Bloody Puncture!


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The days ran into each other, the weeks accumulated and suddenly a couple of months had flashed past. Filippo was leasing me a very nice two bed apartment, not cheap by any means but the convenience of its location worth it. I sure missed having English speakers to relax with! The effort of constantly not breaking into your native tongue was hard and took a concentrated effort. Well, that is the reason I am going to claim for charging my phone and turning it on early one Saturday. The idea was to call a second cousin who lived in Perth, Mel was ten years my senior and also my closest living relative, besides Tayla and her mom and dad, I had almost pressed the call icon when reason reasserted itself, the second or third question she'd ask would be and how is Tayla. I put the phone down and made a pot of tea, taking it and my cup onto the small balcony.

Returning into the kitchen was thinking about a lazy ride, my Aussie phone rang causing me to freeze momentary. I had wanted to speak to a fellow countryman or woman, and I knew it was not Tayla I had a special ringtone for her. The caller id was in my contacts though, my mother-in-law was requesting my answering the phone. Hesitating hit the green icon and put it on speaker.

"It's RINGING!" her voice was excited about that for some reason, duh naturally if she had tried before this morning she would have received, "the number you are calling is not in a mobile area or is switched off," bog standard from my provider in Oz.

"Hello mom, how are you?"

"Marco, is that you?" I would imagine the delay would have caught her by surprise.

"Yes, this is a surprise hearing from you," well I thought it was, after this length of time I had imagined I was persona non gratis.

"Why on earth a surprise? Forget that for the moment, how are you, more importantly where are you, we've been worried sick about you."

I casually wondered what my wife had told everyone...

"Are you still there Marco?"

"Yes, sorry just lost in thought. I'm as well as can be expected, still a bit shaky but managing and I'm in Italy to answer your questions. How are you and dad?"

"We are much better now having made contact with you, our imaginations have been doing horrid things to us."

"I'm sorry to have caused you such angst, I guess I was only thinking about myself."

I could hear sobbing in the background, and dad was muttering words of encouragement to Tayla, I felt like a lowdown heel, I was not the only one hurting. I am sorry to admit a tiny bit of me was happy about that, good she can have a bit of her own medicine.

"Italy! Why?"

"It just seemed a good idea at the time, mom."

"We've been trying to contact you, no wonder there was no joy, are you home now?"

"No, still here in Italy, my phone..." how do you admit to a cowardly callous act, naw, you just leave it unsaid.

"There's someone here desperate to talk with you, are you up to it?"

My emotions were all over the place, but it had to be done, now was as good as it would get considering the distance.

The soft reply of "yes," would have conveyed my reluctance, what do you say to your wife after this amount of lapsed time?


Her voice cut deep, one word saying so much. I could almost feel her, smell her, I could definitely see her in my minds eye, red eyed and puffy.

"Tayla." Hell is that all I had, what about some anger in it or disappointment, how about disdain or disinterest, why not fury. Because I was soft in the head, I missed my life, missed my wife, 'pussy whipped' I can hear the strong men roar at me, 'tell her to fuck off!' No, that was just not me my parents brought me up with manners and it was time to exercise them.

"I'm sorry Marco, I should not have allowed him in without you there."

"What about the rest of it?"

"What do you mean, there is no rest of it."

I remembered the cyclist from that Monday morning, after all this time a name came with his face, "Tom, Malcolm's brother said he had seen you and slimeball somewhere."

"What!" The shock was disbelief from her, I needed to see her face that was the only way I'd be able to read truth from fancy, "never! That was the first time I've ever been alone in the same company as him!"

Yeah, whatever! was my instant thought, then of course I could see her, this was the twenty-first century after all.

"Do you have your phone with you?" My reply.


"I'll call you back."

"No, No Marco don't hang up please, talk to me, how do I fix this misunderstanding otherwise."

"I promise Tayla, I'll call you back right away," I disconnect the call from her mom's phone, brought up my favourites of course Tayla was on top, well she was the only one in favourites, made the video call. How simple and painless was that!

And she was there right in front of me, sure on a small screen but there. She looked fantastic and terrible at the same time. My wife would always look fantastic to me that was a given. The tears had left marks that would wash off the dark circles and red eyes did not belong there, very out of place. Gaunt was a word that came to mind, she had no room to lose weight before I had run like a dog with its tail tucked between his legs, it did not look healthy at all on her.

She removed her hand from her mouth, a loud whoosh followed, then a soft tender "Marco," was spoken.

With sudden but equal tenderness my reply of, "Tayla, a promise is to be kept always."

We did not talk for what seemed like a long time, just looking at each other. In reality I wanted to reach into the screen and touch her, the sudden pain of been sixteen and a half thousand kilometres way instant.

