Book 02: A Match Made Ch. 02


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"The thought has crossed my mind. I guess the only thing to do is wait to see what unfolds." I smiled. "Is a hug okay?"

"I think Destiny would be quite cross with me if I said no." We hugged each other. Sheesh she's a little thing! It was divine. When I released her, she put both hands on my face and lowered it. The kiss was soft, short, and very sweet. "Thanks for sharing so much of your pain, Lissy. I better get going. I hope you get a good night's sleep."

I watched from the doorway as she got in her car and backed out of the driveway. A wave, a smile, and she was gone.

I was yawning as I closed the door and locked it. I finished my wine and put both glasses in the dishwasher. I set the alarm, turned off the lights and headed upstairs. In the bathroom, I tossed my clothes in the hamper. Teeth were brushed, I flushed after peeing, face was washed, and hair was thoroughly combed.

I looked in the mirror. "You're not a pretty sight, woman! You've got to make a decision. Like you told Shade, it's been 3½ months. You don't control whether she comes back or not. She's a big kid just like you." I was too tired to figure out what I'd just said to myself. I needed sleep more than anything. I shivered in the cold sheets and pulled the blankets tight under my chin.


I felt your presence before I heard the whispered, "Took your time, baby."

I sighed and said, "I didn't mean to take quite so long. I wanted to comb my hair tonight for some reason. It's confusing when I don't know whether you're really here or it's another dream."

You laughed and wrapped your arms around me.

"Does it matter? I'm here; that's what matters." I felt your warm breath a moment before you kissed me. I sighed deep in my throat and melted in your arms.

When we finished, I whispered, "Are you coming home soon?" I felt you tense.

"You know I can't tell you that." It was said sharply. "Sorry, Lissy, that was harsh and I didn't mean for it to be." I nodded.

"This is hard for both of us, Kara. I worry about you. I know you don't have a job to go back to..."

"How do you know about that?" The question was asked in a hiss.

"If this is you then you don't need to know. If it's a dream you already do." I felt you try to turn away from me. "Oh no you don't. Dream or not, you don't get to have a temper tantrum." I pulled you close and kissed you with all kinds of feeling. I felt you relax and smiled inside. This is the woman I fell in love with. How odd that I'm talking to myself in a dream!

"Oh, so you know this is a dream?"

"Would you stop being a brat? Hump day was yesterday and I'd like to make up for lost time, Kara. I've missed you and our lovemaking is one of the things I miss. Please!"

You pushed me to my back and said, "Your wish is my command, pet." I felt you reach for what felt like the nightstand.

"What are you doing?"

"I need something to help me sleep."

"Help you sleep? You've never had any trouble sleeping. Oh! Something's going on..." Your mouth shut me up. Your fingers touched my breasts. I sighed. And we started.

** December 13th **


I awoke to bright sunshine and the hair on my neck on edge. I was tangled in the sheets and blankets and drenched in cold sweat. Everything ached and, as I struggled to get my bearings, I thought I knew why. What I was sure was a dream had been unsatisfying. Lovemaking in a dream just doesn't get it done.

Wait! Why am I tingling? I threw off the covers, grabbed my robe, and flew out the door. I stopped in every bedroom, looking under the bed, in the closet, any and everywhere someone might hide. Nothing!

Down the stairs I went, hand on the railing for safety. I checked the alarm. Green! Good! I checked the locks on the front door and the door to the garage. Both were secure. Relieved and discouraged, I decided to make coffee.

That feeling was too strong, Lissy. Something's going on.

I know. But I haven't figured out what's responsible -- who's responsible.

You know who's responsible.

Stop it. If she was here she would have said something. She misses me as much as I do her.

So you say.

So I know.

Call her. I double dog dare you. Find out. I don't care if what's her name told you she hasn't answered her phone.


Right; what's her name.

What if she doesn't answer? There's reason to believe something... or someone... may be... oh my god.


What if she's dead?

Lissy, it would suck if she is but you should steel yourself to that possibility, however remote.

Oh fuck you! Just fuck you! She isn't. You know it and I know it!

