands over her heart.

Samantha watched with amusement as Brittany scooted closer to Walter on the blanket. She turned her back to him, gathering her long chocolate locks over one shoulder. Walter tried to steady his shaking hands as she presented her bare back to him.

"Would you mind finishing up my shoulders first?" Brittany asked sweetly. "The sun is so strong today. And the help around here isn't quite up to par," she added with a wink and nod toward Samantha.

"Of course, my dear." Walter squeezed some of the creamy lotion directly onto her bronzed skin. She shivered slightly at the cool contact. Tentatively at first, he began to smooth the lotion over her shoulders in gentle circles. Her skin felt impossibly soft under his weathered palms.

Brittany let out a soft hum of satisfaction, eyes closing. " have a nice touch," she purred.

Heart racing, Walter grew more confident in his caresses, kneading the supple flesh of her shoulders and upper back. He took care not to miss a single spot, thoroughly massaging the lotion into her silky bronze skin.

"How's that feeling?" he asked.

"Wonderful," Brittany sighed blissfully. "Your hands are magic."

By now, Walter's nerves had settled. He realized Brittany was simply an uninhibited spirit who saw past age and appearance. Her lighthearted joy in the moment was contagious.

After he had finished with her back, Brittany turned to face him. She made no effort to cover her full, rounded breasts, letting them rest naturally on her chest. Walter tried not to stare.

Brittany took his hand and squirted more lotion into his palm. "Now, for the girls," she instructed, eyes alight with mirth.

Walter chuckled at her spirited charm. Tenderly, he began massaging the lotion into the luscious swells of her mounds, admiring the heavy firmness of the shiny globes and how their fullness spilled around even his large hands. Brittany watched him contentedly, arms hanging loosely at her sides.

As he kneaded the silken flesh, Brittany's nipples responded, hardening into stiff peaks nearly inch-long. Walter did his best to remain clinical, though the sight made his pulse quicken.

"Feels so nice..." Brittany purred, arching her back slightly. "You sure know how to make a girl feel special."

"Just being thorough," Walter quipped, eliciting a melodic laugh from her.

When he finished, Brittany turned her radiant smile on him. "All done! Thank you, kind sir." She performed a playful seated curtsy that made her gleaming breasts jiggle.

Walter chuckled, inclining his head graciously. "The pleasure was all mine, dear lady."

Samantha, who had been watching in silent amusement, gave Brittany a look of fond exasperation. "You're shameless," she teased.

Brittany shrugged, unbothered. "Poor Walter just needed a little fun on his big day!"

She turned to him with a warm smile. "Wasn't this better than sitting here all alone?"

Walter had to agree. "It was a highlight, I must say. At my age, every new experience is a gift."

Brittany beamed, clearly delighted she could provide that enjoyment for him. She made no move to cover her newly oiled breasts, seeming perfectly comfortable in her near nudity.

Walter realized she had a pureness about her. Though free-spirited, her joyful spirit was untouched by self-consciousness or judgment. She simply lived vibrantly in each moment. He envied her that young fearlessness. How different his life might have been if he'd had even a fraction of her carefree confidence. Yet interacting with someone so alive had awakened his own dormant spirit. For a blessed hour on the beach, age had fallen away, leaving only human connection.

As Brittany casually carried on the conversation, seemingly oblivious to her continued topless state, Walter realized another part of him had awakened as well. He glanced down discreetly and saw the front of his pants was tented, betraying his involuntary arousal. Mortified, Walter subtly shifted to try and obscure the evidence of his body's reaction. But it was too late, the girls had noticed. Always bold, Brittany was the first to comment, an impish smile playing on her full lips.

"Well, well, looks like someone is enjoying the view," she said playfully, nodding toward Walter's obvious erection.

Samantha's eyes went wide, unsure how to react. But Brittany appeared utterly unbothered, regarding Walter's tumescence as just another delightful novelty.

Walter flushed deep red, intensely embarrassed. "Oh my, I'm so sorry," he stammered. "I didn't mean just sort of...happened." He trailed off lamely, at a loss for how to explain himself.

Brittany silenced his flustered apology by placing a soothing hand on his forearm. "Don't worry about it, Walter, it's totally normal!" she said, stifling a giggle. "I'm flattered I had that effect on you."

Samantha chimed in kindly, "It's just an involuntary physical reaction, right? Nothing to feel ashamed of."

Brittany nodded encouragingly. "All guys get unwanted boners sometimes, happens to the best of them."

Her casual candor helped put Walter somewhat at ease. He managed a self-deprecating chuckle. "Well, I am only human after all," he said wryly.

Brittany patted his arm. "Exactly! And still a virile one at that, despite your age," she added cheekily.

