Blood Wild


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Was... that night as he rolled up to the shanty, his headlights shining on the porch and door, Richard thought something was amiss. First of all, the screen door was open, not closed like he had left it the last time he was here. Rich turned the key off on the old truck and rolled down his window. The sounds of crickets and frogs, almost overwhelmed the ticking of his truck's engine cooling. Not hearing anything out of the ordinary, Rich shrugged his shoulders and opened the door and climbed out of the truck.

Walking around to the back of the truck and dropping the tail gate, Rich reached for the old Coleman lantern. He lifted it up and shook it next to his right ear to see if he had any fuel left in it. The sloshing sound let him know it was fine. Rich pulled out the little plunger and pumped it a dozen or so times to pressurize the white gas fuel in the tank. He then pulled out a box of wooden matches from his tackle box and drew one out to scratch it on the tail gate. Holding the ignited match up under the edge of the lantern's glass globe lighting the mantles as he slowly turned on the gas. With a POP the mantles ignited and the glow grew to a bright white light pushing the shadows back in all directions.

Richard reached into the back of the truck and picked up his tackle box and two fishing poles in one hand and the lantern by its bale in the other hand. He was just turning to go back around the truck and towards the shanty when he heard tires on gravel coming from behind him. Rich stopped and turned to see what the noise was and saw a pair of headlights cutting through the darkness, bouncing along the gravel road.


Walter groaned and reached up with his right hand to brush at his right ear. Damned mosquitos he thought, buzzing around his ear. Can't let a damned fool sleep. He was just about to fade back into unconsciousness when he heard what he thought was a car door close with a thump. Sitting up a little straighter from where he was collapsed on his butt on the floor against the wall of the old fishing shanty. Walter blinked a few times trying to clear his foggy eyes.

At first, he thought he heard what sounded like light rain on the roof, but as he listened it dawned on him that it was more like tires, on gravel... and it was getting louder. Walter's heart started beat a little faster, and his mouth ran dry.


Cam saw the old pickup truck drive slowly past the poker shed. He didn't recognize it from any of the locals that he knew to frequent this end of the lake and the fishing shanties, so he decided to investigate. He put down his clipboard that he had been writing his report on searching the poker shed, and started his cruiser's engine. He backed around and turned to follow the old truck.


Deeny sat on the old glider holding her mother's hand. At some point her mother rolled her hand over and clasped Deeny's hand in return. The two women leaned their heads towards each other, one older, one younger, both gently resting against one another savoring the intimacy of a mother and daughter's love.

"Why does he do it mamma?" Deeny asked in a voice so soft that only her momma could hear it.

Caroline almost gasped with the quick inhale of night air, almost as if she had been holding her breath. She squeezed Deeny's hand a little more firmly for a few seconds as she searched her own mind for an answer to that question. Deeny could feel the warmth of her momma's tears on her own collarbone and it made her heart trip a few beats.

"He... He was..." Caroline began, still struggling for words. "Your daddy wasn't always this way. When he was a boy, he was very shy. People thought he was dumb or touched in the head. The other kids, even his brothers and sisters made fun of him and picked on him. They were so cruel." Caroline spoke haltingly as she dredged her mind for memories.

"Daddy? Shy?" Deeny asked in surprised disbelief.

"Yep. Shy as a mouse." Caroline professed with a slight nod of her head. "I knew him even then, he lived on the next farm over from where I grew up. We were neighbors. I was the youngest of my brothers and sisters, I often snuck off to see your daddy. We would wander around in the woods between our two farms, exploring. He didn't seem so shy when it was just him and me. He would talk to me and tell me stories that he had read. You didn't know your daddy was a bookworm when he was younger did you?" Caroline asked her daughter... a heartwarming touch of pride in her voice.

"I know he likes to sing when... but, a bookworm?" Deeny stumbled and almost brought up the drinking.

"Those songs he sings? He read them before he heard anyone sing them. They once told him he had what they call a photographic memory. He could read something once and remember it completely, forever. He always made good grades in school, which made the other kids hate him that much more. Well, most did anyway. Some of the other girls started to realize, like me, that there was something there worth getting to know." Caroline said as she slowly pushed with her legs to set the old glider in motion, gently forward and back.

