Boobs-R-Us - Pt. 01

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A guy, some boobs, and a few new experiences.
19.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/24/2024
Created 05/20/2024
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A big thank you to Kenjisato who was kind and motivated enough to edit another of my stories. I appreciate them and all their talents and time! People like them are what makes the lit community great. Thank you, Kenji.

This story is my first published work in the first person. I'd love to know your thoughts when you finish. I wrote this as one continuous story but realized that it was a bit too long for a single story on this platform, so I split it down the middle. I'm hoping that it doesn't break that flow too much if you decide to read it in one go.

All characters in this story that engage in any kind of sexual activity are consenting and over the age of 18. If you don't enjoy stories where the characters end up with body parts that generally belong to the opposite sex and then enjoy using them, this probably isn't for you. All characters are fictional, we just wish this could actually happen.

Boobs-R-Us Part 1


My parents were finally taking THE vacation. You know, the one they talked about taking all through your high school years and put off because this happened, or they needed a new car, or any other big purchase. The one that they had to take before they retire to burn PTO "paid time off", and because once they retire they "can't" afford it anymore?

For my parents THE vacation was a Southeast Asia, New Zealand, and Australia trip. A month and a half of hopping from place-to-place, ending in a weeklong cruise around New Zealand. Because the trip was so long, my parents asked me a year in advance if I would come home to house-sit, and watch my "baby" sister.

My "baby" sister , Alexis , isn't really a baby. She is eighteen, but you know what kind of trouble an eighteen-year-old can get into when unsupervised.

All of it.

My parents were nice enough to give me five hundred dollars a week for the trouble.

It wasn't like I was going to miss work to be there, and five hundred dollars a week to a theater graduate student is pretty nice. Unless you get a gig at one of the better summer theater spots, you'd probably end up like I had in the past, at a local theater somewhere that paid little or nothing for a summer run of a popular musical or play for tourists. Three thousand dollars to sit on my butt sounded better than chorus in the production of Oklahoma I could have been in, and it allowed me to work on my thesis. After three years, TA-ing was starting to get old, I needed to finish my MFA and get out to start my career.

When I say sit on my butt that's not quite all I'd be doing.

It wasn't like I had enough time to go out and get a temp job somewhere. My sister didn't have her driver's license yet, so I needed to cart her around to her various things. Mostly swimming and her three-day-a-week summer job. The rest of the time, I could either do some normal housework; mow the lawn, paint the shed in the back yard, that sort of thing, or work on my thesis.

The first day home, everything seemed normal if hectic, with my parents packing, last-minute cleaning, and explaining my sister's schedule. I hadn't lived at home for more than a week since my sophomore year, mostly once a summer, Christmas, Thanksgiving, that sort of thing. I was off to college when she was still twelve. After dropping my parents off at the airport, my sister and I had a nice take-out dinner and settled into our temporary domestic relationship.

The next day, when I was getting ready to drive her to a friend's house before she went to work, I noticed something I hadn't before. Her tits were huge! Not epic or so gigantic that they would immediately cause car accidents, but large enough that on a cute eighteen-year-old girl, they would probably cause walking accidents in the halls in school and men to walk into light posts as they walked by. I didn't understand how I hadn't noticed before.

I mean she's my sister and I don't look at her that way, but I'm not dead.

I would have noticed that she had boobs that big last night.


To give you a little background on my family, big boobs are not something the women in my family are blessed with. A mix of Asian heritage on both sides has assured that. We are also on the shorter , slighter side ; for example , I'm five foot six and 125 pounds. My dad in his sixties is five-five and 150 pounds. My mom has never had much of a chest, probably an A-cup max, and my sister has always looked a lot like her , except that my sister is four inches taller than my mom at five foot five , and far more muscular. I admit with my short stature , I look a lot like my sister. If you looked at us from behind, you'd probably think Alexis was the guy and I was the girl , due to how muscular she is from swimming competitively year-round. Somehow, I ended up with Mom's hips and ass , and Alexis is still a bean pole. It would help if I cut my hair, but unless a role calls for it, and nothing has yet, I like to keep it at least shoulder length.


