Bound By Blackmail Ch. 10


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I was marched naked, save for my chastity, downstairs, through the kitchen, and down into the basement. There was a distinct temperature difference between the two. I began to shiver instantly. My new bedroom door was opened and I was told to enter.

Inside the armoire was a mannequins head I was told to put my wig on. The other items I laid next to it on a shelf. With my hands free, I grabbed ahold of each of my arms and rubbed vigorously to try and warm up.

"You must be freezing. I know I am," he said as he rubbed his hands together. At least the prick had a fucking robe on. Grabbing something from the other side of the armoire, he said, "Here, put these on. They'll help knock the chill off."

What he pulled out was hardly anything for warmth. There was a pair of lavender, lacey panties and a similar-colored silk nightie. It had spaghetti straps that would hold it on my shoulders, but the thing looked about as long as a large t-shirt. No way would it cover much of my body.

As he passed the items to me, I noticed the smooth, silky material felt frigid. I wasn't shocked considering it should have been more of a summer wear for a woman. Since it would partially cover my naked body, I put them on and then stood there shivering still. I used my hands to rub over the material, hoping to warm it up.

"Sir,," I got out through chattering teeth.

"Again, not my fault that you bought a place with a basement with no heat or air ducting." There was an amused look on his face that I just wanted to knock off. Then he turned to the armoire and said, "But like I've told you, I'm not a monster."

From inside the closet, he pulled out a tiny space heater. Not that my new quarters was large by any means, but the heater looked like it had been made for a space no bigger than a broom closet.

"Si...sirrrr. Th..hattt," I chattered out as I pointed to it.

He cut me off with, "Is the best you're going to get. I doubt it'll keep it as toasty as the house's furnace does the upstairs, but it'll knock the chill off. You've been good so far, which is why I'm willing to give you some comfort. Of course, if you want to protest, I'll just take this back upstairs with me."

"Nooo!" I shouted. He gave me a look and I knew what he wanted. "Pl...llease, th..hank yyouu, Ma..aster!"

Brady plugged the small heater into the wall and I heard the tiny fan as it slowly whisked warmer air into the icy room.

"Just so you know, if you decide to start acting up or being disobedient, I'll simply shut the outlet off from upstairs. I've already got control of your door and lighting. I can't have you staying up all night, which is why I'll give you a few minutes before it'll be lights out down here."

He had effectively turned my basement into a dungeon. There were no windows to allow any light in; whether it be from daytime or my yard light. Once the lights were killed, I'd only have my sissy phone to illuminate the space. At least I thought that was the only source of light I'd have.

"You don't have to be scared of the dark. Your master's got you covered," Brady said, then adding, "Have I let you down yet?"

I couldn't believe the audacity; like he'd been doing me favors by giving me skimpy, women's lingerie to wear to bed and a teeny-tiny heater to battle against the immense cold.

There was one more item lurking in the armoire that he was going to provide. Apparently it plugged into the electrical socket above the heaters power cord. A dull illumination began to glow and he removed his hand to reveal what it was.

"Now you'll be able to see if you need to go tinkle," he told me.

It was a fucking nightlight! Though not a normal one like you pick up in a store. This one was in the shape of an erect cock with a pair of hairy balls at the base.

While I studied the degrading nightlight Brady provided, he maneuvered around me and towards the back of the room. It was a tight fit to slide between me and the makeup table. He made sure to keep his front towards me and I could have sworn I felt a half-erect cock beneath his robe.

Brady retrieved a couple of items atop the small refrigerator that I hadn't noticed before. One was a bottle of pills and the other was a black case about the size of a book. He handed me the pill bottle and then opened the fridge to pull out a bottle of water.

"Take one of those," he ordered.

"What are these?" I asked; seeing as there was no label on them.

"Just open that cock-sucker and pop one of those pills in. Pretend like it's cum. I bet that'll get you to swallow it faster."

"Sir, I...I," I struggled to get out. I didn't want to take any kind of strange pills; especially from this demented fucker!

