Bonds Unbroken Ch. 04


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Natham had to outweigh my mother and me by forty pounds, most of that pure muscle, even in the extremely thin state he was in now. He had fangs and claws and all the skills a silent predator brings to the hunt. But the very instant she burst into the room, her anger an almost palpable force, he became more submissive than the smallest child among my clan.


he visible fear and panic that held him motionless shocked us both. I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight as he buried his face in my neck.

I wrapped my wings around his back gently stroking him and stared at her, defying her to not show compassion and understanding when it was so clearly needed. When he was so clearly not someone who had maliciously killed my father and planned to kill us in our sleep; the ridiculous accusation she had been shrieking when she burst into the office.

Her eyes had filled with tears and I knew then that she saw Natham, not a cruel vicious monster who had killed my father. No one who was capable of such a thing in cold blood would have reacted to her approach that way. She came closer and Natham mewled in fear, shrinking away from her touch.

She lost the battle with her tears and they streamed down her face. Shaking her head, she stood up. She had mouthed an apology at me and then slipped out of my office, leaving me to calm Natham. I had held him and stroked him with my wings until he was able to stop shaking and stand up. Soothing him with quiet words and gently stripping him I put him to bed; he never said a word, just watched me with broken eyes.

Stroking his hair with one hand, I wiped the silent tears that slid down his cheeks from time to time until he fell asleep. I had planned on calling Mishtar and meeting with him and Natham that afternoon but the trauma of meeting my mother had sent him someplace in his mind that undid most of the work I had accomplished on getting him to open up.

He wasn't ready and I was so jumpy only sliding in next to him on the bed and cuddling him had calmed me down.

Two days later, I could no longer put it off. I called Mishtar in the morning and asked him to come by right after lunch. Natham had been healing very well and each hour that we spent together brought more and more life back to his eyes. I had talked to him quietly while holding him in bed before the meeting. The closeness my body yearned for was not as important as healing the damage done to him so I focused on comfort and not the heat I felt when I touched his bare skin.

When we finally got around to talking about my father he understood, I saw his eyes darken when I mentioned what Mishtar had found out so far. He had shuddered and cried, holding onto me and whispering he was sorry over and over. Nothing I could say would ease the pain we both felt over his death but crying together seemed to purge some of the turbulent emotions and brought us closer.

My hunch was right about his father wanting to take over my clan's land. During the meeting, Natham was able to give Mishtar names that the leader of the Falcons recognized from their investigations, though the Carthera and humans he mentioned were not local. Mishtar had recognized the name of one of the humans as one of the police detectives, not the man that had called my mother with details on my father's death but he worked for the same task force.

We were now that much closer to finally figuring out what was going on. Natham was exhausted and shaking by the time he was done talking, telling us about the degradation and pain he had been raised in and the absolute ruthlessness of the man he called Father. He'd been conditioned since childhood to obey without question. Most nights ended with beatings and then being locked into a tiny dark room.

For years Natham had been beaten and forced to listen to his father's rants over the way the Carthera were treated. It turned out his brother had been the boy who saw our kiss and that is when they moved away to plan this attack. He'd recognized the mate bond between us, even if we didn't.

For the months we'd been apart Natham was drugged and then beaten and goaded until he passed out. He didn't remember much of that night because by the time they set their plan in motion he was unable to use his human mind, completely feral. When he lashed out at the person who was shoved into the small cage he had been penned in, he had not known it wasn't another of the Carthera who had been tormenting him for months.

The shock of the blood and the ritual his father led his clan in performing had roared through him and then through me bringing our bond to life and brought both him and me to maturity. Somehow the link from my father to me and the mental tie that it seemed Natham and I had shared since we were children had created a completely unique bonding. Over time and distance our bodies had bonded and we became mates.

He remembered my scent but it was only the touch of my body to his that brought him back from the mindless ferocity he had been broken to.

"But we're not like other mates," I said, "and how do we have this connection? How have I dreamed about you since I was a fledgling? How does all of this fit in with whatever his plan is?"

"He never told me," Natham said. "I'm sorry. No one should have had to feel that pain."

"You shouldn't have had to feel it either," I said angrily. Natham's grip on my hand tightened and I squeezed him back. "Sorry, I just feel like for every answer we find we get two more questions."