"I love you Marco, I would never cheat or lie to you."

Boom, she had just nuked me in one sentence. I could see her eyes and facial expression; she was telling the truth and my last three months' worth of cards collapsed around me. The pain I had caused her, which was etched on her face was all my doing.

Suddenly she vanished off the screen to be replaced with her mom face, it was a very stern, or maybe angry looking mother-in-law's face now. I could not be sure as I'd never had her look at me in this manner, it had always been peaceful and serene, loving when looking in my direction.

"Marco, where are you? We'll get the next plane out, yes there is pressure but regardless of that you need to sit down and resolve your differences, our girl cannot put up with your incommunicado bullshit any longer, time for you to man up and do this properly."

"Genoa, I'll text you the address."

"And leave your phone on love, I knew your mom very well, she would not be pleased with you right now."

"Nor would your dad," rang out the baritone in the background.

That's what you get if you marry your parents' good friend's daughter!

The wobble of the vision happened again, ceiling, door, floor, fabric covered breasts, a delicious throat, then a wife's face, "wait! I just thought of something, call Tom and Malcolm find out what they saw and when, something is totally off with what he said."

"Okay, I'll have to call one of the others for their numbers so it may be a day or two."

"Don't hang up Marco! Let me look at you a bit longer, you took our best two photos!"

"Sorry impulse."

I heard the door close; mom and dad had left the room. She was obviously at their Sydney home, in her old bedroom. The room and her face tilted again as she lay down on her bed. I wished I was there, then remembered why I was here. It would all depend on Tom and Malcolm's take on events they had witnessed. I could do the inquisition on why slimeball Shawn was in our house, and how come Carla and Andi knew the coaching thing was called off, that is if it had been true in the first place and were on a morning run. Okay here's the new plan, gather all the facts and do a post-mortem.

"I love you babe, I would never ever cheat on you," the words cut into my wandering mind.

Refocusing on the phone screen, notice the tazza on her bedside table. It was one of ours from home what was it doing there? "Did you bring our tazze from home with you?" I knew her mom did not like the way we drank espresso and refused to buy any tazze.

"Just the one."

"You have to be kidding me, Tayla?"

Her blush told me it certainly was that One, the one I'd forgotten to wash up and left on the kitchen bench. She nodded.

As much as part of me wanted to keep running, I knew we had to stop, face each other in the flesh and get to the bottom of where we were headed. It was not lost on me that maybe, just maybe I had fucked up big time. On the first account going off half-cocked at my best friend, lover, confidant and wife. The second was the assault on what was looking like an innocent person, even if he was a slimeball the law only works on facts, unless his intent of visiting was really to try seducing, even then you are not permitted to. Would he own that one, nah, doubt it.

As if reading my mind, Tayla informed me of the answers, "I think I can see why you went off half cocked, it does make it any easier and I can now understand your rage only it's not founded. Slimeball will not be pressing charges against you, although the medical bill was rather steep. His nose will never be the same."

"I'll put the money across just let me know the cost."

"No, it's taken care of, I juggled, well dad helped not with money but where to best transfer from with the accounts and it's all back to normal now."

We switched to more mundane and safer topics. I could see her becoming more relaxed and the tension draining away, hardly ten minutes later she had fallen asleep. The haunted look gone a small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth, then the screen shifted again, and I was looking at the familiar ceiling of her childhood room. The super soft snore she had, the one I found sexy which incidentally was only one a whole raft of things about her I found sexy and attractive, just by the way, her mind was top of that list. Reluctantly, I ended the call.

It was too late in Australia to be calling anyone to get Tom and his brother's number, I'd just have to wait until tomorrow. Besides it gave me time to try process everything so far. Seemed it all hinged on a chance encounter with Tom. The funny thing about Tom and Malcolm was Malcolm was actually the better rider but Tom almost all the time crossed the line first. Malcolm would suck the rubber off all the other sprinters to get into place and then would launch Tom into the last fifty metres. Any longer than fifty saw Tom wander all over the place it was like his radar for the line went wonky, he'd end up getting swamped on the line.

There was still time for me to get out for a ride, it was about the only time my mind would quieten down, allowing my thought to fall into their proper place. I'd solve work problems this way, now it was personal issues that required answers. The ride did not help what a bummer that was although the exercise was good which made reading the ride reviews look like a good investment.

The feeling was unpleasant, the car was right behind me. The engine was a throaty growl and getting louder, at least a V8, souped up with wide rims and turbo slapped on or something like that. The driver was going to have fun at my expense, he'd either touch up on my rear wheel or if he was real mean pull up alongside and then squeeze me into the armco. The sweat was pouring off me, I could hear a song just could not place it, the tune had a message, just I could not make sense of it. Waiting for the crunch of my bones, told myself to relax let go it was just that stupid dream back.

