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"Girlfriend?" Tuff asked as Denise whispered through the intercom on Claude's desk.

"Ja, girlfriend, okay? Car not only thing I get with bonus, Mr. Nosy," Claude joked.

"Oh, this I got to see," Tuff said, bolting out of Claude's cramped, cluttered office.

"Damn it! Tuff, Ezekiel Richards, you don't, you get back here," Claude yelled as he bolted from his office.

"Hi Baby," Sue Lynn smiled when Claude burst into the reception area. "That Miss Corliss? She run me out of the house, said I was getting in the way. So, where you taking me for lunch?"

She wore her hair pulled back in a ponytail, had on the khaki shorts and one of the tops Claude had bought for her. On her feet, she had her customary flip flops, which she now dangled off one foot as she stretched up for a kiss.

"Um. Wow," Tuff said. "Just. Wow."

"Wow Indeed. Tuff Richards, this my girlfriend, Sue Lynn Benning. Sue Lynn? This is Tuff Richards. He is CEO of company," Claude introduced the two. "And lunch? We have lunch room here. I eat with Charles."

"Oh good!" Sue Lynn enthused. "Hi, Mr. Tuff, nice to meet you."

"Wow," Tuff said again and walked away.

"Hi Sue Lynn!" Charles happily greeted the young woman.

Sue Lynn smiled as Charles showed her what he was working on. She smiled as he introduced her to his teachers at the factory's nursery.

"So what you like to get?" Sue Lynn asked as she held onto Charles's hand in the lunchroom.

On Wednesday, Inga found an excuse not to see Charles. This was fine with Claude; he and Sue Lynn had already planned on taking Charles to the University's planetarium for a one night showing. He'd been in the process of punching Inga's number, to ask her to switch Thursday.

So it was not until Friday that Inga Ivernek heard that her husband had a woman staying the night at his house. It wasn't until Friday that Inga heard about Sue Lynn, Daddy's girlfriend.

Inga smiled and feigned interest in Charles's new friend, in Daddy's new friend. Then, the moment Charles was asleep, Inga angrily mashed the number '7' on her phone.

"Yes?" Claude asked.

Sue Lynn took advantage of this distraction and speared one of his shrimp scampi. Claude smirked at Sue Lynn's smile of triumph.

"Yes, Inga, what is it?" Claude asked.

He frowned and put up a hand to stop Sue Lynn's stealthy movement toward another of his shrimp. She pouted, but ceased her attack.

"Okay, moment we are finished? Need to go to Stepping Stone," Claude snapped, disconnecting his call.

"What? Why?" Sue Lynn asked, dismayed.

"Get your birth certificate," Claude snapped. "I cannot believe she is saying she will sue me for custody!"

"She, why's she suing you for custody?" Sue Lynn asked, digging in her small purse.

"Because I have my lover, my girlfriend living with me. It is bad influence on our son she says," Claude said and scooped up a large forkful of his meal.

"Here. When I figured I was moving to Oakridge, I grabbed it," Sue Lynn said, producing her birth certificate.

"Oakleaf, but that is wonderful," Claude said, examining Sue Lynn's birth certificate.

"And uh, can't tell me her boyfriend don't ever spend the night, huh?" Sue Lynn said and finished her manicotti.

"Leave my food alone, you little urchin," Claude demanded as she reached for a piece of his garlic bread.

"What?" she laughed out loud. "What did you call me?"

Claude waved the waiter down, apologized, but asked for the check.

"I am very sorry; but we are in quite the hurry," he stated.

"Oh, but of course, the waiter said.

"Why we in a hurry?" Sue Lynn asked, chomping on the piece of garlic bread.

"And where did you get that?" Claude asked, eyeing her bread.

"They gave me theirs," Sue Lynn lied, pointing to another table.

"Sue Lynn! They did not," Claude laughed.

Sue Lynn skipped to keep up with the rushing Claude. She was grateful when they reached his car and she was able to stop and buckle up.

