Bound by Moonlight Ch. 01

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A campfire with friends, what could go wrong?
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Southern Ontario was starved for many things, affordable housing, affordable groceries, but if there was one thing that hadn't been taken it was the big open sky and plenty of places to camp underneath it. seven hours on the highway and they were in the countryside and camping near a national park. Danny was resting in a folding chair while Miles and Nolan assembled the tent, Danny had been driving for four hours straight and she needed a nap. Brandon, her boyfriend, was searching the back of the car for snacks in the cooler.

Danny lowered her sunglasses and smiled as Brandon handed her a cold and wet clear soda from the cooler. She snapped the tab and took a long drink

"Thanks babe," she said with a sudden burp from the soda. She and Brandon giggled about it and Danny drank the rest of the soda in one long gulp.

She closed her eyes and sighed happily, she could hear Nolan and Miles bickering about which way to insert a tent pole leading to Miles making a lewd joke about where Nolan could shove the pole.

Feeling that nothing could get done with her not involved Danny got up and started working on the other end of the tent, hoping that the boys would see how she was doing it and follow. It turned out the tent was harder to put together than she thought and ended up in the exact same dilemma as Miles and Nolan.

"Hey guys," said Danny as she was holding one end of the tent pole.

"Does your tent pole not get to the other end of the tent for you guys?"

Miles and Nolan shook their heads. "No ours is too long," said Nolan as he pointed to the end sticking out of the tent.

Miles groaned "They fucked up the tent packaging, I'll order a replacement tent pole on-line."

Brandon stepped forward and wordlessly pulled the tent pole out of miles and Nolan's side and handed it to Danny, he then took Danny's pole and handed it to Miles and Nolan.

"That...Makes more sense." Said Miles, hesitantly.

The tent went up soon after without any more embarrassments on Miles, Nolan, and Danny's part. With the tent erected the rest of the cargo in the trunk could be unloaded. Everyone took their luggage out and stashed it in the tent along with two air mattresses. It was a sort of double date but they cheaped out and only got one big tent.

Miles wiped his pale brow and slumped down into a folding chair after the exhausting effort of moving one bag.

"I still think we should have gotten a second tent," he pouted. Danny could tell he was upset that they wouldn't have enough privacy to get frisky with her room-mate. Nolan met Miles a few months ago and they've been going steady since.

Danny didn't want to tell Miles to his face but he was deathly pale. He mentioned being a developer so she figured he just didn't get much sun. He also had a weird habit of putting hot sauce on everything, he had his own bottle of it on him at all times.

Maybe he was a smoker and hot sauce was the only thing he could taste. Regardless he was a charming little devil and a cutie when he wore long socks. As something of a yaoi fangirl Danny was delighted when she found out her room-mate was dating a pale little femboy.

Brandon flicked their wrist and unfolded a camping chair next to the fire pit. It was summer and he had a lovely sheen of sweat on his forearms.

"Miles are you finally going to get some sun for once?" he teased. Miles had flicked on a pair of sunglasses and crossed his legs.

"Sun and I don't get along," he replied. "Doesn't matter how long I stay out I can't seem to get any colour," he sighed.

"How about some Frisbee, babe?" asked Nolan. Miles perked up at the suggestion and pulled his high socks up before jumping out of his chair. He hustled his but over to Nolan who grabbed him by the ass as they walked down the path towards a clearing in the camp ground.

Brandon grinned at Danny "Those two am I right?" He said to her.

Danny smiled back "I'm tempted to see if he has to ask permission before coming into the tent tonight." She joked.

Brandon looked out at Miles as Nolan picked them up from behind, causing Miles to scream in surprise and delight.

"Bro has to be the palest person I've ever met, but he and Nolan are cute together," he said.

"Aren't they the cutest?" gushed Danny "All I will say on the subject is that the walls are thin in the apartment and music can only muffle so much noise."

Brandon chuckled "And does he squeak when they do it?"

"As a matter of fact yes," replied Danny coyly "They're like the himbo werewolf and twink vampire couple."

Brandon looked at Danny with a raised eyebrow "That one of those comics you read?" he asked.

"It might be," she answered with a smile.

"The kind you showed me once to see if I was bi and it turned out I definitely wasn't bi?"

"Yup, one of those," whispered Danny who held a twinge of disappointment that her boyfriend didn't find yaoi as exciting as she did.