Ya know what? You have to get your Friday started and I have to go.

You hate her don't you?

May I remind you that I am you?"

I shivered.

You are banished to a life with a puppy.

Oh my god, no! You wouldn't.

La la la.

I giggled as I headed for the stairs and my morning shower.

Maybe that will shut that bitch up.

Dream on, sister!

I shook my head to clear it and turned the water to scalding.


The good news is that is was Friday. I laughed; Friday the 13th. Perfect isn't it? While it dragged on forever it did end. I rushed to the train and to the club to burn off some of frustration from the dinner with Shade and unrequited lust from the wonderful, miserable dream. Part of my surprise was that I remembered the dream as clearly as I did.

I had some time to think about that on the train and a good hour to let it come back to the surface while I worked myself like crazy at the club. The second time through the circuit I added 2½ pounds to every machine and did a few extra reps. By the time I finished my 30 minutes on the recumbent bike I knew my decision to add weight was a mistake. I would ache like crazy all weekend. And ya know what? I was glad!

Neither of us could get over the hump and climax! It was miserable. Yes, I know it was a dream. It worried me; can I share that? Lovemaking, the glorious intimacy that was so much more than physical, had always been so good and so easy for both of us. Was the dream a warning that things would be very different if we ever did get back together?

I shivered as I cooled down with a glass of cranberry juice at the juice bar. It was too cold to go out, even if I was all bundled up. There wasn't any reason to get home in a hurry. It was shaping up to be another exciting Friday night in Lissy-ville. Not! I didn't even know what I wanted for dinner and I wasn't sure I was that hungry.

I hadn't been to the restaurant since Rach stopped working there, so I decided on Hay Caramba. It was Friday so it was crowded. I could put up with the noise and the crowd for one night. A lime margarita, chips and salsa were my appetizer. When it came time to order an entree I chose the flash fried red snapper and was not disappointed. The fish, garlic and green onions were sautéed in olive oil and what the server told me was cooking wine. I eschewed the salad and enjoyed the rice. I remembered that their wine wasn't much to brag about and had another margarita. I didn't see the redhead who flirted with Kara last summer; I wondered how Lovely Laura was doing.

The long shower when I got home was bliss. I dried myself, left my hair in a towel, put on socks and a ratty, comfy robe, and headed downstairs to spend the night with Janet. Remember? 'Explosive Eighteen.' Janet Evanovich. I'm actually behind by a few; there are now 20 books in the series, so I've got some catching up to do. See, who needs... yeah, I'm sorry. I can't bring myself to say what I was thinking. Foolishly.

My phone rang. I sighed. "Hi Becky; how are you?"

"Hey Lissy, it's Friday night and Christmas isn't that far off. Got all your shopping done?"

"I only have a few things to buy. I can't believe I agreed to it but Rachel, June and I did a major amount of shopping on Black Friday. I've been kind of a bum since then, but we did so much that I don't have much to finish up with."

"What did you get me?" You snot!

"Twice as much as you got me." She laughed.

"Ya got me with that one, Lissy. Did you give any thought to us having another really nice night? I have."

I cleared my throat and said, "I think you said your holiday vacation begins on the 20th. Jenna, my daughter who moved to Minnesota, has invited me to go visit the weekend after Christmas and stay through New Years. I have to make a decision this weekend and I'm thinking of going. That would make doing something pretty difficult."

A long silence followed.

"Is something going on with you and Kara, Lissy?" I closed my eyes and shook my head.

"Not the way you might think, Becky. I still haven't heard from her." Fight the tears, dammit! "I try not to worry about her but it's pretty hard. So you and I are going to have to put things on the back burner. It's as much the time of year as it is... the other." I took a breath. "I hope that doesn't hurt your feelings."

"Not one little bit, sweetie. You've got your kids, work, your worry about Kara, and I'm a solid fourth. If I were you I'd put things in exactly that order. Would it be okay to tell you that I liked that kiss?" I was pretty sure I blushed.

"Yes, thank you. I liked it too, Becky. Thanks for understanding. If something changes I'll call you and we'll try to figure out when to make things work again. I wouldn't mind a bit if you called me between now and the end of the year."