They pulled up to David's Jewelry on Highway 19. Sue Lynn looked at him as he hurried to the door. The door buzzed and Claude held the door open for Sue Lynn.

"Baby, what? What we doing here?" Sue Lynn asked, looking around at the jewelry counters.

"We need engagement ring," Claude announced to David, the proprietor of the shop.

"We what?" Sue Lynn gasped.

"Come, come, we have eleven thirty flight to Las Vegas," Claude said as David unlocked a display case.

"We what?" Sue Lynn gasped again.

"My second wedding was in Las Vegas," David offered.

"Claude, Baby, you, you serious?" Sue Lynn asked, actually feeling light-headed.

"I am very serious," Claude said. "White gold? Yes, white gold would be best, I think."

Have these over here, nice sapphire solitaire," David offered.

"Try it on," Claude demanded of Sue Lynn.

"It's just a little bit big," Sue Lynn said.

"Hmm, let's see," David mused, checking the ring's size. "So, you're probably about a five, hmm?"

"I guess," Sue Lynn agreed. "But Baby, you serious about this?"

"Have never been more serious about anything in my life," Claude stated and nodded approval as David found another ring.

"Oh, that's pretty!" Sue Lynn approved as she tried the diamond and ruby ring.

"Got these matching bands, you, Stretch, what size ring you wear?" David said.

"Stretch," Sue Lynn giggled, looking at the ring in the light of the shop.

"Twelve, sometimes twelve and a half," Claude smiled as Sue Lynn giggled.

"I am losing my mind, I am completely insane," Claude thought as he pushed his powerful sports car toward Lafayette's small airport.

Las Vegas is the wedding capital of the world. Claude was able to get a videographer, a photographer, and a minister and chapel reserved within an hour of their landing. He also found a beautiful gown for his bride and a nice tuxedo for himself.

"You won't, I promise you, Baby, I'm going be best wife ever," Sue Lynn tearfully promised as she held tightly onto the bouquet.

"I believe you," Claude smiled. "And I will be good husband to you."

"I can throw out my birth control pills?" Sue Lynn asked just as the minister called them forward.

"I have lost my mind," Claude smiled as the photographer snapped off a series of shots.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today," the minister intoned, hamming it up slightly for the video camera.

The casino rented them a nice suite for three hundred and forty dollars. A woman in a wedding gown and a man in a tuxedo with no luggage is not an uncommon sight in Las Vegas. The desk clerk smiled a knowing smile and wished them a good night.

In the opulent suite, Sue Lynn clambered onto the bed and showed her husband that she was wearing white pantyhose. She did drop the bouquet to the floor as he flopped onto the bed, face between her spread legs.

"That's it, Stretch," Sue Lynn giggled as he gnawed at her muff through the nylon of her hose.

She shuddered in orgasm, then pulled him up for a series of kisses. Then she took his hard manhood into her mouth and gamely tried to swallow him all the way down her throat. She was improving at this. Her gag reflex still caused her to rapidly pull him from her throat, but each time she managed, she smiled with pride.

She let him spurt his seed into her mouth. Then she rested her head on his heaving belly and continued to play with his limp cock.

"Come on, Stretch, need to fuck my pussy," Sue Lynn ordered. "Need to consummate this marriage."

"We have consummated it plenty times before," Claude chuckled as his cock slowly revived.

She peeled her pantyhose off and pulled him to roll on top of her. She wrapped legs and arms around him and keened in orgasm. Shortly after mounting her, he spurted into her pussy.

"Soon as I can? Throwing out my pills," Sue Lynn whispered.

The thought of the diminutive woman walking around, belly swollen with his baby did cause Claude to spurt again. She smiled a triumphant smile as she felt the second spurt in her pussy.