Walter shook his head, marveling at her spirited nature. Most young women would have fled in embarrassment or disgust by now. But Brittany seemed to hold no judgment, only delight at this new situation.

Still topless, she shifted to face Walter directly, giving him an eyeful of her bare bosom. He tried valiantly to keep his gaze above her neck. Brittany cocked her head, assessing the stubborn tent in his pants with unabashed curiosity.

"Can I...touch it?" she asked innocently. "I've never seen an old guy's hard-on before."

"Brittany!" Samantha scolded, though she was clearly fighting back laughter.

Walter's eyes nearly popped out of his head. Touch it? His mind reeled at the prospect. He knew he should politely decline. But part of him was paralyzed by the wildly inappropriate offer, morbidly curious what she would do next should he consent.

Seemingly oblivious to his internal struggle, Brittany clasped her hands together beseechingly.

"Oh come on, just a little feel!" she cajoled playfully. "Don't you think it would be fun, Sammy?"

Samantha shook her head in exasperation. "You're incorrigible." But Walter detected an underlying hint of intrigue in her voice.

Brittany turned her pleading gaze back to him. "Pretty please? I'll just give it a little squeeze over your pants." She illustrated with a pinching motion, as if she were tweaking a marshmallow.

Walter swallowed hard, pulse racing. His cock twitched involuntarily at the prospect, straining against the front of his pants.

"I suppose...I suppose a quick, harmless touch would be alright," he heard himself saying, as if from a great distance.

Brittany's face lit up. "Yay!" She eagerly scooted closer, the sight of her bare breasts jiggling making Walter's member throb almost painfully. He held his breath as she reached out and placed her hand right over the rigid shape outlined by his cotton pants. Her touch was inquisitive, gently massaging up and down his shaft.

"Wow, it's so hard!" she remarked with fascination. Even through the pant fabric, the feel of her soft hand on his aching cock almost made Walter's eyes roll back.

Samantha looked on, lips parted in mute astonishment as her friend brazenly explored the old man's erection.

After thoroughly groping and stroking his length, Brittany gave his swollen cockhead an experimental poke with her fingertip. Walter gasped sharply at the jolt of pleasure.

"Ooh, does that feel good?" Brittany cooed. Without waiting for an answer, she traced little circles over the ultra-sensitive tip. Walter clenched his jaw, overwhelmed by the intensity of sensation.

"I bet if we keep teasing him like this, we can make him cum," Brittany remarked casually to Samantha, as if she were discussing the weather.

Walter's whole body was tense, his balls tightening. He knew she was right--it wouldn't take much more stimulation before he lost control. The thought was both terrifying and exhilarating.

Samantha seemed torn between curiosity and modesty. "I don't know if we should go that far..." she said uncertainly.

Brittany waved off her concern. "Why not? We already went this far. And I think our friend here deserves a nice cum, don't you?" She resumed stroking Walter's rigid length, gripping him a little firmer through the tented fabric.

Walter groaned, his hips moving reflexively. " don't have to do that..." he protested weakly, even as his traitorous body seemed to beg for more.

"Shhh, just relax and enjoy," Brittany soothed. "Consider it our gift to you for being so gracious earlier." Her talented hand massaged him expertly now, applying just the right pressure.

Samantha looked on raptly, unconsciously biting her lower lip. Walter was past the point of no return, his orgasm coiling like a spring about to burst free.

"That's it, give us your load," Brittany coaxed in a sultry murmur. She rubbed his turgid cockhead in tight circles, until finally Walter erupted with a guttural groan.

His whole body spasmed as he came violently, cock pulsing in Brittany's grip. Hot cum soaked through his pants as she continued to milk him with firm strokes, extending his orgasm.

"Mmm, look at it throb!" Brittany said excitedly. Samantha stared, mouth agape in silent awe as Walter spent himself to completion under her friend's skillful ministrations.

When the last pulses finally subsided, Brittany gave his sensitive tip one more little squeeze, making him gasp.

"There, doesn't that feel nice and relaxed now?" she said slyly, withdrawing her sticky hand. Walter could only nod, still catching his breath. His pants were soaked, but his whole body hummed with sated bliss.

"That was...quite incredible, my dears," he managed to say finally. "You didn't have to indulge an old man like that, but I'm very grateful."

Brittany beamed, clearly pleased with herself. "Our pleasure!" She slyly sucked one of her fingers clean. "Mmm...sweet as honey," she remarked with a wink, making Walter chuckle.

Samantha remained wide-eyed and flushed from witnessing the lewd display. But she smiled shyly at Walter. "Yes...that was really something else," was all she could think to say.