"That sounds like a plan. I'm glad I decided to call, cutie. You have a great weekend and I'll talk to you real soon."

"Good night, Becky."

I decided I could have a glass of wine after all. I had a good time with Becky after Thanksgiving. Thursday night with Shade was still bouncing off the walls of my mind. I had no idea what was going on with Kara and in some ways Shade only piled more worry on top of what was already fermenting. This glass of wine isn't the answer to the problems in my life but I can enjoy it while I let Janet spin one of her entertaining tales for me.

My phone rang.

My heart jumped about ten feet and threatened to burst from my chest. I could feel myself in a state of near panic.

I opened the phone, my hands trembling so badly that it was a bit of a chore.

"Are you okay, lover?" Fight it, Lissy. You can't cry.

"Yeah. God, it's good to hear your voice, Lissy. How've you been?" I want to kill you and I want to kiss you forever you goofball.

"It's been hard, Kara, but I'm sure it's been hard for you too." Do I tell her that I know about her job?

"It hasn't been much fun." There was a long pause. "I'm so sorry, Lissy. I hurt you. I don't know if we can fix this and that hurts me more than I..."

"Kara, we'll deal with that another time. Where are you? Can I come get you? Are you near the condo? I can drive and you can meet me there." After not talking to you for so long, idiot me is throwing everything at you at once.

"No, baby, I can't bring myself to see you yet. I'm still too much of a mess." My shoulders slumped. Fuck!

"You know I want to argue with you."

"Yeah. It's okay; I'm not real crazy about my decision either."

"Are you taking care of yourself? Working out? Dressing right? How's work?" Dammit!

"I'm fine, Lissy. I better go." Another interminably long silence followed. Her voice tremulous, the woman of my dreams said, "I love you! And I'm sorry. Bye."

The connection broke and she was gone.

Three and half months and all we've had is one stupid phone call that was over in less than five minutes. God dammit!

Well, I could have called. Fair's fair right?

At least I know she's alive. She never did tell me if she's okay. I don't think she knows I know what Barb's told me about the condo and her job.

I think I should be excited that we talked, that she called, that she seems to be at the very least okay, whatever that means.

Kitty is hugely pissed off. I know, baby. I know you miss your honey like I miss mine. I giggled. I'm talking to a body part. How odd.

I don't have the vaguest idea if I should be laughing, crying, or tearing up the house. I took a sip of my wine and looked at the glass. You, my friend, are not a good idea at all, not in the frame of mind I'm in right now. I took another sip. But you are a tasty so and so! I giggled again.

I put the glass down and picked up my book.

Come on Janet, don't let me down here. I need a few giggles with Stephanie, Lula and the gang. I'm very glad I decided to start this book instead of something by Catherine Coulter. Or Karin Slaughter. Shiver. I seriously like Karin Slaughter but her tales are much too heavy, especially tonight.

Ya know what I need? I giggled. Shut up kitty! I need some Rachel and June time. Translation: I need some happy time with my kid and her honey.

"Hi, Mom." June?

"Hi honey, what are... how are you both?" I heard giggles.

"Um, we're fine. How are you?" More giggles.

"Did I call at a bad time, honey?" There were whispers and lots more giggles. 'Lovers loving' was my guess. I giggled.

"Well, yeah, sorta actually, as long as you asked. We're at a movie." Liar! "Can I have blondie call you when it ends?"

"Sure, tomorrow's fine. I just wanted to see if the two of you could spend some time here this weekend."

"That sounds like fun. It's been too long anyway. Stop it; it's your Mom." Another giggle -- from both of us.

"Okay, sweetie, you two get back to what you were doing. I love you both. Bye!" The call ended with whispers and lots of laughter.

And me crying.

It's so stupid! I miss my girl -- for a lot of reasons. It's not a surprise that one of the reasons is that the thing they were doing we might very well be doing if she was here. That's part of why I was crying. Worry is another. And love is another. What can I say? 'Hate the sin, love the sinner.' I can be all kinds of angry about what happened, but I love her.

