Bound By Blackmail Ch. 10

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Dafni prepares dinner and is then put away for the evening.
6.2k words

Part 10 of the 27 part series

Updated 05/10/2024
Created 08/30/2022
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Well, we've made it ten chapters in. Seems like a good while ago that I started this series. The torment of our M.C will continue at the hands of her master and soon others. I hope it's progressing well in the eyes of you readers and that you look forward to new installments. As always, I would love to hear your input, thoughts, opinions, or suggestions for how it's going and for further chapters. Please leave a comment if you don't mind and rate if you like.

Brady took ahold of me and I was dragged back and pinned against the island. I could feel his cock stiffening as he used his arm to slide everything to the side. His other hand was placed on my back and I was pushed down into a bent over position.

"Ooooohhhh, eeeeaaasssseee!"

"Shhhh," he cooed. "This will be a quickie and then you can get back to work."

I felt my skirt flip up and then my panties being yanked down. His foot went in-between my legs and kicked them side-to-side to get them to spread. One hand stayed firmly on my back while the other one playfully, but harshly, slapped my ass.

"Mmmmmmpppphhhh!" I screamed into my gag.

Brady tucked up behind me with his rock-hard cock rubbing against my ass. He was clearly turned on. It felt like he was using one hand to guide it up and down my crack in a teasing manner; just as he'd done at the motel. His other hand then slid from my back down to my bottom. My left cheek was given a pinch before he pulled it to the side. His cock moved in to make contact with my hole and then he began applying pressure.

Brady pushed his dick into me hard! He wasn't trying to be sensual or easy. The sensation burned and hurt like hell. I yelled a muffled scream into my gag. My palms slapped the counter top in despair. Deeper and deeper his cock pushed in until I felt the base of him bottom out and the humiliating feeling of his balls slapping into me.

He pulled back out, but only to the tip before he thrust into me again; back and forth, harder and faster. My body pounded into the island per his rhythm. Beneath me, I rolled and bounced on my faux boobs. My hair fell down over my eyes but I didn't try to remove it. It was as close as I could come to being an ostrich with its head buried.

Behind me, Brady was wheezing rapidly and ultimately erupted into a disgusting smokers cough. I could feel the spritz of it where my skin was exposed. That, coupled with everything else, made me want to vomit. This hell lasted just a few grueling minutes, but it seemed like forever at the same time. I was almost glad when I heard that final grunt when I knew Brady had made it to his grand finale.


His hands grasped my hips with extreme pressure and he leaned over me as I felt a warming sensation inside of me. His cock pulsed a few fleeting moments as it released his cum.

"Whew!" He let out in a winded sigh as he draped himself over me; his cock still buried in my ass. "That felt damn good. I'm sure you enjoyed yourself," he said with a slap to my ass. I yelped into the gag.

He slid out of me and stood up. I could hear him buckling his pants back. I went to stand but felt a hand push me back down on the counter.

"Not so fast," he said. Brady removed his hand to continue to fasten his belt and I didn't move to stand again. When he was dressed, he said, "Okay, I know you liked having my cum locked inside your pussy last night, so I figured I'd do you a favor and allow the same thing this evening."

I knew what he was talking about; the dreaded anal plug that opened up like a sinister tripod while inserted; something that was completely uncomfortable and that I absolutely hated. Yet, he was going to allow me that? It was awkward having that contraption spread inside of me and terrifying that it couldn't be removed without the key held by Brady. I think the worst was the knowledge of what it was trapping inside me.

I felt Brady slide the device in. There was a bit of discomfort, but not as much as when he'd first started to fuck me. I groaned as he twisted the contraption open; feeling it spread out inside my bowels. He seemed to open it much wider this time. Either that or I just thought he had. There was a snap at the tip and I knew he'd locked it tight. Just to make sure, he gave it a little tug.

"All done, sweetie," he said, allowing me to stand. I felt sore from my sexual assault and the plug didn't help. "Pull your panties up and get back to work. Don't forget to mix up a small bowl of salad."

Brady retreated back to the living room, my living room, and plopped back down to watch TV. Of course, he lit up another cigarette to enjoy after his little fuck session.