"I bet he was trying to bring you into your bond and maturity so that you would lead your clan against him. That type of open warfare between the clans would frighten and possibly drive away our human allies. Our people would be left to the slaughter if he had enough support from the other Carthera clans, the hyenas and the snake clans especially. He relied on your youth and your fury coupled with the turbulent hormones a youngling is subject to goad you into acting rashly before we could discover his plans."

I nodded, it made sense. "I almost did too," I said ruefully, "if it wasn't for my mother and Dr. Pannar I might very well have damned us by doing exactly that."

"But you didn't," Natham pointed out. "Your men found me and the humans and brought us back to your eyrie to interrogate."

"No, I didn't." I agreed, "but even then you had to save me." I stroked his hand. "You do that a lot."

Natham's eyes dilated. "I like saving you," he said huskily.

My wings rustled from the shiver that went up my spine as I met his eyes and saw the lust in them that mirrored my own. I swallowed hard.

Mishtar cleared his throat and I had to look away. It took a few breaths before I could speak again. I had to keep my mind focused, for my mate's sake.

I took a deep breath. "It's time to bring that bastard down. Mishtar, you know what to do. Find out all you can and then we will come up with a battle strategy. This time we will attack."

Mishtar's eyes lit up with a grim purpose. His smile held the promise of death coming for our enemies. "Consider it done."

He stood and bowed with one fist to his chest, then left the room to begin contacting the Falcons immediately.

I looked over at Natham who looked frightened.

"Don't worry; it'll be our side that wins. No matter how many people you father might be blackmailing or bribing into helping him we have many more allied to us through bonds of friendship and loyalty. I don't even think we will have to call in our allies among the different Carthera clans."

My smile was sharp; I wanted to take Natham's father down myself.

Natham still looked a little frightened so I shook myself, relaxing my posture so that he would stay calm. I was talking about going up against a man who had indoctrinated Natham in fear since he was a small child. I understood and didn't judge Natham for that.

Mishtar would work on finding them wherever they were hiding; we needed to work on our bond. Standing up, I pulled Natham to his feet.

"Alright, I think we need to take you shopping," I said, looking at the clothes that didn't quite fit him. They were getting smaller as his body filled back out with good food and rest. Not that the shirts stretching across his broad shoulders weren't fun to look at but I wanted my mate comfortable.

Shopping would be a good distraction for both of us.


The trip to the mall was quiet. We talked softly in the backseat while two of the Falcons sat up front. I pulled Natham into the mall, holding his hand when he flinched at the noise. The guards trailed behind us at a discreet distance. There were some stares, his eyes were striking and he moved with a feline grace though not everyone would be able to tell he was Carthera until they got closer. At least the humans wouldn't, the few Carthera we saw recognized both of us for what we were instantly and typically bowed then backed away.

My wings drew far more attention from the humans. Their pure white color and the blood red drops on the end of each feather seemed to fascinate people. It was annoying but most strangers kept their distance. The children I tried to smile for though; their eyes held an innocent curiosity.

Taking Natham into stores was another story altogether. Female clerks kept trying to pull him away from me and 'help' him to the dressing rooms but he never let go of my hand. We picked out an assortment of things for him to try on after I finally managed to run off the last annoying salesgirl by flapping my wings threateningly and issuing a firm command for her to leave us.

She was intimidated by me enough to listen thankfully.

The bird Carthera clans, the Falcons and Eagles, were showy but rarely feared as some of clans with features that were a more obvious threat. The large cat clans like the Jaguar, Lynx, and Tigers were beautiful to humans but given wide berth because of their fangs and claws. The fearsome looking Snake clan was small as their numbers had dwindled almost to extinction. Both humans and other Carthera were biased against them. Scaly skin, fangs and a forked tongue were hard to hide.

"Here, go try these on. I'll be right here outside the door."

I handed Natham a stack of clothes, jeans, t-shirts and tank tops for the most part. I almost drooled when he came out, low rise jeans hugging his thighs and ass. The light blue t-shirt fit snugly across his shoulders and just covered the tops of the firm muscles of his biceps. The color was perfect to highlight his tan skin and his long hair that he had left to fall straight down his back.

He blushed when he saw the look on my face. "You like it then?"

"Mmhmm," I smiled and winked at him, "I think I need to take you home."

The heat in his eyes burned me and I squirmed a little, trying to make more room behind my zipper as I shifted myself discreetly. We had been sleeping together but hadn't done anything yet, his frailties and our shyness had kept our underwear on and our caresses and kisses had slowly become heated but we hadn't gone farther. It was a form of slow torture that had me on a constant simmer.