They had tried anal sex; Sue Lynn continued to insist on it. She had grunted, groaned, squealed and sobbed as Claude jammed his greased dick into her tightly clenched orifice. The streaks of blood and fecal matter on his cock was not a welcome sight. But she gamely insisted on him fucking her ass.

Now, in their wedding suite, she rolled onto her knees, wedding dress bunched up around her waist.

"Come on, Husband, take my ass, take all of me," she ordered.

"Sue Lynn, I do not want..." Claude insisted.

The sight of his semen oozing from her raw looking pussy, her light brown pubic hair matted with her excitement and his semen did cause his cock to lurch. Her light brown anus seemed to wink at him as her small hands pulled her buttocks apart.

"Please?" she quietly asked. "Take me?"

"I have lost my mind, I swear, I have lost what little mind I have left," Claude insisted as he went into the bathroom of the hotel room.

"You wasn't using it anyway," Sue Lynn teased.

There was a complimentary bottle of skin lotion and he completely coated his hard cock with the slimy goo. Sue Lynn sighed happily as she felt the bed jostle and sag.

"Ooh, oh God yes," Sue Lynn cried out as he pressed the head of his cock against her anus.

Her hole clamped shut tightly. His cock actually bent as she resisted entry. Then he was able to pop a few centimeters into her rosebud.

The pressure on his cock head was torture. But he pushed again and they both groaned as he forced a few more centimeters into her.

"That's it, Husband, that's it," Sue Lynn said, voice strangled.

"God," Claude said, voice also strangled as the head of his cock passed her sphincter muscle.

Once he'd managed to shove his cock head past that tightly clenched muscle, it was slightly easier to push his length into her. Claude looked down, saw his thick cock stretching her greasy ring of flesh, saw her fleshy globes of flesh, saw her fingers digging into the fleshy globes, saw the white dress bunched up around her slender waist.

The heat, the tightness of her anal cavity was excruciating. The slick walls of her bowels squeezed, strangled his fat cock.

Claude reached down, grabbed and squeezed her heavy breasts through the wedding dress. Sue Lynn grunted her approval.

Then he brought his right hand down and cupped her wet pussy.

"Oh God, oh God, oh damn it, oh Claude!" Sue Lynn screamed out and shook in violent orgasm.

His cock began to spurt his semen into her guts. Both shuddered and gasped for breath.

Finally, Claude weakly pulled his cock from her slimy hole. She let go of her buttocks and raised her head off of the mattress.

"That was, I mean, shit, first time we done that? Think I kind of hated it," Sue Lynn said, voice still strained.

"And now?" Claude asked weakly as he stripped out of his tuxedo.

"Now? We doing that again. I mean, I almost passed out when I came!" Sue Lynn enthused.

"Oh boy," Claude said. "Come, we shower together, okay?"

"Oh boy!" Sue Lynn giggled and quickly shimmied out of her dress.

"I think I will like being out of my mind," Claude smiled as Sue Lynn ran for the bathroom.

Under the water's spray, Sue Lynn hugged him tightly, small head on his chest. He returned her hug and kissed her on the top of her wet head.

"Oh! What time we leaving?" Sue Lynn asked.

"Flight is at twelve nineteen," Claude said.

"Oh, so we got time to..." Sue Lynn said, turned and put her hands against the shower wall.

"Ja, we got time to make love in shower," Claude agreed.

Because she was much shorter than him, he actually had to lift her off of the shower floor. She squealed and laughed as he slid his erection into her.

Neither one of them came from the shower sex, but both enjoyed the intimacy.

The wedding dress had come with a vinyl bag. It was the only luggage they had for their return flight and Sue Lynn rolled the dress up around their book of pictures and three copies of their wedding discs as a carry-on. The flight attendant did not ask Sue Lynn for identification as she poured them each a plastic cup of champagne, to toast their marriage.

"Thank you," Sue Lynn smiled at the older woman.

"Welcome, Sweetie, and congratulations," the woman smiled.

