Blood Wild


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"No... just a taste of it, maybe, but just a cookie really. Heaven is a bit more than a cookie, like maybe with a pair of lips and a warm embrace..." Deeny said in a low sultry voice as she eyed Yvonne up and down with wanton desire as she leaned on the island with her elbows, her pert breasts swaying just above the countertop.

"Heaven or not, I think I've found an angel... my angel anyway..." Yvonne said before drawing her bottom lip into her teeth and her gaze melting into Deeny's eyes.

Deeny stood up straight and walked around the island to stop in front of the Yvonne. Having to tilt her head up slightly to look up into Yvonne's face, it was all she could do to keep breathing. Her heart was racing and it felt for all the world like it was swelling in her chest. She gave a little gasp then a sigh when Yvonne reached out with both arms and wrapped them around Deeny's shoulders to draw her into her own body.

"I'm not angel... but I do... love you." Deeny said with her eyes wide open and baring her soul to Yvonne.

"And I love you just as much." Yvonne replied after she swallowed the lump in her throat...her eyes tearing up with the love and joy that was exploding in her mind and heart.

The kiss was slow, deliberate and amazing. How could something so tender and gentle be so mind-blowing and... amazing? Neither woman was sure how long they stood there in that little kitchen, naked to the world and simply holding and kissing one another. At some point one or the other led them back down the hallway and back into the bed. Heaven on earth, or near enough to it that both were contented and happy beyond measure.

The cacophony of that awful wind-up alarm clock had them both stirring the next morning. To say that they were both groggy from not enough sleep would be an understatement. Still though, it was groggy with silly grins and loving smiles as they jostled about one another getting cleaned up and dressed for the day's work at the diner. Soon they were both out the door and heading to their cars.


Lee groaned when she finally opened on eye to see the sunshine beginning to peek through the curtains on the window. Somewhere outside a rooster was crowing, heralding in the morning. Next to her, snuggled in close behind her with one arm around her on which she had both of her arms wrapped tightly around was her husband. Yes, she thought, she truly loved that name. No longer just her boyfriend but her husband. If only he didn't have to leave this time next week...

"No." Lee scolded herself silently. She would put that out of her mind at least for the next few days. This was their time, their honeymoon. She would show him every ounce of love in heart and body. Pulling his hand to her lips she kissed the back of it and squeezed his arm that much tighter to her breast and closed her eyes again... just enjoying the moment.

"I didn't wake you, did I?" Tom asked quietly into her ear before he kissed her neck.

"Mmmmm... no... I did hear the rooster though." Lee murmured in return.

"Okay... good. I was afraid that my... um... you know... morning wood..." Tom mumbled almost timidly, it amused Lee to no end.

"You mean YOUR rooster... pecking at my backside?" Lee asked with a giggle.

"Well... yeah... that." Tom said with a grin that Lee couldn't see.

"I have felt that... for a while... I was just thinking about turning over and giving him a little peck on the crown actually." Lee teased as she wiggled her backside against Tom's obvious morning erection.

It didn't take much of an adjustment, and Tom was pleasantly if indeed surprised when Lee, arched her back and used her left hand to grab and then guide him into her wetted and waiting lips. A rock of her hips and he entered her almost scalding hot heaven from behind.

Both moaned as Tom pressed inward as far as he could, stretching and filling Lee with a now familiar and welcomed presence. The lovemaking was not hurried and that made it all the more special to the both of them. The slow grinding and caresses of their coupling eventually gave way to more pressing urgency of course... such is the nature of the act. It wasn't the first time that they climaxed at or about the same time but it was still magical for both of them.

Afterwards they both lay, still joined, relishing their closeness in the afterglow. Now the sheets were damp with their sweat as the temperature, even this early in the morning was already climbing outside. Reluctantly, they separated and Lee rolled over facing Tom smothering him yet again with kisses. They might have even gone another round of lovemaking had it not been for one of their stomachs growling.

With a giggle, Lee pried herself from Tom's arms and told him she had to go to the bathroom. She stopped in the doorway, looking over her bare-naked shoulder and suggested he follow her for a quick shower, with a wink and her bottom lip firmly gripped in her smiling teeth. Tom was up so fast that she squealed as she darted out the door and down the hallway.