Alexis's boobs were impressive. I couldn't really tell if they were real or not because she usually dressed pretty conservatively and didn't really show off. I tried not to stare or glance at them; she was my sister— I'm not supposed to do that. I kept my eyes on the road and pulled up to her friend's house.

Alexis hopped out of the car with a quick, "Thanks, James," and walked into the house.

I couldn't see anything. All I could think about on the drive home was how full and round they looked when she got in the car. I was positive that she was, and had always been, part of the itty-bitty-titty committee. What was going on?

Back at the house, I started looking at pictures. Even the most recent ones of Alexis were of her with small but obvious breasts. I found a picture from that spring of her swim team. Again, she wasn't sporting a huge chest like she had on her way to her friend's house. I was baffled. Alexis, as I knew her, had never been the type to wear excessive makeup, dress in a provocative manner, or stuff her bra. I would guess every woman with smaller breasts wondered about what it would be like to have a larger chest.

I did what every caring brother would do; I went through the laundry. Not my parents' laundry, that would have been pointless. My mom had done practically everything they owned before they left. It wasn't a weird thing to do, laundry was one of the things my parents had asked me to do while they were gone. I dumped Alexis's basket in the hall and started sorting. Lights, darks, cotton, synthetic, and intimates. That word seemed weird when applied to my sister's underwear, it was just panties, bras, and her swimsuits.

My sister had probably a dozen one-piece suits. She swam at least five times a week, and often doubled up her suits. She had suits from school, her summer swim team, swim camp, and big meets she had gone to, then there were the practice suits. I was sure she had more that she had thrown away than most people own in a lifetime.

The bras were my focus, the first three were 30A. No surprise there. The fourth was a 30DD. That didn't match at all. I looked at it closely and compared it to the smaller bras. All of them looked worn. The DD-cup size was by far the newest and sort of lacy. The smaller ones all had extra padding that the larger one lacked. On close inspection, they all had what looked like a little discoloration from sweat on the cups. That didn't make much sense if Alexis was stuffing or had some fakes she was wearing.

I shrugged, part of the mystery was solved, Alexis's boobs were still as small as ever according to all but one bra. I decided to run the laundry since it was all sorted. No sense in waiting, what else was I going to do?

I picked up my sister after she finished work. She works at a boutique ice cream shop called Iced Dreams, that closed at nine PM. The big boobs were still there, prominently displayed under the black polo that was her uniform. Again, she's pretty conservative so all but one of the buttons were done up.

I asked about her day and work and got a non-committal, "Good," for every answer, while she stared at her phone. I didn't get anything out of her until I mentioned the swim camp she was going to next week. After that, I couldn't get her to shut up about how cool it was going to be and all the celebrity coaches that were going to be there. It was good to know there was something that could get her off her phone for ten minutes.

When we got home, we said goodnight and went to bed. I couldn't stop wondering about what she was actually hiding under her shirt.

The next few days went similarly. I could never figure out if they were real or not. She always showed up at breakfast fully clothed. She had swim practice twice that week, but I didn't have time to go watch either time. My parents were having an upgrade to the AC unit, and the contractor needed both those time slots to do the work. I had to drop off Alexis at a friend's house both times, and sit around "working" on my thesis while a sweaty, fat guy seemed to walk inside and outside, over and over, without doing much of anything, while I could have been solving the mystery.

For the rest of the time, I was getting absolutely nothing done on my thesis; it was easy to get sidetracked when you didn't want to work on something.

All I could think about was, were they real? and how had they gotten so big so fast? It was getting really hard not to stare at them over any meal we shared. I started sitting on the same side of the table as she did, so I couldn't stare. She seemed oblivious to my new interest which was a blessing. I didn't need her to notice how much I was noticing.

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore, the day before she left for camp, I did something I was not proud of. I spied on her. I waited until she was in the shower and hid in her linen closet.

I'd like to clarify here; I've never done this before or since. I'm not sexually attracted to my sister. Even with her confusing new rack none of this had remotely turned me on. It was just a mystery I had to solve.