Brandon stood up and offered his hand to her, she accepted and he excitedly pulled her up to her feet. He put his hand on the small of her back and leaned in to kiss her. Danny felt a rush of warmth and accepted the kiss. After locking lips for a minute Danny pulled back her head and nodded eagerly

"While we have the tent to ourselves?" she offered. Brandon took a second to realize what she was referring to but Danny was already pulling him toward the tent.

After hastily zipping the tent up Danny began to undress, pulling off her shirt and bra to reveal her bare chest. Brandon wrapped his arms around her and sucked on her perked nipples while she shimmied out of her panties. Danny hissed in pain as Brandon bit down on her nipple too hard. His arms caressed her body and held her close. She could feel the warmth radiating off his body, she looked down as saw that he was eagerly erect.

Danny wrapped a hand around Brandon's cock and jerked it excitedly. Brandon groaned into her chest as she played with his foreskin. She pulled Brandon off her nipple before he bit it off and pushed him onto the air mattress. He looked up at her with a dumb excited smile on his face as she crawled forward and knelt in front of his crotch.

After pushing her hair to the side Danny put her lips on his cock and moaned as she slid it into her mouth. He tasted bitter in her mouth and his crotch smelled of the day they'd spent driving and getting the tent assembled. As she got to the base of his shaft, her nose was buried in his crotch and she was smothered in the scent.

She felt Brandon's cock hit the back of her throat and she began to choke around his shaft. She pulled back and breathed in a lungful of air through her nose before Brandon pulled her back down on his shaft. Danny gagged again and felt Brandon's cock pulsate in the back of her throat, she let him finish his orgasm before coughing up his dick. She held her mouth and felt cum dribbling from the edges of her mouth.

Danny wiped her mouth and fell down next to a heaving Brandon and looked at him expectantly with her legs parted.

"My turn," she said excitedly.

Brandon looked at her. "I'd be pushing rope, your head game is too strong, give me a few minutes to-."

Danny furrowed her brow "Then use your tongue," she replied.

Brandon pouted "But I'm not good at it," he offered.

Danny patted her pussy "Practice makes perfect," she insisted.

With a begrudging sigh Brandon got on his forearms and crawled around to be face to face with her coochie where he started rubbing her clit like a scratch and sniff. Was she grateful that he could locate her clit? Yes, but he just didn't know what to do when he found it.

Brandon started fingering her and she gasped at the feeling of his dry fingers piercing her slit. She was thankful that she'd been rubbing herself while sucking him off or this fingering would have been uncomfortable. His technique wasn't horrible since she'd shown him where to put pressure. He did this thing where he cured his fingers inside of her and she would go cross eyed.

He'd started with two fingers but once she was ready and stretched he added a third. Danny let out a genuine moan of pleasure before covering her mouth to stifle it so the rest of the camp ground didn't hear. The tent was filled with the wet sound of Brandon's fingers pistoning in and out of her now gushing wet pussy.

Satisfied with his work Brandon pulled out his fingers and rubbed them on his shaft. Danny bit her lip and did some quick maths in her head about when her last period was.

"We shouldn't risk it," she whispered as she reached into her purse to retrieve a condom.

Brandon took the condom out of her hand and brought it to his mouth where he tore it open with his teeth. He flipped it a few times in his fingers before figuring out side was lubed, he unwrapped the condom on his cock and lined it up with her slit. The fullness sent a wave of pleasure battering against her brain and she pushed back to get more of him in.

He gave a few gentle and slow thrusts to let her ease into it then grabbed her by the ass with both hands and started to pound his cock to the hilt inside her. Caught between the pleasure of sex and the discomfort she felt, Danny let out pained gasps which Brandon mistook as the sign to keep it up.

As she was getting used to the hard pace Brandon made a silly face and went still. Danny kept her cool as she realized he'd finished already. He fell on top of her and twitched his penis inside her as he filled out the condom with the last of the cum in him.

Danny smiled at him and moved her hips to get some friction going inside of her, Brandon groaned into her shoulder as she did so. She kept it up until Brandon's aggressively flaccid cock popped out of her on its own. Brandon rolled off of her and wrapped his arms around her while she squirmed and reached for her purse, inside of which was a bullet vibrator she'd brought for exactly the situation she found herself in.

No matter how much she reached for her purse it remained stubbornly out of reach. Her attempts at reaching the purse were mistaken by Brandon for her attempt at coaxing another round out of him.