I was so weak, so tired, and so ashamed that I didn't want to finish preparing that meal. The events that transpired just a few moments before had curbed my appetite. However, I knew what would come with disobeying. With a heavy huff, I pulled my thong back into place. The plug kept it from riding up my crack, which was nice but not worth how it was being done. I tried my best to forget about it and continued my work.

Roughly around a half-hour later and we were ready to eat. I say we because the sheer hunger of my stomach ultimately overpowered the nauseated feeling I'd had after again being sexually assaulted. Plus, seeing the finished product helped to bring my appetite back. I had actually done a pretty good job and I was so ready to have something in my body other than cum. Brady came into the kitchen after I'd pulled the pan from the oven. It was causing quite a delectable aroma that I'm sure attracted him.

"Smells mighty good in here, Dafni. You've done your master proud." He gave me a few gentle pats on my bottom; like a master petting his dog. I wished he'd quit touching my ass!

I pulled a couple of plates down and set them on the counter next to the stove. This wasn't lost on Brady and he gave me an amused but funny look.

"What exactly are you doing?" He asked with a nudge.

He still hadn't removed my gag and knew that I couldn't respond. I just held up the spatula and gestured that I was going to begin making the plates. Brady decided to tell me what I was doing wrong with a humorous smirk that was most condescending.

"While you're doing the right thing in making your master a plate, I don't believe I gave you permission for a second plate that I assume you're making for yourself."

I nodded my head, still unsure of what the problem was.

"There seems to be some confusion that I best straighten out. This delicious-looking cheesy, pasta goodness with bread sticks on the side, while utterly delicious, isn't the best dietary meal. I'm afraid that as your owner and the one charged with your looks and figure, I can't allow you to indulge in the fine meal you've created for me."


"However, I know you can't survive on cum alone." He gave me another nudge to the arm and added, "Though we both know you probably wouldn't mind trying." He then pointed to the small salad bowl I'd made that I thought was for him. "That will be your dinner for tonight. It'll be a good start to your new diet."

Was this bastard serious? He was really going to eat this dinner I slaved over and was quite literally fucked over; only to leave me with a small bowl of grass?

Brady moved over and removed my gag. It felt great to have the ball out of my mouth. I worked it out a second before I began pleading.

"Sir, I'm starving! I haven't eaten for a full day. Just a small piece, please!"

He just shook his head. "I can't allow that. I wouldn't want this meal to go to those hips," he said as he reached out and rubbed my right one. "If you insist on protesting, then you won't get anything." He then gave that evil grin and added, "But I wouldn't allow you to go to bed without anything." He didn't have to use words. Rubbing his crotch told me what he meant and I wanted no part of it.

"NO!" I said loudly and quickly. "Please, I'll eat the salad."

It sickened me that I had to scoop out a large, steaming-hot piece of lasagna, along with a couple of garlic bread sticks, and put them on a plate for Brady. My mouth watered and the sight of the gooey cheese as it stretched from pan to plate and the salivating aroma it produced. Brady took his place at the head of my table and awaited me to serve him. I also had to make sure to bring him a fresh beer to wash it down.

Once he was settled, I started getting my small dinner together. There was some soda in the refrigerator and I reached in to grab one. Before I could crack it, Brady stopped me.

"Sorry, girl. Those are off limits too. You don't need that either. Just get yourself a nice, cool glass of water. It'll be good for you," he said with a wink.

I gave him a most loathing look as I returned the can to the refrigerator. Grabbing a glass and filling it to the top with tap water, I carried it and my salad over to the table; again, a wrong decision.

"Nope!" He said before I could set those things down. I was beyond furious, exhausted and starving and I couldn't stop my mouth at that point.

"WHAT! What is it now!"

"I suggest you not snap at me unless you're just looking to get your face smacked. Then maybe I'll gag it for a few days for good measure." That was enough for me not to say anymore, but I was still seething.

"Do you really think a sissy slave should eat at the same table as her owner?" He pointed to a small table in the corner that he must have brought in himself. There were no chairs and it was so short that I'd have to kneel down to use it.

"I'm supposed to eat there?" I asked astonishingly.

"Well, I do have a couple of dog dishes you can use if that would make you feel better."

I didn't respond, instead I stomped over to the tiny table, got to my knees, and set my bowl and glass atop it. And there I knelt down in what was supposed to be my new place in life; well below master.