And at six thirty Sunday evening, when Claude pulled up in his 1964 Corvette, Ingra smiled maliciously. Claude smiled a beatific smile and asked if Charles was ready yet.

"Told you other night, I will not let you expose Charles to sinfulness," Inga crowed.

"Sinfulness? What sinfulness?" Claude asked innocently.

"You are living with woman, having sex with my son in the house," Inga said, smiling.

"Oh, ja, I am having much sex with Sue Lynn," Claude readily agreed.

He held out his left hand. Inga's smile of triumph began to fade.

"But after all, we are married," Claude said. "Now, it is six thirty. Is my son ready?"

"You, you are not married," Inga snarled, face twisted in a mask of hatred. "It is not, I will not let you."

"I have ring, I have pictures, I have video, I even have license, yes, I would say, I am married," Claude chuckled. "Again, Inga, is my son ready?"

"I do not believe you," Inga shrilled. "And I will not let you have Charles!"

Inga had already told Babbage's Department Store that she would not be taking the job. Inga had already informed Tanisha Brown-Jones, Jerome's cousin to file for a hefty amount of child support.

Both the note on her condo and the association fees were past due; Tanisha had planned to file for a rush on the first payment of child support. And, Tanisha said, if Inga was receiving child support for Charles, she should also be able to request alimony.

"I mean, shit girl, I don't know why that Nicole Banks never asked for none of that, know what I'm saying?" the new attorney had cackled.

Now Inga saw her plans evaporating. If Claud's claims were true, then she had no hope of receiving full custody, no hopes of receiving child support, or alimony.

"You will let me have our son; I am custodial parent," Claude said, no longer smiling. "If you do not? I will call police. I will show them papers from court."

Realizing she had lost, Inga bitterly slammed the door in Claude's face. Then she made Charles cry as she roughly jerked the four year old by his arm to the front door.

At his home, Sue Lynn calmed the tearful boy down. Then she and Charles played with his Hot Wheels race track while Claude got their dinner ready.

After his dinner, Sue Lynn bathed the child, then dressed him in his pajamas. Both Sue Lynn and Charles yelled for Daddy, yelled it was time for a bedtime story.

Then, before Claude could dash down the hall to his home office, Sue Lynn pulled him into their bedroom. She softly closed the door.

"That, that the only reason we got married?" Sue Lynn asked quietly.

Claude was about to answer in the affirmative. Then he saw the tears slowly trickling from Sue Lynn's eyes. He pulled the girl to him and kissed the top of her head.

"Sue Lynn, I will not lie to you. Good husband doesn't lie to his wife," Claude said.

He kissed the top of her head again. Then he did lie to her.

"Sue Lynn, she, my wife Inga, my Ex-wife Inga? She threaten take Charles away from me, from us," Claude said. "But really? What Inga do? She make me, damn it, what is it Tuff says, she made me shit or get off pot."

He pulled her tearful face up to look at him.

"Inga says she will take Charles away because we are being sinful," Claude said. "And I say, how can it be sinful? She loves me, and I love her. It is not sinful. But if we are married? Then it is truly not sinful. It is right and it is good."

"But the only reason..." Sue Lynn said.

"The main reason, not the only reason, the main reason is because I have lost my mind, I am cuckoo, I am nuts, I am crazy about you," Claude insisted. "The main reason is because I am in love with crazy girl from Stepping Stone. Inga? She maybe make us go faster. But no, Sue Lynn, Inga is not only reason I ask you, I beg you, please marry me."

"Ah!" Sue Lynn suddenly cried out. Stepping... "My momma! I didn't even tell my momma!"

Claude smiled as his wife ran to the telephone. She grabbed the telephone and rapidly punched in some numbers.

"Momma? Hey, it's me," Sue Lynn said after a long moment of foot tapping.

"No, no, Momma, I ain't calling for money," Sue Lynn said. "No, Momma, listen. Listen. Momma, listen, all right?"