After morning ablutions and a quick if steamy shower, and a longer session of drying one another off afterwards, Lee and Tom dressed lightly and went to the kitchen. After finding the pans and utensils needed to prepare breakfast, Lee had Tom sit at the table to behave so that she could cook for him. It was just too distracting to try to concentrate while being held, pawed, groped and kissed by him.

Of course, after he sat at the table, she couldn't resist wiggling, strutting and teasing with looks and smiles and blushing even as she cooked. Tom ate it all up, with impressive restraint. He also ate up the food she made for him for this late breakfast. Bacon, eggs, biscuits and a simple gravy. There was even some sliced tomato on a plate to accompany the rest of the meal. Some coffee topped it all off but the best part of the meal was certainly sharing with one another.

After eating, Lee sent Tom off to tend to the animals while she cleaned up the kitchen. He couldn't argue the point as the animals had been somewhat neglected it being late in the morning already. It didn't take long, after doing it for so many years, Tom had a bit of a routine memorized to the point he didn't even have to think about the order of things. He just did them.

Soon he was back to the house and found his new bride dusting in the parlor... or sitting room as most would call it. This room was little used, mostly for special occasions or when there were guests over to visit. There was a little if ever used fireplace and a mantel. A sofa and a couple of easy chairs for sitting. A coffee table and end tables with standing lamps.

The walls were decorated with framed photographs of family members through the years.

There were little knick knacks here and there, mementos for this and that, like most families have. Things that were important for one reason or another or that the home owners were proud of or cherished.

Lee was picking up little porcelain figurines and dusting the mantel underneath of them when Tom walked quietly into the room behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist giving her a bit of a start at first but she melted back into his embrace and purred.

"Being domestic?" Tom teased.

"I guess... I kind of feel like I should be doing something to clean up or maintain the house... it was so nice of your mother to let us stay here for the week..." Lee responded quietly in a thoughtful timbre.

"It was... wasn't it?" Tom admitted. "But to me, it doesn't matter where we are, as long as I'm with you." He added.

Lee swooned back into him, tilting her head over her shoulder to meet his lips in a loving sensual soft kiss. And just like that, housework took a backseat along with all the other thoughts in her mind as she was once more swept up in the heat of passion for this boy... this man of hers.


"So, when will Lee be starting work here with us?" Yvonne asked Lee who was making a new pot of coffee while Yvonne wiped down the counter nearby.

"Next week. I think Tom leaves on this Saturday, so probably Monday after that." Lee relayed as she measured out more coffee for the machine.

"Yeah! Monday! Order up!" Hank called through the window just before smacking the call bell beside the plate he just sat on the window sill.

"Thanks Hank!" Yvonne said loudly with a smirk as she picked up the plate and grabbed the fresh pot that just finished perking in the machine and headed to her table to deliver it.

Lee smiled as she watched Yvonne swish and sway, mostly for her benefit, and she knew it. God, she loved that woman. The jangle of the bells on the front door drew Deeny's attention to new arrivals to the diner. She had to smile even more as she saw none other than Cam, holding the door for a gorgeous blonde girl. Well, young woman, to be certain, but very pretty even if she weren't trying to look gorgeous. Deeny knew her of course.

Cam offered his arm to the girl and then led her to the counter where he helped her up on a stool before taking the one next to her. Meanwhile Deeny was leaning on the counter top on her side of the counter, her chin in both palms and her elbows on the top. She winked at the blonde, and then raised a single eyebrow towards Cam. Cam's face blushed an interesting shade of pink but his smile ever present.

"So... I hear congratulations are in order..." Deeny said by way of greeting.

Cam blushed even brighter pink, if that were possible, and he shrugged nonchalantly as if the news were not important. The girl, on the other hand, though blushing as well, was biting her bottom lip and her eyes were wide and excited, matching her radiant smile.

"You 'heard'?" Cam asked.

Deeny busted out laughing. "Cam! Half the state heard your proposal. I was told by no less than seven different people about it. That was a pretty cocky move if you asked me." Deeny said with a smile.

Deeny held out her left hand, palm side up and made the come here motion with her fingers in front of the blonde. Trina immediately extended her left hand and showed Deeny the ring. Deeny was admiring the shiny little band when she felt Yvonne edge up close to her and lean in to look at the ring as well. Deeny felt a tingle run down her spine when she heard Yvonne Oohing and aahing over Trina's engagement ring. She knew that there would be far more than that when she was presented with the ring Deeny's father was going to make.