Time to read.

** December 13th **


After I hung up the phone I felt reinvigorated. Mistress says she'll let me leave if I continue to obey, even allow me to see Lissy. That's why she let me call; as a matter of fact, she insisted. I don't know where the change of heart came from but I don't much care either. Somewhere in my head an alarm is saying 'There's an ulterior motive,' but I'm choosing to ignore it. Maybe she let me call because I haven't been sleeping. I'm scared to sleep. They're all different but end the same. Lissy and I are together and happy and then something terrible happens. Most of it surrounds Alexis or realizing that there's no way Lissy can still love me. She sounded sad, my Lissy. I could hear hope in her voice though. Please hang on baby.

Mistress comes and takes the phone, exchanging it for a glass of water and three pills. There are two greens, those I know, and a white one. I want to question her, but afraid I'll lose the ground I had just gained. Just take them, get it over with. I throw them all in my mouth at once and swallow with gulps of water. As she puts her hand out for the glass she says, "Kara, you can sleep on the bed tonight." Okay, I'm skeptical now. She used my name and I haven't slept on anything but the floor since the first night I was here. I take a risk and look up. Her face is even, difficult to read. Nothing new there. Instead of scolding me, she smiles and adds, "You've been a good girl. Mistress is pleased. Sleep on the bed and enjoy the rest." I have no earthly idea what to think of this, but my body is so sore from sleeping on the concrete floor, it's been cumbersome to even walk.

Making the decision to chance it, I crawl to the bed and climb in. Ooooohhhh. I had forgotten how good this feels. Stretching, my muscles pop but it's welcome. The sheets are soft linen and the down comforter snuggles my body. It couldn't have been five minutes before I fell asleep.


Click, click, click... it stops. I roll over and listen. Click, click, click, click... where am I? Someone is walking towards me. I open my eyes, it's pitch black. They come closer, maybe on my right? The comforter is pulled back and the scent hits me - White Diamonds. I blink furiously trying to see, to focus. Her fingertips brush my shoulder, making every inch of me tingle. My voice is hoarse, I croak, "Lissy?"

"Yes, lover." Her voice is echoing in my ears.

"Where am I?" I reach out, not believing. She's here! "How did you get here?"

"I found you; I'm going to take you home." I pull her to me and squeeze with all I have. My hands are light, airy. I'm dreaming. I knew it.

"This isn't real; just another nightmare." My whole body shakes as I sob into her neck. She strokes my hair, holding me close. I want to believe she's here. I need you, Lissy.

At first it doesn't register, her fingers are rubbing the underside of my breast. I whimper. She circles my nipple with her thumb, making it instantly taut and my hips press to her thigh. As soon as kitty makes contact, she takes over. My hands grasp for her in the dark, clawing, so needy. Our clothes disappear and bodies are sliding together, driven by primal desire. Still unsure if I'm dreaming, I don't care anymore. She's here, finally. But she feels different... something is wrong. Shut up! I push my warring thoughts out of my mind and pull her closer. Hips desperate to keep contact, get enough pressure... I'm going to explode, PLEASE! Her lips are ravishing my neck as her nails scrape down my back. Yes! YEESSS! So close.

It's not her, open your fucking eyes! I try but my body is no longer my own. I need to cum, more than I need to breathe. Throwing my head back in pleasure and to banish these damn voices, I beg my body for release. It comes for me all at once. Each part of me fights for its share of the ecstasy that has eluded us for too long. The scream that erupts from me is piercing and sets me afire even more. It's as if it gives me permission to let it all go. I feel my body contort and spasm as her hands hold tight and keep our bodies moving together.

As the orgasm slips from me, almost as quickly as it captured me, the fire that consumed me is now smoldering in the pit of my stomach. I can't open my eyes. I don't want to face what in my depths I know to be true. "Sleep, Kara." Her voice is soft. It sounds like her. Then open your eyes. I do and her brown hair is beautifully messy. It's her. Oh, thank you. As my lids begin to shut, Veronica's face flashes in front of me... then it's Lissy again. What the hell? You're high. I sigh deep and let my eyes shut. My body follows suit as all my energy drains. Our bodies gloriously entwined, I slip into the darkness.


