Boarding at Pam's

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Pam took in a boarder to suplement her income.
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Pam takes on a boarder...

I thank bbcbarry9033 for making this story much more readable and enjoyable than I could master on my own. I am sure that the effort was much larger than what he volunteered for. He suggestions added another dimension to the plot. All errors remaining are entirely my oversight.

All characters in serious sexual situations are 18 or above.

This story is set in the South African town of Rustenburg (a mining town with a population of around 500 000) with a large farming community (i.e. religious and conservative). It is about 150km (2 hours) away from the Johannesburg/Pretoria metropolitan area. It is late September and officially early spring. At his time of year the average temperature is about 24 C (73 F) with maximum temperatures that can be as high as 35 C (95 F).

* * * * *

It was the last Friday of the month and the lawyers' office where Pam worked closed at 12:00 as was the custom. Her salary was thankfully already paid into her bank account and she could do some emergency shopping, otherwise she would have been without food for Abe.

Pam almost dropped the heavy bags with groceries after her exhausting walk from the bus stop in the hot afternoon sun as she entered the kitchen. She desperately hoped that she would get her car back from the panel beaters the next week as was promised. She went into her bedroom to change into something cooler. She needed to relax urgently, and she knew just how.

* * * * *

It was quiet in the office building where Abe worked as financial analyst because almost all his colleagues had left about an hour ago when it became clear that the power outage, that started around ten o'clock, was not going to be resolved soon. A transformer at a local substation burnt out and the municipality had to order a replacement from Johannesburg with about a three hour delivery delay before repair work could even start.

Abe tried to focus on a report that he needed to complete for the Rustenburg Farmer's Cooperative, where he was employed, and was in a race against the remaining power in his laptop's battery. He would only be able to leave office, like the rest of his colleagues, once he sent the report to the management team and the farmer representatives of the co-op.

Abe made good progress in the past hour with the report because there were no interruptions from colleagues and the data base, which he needed to create graphs from historic data, was connected to a UPS. He was disappointed when the battery finally won the race and his laptop went into 'Hibernate' mode while working on the second last page of the report. He would have made it if the stupid battery had only lasted another thirty minutes.

He decided to check in at his boss' office where there would be both emergency power as well as access to the database. The co-op's limited emergency power was only connected to the offices of the senior management team in addition to the essential services for which it was initially procured.

His boss, Mr. Barnes, requested Abe earlier to supply the shop's sales figures because he wanted to review these with the cashiers later today and should still be around. Abe would have preferred not to interfere with their discussions but decided that his urgent report would justify the intrusion. The sales figures were, in any case, already known to him.

All the doors in the dark management passage were closed, suggesting that the entire management team already left. When Abe got to his boss' door he could hear some movement inside and considered knocking.

"Fuck your young bitch Mister Barns. Drive your thick cock deep into my wet lil pussy!"

Abe immediately recognized Helen's voice, she was a young blonde of about twenty with a bubbly personality who had started working as a till operator in the shop at the beginning of the month. There were rumors that she got the job because her family had connections and Abe figured that he could guess who the 'connection' was. It also occurred that she no longer had quite the same sparkling personality, that might have been nerves, that she had on her first day.

"Softer, someone may hear us." Abe recognized his boss' whispering voice.

The blond countered. "Everybody left already. It is only Lucy working in the shop and she wouldn't tell. Oh yes, stretch my pussy, that's it, deeper, oooohhhh......"

Abe had heard enough and rushed outside and started to walk around the building. The situation brought painful memories for him. Ruth, his ex-fiancé got pregnant when she cheated on him with her boss. When he found out, he decided to make a clean break with her and applied for his current position.

He knew Mr. Barnes was divorced and unattached, but what about Helen? She's young and innocent, or so he thought. She should be interested in a much younger guy not in a heavy smoking 'past his prime' old man like Mr. Barnes.