Alexis' room had two closets for whatever reason, one was a large normal closet with sliding doors, the other was kind of a linen closet. The linen closet didn't get used much for anything, other than junk, so it would be really unlikely for her to open it. I hid there and left the door open a crack and waited.

Her shower seemed to take forever. I'm not a big guy, but even so, being cramped in the closet was completely uncomfortable. When she finally came in after the shower, she was dressed how most teenage girls would be after a shower, one towel wrapped around her head like a sloppy turban and the other around her torso.

She busied herself putting away the clean clothes I had set out, I had been doing the laundry every other day, mostly to see what size bra she was wearing. Everything that week had been 30DD, and none of them showed any sign of her using fakes or stuffing. Finally, she dropped the bottom towel, facing away from me, and slid into some underwear. I tried not to watch that part, I was looking at the side boob that wiggled out from the sides of her chest. I crossed my fingers that she would turn around and look at the mirror next to my hiding spot.

She pulled the towel from her still damp hair, and grabbed a hair dryer from the top of her dresser. She walked out of my view for a moment; I thought that I was going to miss everything, that she would have a PJ top on when she came back into view, and I'd be stuck until she went back into the bathroom.

Then she reappeared, standing in front of her mirror, wearing only her underwear, hair dryer in hand and the objects of my weeklong distraction hanging in all their glory, just feet from me as she slowly dried her hair.

I silently gaped. Perfect, big, perky tits hung from my sister's lean frame. Teardrop shaped, perfectly even, light brown nipples that had crinkled a little, without the towel to keep them warm. They jiggled convincingly, as she dried her hair.

I started searching for seams or scars. No way she grew such a perfect pair since that swim team picture in May. It was only June! They would have stretch marks or scars from surgery. Maybe there was some new procedure I'd never heard of. I was baffled. The more I saw, the more confused I became. I understood why she might want bigger boobs, but as serious as she was about swimming, why would she add such a large chest? It would only add drag.

She finished drying her hair, I watched as her nipples hardened without the warm air from the hair dryer. She put on a lounge bra I hadn't seen in the wash, slipped on an oversized t-shirt and left the room.

I stayed in the closet contemplating what I had seen. I had fully expected a pair of fakes, convincing fakes, but fakes. I'd expected her to exit the shower and be a proud member of the itty-bitty-titty committee that every woman in my family had a lifelong membership to. Even all of our cousins and aunts had small breasts. We had had a family reunion the previous summer, and my uncles had drunkenly been commenting on it at the beach, where my family was on display in their swimsuits. Everyone that was blood related to me had tiny tits, my aunts that had married into the family, didn't count.

I almost missed my chance to escape, when Alexis started coming back up the stairs. I quickly left the closet and slipped into her bathroom, which has a door to the hallway, and escaped with her recently used towels in hand.

When she saw me, she asked where I had been. I brushed her off saying I was looking for towels for her camp tomorrow and could only find some that looked dirty, so I was doing a towel load. She gave me a funny look, as if she was wondering why a bachelor, who when on his own, pushed laundry off until every pair of pants had been worn at least twice, was doing so much laundry.

I asked if she had anything she wanted washed before we left for camp, and she shook her head and said everything was all packed. I smiled and walked away with my armload of towels and my thoughts.

Prior to that night, I had not searched my sister's room. It wasn't like I was going to find answers like a package that said "fake tits" in her trash. I had emptied her trash on trash-day and there was nothing of interest there, just some makeup remover wipes and more hair than I cared to think about.

I tried to forget it all that night, and to just enjoy her company before I was left alone in the house for a week. I wanted to really buckle down and get a lot done on that thesis that I kept putting off for what then seemed like any possible reason. I almost asked Alexis about her chest several times, but had chickened out. Due to our age difference, we had never really been close enough to make comments like that.

The next morning was a scramble, and I didn't really see Alexis until we were in the car for the four-hour drive to the camp. She was the only one on her swim team chosen to go, so it was only us in the car. I had made some overnight oats the night before, so we could eat on the move. When she got into the car, I glanced over to ask if she had everything, and my jaw dropped.