Sue Lynn's happy face had morphed into a mask of anger. Claude could not hear the words, but the metallic barks he could hear as Sue Lynn held the phone slightly away from her ear was all the communication he needed to hear.

"Momma, you shut up a minute I can tell you why I called," Sue Lynn snapped.

More metallic barks spewed from the telephone.

"Momma, I'm married. No, I ain't knocked up, but I am married," Sue Lynn snapped.

She listened for a few more moments, then just put the phone back onto the cradle. She stared at the telephone for a long moment.

"But don't worry, Momma," Sue Lynn said to the silent telephone. "I love him and he loves me and we'll be just fine, hear?"

Sue Lynn turned and looked at Claude. She walked slowly to him, arms opening wide.

"We'll be just fine, Ja?" she asked.

"Ja, we be just fine," Claude agreed.


**Author's Note: I write these stories for my pleasure; I post them here for your enjoyment. I thank you sincerely for reading my stories.

I especially thank those that take the time to leave comments, good and bad, and those that take the time to rate my stories.

I do not, however, read emails. The majority of the emails that I receive are so hateful, some even threatening, that I now simply delete them without even opening them.

Claude Ivernek and Tuff Richards are characters from 'Tuff As Nails' in the Loving Wife's category.

Sue Lynn Benning is a character from 'Nude On A Bearskin Rug' in the Lesbian Sex category.

Have a great day. Take the car and the wife out, put the top down and just drive.

(Your top? The car's top? The wife's top? Your choice. Just drive.)

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ImNotanAnonImNotanAnon25 days ago

The accents were hilarious, solid story!

hbroderhbroder2 months ago

One of the very best stories on this site... storytelling perfection!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

just as good the second time around . didn't really think about the age difference .

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I find only! Nice story sucker for happy endings in more ways than one!

CrazyDaveTrucker60CrazyDaveTrucker603 months ago

I liked it. Characters are imperfect, just like in real life. Heartbreak and disappointment go hand in hand with affection and sometimes even a bit of happiness. Toss in a pinch of luck and a fistful of lust and a story is born. What does the bandleader say? One more time… WITH FEELING! Please don’t listen to the cretins and the trolls. What have they written lately?

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

There really are some weird comments. It appears some readers, can't stand it, that others actually have an opinion. Because it doesn't agree with them, they bitch, moan and groan about it. Get a life. This is a porn site.

BabyBunny2222BabyBunny22224 months ago

Fun read and very clever story!

lickerstiker12lickerstiker125 months ago

I am sorry that these other fools cannot tell a great story when they read one. I, on the other hand do like your stories. Please keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

"Her, that car, and a cold glass of water would give him a heart attack, huh?" ...American vernacular poetry.

fredbrownfredbrown6 months ago

Read this'un some time back, loved it then and love it again. I can go for the Vette but I'll have to take a pass on the young blonde, there is just no way I could keep up with that - even my tongue would fail me!

Madeira1076Madeira10767 months ago

I have a story for you.

Think of a LW story where a reader threatens you and your wife as an anonymous commenter. You find out he is married and you and your wife plot (but us the readers don't know). You take everything from him and his wife leaves him. At this point we find out you and your wife planned it all out.

Or not lol, love the stories.

MeAReader2MeAReader27 months ago

Loved the story. Fun to read.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Inga was a malicious bitch.

WisquejacWisquejac8 months ago

Always a favorite. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

WONDERFUL STORY. 10 STARS! Sue Lynn Captivated Claude's, then Charles, heart. Eventually, he will call her mommy, and she introduce him as our boy Charlie. When she gives Claude another baby, she'll be the mother of 2 or 3, if she bears twins...

HOG57headHOG57head12 months ago

I love your writing style. Just ignore the haters, the grammar fact checkers, and the wanna be English majors. Write for your pleasure. Write because you have a story to tell. Write for my reading pleasure. Thanks

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