My dining experience was as to be expected; fucking horrible. The salad was bland and dry; not something I'd normally eat on my own. Yet, it was some sort of sustenance other than cum. I choked it down, at least glad about that fact. Despite the incredibly small portion I was allowed, I still didn't get to consume it all in one sitting. My master required much attention that he made sure his maid attended to.

"I need some parmesan, sissy," he'd say and I'd have to stop and get that. "I'm out of beer, sissy." I'd have to get up to get him another bottle. "I need some more, and cut a big piece," he'd said while holding his plate out. My poor stomach groaned as I was forced to scoop yet another delicious slab onto a plate, only to turn it over to Brady and return to my tiny table.

And as I was the one who bought, cooked, and served this delectable meal, Brady was also generous enough to let me clean the entire mess. Before he retired to the living room, after grabbing another beer, my gag was again locked on so I wouldn't be tempted to sneak any leftovers; and there were leftovers. I'd cooked an entire pan thinking I'd at least get some portion of it.

Like a dutiful maid, I wrapped everything up and put it away. I cleaned his spot at the table; which he didn't even try to tidy up himself in the slightest. It was my intention to put everything in the dishwasher and run it while I finished wiping everything down. I no more as got the door of it opened before I felt a buzz at my chastity.

"I hope you're not trying to get lazy on me in there," he called from my chair. I looked up to see him reclined back; not having done a thing except torment me, and the fucker wanted to call me lazy!

"Everything needs to be hand washed. Don't take shortcuts, sissy!"

Fuming, but not seeing a better option, I relented and ran a sink full of soapy water. It was extra work that delayed the kitchen getting cleaned, which meant I was on my feet that much longer. By the time I'd gotten my kitchen back to normal, I was beyond exhausted. The sheer lack of nutrition and having to walk around in my ridiculous uniform was plenty enough to drain me. Shutting the lights off, I slunk my way to the living room.

"Excellent job on dinner, Dafni," he said, leaning forward in my recliner. He motioned for me to get on the floor in front of him. I was apprehensive for obvious reasons. He just shot me a look and I complied. A key was produced and the gag was once again removed. "Your master is quite pleased with you at the moment." He stopped there a second, eyeing me sternly.

"Thank you, Master," I said in a deflated tone; like I was supposed to be elated about that.

"Not too bad all the way around really as your first official day as my property. You've definitely got an attitude that needs to be curbed; but that's part of the fun of breaking in a sissy. I think you've earned a good night's rest."

The thought of me actually being done, if only for the evening, was elating news. Again, I should have known that it wouldn't be that simple.

"Of course you'll need to get things ready for your master to retire for the evening first."

I just stared at him; not knowing what that was supposed to entail. He gladly obliged in further elaborating. I was to go up to his room, my fucking room, and turn down the bed for him. Then I was to go and prepare his shower. Like the prick couldn't turn on the damn water by himself. I wanted to turn it scorching hot, or at least cold-cold to giving him some sort of discomfort and potential pain. I was given motivation not to do any such act.

"If that water is anything short of where it normally should be, you'll be taking that shower first before I'll have to take it out on your ass."

Brady dismissed me and I headed upstairs to carry out his orders. The door was unlocked when I arrived. I got his sheets on my bed turned down and then got the shower running. The water was warm but not too warm; just like a normal person would like. He entered in and began stripping right there. Before I knew it, he was stark naked with his cock half-hard. His clothes were tossed at my feet.

"Pick those up and put them in the hamper. Don't go running off. You stand there and look cute while waiting with my towel."

The bastard took a fifteen minute shower while I stood there on aching feet. At one point I attempted to take a seat on the toilet, but I was abruptly stopped.

"I don't know whether you need to tinkle or you're just being lazy, but keep your ass off my toilet." Though the glass of the shower was designed to obscure both sides, he could still tell what I was doing.

The water finally turned off and he stepped out onto the shower mat. I went to hand him his towel, but I was given a look that told me I had more work to do. He stood there naked and dripping wet while I wiped his body down. His member stiffened as I wiped around his crotch region.

"Very good, sissy." He looked down at me as I was wiping around his groin. "Are you hinting at something you want down there?" I feverishly shook my head which got an amused chuckle out of him.