Author's Notes:

This chapter, like the others, is a work of fiction.

I've mentioned that a story of this length is likely to have a few words misspelled. I write, I edit, and I have someone very capable proof. And still things get missed. Please make allowances for the human factor.

I adore interaction with those who choose to read my stories. If you are interested in a little more 'Vixen,' please check my bio. And won't you please vote and please consider leaving a comment. I honestly don't mind constructive criticism. It can and does help.

There was quite a bit of surprise and dismay about the ending of Chapter Six. It was very difficult to write. I understand the hue and cry. As much as anything I'm grateful that my writing can evoke that kind of emotion in my readers. Whether you read, comment and vote anonymously or with a moniker, I appreciate each of you very much. I put a lot of work into my writing and I'm constantly experimenting and trying to grow. Thank you for reading. ~ AVL ~

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fanfarefanfareabout 10 years ago
brings to mind

that sad old saying "You can try and lead a man away from the edge of a cliff but in the end, you cannot stop him from jumping off.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
chapter 2

I had to read this one several times. So much going on. The depth of this story is simply amazing. I remember wondering what was taking so long for you to put out another work, but now I'm wondering how you did it so quickly.

Was disappointed to find out a real Kara connection didn't exist for you but I suppose that says something for your writing. Part of, a large part of me, hoped there was a Kara out there. I was positive I sensed a deep connection between the writer and her. I'll shush now.

I'm so much more than a fan of your writing. I'm invested. Going to wait until tomorrow to start the third chapter. Otherwise, I know I'd be up all night.

-- experienced

DCohen2349DCohen2349over 10 years ago

Could FiveWolves be The Other Writer?

Her "Redemption" features an ex-addict named Kara.

Lissy's Kara is in addiction.

Just a coincidence? Or......

Wildcat2013Wildcat2013over 10 years ago

Yes honey we will break you out of the dungeon... mounting up with idrublood to rescue the Princess... :)

MGU67MGU67over 10 years ago

Thanks AG and idrublood, I feel better about volunteering now. Although I still like wildcat2013 suggestion of sending some one thats not liked lol. Hopefully none of this will be needed and AVL along with TOW will put our minds at rest and rescue Kara from her pain soon. Fingers crossed.

idrubloodidrubloodover 10 years ago
Armouring up and saddling horse

I will surely come and save you MGU67. White knight to the rescue...

I so want to rescue Kara and Lissy too...sigh...if only...

adidasgaladidasgalover 10 years ago

Most definitely MGU! ** smile **

Shame on you Doc! ** grrr **


MGU67MGU67over 10 years ago

Having read the last two comments I have all sorts of images running through my head. Lissy dressed as Xena the Princess Warrior as she runs in to rescue Kara is one, chopping the evil Mistress Veronica's head off in the process or giving her a taste of her own medicine, and a whole queue of people lining up outside AVL's door pleading to be the sacrificial lamb bowing down and willing her to let them take Kara's place is another. (giggle). Pick me, pick me, if its gets our two lovely ladies back together again I'll do it. (Someone will then come rescue me though won't they?)

Wildcat2013Wildcat2013over 10 years ago

Doc! How could you throw rkolner or janny54 in the dungeon? Why can't we get rid of someone we DONT like?

DocSavage656DocSavage656over 10 years ago
Dark Thrill Ride of a Story

AVL, you never fail to amaze us with your wonderful storytelling, and the mysterious TOW has added a whole new dark and scary dimension to this saga.

Please you two, we need..., we beg you to let Lissy rescue Kara from her misery and return them to the lovers they once were!

Make Kara's mistress accept one of us in her place. Throw rkolner or janny54 down to the dungeon in exchange for Kara's freedom. (I'd volunteer, but I don't think I'm what she'd be looking for.)

Anyway, it's one hell of a ride your taking us on Dear Vixen and TOW, and I'm anxiously awaiting the next trip on the roller coaster.


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