"Dafni, what are you afraid of? Do you think I'd put this kind of effort into you just to give you something harmful? Try using your brain, though I know that's asking a lot," he said. Perhaps he had a point, but I still didn't want to take them. Then he added sternly, "That wasn't a request. Take one!"

I glared at him as my shaking hands opened the bottle cap. Dumping a pill out into my palm, Brady took the bottle back and passed me the water. The capsule didn't look sinister; more like a vitamin or something similar, but how could I really tell? Not happy about swallowing something so foreign and unknown, I considered trying to fake swallow it. However, Brady had a good eye on me and I didn't want to see what would happen if I didn't. I had little choice but to put faith in the guy forcing me into all of this.

While I swallowed it down, 'like a good girl' as Brady put it, he retrieved something from the case that was far more menacing to me than the pills.

"What is that for? Are you going to use that on me?"

"Don't get nervous over there. It'll be just a little prick."

What he held was a needle; a medical needle actually. It was a short one but still quite intimidating. The body didn't look like a normal syringe reservoir; it looked more like an epipen.

"It's just going to help enhance that sissy figure of yours," he said. Then he showed me the pen. "See, it's idiot proof. You select the dosage, stick the needle in your hip, and then inject. Shouldn't be hard for you to do twice a day."

"Twice a day!"

"Yes, sissy. Once in the morning when you start getting ready and once in the evening before bedtime."

"Please sir, I don't like needles," I pleaded.

"I already told you, it'll be just a little prick. Of course, if you want to make a big deal out of it, I'll just shove your ass in your cage and give it to you that way. Then you can just stay the night in there and think about whether you want to be resistant next time."

I was in way over my head! When I submitted to him, I had no idea things would go this far. But I was so deep in his control by then that I wondered if there was even a safe way to back out. At this point, Brady was free to do just about anything to me.

I nodded my head and Brady walked over to me. He ordered me to lift my nightie up and then he tugged down slightly on my panties. I looked away towards the dick-nightlight. A moment later and I felt the tiny sting of the needle on my cheek.

"There, all done," he said. I had to admit it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but I still didn't want whatever he was introducing into my body.

"These are just hormones," he confessed. "Your first batch is an accelerated dosage and you should start seeing some results rather quickly. You can thank Miss Eve for this."

That was something I didn't plan on doing!

Brady ejected the needle and disposed of it in a sanitary container. Then he returned the pen to its case and placed both it and the pills back on the refrigerator.

"Now, I'm about to head upstairs. Start of another work-week you know," he said like we'd been having an ordinary conversation. "Plus it's fucking freezing down here."

One final thing before he left, I was instructed to set the alarm on my sissy phone to wake up almost two hours before I had to be into work. Turns out the janitorial staff reported an hour earlier than everyone else to empty trash and other such cleanup jobs. That meant Brady would be leaving before me and I'd have the house all to myself again; if only for a short bit.

"Normally, I'd just get a biscuit or something on my way in. But I've got a maid who doesn't mind getting up a little early to feed her owner." I was going to have to prepare breakfast for the son-of-a-bitch! He told me he'd have his order written down for me on the counter.

"You won't have to worry about your maid uniform or makeup in the morning since you're still untrained and inefficient in putting it on. Your nightie and panties will do." That was somewhat of a relief. Then he had to add, "But putting your wig and a little lipstick would be a nice touch," he ended with a wink.

Brady informed me that he had all the electronics on a timer. My ceiling light was set to illuminate just a bit before my door would unlock. That was supposed to give me a little time to tinkle, as he put it, and also take my morning pill and hormone shot. Until that time, I'd be like a prisoner locked in their cell; and it was beginning to get to me.

Brady stepped out the door like he was preparing to leave for the evening. I started to feel panicky. He was about to lock me away in the cold, tiny room for the night. My skin started getting clammy just thinking about it and I even somehow started to sweat amid the bitter cold.

"Sir, please don't lock me up down here. I've done nothing but what you've asked."