I had to hold a pair of his ratty boxers down while he stepped into them and then pull them up. Oh how I wanted to yank them up his ass like the skimpy underwear I'd been made to wear. His still half-hard cock was making a prominent tent that he had no worries of hiding. He then grabbed his robe and slippers and put those on.

"Alright, let's get you cleaned up for the night," he said. It was bitter-sweet to be lead out of my own room. I looked back at my warm bed, wishing I'd be sleeping in it on such a cold night.

We went to the guest bath just down the hall and there I was allowed to begin removing things; like my dress, underclothing, shoes, and stockings. He aided by helping me remove my wig that was expertly pinned to my head. Brady also helped in removing my faux breasts; though not before toying with me about them.

"I bet everyone at the office would like to see you walking around with a nice set of tits. Should we just leave them on?"

Of course I declined with a sharp shake of the head. Brady laughed and proceeded to help me out of them. In the mirror, I looked utterly ridiculous. There stood a flat-chested sissy with short hair and a face full of makeup with a metal contraption on her cock and up her ass. Thankfully one of them was removed. Brady unlocked my anal plug and pulled it from my bowels. I could feel a bit of cum dribbling down my leg afterwards

There was a metal stand next to the toilet that looked like it belonged more in a hospital than a bathroom. It was an IV pole with a bag hanging from it. A narrow tube connect to its bottom side while the other end looped a couple of times before ending at a menacing plug.

"This will be your tool for cleaning your pussy. I'm sure you remember the motel."

I sure as hell did! I had to stand handcuffed to the shower rod while cleansing fluid was forced into my bowels so I could be clean enough to be fucked.

"It'll be your task to keep your pussy clean for me or when you entertain future clients. You'll likely be cleaning it once a day; more if you're being a real slut!"

I was made to insert the plug and the attached tube up my hole while Brady watched. It was an awkward and humiliating process. He walked me through opening the valve, letting my bowels fill with the cleansing solution, then removing the plug but holding the fluid tight until I could release in the toilet. It was a horrible, yet relieving experience; being that his cum was being washed out of me.

"Now that you are clean inside, time to get you cleaned outside. There are wipes and makeup remover on the counter. As much as it'll hurt the both of us, you'll need to wipe away the fine face miss Eve painted on for you."

That wasn't going to bother me. My face felt heavy with all that gunk on. Plus, I couldn't show up at the office looking like a two-dollar whore.

I took a few minutes to try and scrub the layers off my face. It felt like I was trying to wipe up an oil spill with a tissue. I used wipe after wipe and scrubbed using the supplied oil that was supposed to breakdown the makeup. I know I was a bit barbaric at trying to remove it, but I was a guy who'd never done anything like that before. What did Brady really expect?

"Looks like you got most of it, sissy. Hop in the shower and finish washing. And hurry up so I can get you squared away for the evening. I'm beat."

I really didn't know why he would be so exhausted. It wasn't like he'd done anything more than bark orders and further fuck up my life. I doubted that was more exhausting than all I'd been forced to do.

The hot water helped soothe some of my ill feelings; if only for the moment. However, I couldn't help but shed a few tears at what all I'd been made to do in what used to be the comfort of my own home. It didn't help that I couldn't even have that moment alone. Just like at the motel, a camera had been mounted inside the shower so that I could be monitored. I wasn't altogether sure if he was actually sadistic enough to use the shock function on my chastity while I was activity showering, but I tried to keep moving. I washed like I normally would, but I spent most of the time blindly scrubbing my face; hoping that I'd get every trace of makeup off. I didn't want to have to try and explain at work if I was to miss any.

"Wrap it up in there, Dafni. We've both got work tomorrow," he yelled into the bathroom. Brady continued to stand in the doorway while watching me towel off my hairless body. It terrified me to know I'd be going into work where he could be lurking around any corner; having both the knowledge of what was missing from the safe and the ability to torment me at his discretion.

I took my soiled uniform with its affects and tossed them in a separate hamper Brady supplied. He informed me I'd be learning how to hand wash them later. The other items like my headdress, shoes, wig, and tits, I was told to carry down to my quarters. He warned me to take care with them as any damage or mistreatment would be taken out on my ass.