The clothes he wore hid the muscles and sleek body that I had seen nearly naked each night in bed but something about the way they clung to him made it more erotic than seeing him unclothed.

He purred, "I think that would be a very good idea. Let's go now."

I shook my head and gave a small laugh. "Tempting... but no. You need to get a few more things and I want to get a pretzel before we head home."

Natham pouted and crossed his arms over his strong chest. "But I don't want to." His personality had been slowly coming back, especially when we were alone. He wasn't afraid of me.

"I think I want to take these off," he ran his hands down his chest and sides to rest in the waistband of the jeans, "and get in bed with you." He winked. "For a nap, of course."

Oh man, I was going to need new jeans to replace the ones my erection was about to put a hole through if he didn't stop. I cleared my throat.

"Tough. If we don't do it now we will have to do it later. Do you want to come back?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

He grimaced and then shrugged like it was my loss, giving in and going back into the dressing room, shaking his ass a little as he looked over his shoulder with a small glare. That made me smile, though I made sure to hide my smug grin until he shut the door. He came back out a few minutes later in a pair of tan slacks and a loose button up in a dark green that highlighted his exotic striped patterned skin and shining hair.

I gasped when he strutted in front of me and it took me a moment to remember how to talk. "Oh, you need to keep that on." I eyed him hungrily and it was his turn to grin. His eyes flared and his walk turned predatory as he stalked toward me. His nose flared as he took in my scent and began purring, a quiet low purr that sounded like it resonated right out of his chest.

He stopped when he stood less than a foot from me.

"I think we should go," he said in a deep voice. He brought one calloused hand up and instead of brushing it along my face like I expected he stroked the top part of my wing that rose above my shoulders. It was a light touch, almost tickling me but the shiver that traced down my spine made me want to do anything but laugh.

"Umm, yeah. Let's just grab that shirt and the t-shirt in a few colors plus some more of the pants." I made him turn around so that I could pull the tag off the shirt and pants, unable to resist kissing the soft skin at the back of his neck as I turned the tag out to look at the size. It was his turn to shiver but his moan did things to my stomach, making it flip in anticipation.

He grabbed the clothes he wore to the mall out of the dressing room along with the jeans and t-shirt he tried on first. We grabbed a few more in the same size and paid for them. Natham blushed and frowned a little when I paid but we had talked about that on the way over. We knew we were mates. What was mine was his and what was his was mine. He might not like it but he accepted it. For now.

Leaving the mall we went past the food court to get my pretzel. I had told Natham we could wait but when my stomach growled he insisted on getting me food. I was licking off the salt and taking small bites when my arm was jostled and I dropped it. I looked up to glare at the person who was standing too close to me but gasped instead. It was a Carthera male, some sort of cat though not a lynx like Natham.

His claws extended, he wrapped his arm around my neck, his palm muffling my mouth so I couldn't call out. His claws bit into my face and I could feel small trickles of blood sliding down my cheeks. His other arm closed around my chest, pinning my arms to my sides. I was helpless as he picked me up off the floor and began to hustle me away swiftly.

I tried to fight, to use my training, but I was caught unaware and my wings and arms were pinned to my body so they and my talons were useless. I heard Natham's enraged hiss before the sound was choked off. Two cats had a hold of him and he was fighting their hold which alerted my guards still getting their pretzels. They shot up into the air as they flew fast, trying to reach us.

Our abductors were too fast and the guards too far behind to catch up before they hustled us through the mall doors and into a van that was parked on the sidewalk right in front of the doors. The humans gaped at us but stayed out of the way, unsure of what was happening.

My wings were bent under me and I fought the pain and tried to get free. I managed to rake my talons down someone's soft skin; I heard swearing and felt a prick in my arm. I wrenched my face away from the hand held over my mouth, feeling my skin tear from the cat's claws. I could feel Natham's fury and I turned my head to try and find him. It suddenly felt as though the air was thick and I had to fight to just move my head. I saw him held tight between two men and could hear him hissing and spitting as he fought them.

"Thought you were going to get away from us didn't you, kitten?" One of the men laughed; the sound a hideous hissing noise that sent a chill down my spine. "I got a shipment of new toys while you were away. You know how much I love to play with you, little cat."

