Blood on the Moon

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Twin transformations lead to a demonic coupling...
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He crouched upon a telephone pole in a suburban neighborhood, his form silhouetted by the darkly glowing moon. Red clouds passed above, though the starless night made them appear as little more than slightly darker streaks in a sea of oil. His new eyes cared not for the darkness; they glowed with yellow eye shine. His new tail, long and whip-like, curled around pole to stabilize him. Clawed feet and hands dug into the wood.

Koto sat there for a moment, his breathing coming in ragged breathes. The steam from his breathe mixed with that which came from his new body. His blood pounded through his new form. He felt hot and anxious, and there was an electricity within him that he struggled to contain. It was an energy that told him to run, leap, and destroy. Only willpower kept from lashing out in an uncontrollable frenzy. In his current state and the strength he now had, giving in would likely mean the destruction of a significant amount of private property.

Bat-like ears pricked up and twitched at the sounds of late night suburbia. His nose caught fading whiffs of daily life. His senses pulsed and throbbed in time with the vitality within him.

Below him, in a two-story home with a red door, the last of the lights went dark. He waited for several long moments, then dove from the telephone pole to the roof of that house.

Koto landed like a cat. Briefly, surprise crossed his mind; he shouldn't have landed that softly considering his current bulk. He slipped across the roof on all fours to the rear of the house, then his upper body over the side. Windows into a dark room greeted him. As usual, it was unlocked. His clawed hand slid it open, and then he slipped inside.


Hime was asleep, dreaming of dancing witches and devils.

The matriarch loomed over her naked form, her face a mask of blood and paint. The older woman, also naked save for a headdress of antlers, lifted a bowl of dark black blood above Hime's head.

"With this baptism, you take into your heart the strength of our lord. Do you accept the responsibility such power bears?" asked the matriarch. The drumbeat of the witches' circle overpowered the inner rhythm of Hime's heart, joining her body to that of the coven. Incense burned in a circle of braziers; the smoke carried the scent of cloves and honey.

Hime clasped her hands in front of her chest, her gaze turned down. "I accept," she said, and the matriarch turned the bowl over. Warm blood cascaded over Hime, dyeing her hair and body red. Wherever the blood flowed, she felt her own within her sing in response. Her skin went hot and itchy, and when a trickle reached her sex, an electric shiver ran through her.

The matriarch reached down, took Hime's chin in her strong hand, and raised Hime's gaze. The matriarch's eyes were black with power. Hime saw her reflection in the older woman's red irises. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw that same blackness creeping from the edges into her own eyes. Another shiver of electricity shot through her spine, but this time it spread, running first through her ribs and hips before reaching through her limbs to her fingers and toes. Hime vibrated with power and purpose.

The matriarch smiled down at her. The drumbeat quickened. The smoke grew thicker. "Awake, my child," she said with a smile. She placed a hand on Hime's forehead, and then threw her back into the waking world.


When Hime awoke from her dream, she knew immediately that she was not alone. Her room was pitch black, but her eyes needed no time to adjust. They glowed with yellow eye shine, and could clearly see the looming figure standing just in front of her window, looking at her.

The creature was human, but not. He, for she could clearly see it was a he, stood well over six feet tall. Two antlers, swept back from the beast's temples, almost dug trenches in her ceiling. His shoulders were suitably broad, and his entire frame was muscled like a wild cat. A whip-like tail twitched in agitation. Dark fur covered most of his chest and shoulders, tapering down to nothing at his elbows and knees. His hands and feet were humanoid, but bigger, stronger, and ending in claws. A gust of cold wind came in through the window, and steam began to rise from his body.

Between his legs rose a suitable member.

The creature stared at Hime with eyes she knew. She realized her breathing was coming in short, excited breathes. Her body still thrummed with the energy from the dream. Despite the chill from the window, she was hot, and her body was slick with sweat. As they stared at one another, Hime also realized that she was naked. And that she did not care. She knew this creature.

"Koto...what happened to you?" she asked softly. She wasn't afraid. Whatever had happened to Koto, she knew that he would not hurt her unless she asked him to.

Koto was also breathing quickly. She could hear it in his voice. "I'm not...I'm not completely sure. It's...been a complicated week."

She smiled, her lip catching a sharp canine for a brief moment. "I'm sure. This has to be because of a Seed, right?"

Seeds of Apophis. Crystallized droplets of the blood dripping from the dead godcorpse that hung in low Earth orbit. Coming into contact with one led to great and monstrous things. It was said that some sought them out purposefully, in order to consume them and gain great power. It was also said that doing so would damn one's soul. Looking into Koto's eyes, Hime was certain that only half of that was true.

She slid up in bed, letting the sheets fall away. She brushed her hair from her eyes and briefly glanced down at the sheets and how they still covered her legs. Screw it, she thought, and finished the job by kicking the rest of them off the bed. Her legs, long and tanned, seemed to crackle with static electricity. Hime leaned back on her arms, her whole self exposed to Koto.

Challenging him.

"Hime...," Koto said, "Are you sure?" His hesitation clashed with his appearance. Inside, it clashed with the urges and desires roaring against the confines of his flesh. Koto took a single step forward, his body not wanting to wait for a response.

She tilted her head down and looked up at Koto through her eyelids. Koto saw through the eye shine, seeing the black sclera and crimson irises. He had his answer before she spoke; he was moving like lightning water to the bed already.

"Yes, Koto; I know what my dreams are about," she whispered as he rushed over her like a bestial flood.