What does she get from Mr. Barnes or hope to get? A promotion like Ruth claimed? That she did for me, so we could have a better life? Why did these bad things bring back memories of Ruth? Why only the bad things? Why not the good things too? He had good times with Ruth, why not these as well?

He spotted his car that was baking in the hot noon sun while there were lots of shaded parking spaces that were vacated when his colleagues left. To get his mind off the situation, he decided to move his car. He also needed to think of an alternative plan to finish his report and to get out of the office environment, which was starting to press down on him.

After he locked his car he used the public entrance to the shop to get back to his office in order to avoid passing Mr. Barnes' office. He saw Helen's open counter and realized that he could use it to finish his report. The co-op could not afford to turn away farmers who came to deliver produce or to buy seed, spares and other supplies and the shop is therefor also connected to the emergency power. Although there would be power, there unfortunately wouldn't be access to the database.

He retrieved his laptop in the office and walked to the store. He greeted Lucy and asked if he could use Helen's counter for a few minutes, Lucy always created the impression that she was in charge of the shop. Still, he didn't know why he asked her permission because he was technically her senior.

Lucy was sitting at her sales counter working her nails. She was a short thirty-something brunette with 36F breasts! The top three buttons on her green and white co-op blouse and skirt combination were open, leaving little to the imagination. Apparently, the co-op supplied blouses were too small to fit her assets. "Yea, help yourself. She will be out for a while, doing last week's sales figures with Mister Barnes."

Abe glanced into the store area. There were about fifteen customers strolling the aisles between the shelves. It seemed as if the farmers also got word of the power outage because Fridays would normally be very busy, especially the last Friday of the month.

He sat down at the counter, plugged the power cord into an outlet and continued to work on his report. Where he needed to verify information from the database, he marked the place for later reference. He would have to return to his office to connect to the network later, he could just hope that the batteries would be adequately charged by the time he worked through the document.

Once done, he reviewed all his text to see if there were any lose ends, correcting a few spelling mistakes and rewording a sentence or two to make the point clearer. The batteries were only 7% charged by the time he finished. It was quite decent for less than thirty minutes of charging time, but he doubted that the batteries would allow him to confirm all the data he had marked. He closed the screen letting the laptop hibernate again and hoped the batteries would charge faster. He decided to wait another fifteen to twenty minutes before disconnecting the power.

His phone rang just as the Helen appeared in the doorway that connected the shop with the managerial passage, repositioning her breast in her bra. Without looking up, she continued to button up her co-op blouse and proceeded to straighten her skirt and hairdo. Although her 32B breasts didn't require it, she also left the top three buttons open.

When she finally looked up, she seemed surprised to see Abe, staring at her, at her counter. She looked at Lucy. "Mister Barnes said you can go through to review last week's sales figures." She scanned the shop floor. "Not our usual month-end rush so you can take your time. I should manage on my own." She saw Abe looking at her and buttoned up the last three buttons.

Abe vacated the counter after storing his laptop on an under counter shelf. He signaled to Helen that she could continue her work at the counter before answering the call.

It was his sister Lena who called to check on his wellbeing. She seemed concerned that he hadn't expanded his social life even though she knew well that he was mostly a loner, more so after he had been cheated on. She suggested that he join the local wrestling club even though she knew he was no longer competitive after his shoulder operation, and he isn't into coaching. She sent her regards to Pam, Abe's landlady, before she hung up.

Abe was lodging with Pam since he got the analyst position six months ago. Lena did not even know Pam. When Lena learned that Abe clinched the job in Rustenburg, she called Trina, an old university classmate and good friend in town to enquire about accommodation. It was Trina who suggested that he contact Pam, a widowed single mother and secretary at the law firm where Trina worked.

Although Abe guessed that Lena tried to identify possibilities where he could reconnect socially during their chat, the only impact it had on him was that he realized that he should actually start thinking about a more permanent place to stay. Perhaps a flat that he could rent. His boarding agreement with Pam was in any case only for the nine months until December. Pam's house was not luxurious, but it was clean, tidy, and quite affordable. However, he suspected that Pam was relying heavily on his lodging money, especially when she had unexpected expenses like the current repairs to her car.