"Hey, don't worry, Dafni. Your master will be in the house, right upstairs the whole time."

More tears welled. "But what if something happens in the night? What if there's emergency; a fire!" Perhaps, I hoped if there was just a smidgen of compassion in him, he'd see that and perhaps reconsider.

But this is Brady we're talking about.

"I've got precautions in place for that. Your door will open if it needs to and you've got the egress door just on the other side of this wall," he said; referring to the wall with his image. "If something does come up, and for your sake you better hope it's a real emergency, you use your sissy phone to contact me."

My phone, well my supplied sissy phone really, could by my saving grace. I hadn't tested it to see if it had any limits. But if it didn't, just who would I call, the police? What would I say to them? That I'd allowed this man to redecorate my house this way, dress me as I was, and lock me in my own basement? Then I'd also have to worry about Brady turning over the video to them. At that point, all that I had done would be for naught.

Before leaving, Brady added, "If you're a very good sissy whore who works hard and sucks cock harder, then maybe you'll earn a bit more freedom. In the meantime, learn to live with what I allow you."

Brady blew me a kiss and then exited the room. As he pulled the door closed, I heard the electronic click from the handle. I stood motionless, save for my trembling, listening to see if he was gone. I heard nothing but the weak fan of the small heater. As quietly as I could, I walked over to the door and turned the handle. It was like a hotel door; where it would turn but wouldn't operate the mechanisms inside. I tried yanking on the door, but it didn't budge. I was trapped inside.

I became frantic! I peered around the small room that I was now a prisoner of; the small bed, the makeup table, the juvenile armoire containing its frilly clothes, and of course my bathroom that was a ridiculously decorated camping toilet. All of that inside four pink walls!

Of course I didn't have to stare at any of it long. The dim light was switched off by Brady, somewhere in my house, casting me into an almost pitch black nightmare. The only Illumination came from my adult-themed nightlight.

Hoping to calm myself, I maneuvered over to my new bed and crawled under the covers. It was thin sheeting, but I curled up as best I could to keep warm. I'd like to say that I calmly drifted off to sleep, but I'd fallen way too far in reality for that. Somehow though, I was able to doze; if only just slightly.

Terrible dreams plagued my slumber while bitter cold and sheer darkness tormented my waking moments. How many times I switched between the two, I lost count. I was completely miserable and it was only my first real night as a sissy-slave. I dreaded to think of what further hell awaited me.

to be continued....

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

It's getting redundant and boring.

Cammy22Cammy22over 1 year ago

I love the Idea of forcing Dafni to carry her man seed inside her. Maybe some 50s housewife outfit to play the role of obedient sissy wife ? Some tasks outside like shopping dressed as a girl, but not totally slutty but with taste, full of her tormentor's seed in her ass with a tampon holding it in struggling to keep it in while shopping. The fridge and cumming dildo is amazing idea too. She could use a nice lacy bra too I think. Just suggestions, the story is amazing, if you wrote more often I would subscribe to your patreon

Cammy22Cammy22over 1 year ago

fantastic story, one of the best I have ever read. Thank you for writing it and I hope you will not stop

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Please continue! She should be forced by her clients to perform demeaning acts, tied up & bound etc.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Cant wait when she forced to be working as a whore

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I love it, intelligent, seedy and so so erotic, hoping for many more chapters

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is my best story! Please talk to me similar story. I like maledom and sissy, blackmail, fear, humilate, submission, frustration, despair, coercion, inability to escape, despair to obey despite disgust. You're the best writer ever. I'm curious about other works that inspired you. Can you recommend something?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is my best story! Please talk to me similar story. I like maledom and sissy, blackmail, fear, humilate, submission, frustration, despair, coercion, inability to escape, despair to obey despite disgust. You're the best writer ever. I'm curious about other works that inspired you. Can you recommend something? I need master like brady!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Never continue. Stick a knife in him and be done. What? You can't imagine true consequences in a fictional story?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I love this series!! Always look forward to the next chapter!

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