"So, he has always chased girls...women...?" Deeny quizzed.

Caroline harumphed quietly then sucked in another long beath before going on.

"No. Not exactly. He was still shy, but... as he got older, like we all do, he started paying more attention to girls. All girls, not just the pretty ones. He had a way about him that just drew them to him. He wasn't chasing them or being rude or vulgar like most other boys do. Some never grow out of it. Your daddy never was that way. As he got older, he grew out of his shyness, slowly. Learning to talk to girls and even to flirt. It wasn't until his older sister made a man out of him that he started to change into what he would become." Caroline spoke as if in a bit of a trance, remembering things, about her husband, and herself.

"Wait! What? Daddy's sister? Are you saying that he... he had sex with his sister?" Deeny gasped pulling her head back to turn and look at her mother's face full on.

Caroline bit her bottom lip and her brows furrowed in thought. Perhaps she shouldn't share that part with her daughter just yet... but it was done, the cat was out of the bag so to speak. It was true, it happened. Caroline saw the whole thing... she was... part of it. Another long deep breath and she leaned her head back as if to stare at the ceiling of the porch overhead.

"Your daddy's sisters were... well... bullies in their own right. They picked on him and teased him endlessly. But, when he started to mature, and fill out, growing from a frail gangly boy into a man, they began to see him as something else. A temptation. He was a boy they could toy with, they could boss around and dominate. By the time we were in high school, your daddy and I, there was only himself and two older sisters still living at home on their farm. The older brothers had all gone off on their own, getting married and starting families. One older sister did the same." Caroline recounted.

"We were in our senior year of high school just two days after my eighteenth birthday and two weeks after his. Neither of us had any money or worked anywhere other than on our farms so the only gifts we exchanged were... favors. We always helped each other with chores and things but birthdays were special. They required extra effort... or fun. Like fishing. We both loved to fish back then." Caroline smiled at the memory, then frowned as she continued with her story.

"One weekend afternoon your daddy and I had planned on going fishing. We had dug up some worms and got our fishing poles and I packed some sandwiches for lunch. We were just about to leave for the big pond on the back of the farm when the youngest of his two older sisters caught us in the barn... kissing." Caroline said with the hint of a dreamy smile on her lips.

"We were... well... getting a little carried away. I had pulled my blouse up so that he could touch my breasts. He was always so gentle and kind. His lips... they were magical. We were both startled when she started laughing at us. I was so embarrassed. I couldn't pull my blouse back down fast enough. Your daddy stepped in front of me as if to protect me from her." The words tumbled from her mouth as the memory replayed itself in her mind.

"She... she laughed at me. I was mortified. She taunted me and your daddy telling us, telling him, he needed to be with a real woman, not a girl. I was shocked when she pulled up her own shirt, and bra, to show us her tits. Compared to mine, they were huge! At least they were in our eyes. She held them in both hands, pushing them together and shaking them. Her fingers and thumbs pinching her nipples and pulling and twisting them. I... I couldn't take my eyes off of them." Caroline stuttered a bit, her blushing face not able to be seen in the darkness they were sitting in.

"She flashed her tits at the two of you? That doesn't sound so bad really." Deeny stated with a questioning lilt in her voice.

"Oh, she didn't stop there. No sirree! She sauntered right up to us, still groping her tits, watching her younger brother's eyes as he watched her hands on her nipples. Standing face to face, she asked him if he wanted to touch real tits... to know what they felt like." Caroline paused, another deep breath and a slow sighing exhale.

"He did. Awkwardly and hesitantly. He raised his hands and touched them, ever so lightly. Until... his sister grabbed his hands and mashed them to her tits. His hands stayed there when she let go. She touched the side of his face, a caress really, with one hand. Her other hand grabbed his crotch. Your daddy was so surprised he let go of her tits and nearly jumped out of his shoes. She had a hold of his cock right through his jeans. I... I almost ran away... but I was stuck in place like my feet had grown roots." Caroline explained.