He decided to stay at Pam's because it was immediately available, close to the co-op and he didn't need to buy furniture to fit out the accommodation. Being close to the co-op also meant that it was situated in the poorer worker class area, but that didn't bother Abe at all.

He had no special attachment to Pam's place and could easily afford the rent for a flat. If it wasn't for the boarding agreement he could move out at the drop of a hat. He would miss Pam's meals which, although simple, always had a personal touch. He would be forced to rely on fast food outlets for meals should he decide to move out and there were not a lot of options for these in Rustenburg.

He would also miss her son, Peter. It may have been the young boy's innocence and honesty that penetrated his loner shield and amour. Like that awkward moment when Peter asked him if he could be his daddy. Abe thought that it was cute due to the pure honesty of his desire to have a dad like his classmates, but Pam reprimanded him because unidentifiable gossips may start rumors about her if Peter talked about Abe as his 'daddy'. It was clear that she thought that those gossips were already spreading fake news about their sleeping arrangements.

Abe wasn't concerned about the faceless gossips, he knew there was nothing to gossip about. Nothing happened, even during some awkward situations between himself and Pam.

Like the time he was looking for a midnight snack. He was standing in the dark kitchen eating a left-over meatball, helping it down with a glass of milk when Pam also arrived with similar ideas. When she opened the fridge door, he could see that she was only wearing a short camisole in the dim light of the refrigerator with skimpy panties beneath. Her pert little tits were silhouetted through the semi-transparent camisole. Pam must have heard or sensed his presence because she suddenly looked in his direction where he stood in the darker part of the kitchen with only his boxers on. He quickly looked away and swallowed the remaining part of the meatball. The last sip of milk was used to wash the meatball down his throat.

He went back to his room without saying anything. He first realized that he had an erection when he climbed back into bed that night and wondered if Pam noticed it.

He forced his thoughts back to reality, unplugged his laptop and walked to the office. He had a report to finish.

* * * * *

It was an ideal spring day for Pam to relax and tan at the swimming pool in her back yard. With Peter who was now going to school and a male lodger, it got increasingly difficult for her to find opportunities to tan, let alone topless as she did in the past. Luckily Peter was invited to a birthday party of a classmate and would only be back on Sunday.

Pam didn't waste time getting into her swimwear because she expected Abe to arrive shortly after four ('o clock) when the co-op closed. She settled in next to the pool and within minutes started to relax in the late September sun. After she removed her bikini top, she worked her bikini bottoms into a narrow strip to expose as much skin as possible, then started to apply sun tan lotion all over her body. There was excess lotion left on her hands and, without thinking, she started to work it onto her breasts. The stimulating feeling while her slippery fingers worked her nipples was just too good to miss out on.

While she worked her nipples, she took stock of her life. She fell pregnant with Peter during her final matric (equivalent to Gr 12 or senior year) exams, becoming a housewife instead of the botanist that she planned to become. She married Peter's father, Pete, who was appointed at the Pilanesberg Nature reserve after completing his environmental diploma at the time.

They moved in with Pete's parents as they could not afford to rent a flat, which was just as well. Pete's father passed on due to a heart attack two months after Peter was born, leaving his terminally ill wife in the care of Pam. She bequeathed the house to Pete, their only child, and died when Peter was three years old. Pam lost Pete about two years ago following complications after a car accident.

She could pay off a large part of the bond on their home with the insurance money and the monthly pension payments that she received covered the remaining bond payments and most of the other monthly payments. But she was forced to start working and her meagre salary barely covered her car's running cost. There was little room to save money for unexpected expenses like the repair of her car after someone attempted to steal it.

Fortunately, she could put the money that Abe paid for lodging to good use to pay off the debt that had accumulated and to pay for her car's repair. She hoped to be in a position soon to build up some savings so that she could treat little Peter on a holiday trip to the sea.

