Blowjob on the Job

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Alexis gets reeled in.
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Alexis hunched over next to the projector, tucking her long hair behind her ear. She peeked through the small gap as the curtains shifted at the end of the previews, from 1.85:1 to 2.39:1, and flipped the switch. The film spools fired up simultaneously, making a series of soothing clicks, and the sound system kicked in. She stayed there for another minute, watching carefully to make sure they were keeping good time. They almost always did, but the equipment she tended to was pretty old. The tiny boutique movie theater had an aged, nostalgic feel to it, up to and including the projector.

She drifted back to watch the spools. The first splice she'd made wouldn't be coming up for another hour, but she could see it buried in the reel. She sat back in her chair and checked notifications on her phone.

Alexis usually didn't like working on Saturday evenings, but the pay was alright and this was

porn night. It wasn't porn porn, but once a month they showed a foreign film, usually French, with definite erotic focus as the last show on Saturday night. This was that night. She considered watching it, purely for... the love of cinematic arts.

Also, the brunette playing the main role was a hottie.

She frowned when there was a knock on the door thirty minutes later. Nobody ever came upstairs; this was her realm. On top of that, concessions had shut down ten minutes after the film started, and all the others should have already left. She knew enough not to go yelling across the booth, so instead of responding with Come in, she went and cracked the door open.

"Hey." Toby, one of the ushers, stood at the top of the stairs, smiling tentatively.

"Hey," she responded with a low voice, opening the door a little more. "Is... everything alright? Does your car need a jump or something?"

"No," he said, half turning, and reaching up to scratch at the back of his head. "It's... yeah. Fine. Everything's fine."

She stood there for a few seconds more, eyebrows raised, waiting for him to get to the point, but he just seemed to blush. "What can I help you with?"

"Can I come in?"

Reluctantly, Alexis backed up and pulled the door open a bit more. The owner was usually pretty dire on anyone but the projectionist being up in the booth, as there was some etiquette to the task that took some learning so as to not be a distraction in a quiet theater. That same owner was most certainly in the auditorium for porn night, as was his custom. She laid her index finger over her lips, nodding for him to follow, and he gave her a sheepish grin.

She led him over to the work space, a bit back from the front of the booth, and leaned against it with an expectant expression. As far as she knew, Toby had never been up in the booth, and he was predictably doing the whole gawking thing as he followed her. There wasn't much to see from her perspective, but she'd been the projectionist for a couple years and had long gotten over the novelty of it.

"This is so cool," he said, softly. "I've always wanted to come up here and see how this all worked."

Alexis gave a kind of half-hearted shrug, and gestured around herself. "This is it."

He pointed. "What's that hole in the wall there?"

She said, "There used to be another auditorium next door, where the Subway is. If they were showing the same film on both screens, the projectionist would have to spool it across, and they put a hole in the wall so it could run straight from one to the other."

"Oh, and that's what that bricked off bit there is?" he said, pointing to the door-shaped section of differently-bricked wall next to it. "That went next door?"

"Yeah," she said. "There's nothing over there now. All this other crap up here is spare parts from when there were two. I use it to keep it all running. It's neat to look at for, like, five minutes, but it's really just crap."

"Ah," Toby said, nodding. "Cool."

"Mmm." She waited another minute, as patiently as she could, while he continued to just stand there and look around. "So."

This seemed to jolt him out of his fog, and he gave another sheepish grin as he came over to stand next to her by the desk. "Do you like working up here?"

Alexis frowned. She disliked small talk. "It's fine. I don't want to do it forever, but it gives me time to sit down and keep up with my homework." Then, after a slight pause, she asked, "Do you like it downstairs?"

"Nah," he said. "It sucks."

It did. This was known.

"Are you up here because you want to learn how to do this part? I don't know what your plans are, but I'll probably be leaving town for college next year. Right now, me and Andy cover the shifts, and Andy's gonna keep doing this until he's dead. He loves this."

"Maybe," he said, half smiling and half wincing. "I dunno. I saw this going differently."

Alexis gave him a flat smirk. "Did you think you'd be a supervisor already? You've only been here for—"

"No no," he said, gesturing vaguely between them. "This."