Deeny sat there next to her mother, mesmerized. If she closed her eyes, she could almost see her mother and father in that barn. Her heart was beating a little faster and... and she felt a warmth and all too familiar itch between her legs.

"His sister shot her hand out and grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me a step closer to her and your daddy. She bought my hand to his crotch to rub his growing cock through his jeans. She taunted him, and me, asking him if I had ever touched it before. If he had even showed it to me before. Of course, I had seen it, but when we were both younger, just kids really. Until we both got as old as we were then, it had not crossed our minds to... to explore each other. I mean we were, but we hadn't gone that far yet." Caroline half giggled and half sighed.

"So, she rubbed your hand on his crotch... and?" Deeny asked with baited breath... surprised that she was so interested in her mother's story.

"Well, your daddy and I both were a little confused when his sister got down on her knees in front of us. In a flash, she had his belt unbuckled and his fly open. Before either of us could even think of what to do, his sister had his pants and underwear down to his knees. It was the first time I had seen your daddy's cock since we were kids. I think it was the first time his sister had seen it as well, because she stopped talking. No taunting, no teasing, no words at all for a little bit. She just looked at it and slowly brought her hands up to touch it."

"She touched it?" Deeny asked almost breathlessly.

"She did. And it was growing. Girl, I was young, but I had learned in school what happens. I grew up on a farm. I've seen animals of all kinds. I wasn't entirely clueless, but... I was just as awestruck as his sister." Caroline said wistfully, remembering that day like it was yesterday.

"Daddy was getting hard? Imagine that, two girls letting him feel them up and... but his sister?" Deeny asked again.

"Yes. His sister. When she got over her surprise, she shocked the two of us. I had never even heard of kissing a cock. I had no idea what a blow job was... until that day. When she put her lips on the head of his cock and sucked him into her mouth, I think I wet myself. I couldn't look away. I didn't want to look away. Part of me wanted it to be me who was kissing and... and... sucking on his cock. His sister just looked up at him and looked into my eyes... and winked. She took her mouth off his cock and just stroked it up and down with her hands. All the while talking, questioning, taunting and teasing. Somehow, I found myself on my own knees, in front of your daddy, next to his sister. She was still stroking his cock with one hand. Her other hand was on the back of my neck urging me, pulling me towards his cock."

Deeny fought the urge to squirm, the itch in her wet kitty was turning into a fire. She could feel herself flushing, her face warm. The soft voice of her mother, telling her this story was unbelievable. Yet, it was so real, so... entrancing. She almost held her breath, waiting on her mother to continue.

"I did... I kissed your daddy's cock, for the first time in my life. It was so... soft... and yet so hard, and... alive. It twitched when my lips touched it that first time. When I let it slip between my lips and into my mouth, I could feel it pulsing with my tongue. It was like his heart was beating in the head of his cock. Oh, if I had only known how true that would be for the rest of his life..." Caroline sighed, her mood darkening just a bit.

"As I was licking and... sucking... on your daddy, his sister sat back on her behind and undid the buttons of her jeans. Before I knew it, she had pushed them down and off her legs. Legs that she spread wide and both of her hands went to her kitty. A dark hairy bush covered all if it, but she used her hands to push the hair aside to show it to your daddy, and me. She asked him if I had ever shown him my kitty. If he had ever touched it. She asked if he had ever touched any girl before. Teasing him with the lewd display. Her lips spread wide and her fingers going in and out of her hole making a wet sloshy sound." Caroline recalled, almost dreamlike in her speech.

"It was like... a dream? No. It was real, but it didn't seem real at the time, it was like I was watching from outside my own body as it happened. Your daddy's sister reached out to him with one hand, beckoning him down to her, there in the hay on the floor of the barn. He... he took her hand and knelt down. His eyes were locked on hers, she pulled him down to her face and kissed him. I froze. I wanted to scream that he was mine. I wanted to pull him away from her, but... I couldn't. I watched as he returned this kiss. Him kneeling over his mostly naked older sister, her legs spread wide, her tits bare to the world and his... his cock... throbbing... just inches from her wet hairy gash between her legs."