"It's beautiful." Yvonne declared as she momentarily laid her head on Deeny's left shoulder before straightening up and pulling out her order pad and pencil.

"You did good, Cam." Deeny said in a serious voice, balanced with a smile showing that she meant it in a good way.

"So, what'll you two lovebirds have?" Yvonne asked, still looking at Trina's ring.

"I'll have some pancakes and sausage, and a cup of coffee." Trina said as she leaned over against Cam sweetly.

"Just coffee for me, please" Cam said distractedly. "I shouldn't eat much before going to sleep. I'll eat when I get back up this evening." He added.

Yvonne smiled then pulled the order slip from her pad and turned to affix it on the order wheel in the window behind her. She smacked the bell to get Hank's attention before turning back to the counter. Deeny was already pouring coffee into cups sat in front of Cam and Trina.

The bell jingling again drew Deeny's and Yvonne's eyes to the front door. They both recognized Richard from the night of the Wilding, and the little redhead that was accompanying him. Like Cam, Richard held the door for his girl as she entered. They both spotted Trina and Cam at the counter and they approached. Deeny couldn't help but notice a reluctance on Richard's face before he hid it with a smile.

It was Sylvia who noticed the engagement ring first. Even thought Sylvia used to be the queen bee of her circle of friends, she really did like Trina as a friend, perhaps more so after she had been taken down a peg or two. So, when she realized it was indeed an engagement ring there was all the excited girlish squealing and chatter that young girls are want to do in such situations.

You would have had to been looking at Richard's face at the moment to see the longing and the hurt, however briefly it showed on his face. But then, Deeny had been. She didn't know for certain, but she did seem to remember he was quite infatuated with Trina at the Wilding that night seemingly ages ago.

Richard drove down his feelings of loss and instead, offered his hand to Cam to congratulate them both on the engagement. If he were to have to give up any thoughts of Trina, he could think of no one better than his friend the Sheriff's deputy. The dinging of the bell on the order window and then Hank's "Order up!" barked from the other side of the window seemed to snap everyone back to reality.

Trina and Sylvia hugged and promised to keep in touch. Sylvia promised to come home for the wedding when it happened. Cam told Richard he'd be around to see him for that promised beer sometime soon. Richard and Sylvia made their way across the diner to a booth by the front window. Yvonne sat the plate of pancakes and sausage in front of Trina before whispering to Deeny she had to go use the bathroom.

Deeny said she'd cover and grabbed the coffee pot and a couple of cups and headed around the counter to top off cups and take Richard and Sylvia's order. Deeny couldn't shake the aura of sadness that surrounded the tall quiet man sitting with the vivacious little redhead. It seemed that she was the one doing most if not all of the talking.

"Hi again... ready to order?" Deeny asked as she sat cups on the table and motioned questioningly towards them to both Richard and Sylvia.

"I wouldn't mind having one of those rings Trina's got." Sylvia said softly with a dreamy smile.

"Yeah, I can understand that. Me too." Deeny replied to Sylvia but watching Richard who seemed to be studying his coffee cup as Deeny filled it.

"So? Late breakfast? Or Early lunch?" Deeny asked again as she filled Sylvia's cup.

"I'm starved, actually. Worked up quite an appetite this weekend." Sylvia said slyly as she reached a hand across the table and grasped one of Richard's.

Richard smiled almost timidly and looked up at Sylvia before remembering that Deeny was still standing there waiting to take their order. Deeny could have sworn that she saw him blush just a little before the haunted lonely look came back to those sad brown eyes.

"I'll have the fish sandwich with fries." Richard said and then looked at Sylvia as if to say "your turn."

"That sounds good... make it two... and lots and lots of fries!" Sylvia said with a grin and looked up at Deeny then turned pensive.

"You're Lee's sister, aren't you?" Sylvia asked.

"Sure am. She's my little sis. A grown woman now... a married woman at that. Damn! I feel old!" Deeny said playfully with a smile.

"Yeah... married... I hope they are... happy together." Sylvia said a little solemnly, her smile fading just a few watts as old jealousy tugged at her heartstrings a bit.