Alexis blinked slowly, and gave him a head to toe look. Toby was taller than her by a couple inches, which was both good and rare, but he was kind of a jock and kind of a doof. Nicely built. Short, curly black hair. He would certainly do in a pinch, but she wouldn't have thought she was his type. She knew the girls he'd dated.

"How did you see it going?" she asked, giving him a smirk that was a bit more playful.

"I was hoping to make you laugh at something... you know, other than me walking around like a tourist."

"Why, Toby Miller!" she said, laying a hand on her chest. "Just what are your intentions up here?"

"Well," he said, eyes widening for a second, "I wanted to come up and talk to you a bit. You're always up here, and, like, never downstairs."

She felt a tingle wash over her scalp, and down her spine, as a particularly emphatic moan from the theater bled back into the room. "Okay. So. You're here."

Toby turned so that he was leaning back against the desk, half-sitting on it, and faced the wall opposite to them. "Ahhh. This seemed so easy in my head." He folded his arms across his chest, and she couldn't help noticing all the little places where the shirt fit tightly around his biceps and chest. They had the same outfit: black jeans and black polo shirt with the name of the theater embroidered on the left chest pocket, but it sat very differently on their bodies. "Okay, so, funny story, right? I was going out with Cate G, right?"

"I might have heard about that," she said, warily.

"Cate was, uh—"

"Wait, was? As in, not anymore?"

Toby nodded.

"I'm sorry to hear that, man." She gave him a little elbow nudge, and he nodded in response. "Did you break up with her, or..."

"It just didn't work out." He shrugged. "It was good for a while. She was a lot of fun to be with, but like..." Then he paused for a long few seconds, and both of them blushed at another extremely insistent moan from the theater. "It's weird to talk about sex with girls. I mean, it's weird to talk about sex with anyone, but, like, if I was with my dudes I could just be like yo me and Cate were fuckin' last night, and, uh..."

"You two had sex last night?" she said, arching one eyebrow and tilting her head away.

"No, no. I just mean, like... I feel like I want to be more polite about it with you, but I don't actually know how to do that."

"Fucking is fucking," Alexis said, and the way he blushed even harder was adorable. "Did you come up here to get me to confirm how great sex with Cate is?"

"Oh my god," he said, his head rolling back a little, "right?" Then he caught himself, and said, "I mean, uh... No. It is. It was. For a while, anyway, but that's... that's not what I wanted to talk about."

"I love how awkward you're making this," she said, shaking her head slightly. "I mean, I enjoy a good cringe compilation, but this is next level."

"Okay, fine," he said, with a little chopping hand motion. "So, this one time, right as we're, like, we're at her house, and her parents aren't home, and we're starting to make out, and she's, like, she's got my jeans unzipped—"

A heavy moan from the theater, followed shortly by a hushed crowd response.

"Yes," he said, pointing and smiling. "Exactly. She's, uh, she's got me, like, in her hand, right, and she starts talking about how she likes 'em big."

Alexis gave him a very unimpressed smirk, and he held up his hands.

"Her words, okay? It was really hot, and I was into it, and when she saw how into that I was, she started going on and on about all the big dicks she's been with, and riiiiight as she's about to, like, with her mouth?" He stopped and looked at her, like he was checking to make sure she understood. "Then she says that, of all time, I'm number two."

"Good for you," she said, giving him an encouraging little nod. "I'm sure your future wife will be very happy."

"No," he said, slumping, "it... it was hot in the moment, because she does that thing where her voice gets all husky, and I think I'd probably get turned on if she read her chemistry textbook like that, but it got in my head."

"Oh," Alexis said, very sharply.

"Right? So, like, I think she wanted me to be jealous, and I think in the moment I kinda was, and I think that was maybe the best sex I'd ever had, but afterwards I felt some kind of way about it and..."

"And that's why you broke up?"

"That was a part of it, anyway." He licked his lips, and looked down at his feet. "So, at first I was just, kinda, mentally working backwards through the people I knew Cate had been with because, like, I wanted to know. And then, I'm thinking a lot about dicks, and it's weird for me, and then I'm thinking about how I'm thinking a lot about dicks, and it gets weirder."