Fear and anger warred in Natham. I could smell his scent move to complete and utter terror when the man spoke again.

"The first thing I unwrapped was our new cane. You know how much you loved the smooth one? This one has studs. The pain will be exquisite." The man licking his lips as he watched Natham break disgusted me. I was beyond rage and only my body forced into immobility by whatever they injected me prevented me from ripping his face off with my talons.

I tried to catch Natham's eyes, to reassure him I was here and he wasn't alone but he didn't see me. I don't think he saw anything or anyone in front of him anymore. He was now locked somewhere in his head, sent there by the man's words. I had seen part of his life through my dreams and I knew it was a very bad place.

Tears slipped down my face at the sheer torture he was already experiencing while I watched. I had promised to protect him and I failed. That bitter thought was the last thing in my mind before the drugs sent me into the blackness.

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Cia81Cia81almost 12 years agoAuthor

I appreciate all the comments and love for this story. To the last commenter, I am aware of the mistakes. This story is getting a new edit right now actually. I'm glad you enjoyed the story and were willing to give me some straight feedback on it too! I am always willing to hear when I have mistakes marring the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Great story marred by grammar errors

The overall story and characters are superb! But I would recommend having someone with a good eye for grammar and detail proofread these before submission. Thanks for such a creative work :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
probably commeting on the wrong chapter...

OK so when Nathan was holding velaku close and claiming him and purring and stuff I nearly died! It was one of the hottest things I have ever read!!

TheSecretPervertTheSecretPervertover 12 years ago

You've got me mentally sitting on the edge of my seat in suspense.

Physically.... Well, that's another subject, entirely.

Contest4JenContest4Jenover 12 years ago

Noooo, poor guys! :,(

Loving the story though!

wingedchaoswingedchaosover 12 years ago

What a wonderful mesmerizing story! You do such good work...

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Wonderful and creative story with really interesting characters that I cared about very quickly. The only suggestion I'd have is to use a little less narrative summary and have some more action scenes.

For example, you tell us that over the time, they'd had some make out sessions in bed. This is an erotica site, why didn't you show one of them to us? Perhaps you could have shown them in bed talking about the future meeting with Mishtar and then ending up distracting each other. However you want to do it would be great, I'm sure.

fukmi_allnitefukmi_allniteover 12 years ago
I understand now

The nightmares, their bond. Well played!

SoullessCynnerSoullessCynnerover 12 years ago

Another great chapter. The ONLY thing I'd change about this story is the point of view. I'd like to read both Velaku's AND Natham's pov. You could do both in the first person.

Other than that, I really, really, REALLY love this series. I'm anxious to see what happens next.

frosty_hore8frosty_hore8over 12 years ago
me like!

just when you think everything’s hunky-dory there's a twist! (good).

i’m with cannd, would like to know what they physically look like and am intrigued how the eyrie looks/was built.

more please ;0)

AkshunLoveAkshunLoveover 12 years ago
amazing :)

I'm loving every minute of this :) amazing, unique, dramatic, violent, sexy, emotional. All the things a good story beeds :)

canndcanndover 12 years ago

Loved the chapter and the story as it develops. I love that it is Great cast of characters.

It just bothers me that these guards that were protecting him from Natham at the hospital would suddenly be far enough away to not be able to help them. It doesn't make sense to me...maybe there could have been a distraction to justify it, but I know you needed for them to be kidnapped to move the story forward as you saw it. A very mean place to leave us! :) Can't wait for more.

I have a bunch of questions I wanna ask...

I'd love to know a bit more about how they look. Do they look like humans in the face and rest of their body except them have wings, claws, etc. and different skin?

I can't imagine the mental damage waiting to be done to Natham, let alone the physical. Maybe if they hurt his mate it will snap him out of the fear? Also, was the brother treated differently as they grew up and does Natham have any idea why that may have been? Was he ever given a reason why he was tormented?

I hope you tell us more about their mate bonds. How do they typically find out someone is their mate? Is it just by their reaction to them? And how did their bond begin when they were so young and hadn't met? Was it through this psychic bond? How did his brother figure out they were mates when they didn't know?

Keep writing!

nomoretears00nomoretears00over 12 years ago

Sounds like we're about to take a trip to a very unpleasant place!!! This just gets better and better!

RikonaRikonaover 12 years ago

omg please post the next chapter soon

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

This story is really picking up. Great plot, hope the boys can protect each other before one of them gets hurt.

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