"Time will tell. I'll get that order in for you right away, would you like something else to drink with your food, soda, tea?" Deeny asked as she pulled the page from her order pad.

"Tea for me, sweet." Richard spoke up as if he had just snapped out of a daydream.

"Same for me." Sylvia parroted with a renewed smile, and winked at Richard.

"I'll bring those right back while you wait on your food." Deeny told them as she picked up the coffee pot and went back to the counter to hang their order on the ticket wheel in the window.

"Rings" Deeny thought as she crossed the diner and went around the end of the counter. Yvonne looked up from filling ketchup bottles and smiled as Deeny approached the order window. "Soon, my love, soon." She thought as she smiled back at Yvonne and shared a knowing look.

The morning soon turned to afternoon and it wasn't long before Deeny and Yvonne were handing off to the oncoming waitresses. Deeny had told Yvonne that she was going home to the farm tonight, to spend some time with her folks, and see if anyone had heard from the newlyweds yet. Yvonne, though a little disappointed that She would be sleeping alone tonight, understood and gave her a parting kiss in the bathroom when no one else was around to see it. In front of everyone else they still played it cool... just friends. It had to be that way, sadly... but they would both continue to do it, to play the game, if it meant their being together.

With reluctant waves, they both parted ways in the parking lot and drove off in separate directions. Yvonne in her car, and Deeny in Old Blue, with a hazy blue cloud of exhaust following her down the road as always. Deeny was thinking of Cam and Trina when she suddenly remembered who the little redhead with Richard was. "Of course! The witch who was trying to pry Tom away from Lee at the Wilding!"

Shaking her head with a smile, then it faded as she also recalled that Richard had been there too, but he had been dancing with... Trina... Deeny frowned a bit and wondered about Cam and how all of that had come about... stories within stories. Fate and chance toyed with hearts and minds, that was for certain.


Annie smiled playfully as she kicked at the water in the surf as it washed up on the sand, splashing against Gerald's legs and rolled up pant legs. The slightly oversized Hawaiian shirt was unbuttoned and completely open blowing in the light breeze coming off the ocean. His chest a nest of curly if greying hair that matched the salt and pepper of his closely cropped hair on his head that was just barely covered with the straw Panama hat, he had purchased at the hotel gift shop.

Gerald smiled as he watched Annie frolicking in the surf wearing the modest one-piece bathing suit with a loose diaphanous coverup also blowing in light breeze along with her long hair that she had let down when they got their feet in the sand. Gerald couldn't remember the last time she had seemed so carefree, it warmed his heart. Still, he hesitated to carry through with the one thing that might end this happiness or might make it even better. He fingered the little box in his pocket, wondering if this would be the best time to propose... or should he wait.

Even though Gerald was smiling and obviously enjoying himself, Annie sensed that something was on his mind. She stepped closer to him and rubbed her hand up and down his right arm, his hands were stuck in the front pockets of his jeans. Tilting her head slightly to one side, the breeze conveniently blowing her long loose hair off of her face as she looked up into his eyes... the eyes that were looking back at her so seriously.

"Penny for your thoughts..." Annie said with a warm smile.

"Oh, I don't know if my thoughts are worth even a penny." Gerald replied.

"Try me." Annie said in challenge.

"Annie... We've known each other for what seems like a lifetime. Admittedly, our lives followed different paths for most of that... but chance and circumstance have brought us back around together. I wouldn't wish any of that on anyone, the pain and loss and all that comes with it. But..." Gerald said seriously up till when he trailed off.

"But?" Annie prodded him verbally, her senses tingling and her heart skipping a beat or two.

"But... Oh, damn! I wanted to... I would like... Christ! This is harder than I had imagined it would be." Gerald lamented, a worried look crossing over his face as he faltered yet again.

"Gerald... I'm starting to worry here. What's so bad that you are reluctant to tell me about?" Annie asked with trepidation in her voice and a concerned look on her face.

Gerald swallowed hard and took a couple of deep breaths as he looked intently into Annie's eyes. He would give his life for this woman. He felt like such a fool for having let her get away all those years ago. Could he measure up... to be the kind of man she needed or wanted in her life? He wanted desperately to make this woman happy, she deserved all the happiness in the world after what she had been through all these years.