Alexis looked at him, biting her lip thoughtfully. He didn't continue, so she prompted, "Is it so weird, you'd maybe call it queer?"

"Yeah," he said, nodding slowly. Then, like a light bulb had gone off, he looked at her and said, "Oh! Yeah!" with a more assertive tone.

She gave him another elbow nudge, and said, "Good for you." She held up a finger, like a pause, and went over the peer through the projector window. Splicing foreign films always felt a little off, so she watched carefully, looking for lips lining up properly with the dialog, and nodded.

Toby looked as flustered as ever when she returned. She could smell his scent in the crowded little booth, a nice masculine mix of aftershave and sweat, which probably meant he was nervous. He didn't quite meet her eyes.

"So... are you telling me this because I'm the only queer person you know? You want me to hook you up with someone? I know people."

Toby's eyes widened to a terrified look, and for a moment he looked really young. "No! God! I mean... what? No! No, I was telling you because... because... I think it's you."

"Me who?" Alexis cocked her head, not understanding. "I'm... oooh." Her eyes drifted downward to his crotch when she finally understood what he was saying: that she was the biggest cock Cate had ever had. "I dated her, like... a lifetime ago." She looked back up to his eyes, and he nodded. "I mean, I might be. I don't know. Probably? It's pretty big."

"I never asked her outright, and I don't think she wanted to say who it was."

"So, what now?" Alexis said. Looking at him directly made him blush more, which was adorable, so she kept doing it. Then, to try to push him over the edge, because she was sure that would be amazingly adorable, she added, "Did you want to have a cock measuring contest? Is that what this is?"

Toby raised his hands in an appeasing gesture. "No, I... well okay, yes, something like that. I wanted to catch you alone because this is embarrassing, but I'm frickin' dying of curiosity, and and I thought this was a good opportunity, and I wanted to... I was wondering... if like..." He rolled his shoulders, took a deep breath and whispered empathetically, "I want to give you a blowjob."

Alexis felt her eyebrows try to escape her forehead into her hairline. "Whoa."

"I mean, I've been thinking a lot about dicks lately, and I realized I really wanted to try, and I've heard God-only-knows how many times how I'm too big to deepthroat, and I've always been curious about that, because in these vids they take some awfully big ones, and I thought..." Toby seemingly caught himself blabbering, swallowed hard and ended meekly, "All this sounded better in my head. I'm sorry."

Alexis looked at him until he looked away. "Let me see if I got this right," she said. "You're worried my dick is bigger than yours, and also you want to give me a blowjob to see if you really like sucking cock, without having to come out of the closet first? And you thought that maybe it would be safer to say something to me instead of one of your other dude bros?"

Toby blushed. "Yeah? I kept finding myself watching gay porn, and trans porn, and I'd just be mesmerized. That's gotta mean something, right?"

Alexis shrugged. "Okay."

"Okay?" Toby looked like he might faint, blush fading to paleness in a heartbeat.

"Okay," Alexis said calmly. "We've all been there. Well, maybe not all of us, but, you know, the community. It usually starts with watching something a little different and having a moment."

"I think I had a lot of moments," Toby said, staring into the distance, and Alexis laughed. "What?"

"No," she said, composing herself and waving off her smile. "Good for you. For me, it was the first time I watched Underworld. I saw Kate Beckinsale running around in that corset, and... it wasn't just that she was hot, I wanted to be her." She smiled as the nostalgia faded, and added, "So, when do you want to do this?"

He opened his mouth to respond, and paused, and a cool prickle ran over Alexis' skin. "I don't know what I thought was going to happen when I asked, honestly. I didn't think past... you know..."

He licked his lips again, clearly stalling for time while his brain tried to manufacture words, which was causing some very complicated feelings to occur inside of Alexis; Toby might have been a bit doofy, but he was also completely adorable.

On the one hand, this whole thing was pure fantasy material. Toby was about as much of a Chad as it was possible to be, except that nobody is ever just one thing and neither was Toby. She'd been in the library earlier that year, in between the stacks checking out a graphic novel, and had overheard Toby making a deal with his math tutor to volunteer some time on the weekends at the Y, and give a group of under eights some athletic coaching. He was a total bro, but also maybe kind of a nice guy, and while he would probably give her the worst blowjob she'd ever had on account of it being his first time, he also looked like he'd probably be a total fucking stud if it went any further.