I had gotten used to the larger rack but today they were gone. Alexis was back to an A-cup. I was so dumbfounded, I couldn't speak. I had convinced myself last night that they were real, I mean the nipples, the lack of scars or seams. I had told myself that I had just hadn't been paying attention before my parents left. It took until she spoke to get me to think straight again.

"What are you staring at? Can we go?"

"I... Umm... Yeah. You have everything?"


"You sure, do you want to go through the list?"

"No! Let's go!"

I pulled out of the driveway and endured an hour or frigid looks and no conversation before Alexis burst out. "I forgot my brush!"

"Okay, next Wally we pass, I'll stop."

"Okay, thanks. Can we get a milkshake, too?"



True to my word, we stopped at the next super Wally and got a new hairbrush. The fast-food next door tried to tell us that they didn't do milkshakes that early in the morning, but when Alexis pulled out the fake sob, they relented. While we sat in the drive-thru, I saw her text the friend whose house I had dropped her off at earlier in the week.

Alexis - My brother noticed when we left the house

friend - So? What's he going to do? Tell your parents?

Alexis - IDK prolly not. He's been staring at my boobs all week. It's weird but he hasn't said anything.

friend - Did you take them to camp?

Alexis - No, I'm going to be in a swimsuit most of the time. It would be a pretty big difference. The coaches are sure to notice. I'd stretch out all my race suits. I can't do that.

friend - Can I borrow them while you're gone?

Alexis - No!

The milkshake came and I didn't get to read any more of the conversation, we were back on the road. Three hours later, we finally made it to the training center. I did the mom-approved reminder of no boys, no sex, no drugs or alcohol, and to call if she felt weird at all, especially if the coaches try something they shouldn't.

Alexis just rolled her eyes and said, "Yes, mom..."

That was it. I started the long drive back to what was going to be a quiet week.

I confess I made it home in record time. It's a miracle that I didn't get a ticket. It's probably good that I drove my mother's Toyota instead of my aging Nissan, I'm not sure my car would have kept going at an average of well over 85 miles per hour.

Ever since I had seen the text string with Alexis' friend, I had been wondering what "they" were? Were they some kind of super-realistic breast forms and I just couldn't tell the difference? Her friend had asked if she could borrow them, and she said they had been left at home.

I had to know.

I pulled into the driveway at an angle, not caring if I parked straight, I was the only one there anyway. I ran inside and went straight to Alexis' room. I immediately started searching. I was careful, when I searched her drawers, I made sure everything stayed folded and nothing was moved out of place. I went methodically. I'd had three and a half hours to plan this. Dresser, then closet, clothing hamper, desk drawers, under her pillow, school backpack, the linen closet. I was coming up empty. I found a stash of 30DD bras, along with some thongs I knew my mother wouldn't approve of, in a basket at the back of the linen closet. At least, I had found some proof that something existed. I moved on to the favorite hiding spot of teen boys everywhere. Under the bed.

Alexis wasn't quite a neat freak but close. I hadn't looked under the bed first because I assumed that she would never hide anything there. I found two plastic bins, one for dress shoes and one for swimsuits. Even more than I knew about, go figure. Behind those was a third box. Matte black with pink letters, I slowly pulled it out and sat back to see what I had found.

The box, itself, looked expensive. It was about ten by sixteen by six inches, and had the words "Boobs-R-Us" embossed in rose gold letters on the lid. I opened it slowly. A sheet of instructions rested on top of clear plastic, covering some sort of black silky material below.

I moved the instructions and black silk to reveal two creamy breasts with just a hint of tan and the same light brown nipples I had seen on my sister the previous day. They appeared to be connected together by more creamy skin-colored material. I removed the plastic clamshell and did what anyone would do.

I squeezed them.

They were cool to the touch, but felt like very real skin. I was fascinated by how real they felt when I squeezed. I lifted them from the box to find that they were attached to a halter-like loop of skin like material that would go around the neck, and two flaps that would wrap around under the armpits.