Deeny couldn't help it, she let out a soft moan as her abdomen drew tight. Her own thighs rubbed slowly against one another as she and her mother gently swung back and forth on the glider. The heat in her own crotch was now a steamy inferno.

"So... he... he, did it?" Deeny asked with a stutter.

Caroline's grip on Deeny's right hand grew intense even if she hadn't realized she was squeezing so hard. Her head nodded absent mindedly before she resumed speaking.

"Yes. He did it. I think they were both shocked. His cock pushed into her hairy mess with a squishy sound. She moaned and her eyes got big with surprise. Your daddy groaned. It was like he was in a trance. Then he started moving, his bare ass clenching and his legs shifting him back and forth. It was slow at first but he got faster and faster. Then he just seemed to freeze up when he was all the way inside of her. He grunted then a long low groan came from somewhere inside of him. I didn't know what it was at the time but he came. He came inside his sister. I think she was shocked too. Her eyes grew wild and she shoved him off of her and scrambled away from him a few feet. She stuck her fingers into her gash and they came out sticky with his cum. She screamed at him and cursed him. She got up and grabbed her clothes and ran from the barn." Caroline recalled in her trance like state.

"Wha... what happened then?" Deeny could barely get the words out to ask, her heart racing, her throat tight.

"I was still kneeling there. I had one hand down my pants...touching myself... Your daddy... he was laying on his side, a look of disbelief on his face, his mouth was hanging open. His hands were on his cock, just holding it. It was still wet and sticky from... from the two of them. He was sweating and panting. He seemed to snap out of it then. He pushed himself up to his knees then stood up and pulled his pants up hurriedly. He was having a hard time looking at me, he wouldn't look me in the eyes... When he finally found his voice, he told me he didn't much feel like fishing anymore. I should go home. I asked him what he was going to do and he said he didn't know." I didn't know what to think either. I had just witnessed a boy and a girl... a man and a woman, have sex. It wasn't making love... it was raw and nasty and fast. And I took part in it too. Well... part of it. I was confused and had more questions than answers. I wasn't even sure what questions to ask yet."

They both sat in silence for a while. Deeny absorbing the story her mother had just told her, Caroline lost in the memory, almost reliving it again. The sounds of the crickets and the night birds sang their nightly lullaby the cicadas adding their noise to the mix. The glider gently swinging forward and back, forward and back. The itch and the heat had gone out of Deeny, now she just felt frustrated and full of questions and uncertainty.

"Your daddy and I were close... but I didn't see him for three days after that. I didn't know if he had gotten into trouble with his parents because of what he and his sister had done. He didn't go to school that Monday or Tuesday. I was heart sick. Finally, I saw him on Wednesday, on the bus to school. We would usually sit together, but when I went to sit down next to him, he turned away from me to look out the window. He wouldn't speak to me. He wouldn't even let me hold his hand." Caroline told Deeny, her voice almost cracking with emotion that she recalled from long ago.

"Was he ashamed? Was he angry? Was he upset with you?" Deeny let the questions tumble out before she could stop them.

"I think it was a little of all them, plus he was scared. He was scared his sister would tell his momma and daddy. He was scared that his sister would blame him for it all." Caroline admitted.

"So, what happened?" Deeny asked with a tinge of frustration in her voice.

"His sister never did tell their parents about it. Even after she came up pregnant. She never did let anyone know who the father was. Your daddy's parents sent her away to relatives out of state. We never saw her again. He and I worked through it all together. He told me I was the only one who knew the whole story and that... he was glad it was me." Caroline said with a touch of pride, squeezing Deeny's hand gently again.

"So how... how did that, turn him into..." Deeny started ask, but couldn't quite finish the question. She knew how much her mother had suffered over the years, even if she were just beginning to understand it.

"It changed him. It was like he was split in two. Part of him was still the same sweet boy, man, who loved and cared for me, and later, you girls. But part of him, turned into an addict. He was addicted to the thrill of discovery, of conquest... of sex... especially when it was wrong. Oh, he fought it. He denied it and tried so hard not to let himself go, and mostly, he succeeded. But if he gets some alcohol in him... he's like that story of Jekyll and Hyde." Caroline lamented with a touch of derision.