A dream I used to have regularly before I met Tayla, once I met her it went, now it was back. The tune was real though, it was her ring tone.

"Tayla, do you know what time it is," my groggy voice croaked my pain.

"Sorry, it's midday here and I could not wait, have you spoken to Tom yet?"

"No, I have to ring one of the others to get his number."

"Oh, sorry I'll hang up let you get back to sleep."

I was wide awake now, so got out of bed making my way to the kitchen.

"How's things at work? Are you any closer to making a decision of turning pro?"

Turning on the kettle and started to make a pot of tea. The noise of which would be easy for her to pick up.

"No, too late for turning pro, had to make the move two months ago and I was in no condition to make a sensible decision, work is not okay I guess it's hard to focus, my mind wanders all over the place, I'm on an indefinite leave of absence, so I'm living at mom and dad's most the time," she almost whispered the last bit.

"Tayla, I am really sorry for my reaction and behaviour, it's had consequences way beyond the acceptable."

"It was not only you Marco, looking back it was a two express train pile-up, I can see why you are upset, even saying that does not change that I love you and only you, I don't want or need anyone but you."

"I feel the same way Tayla I think that's why I went all apeshit and I'm not happy about it," I could not bring myself to tell her about my rage, I still could not understand it or why it had come on so suddenly and with such viciousness, I had absolutely no control. It worried me that I was so out of control, what if it happened again?

"Mom booked a flight we leave tomorrow; nothing goes direct and it's going to be thirty hours! Nor is it's not cheap and she won't let me pay my share!"

"She's just doing what moms do Tayla, just accept it with good grace."

"When did you become so wise?"

"Where will you stay?"

"With you! Where else?"

She had me there, "what time do you arrive?"

"Mom will send you all the details, is there somewhere close they can stay?"

"Yes, I've got a spare room with its own bathroom, they can use that for as long as they want."

"What about me, the couch?" There was a hint of a sharp pointed instrument to her question.

"I have a queen, lots of room for you."

"Won't your queen be upset sharing?" the laughter had returned to her voice.

"I only have one Queen in my life, I'll have you know young lady."

"I should hope so and thank you."

We, avoided the whole incident, focusing only on the 'good' things that were in our lives.

I was tending to be convinced that not only did I have the wrong end of the stick, but I also had the wrong stick altogether. We had been on the phone for over an hour, when Tayla reminded me, she had better finish packing.

She finished with, "how long can I stay?"

"Long as you want."


"Yes, seriously."

Calling, Fred, one of my cycling mates asked, "Hi Fred, It's Marco, how are you?"

"I know who you are Marco! Where the fuck are you, I've been hearing a lot of bad things about you."

"All lies and vicious innuendo, I can assure you that."

"Bullshit I've seen his ugly mug, there's a few people who want to buy you a drink or seven!"

"Um, about that do you have Tom's number?"

"No, I don't know him that well, but I do have Mal's he and I get out a bit on the track. Got a pen, hang on I'll send you a business card."

Naturally I had to fill in all the missing bits, he only heard the children's abridged version.

"What's the riding like there Marco?"

"Good, actually better than good, lots of altitude, and it not far to other regions."

"So, how much room have you got!" His burst of laughter was a smokescreen he was serious.

"You know you are always welcome mate, goes without saying."

"Cool, hey I'll let you go that way you can catch Mal."

"Malcolm, its Marco form the club, do you have a moment?"

"For you, hours mate!"

That sounded a little bit, well odd. I pressed on wanting to get the unpleasant out the way, "thanks, but I was actually after Tom's number, just wanted to clear up something he told about..."

He interrupted me, "Marco, Tom got it all wrong, I was there when I found out about," he had a snicker in his voice, "poor old Shawn's mishap," the snicker changed into glee, "by the way thanks for doing what I could not," there was now a seriousness in his tone, "You do know that Tom has macular degeneration, don't you?"

"What? No, no way!"

"Yes way, that's why I always do the lead out, when I found out he had fucked up and given you a bum steer it was too late you had already done the deed and flown."

"Yeah, but he was riding on his own so it cannot be that bad yet, no way he would get Tayla mix up with any old body!"

"He can paint a picture by 'sweeping' his path, at high speed he cannot process it quick enough you've seen what happens over fifty out, but yeah, he mixed up Tayla and Elise, he does that all the time with people. He also has a thing with mixing names up."

We chewed the fat about cycling and skirted Tom's mistaken identity, Malcolm did fill me in on some interesting info on slimeball, namely that he had become an instant pariah and had had to move from the district, that should have happened ages ago, just goes to show you can never tell with people can you.