Pam actually hoped that Abe would lodge for longer than the end of the year, she could definitely put the extra income to good use next year as well.

She was startled at the thought. Did she really want Abe in the house for longer? Was it really about the extra income and the promise of financial stability that came with it? Was it her imagination that Peter had calmed down since Abe started lodging? Did he see a father figure in Abe? He'd started to hint in that direction some time ago. Did she like the idea of a more permanent male presence in the house?

But then she thought of the gossips. She was sure they were some of Pete's classmates' mothers. Because she'd gotten pregnant almost five months after she turned eighteen, she was the youngest mother in the group. And since she was single and, by her own standards, attractive, their husbands naturally ogled her, offering to braai (the South African equivalent to BBQ -- just better) her meal at the odd school function.

She was competition, and if you're insecure in your marriage then you would feel threatened. The situation was lose-lose. It was nice of the dads to offer to braai her stuff, but their insecure spouses would not approve. They would similarly also not approve of her braaiing her own stuff, hanging out and socializing among the dads. It would be so much better if her man could braai while she could socialize with the mothers without being a threat. She could envision this, her man standing there, socializing with the other dads. When her man looked up at her and smiled, he had Abe's face!

The vision shifted, now it was Abe stroking her breasts with his lotion-soaked fingers. She could feel an orgasm brewing and she slipped one hand off her nipple and into her bikini bottom. Her breathing got irregular and she needed little work on her clit to take her over the edge. Abe's face flashed through her mind while orgasmic waves rippled through her body. She felt conflicted, was it fair of her to orgasm while thinking of him and not of her deceased husband? In spite of her feelings, Abe's face became clearer before her with every orgasmic wave that ripped through her body. Her orgasm left her drowsy and she nodded off feeling empty. She needed someone to fill her life, she needed Abe!


Lucy closed the office door behind her. "We must be careful Mr. Barnes, Abe is still around."

"Do you think he suspects something?" Mr. Barnes sounded a bit concerned recalling how Helen boasted that they are alone. He always made sure that these intimate sessions with his two girls could be done after everybody left. He looked out of his window and spotted Abe's car in the shaded spot the receptionist had taken earlier.

"I don't know. He came into the shop, expecting a vacant counter where he could connect to the emergency power, as if he knew Helen wasn't there. Lucy had already unbuttoned her blouse, showing off her large light rose areolae which were too large for her lacy bra to conceal.

"Do you think that Helen wanted to get out of the arrangement?

"I don't know. She reassures me every now and again how grateful she is for all your help." Lucy's skirt already joined the blouse and bra on the ground and she settled on her knees in front of Mr. Barnes to undo his trousers.

"And your panties?"

"It's my period sir, you know it is always a mess down there when it happens." Mr. Barnes' cock sprung free and she took it in her mouth. Fuck, she hates it when Helen goes first. Why can't Mr. Barnes just spray his cum over her titties and face like he does with her. Why does he always have to cum in Helen's backdoor when she is next?

She said nothing because he paid her well to handle Helen's shit. She chuckled at the irony of her thoughts. It helped that Mr. Barnes was circumcised otherwise some stuff could have remained trapped under the foreskin.

"Sorry, I forgot to clean up." He handed her a packet of 'baby wipes' from his drawer so she could clean his dick.

Lucy hated the taste of baby wipes but it was better than the taste of Helen's ass. She prepared a mouthful of saliva and spit it onto Mr. Barnes' dick. She worked his dick with her hand, hoping that some of the baby wipe chemicals would have dissolved into the saliva by the time she took his dick in her mouth again.

Mr. Barnes lifted her chin. She knew the meaning, so she stood up and offered her left breast for Mr. Barnes as she felt some period associated pain in her right breast. Her nipple and a large part of her areola disappeared into Mr. Barnes' eager mouth and his hand, that was not wrapped around her waist, reached down to rub her clit, while making sure he stayed clear of the vagina.