It had been a couple months since Alexis had gotten laid, and that prospect alone had her squirming a little. A blowjob was a blowjob.

On the other hand, this was maybe more meaningful than just a blowjob. Alexis was on the other end of her own long, twisty queer journey. She'd come out of that tunnel with some self-confidence, and a much healthier self-image, but she knew better than anyone how awkward, uncomfortable, and difficult that could be. She would have given anything to have had someone help her through even the smallest part of it, and the idea of taking advantage of someone starting their journey was repellant.

She suddenly realized that having all these complicated thoughts running through her head meant that she'd just sort of stared at him, silently, for maybe twenty seconds, and he was starting to turn away with the wrong kind of smile. A sad, disappointed smile. An 'I just said something important to the wrong person' smile, which was another experience she was all too familiar with.

"Okay," she said, holding her hands out. "Okay, hang on. I just... I want to be clear about this. I mean, I know you... get around."

Toby bobbled his head, something in the direction of a nod that also seemed to convey a little bit of discomfort with that description.

"It's okay," she said. "I do too. No judgment. My point was that you can be blunt with me, and it's fine. I'm just... I think that if you'd gone up to most trans girls and said I wanna go down on you, you'd probably get slapped."

"Oh," he said, face turning pale. "Is that, like, a thing?"

"Not for me," she said, shrugging affably. "I loooove getting blowjobs."

"Ah, me too," he said, nodding, and he seemed extremely relieved to have some relevant interest with her. It was amazing to watch some of the tension drain from his shoulders. Amazingly adorable. "Yeah, it's good stuff."

"And, like..." She trailed off as she tried to find the right words. "I really like giving blowjobs, or going down on a girl, but those things aren't for everyone. You might get in there and find that you don't like it, or that your gag reflex is, just, way too strong, or that it's not everything it's cracked up to be. Whatever. Just... Your heart was in the right place, coming to me like this, and I respect that." She couldn't stop herself from laughing a little, so she put a hand on his shoulder to soften the sting. "Don't get too discouraged if this isn't everything you thought it was going to be."

"What," he said, "now? Oh shit, you're gonna let me?"

She rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna say no to a blowjob?" She bit her lip as she reached down for the zipper on her jeans, wiggled her hips just a little to get them down a little, and then unfurled her cock over the lip of her panties. It tumbled with a satisfying thump against the denim, and that was when she noticed that she'd been so busy going through the motions, and so excited at this unexpected opportunity, that she didn't notice Toby doing the same thing.

For a moment, they both just gawked at each other. Both of them getting a little harder the longer they looked.

"I saw you starting, and... and I just went for it," he said, voice sounding tight.

Alexis had had her share of dick comparison. Most of the guys she'd been with had been very preoccupied with her genitals: some intimidated, and some very aroused. It was always hard to tell how exposing herself that first time was going to go, but for some reason she felt a little better about it with him.

Toby's was long and heavy, already mostly filled out, and Alexis felt the first jolt of genuine arousal in response to his. She was turned on, but the whole thing was suddenly a lot hotter for her. As near as she could tell, they were about the same size, though shaped a little differently so an exact comparison was difficult, and that made her unreasonably excited. She made a mental note to think about why that was, later, as she stepped forward, and gathered up both of their cocks in one cupped hand.

"Oh fuck," Toby whimpered.

She couldn't really manage any kind of grip. Her own cock was too thick to get her hand all the way around, no matter how she tried to spread her thumb, and with the two of them all she could do was hook her thumb around the edge of his and get her fingertips part way around to her own. Hers had a heavy upward curve, like the letter j, and the thickest part was just behind the head. His was straight as an arrow, with a more swollen head and a complex web of veins running in every direction.

She shifted her grip so that she was mostly palming his cock, with just the tips of her fingers and thumbs reaching her own cock. Watching the skin of each stretch and move together was amazing. Toby even started to lean into it as he watched, which was hot as hell.

"You can touch it," she said, and when he took over the grip their fingertips brushed. He was blushing, and she was pretty sure she was too.