He finished with, "when you are next in town Marco, drinks on me."

"No way, Malcolm my shout, you have enabled me to start to correct a huge misjustice I did my best friend."

That crow pie was going to be one huge serving. Serves me right for jumping the gun, that was going to cost me more than a few Euro to be on the couch.

Mom and dad lasted one night at the apartment, they never complained or said a word just moved into the hotel across the street a block down. They did stay a week then headed off to do their own thing, relatives in England and The Netherlands somewhere, was all we heard. They did eventually return to stay with us in our new place. The walls are much thicker, and the doors are solid wood. The carpet helps too, in more ways than one. Some will say where there's smoke there's fire. Which is okay when you know the persons involved. If you don't then best keep quiet and mind your own business.

The end.

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MigbirdMigbird9 months ago

A rambling, wired story around characters not fully formed. The comments testify to your style; a style that makes for interesting reading.

nixroxnixrox10 months ago

3 stars - way too many holes in this plot, but the writing style was good.

AnotherChapterAnotherChapterabout 1 year ago

Way too many unanswered questions here. Tayla was supposed to be out cycling with her friends, who obviously knew nothing about it. Ergo this was a planned liaison with Shawn and hubby had every right to react. Why did Tayla leave the house rather than try to talK to her husband? Was she just afraid after he destroyed Shawn? Marco runs away and hides in Europe rather than act like a man and resolve things. When he finds out that there was a mistake about the earlier liaison it really didn’t change things much in my view. She was entertaining another man instead of being where she was supposed to be, so she lied, she conspired, and, in effect that is still cheating on her marriage. Marco’s reaction of accepting blame and then welcoming her with open arms did nothing to resolve the underlying deceit. We never found out what the scum bag was doing in their house and what her ultimate agenda was. First Marco runs, then caves and blames himself? Unsatisfying at the very least.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Awkwardly incomplete. Seeing his wife with Shaun is one thing, but thinking they were divorced, where did that come from? And what happened to his wife's training class with her two friends? And why was the asshole in his house with his wife when she was not supposed to be there? How did the asshole know his wife was going to be home and not at work? Why did the wife leave after he kicked the shit out of her lover? Wouldn't her instinct be to defuse the situation, scream, find out why her husband violently assaulted their visitor, something? You seem to use the ploy of having people run away when you don't want to deal with the obvious questions and issues. And why on earth would the asshole not press charges with the police? Or did his wife trade the asshole for something he wanted more? Too many questions begging for an answer.


And having the main character announce and accept that he is acting like a coward and a wimp does Nothing to absolve him of being a coward and a wimp. Just pathetic. The wife is either a cheating slut, or she's a fool for taking this time bomb back as her husband. We end the story not know which. And if the author doesn't care why should we?

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 1 year ago

you never heard Taya's explanation as to why Shawn was in the house or why she lied about her "shopping" day with her 2 girlfriends.

chytownchytownover 1 year ago

****Very entertaining read. Thanks for sharing.

teedeedubteedeedubover 1 year ago

You got that right 'bout mindin' yer own bidness. That's a great story. Us poor 'mericans just wander 'bout the states mournin' our heartbrake. You rich folk do it in style. Thanks for sharing.

nixroxnixroxalmost 2 years ago

4 stars - I find it hard to believe that a person could, or even would react that drastically with just one offhand comment. However, walking into his house and seeing the ASSHOLE sitting there talking to his wife - I would have probably screamed angrily and kicked the ASSHOLE out without hesitation - especially after the SMIRK. I would not have beaten the crap out of him for just sitting there, but there would have been some serious consequences for the wife - especially when she said the ASSHOLE was a jerk and did not like him at all - why was he sitting in their house? Not enough information.

BUT I do not like the wife's feeble excuse for why the ASSHOLE was in the house, nor the meager dialog between the married couple. There were too many holes in the plot and not nearly enough dialog to clearly explain how the situation got so fucked up. Nobody would fly off the handle unless they were naked.

ReadyOneReadyOnealmost 2 years ago

Don't remember the apparently busted trip being resolved. What he saw from the bus of the group in the cafe cemented in his mind that Tayla was cheating and sent him straight home to find her with Sean.


The misidentification on the trail was explained, but the Cafe encounter which secured Sean's conviction was not addressed (to my memory).

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

sounds like tom got it right and was not mixing things up so I do think Shawn was getting too close and Tayla was letting him. She never really explained why she let Shawn in alone and the smirk tells him that Shawn was planning on doing something. However, running away to italy? That was crazy and how she forgives so easily is beyond me. Had the situation been reversed would he feel the same way?

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