Their lips met with fury. She raked her fingers through Koto's fur, one moving up and the other down. One of his clawed hands found the back of her head, tangling itself in her hair while the other grabbed her ass, hoisting her up into his lap. She was on fire; he was so soft and yet nothing but muscle. He smelt like her dream, all honey and blood and smoke. She wrapped her legs around him, and the meeting of their sexes was like a bellows for the flames within her.

Koto felt his being tear itself apart; seeking to rush into his lips and hands to better feel her and caress her; while also trying to funnel itself into his crotch to better enter her. Hime was a tall, long, athletic girl; a year-round athlete, even without the transformative power of a Seed she was more than strong enough to handle the demon she was entwined with. His new senses were almost overwhelmed by her. She humped him, whimpering softly into his mouth. He growled in response.

With great effort, she pulled away from him. Hime caught her breath, kissed him again, then said, "I don't know if I can be quiet."

He smiled. "I'll silence you." She laughed, rolled her hips, and he was within her.

They savored one another, hips rolling in an exploration of the best angles. Their hands ceaselessly caressed, scratched, and pulled over their bodies. The room became choked with steam and the scent of sex. He fucked her with long, smooth strokes. She fucked him, bucking and rolling her hips in compliment and contrast. It was a mutual competition for control between the demon and the woman.

To Hime's credit, she kept her gasps and moans fairly quiet, though it was difficult when, without warning, Koto raked his clawed hand down her back, digging just deep enough to leave stinging welts that conflicted beautifully with the sensations between her legs. She could not let him get away with that, and reached a hand down to grab his balls and squeeze. She was not expecting Koto's reaction, and he muffled a low roar by pressing his mouth to hers. Driven on by her grip on him, he drove himself in to her, thrusting up instead of in and grinding his crotch into her clit.

She could feel the change in his muscles as Koto tried to fight back against what was coming. He moved his hands from her to grip her headboard, crushing it beneath his grip as his instincts took over. She bridged up to him, her hips meeting his and her legs squeezing him into her. Hime pressed one hand into his abs and used the other to pull his hips in.

Koto gained enough traction over his frenzied senses to ask her, "Wh-where? Tell me where!"

She looked him in the eye. "In me."

That was all he needed. He kissed her again, roaring into her throat. She hugged him tight as he came into her, his seed mixing with her liquids and filling her. She could feel it overflowing, running down between her ass cheeks.

She was close, but still without, and he could see this. Wordlessly, instinctively, Koto moved his hand down to her sex, his hand finding her clit. With a surprising deftness for such large hands, he toyed with her clit while thrusting with his slowly fading erection. She closed her eyes and surrendered to pleasure that solely belonged to her. She relaxed into the best orgasm of her life, Koto's fingers and cock working in tandem to finish her off. Koto felt the slow ripple through her body that heralded orgasm, and he kissed her again so that this time it could be her that screamed into his throat.

Her orgasm hit like a tidal wave, rivers of heat and cold and electricity that seemed to sear her soul. Hime lost track of how long it lasted and how far from Earth her soul flew, but when it settled back into her stomach she was entwined with Koto, his cock still within her, laying in a wet and ruined bed.

Their hands flit playfully across one another before meeting each other. Her black eyes met his golden ones. They kissed again.

Outside the window, they could see the hint of the godcorpse Apophis beginning to rise over the horizon. The sun would not be far behind.

Hime checked her watch; she would need to be up for work in only a few hours, and her mother would be awake before then. "So what do I do with my new monster lover?" she asked.

Koto shrugged. "I have a place to go. This...things are happening, Hime. Things that I'm going to be involved in."

"These things that involve you are also going to involve Apophis, aren't they?" she asked. She thought of the witches in her dreams, and how the matriarch's antlered headdress mirror Koto's.

He nodded. "The Seed that made me wasn't like the others. It was white instead of red, Hime. And it came with conditions. This body isn't just mine, and this power isn't just for me."

She traced a finger along an antler. Hime was certain that the next dream would be different. She would have more agency than simply answering the matriarch's question. The last dream, and the subsequent coupling with Koto...she was certain she held a power similar to his now. "I don't think you're the only one with power now, Koto," she said. "And whatever is coming, I don't think you're going to be the only one of us involved in it. The witches in my dream...I'm going to find them. And I'm going to use the power they've given me."

He kissed her. "Just promise me you'll be safe. I didn't go nineteen years waiting for this for it to only happen once."

Hime smiled at him. "That's the only promise? One you know I can't keep? Would have been smarter to make me promise not to turn you into a puppy dog, kneeling at my feet and following me around all day."

"I'm pretty sure you've already done that," he said before nipping at her neck. He spent a long moment between her chin and collarbone, and both found the flames they thought had faded to embers were actually still blazing quit fiercely. Before things could get too carried away, Hime pulled away and sat up. "You need to leave, Devil-man. I've got work in a few hours and I won't be able to explain to my mother that I have the Antichrist in my bed. You go find somewhere to hole up while it's still dark, and I'll see you tonight."

He was at the window before she finished speaking. Koto smiled at her, then slipped back up toward the roof and away into the night.

Hime lay back in bed. She could feel his presence fading away over the rooftops and telephone poles. She missed him already, she thought. To comfort herself, she slipped one hand down between her legs and began to slowly play with herself, drifting back off to sleep for a few sweet hours, her mind filled with thoughts of what the next night would bring.


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