"Oh babe I'm tapped out," he sighed into her ear. Consigned to her fate Danny snuggled up and enjoyed Brandon's warmth on her back. In that moment everything felt fine, sure she hadn't orgasmed but he was a really nice guy. Plus she got along with his mum and that was not a guaranteed thing in a partner.

They woke up to the sound of Nolan and Miles unzipping the tent. Danny was woken by a flash-light in her face.

"Have fun?" teased Miles as he reached into the tent to grab a bottle from his bag.

Danny rubbed her eyes "What time is it?" she yawned. Nolan stuck his head into the tent excitedly.

"It's weiner time! Oh I guess you guys already had that," he said as he noticed their naked embrace.

"I'll give you two some time to get dressed," said Miles as he deftly zipped the tent back up.

Eager to eat something, Danny squirmed from under the sleeping bag to get up and jump into her pants. She pulled on a t shirt from her bag and one of Brandon's hoodies. She slipped on the hoodie as she stepped into a pair of flip flops she'd left outside the tent. Miles was leaned forward over the fire while sitting on a log. Nolan had a garden rake with eight hot dogs cooking over the fire which he was balancing with his legs while he was playing a mobile game on his phone.

"Was that his idea or yours?" asked Danny as she sat down. It was dark and Miles was drinking from the bottle he'd snagged in the tent.

Miles looked over at Nolan who was grinning like a happy fool, he used his calves to rotate the rake to rotisserie the hot-dogs. "Who do you think?" he said rhetorically.

"I'm pretty proud of it, and you all will be too when you're munching on some weiners," said Nolan whilst giggling. Danny reached around to open the cooler stashed around the fire, she cracked open a cider and chugged from the can.

"Thirsty?" asked Miles.

"You have no idea," replied Danny.

Brandon stepped out of the tent and kissed the top of Danny's head as he walked past. He sat down opposite of her in the only free seat left.

"Hey Nolan, weiner me up," he said as he grabbed a bun from a bag near the camp-fire. Nolan obliged and offered the rake to Brandon who grabbed a weiner off of it using the bun as a glove.

"Anyone else want to take a bite of my weiners?" giggled Nolan.

"Always," purred Miles as he snatched a bun from the bag.

Nolan looked to Danny "And I got a veggie dog for you Danny" he said "Don't know how you stomach those things."

Danny grabbed a bun and took the veggie dog off of the rake "You can taste the karma," she said as she took a bite.

"Does karma taste like dirt?" asked Miles as he poured rich red hot sauce over his hot dog.

After everyone was eating Nolan returned the rake over the flames to get some char on the remaining hot-dogs. He licked his lips in excitement "Let me know when you're all ready for the second course," he offered.

"Is the second course hot dogs?" asked Miles

"It's more of a continuation of the first course."

Danny grinned "What about third course?" she asked.

"Hot-dogs" answered Nolan as he picked off the four remaining hot dogs and stuffed them into buns on his lap.

"I'm still working on my first hun," said Miles to Nolan.

Nolan looked blankly at Miles and picked up a hot-dog only to eat half of it in one bite "I know" he said with a full mouth. Miles chuckled and blew Nolan a kiss.

Danny looked over at Miles "Whatchya drinking there?" she asked, hoping to be offered a sip.

"Alcohol free Merlot," said Miles a little too quickly and insistently.

"Oh I didn't know-."

Miles raised his hands "It's no problem, I just don't like to talk about it."

"Designated, designated driver eh?" asked Danny.

Miles shrugged "I like driving so it works out."

Brandon clapped his hands "I think we just found our return driver," he said.

Danny raised her can "I can drink to that."

Miles acquiesced and drank greedily from his bottle.

Danny held her stomach "Oh fuck I think I gotta go to the outhouse," she groaned.

Brandon reached for his backpack "Want a flash-light?"

Danny held up her hands and Brandon tossed the flash-light to her. She caught it and clicked it on to navigate to the outhouse in their part of the camp ground.

She followed the gravel track toward the outhouse while keeping her knees together. She walked past several camp sites until she came to a fork in the road. She went left and after a few minutes of walking the camp sites stopped and the path disappeared. Danny turned around to find her way back but the path behind her was obscured.

Breathing sharply she braved the unknown and walked where she thought was behind her. There were no camp-fires to guide her or gravel paths to follow. She walked where she thought would lead back to the camp-site but after five agonizingly slow minutes she was utterly lost. Even with a flash-light to guide her she could find nothing.

"Help!" screamed Danny, waving her flash-light around, her pulse quickening.

"Somebody help! I'm lost!" she begged.

Danny ran through the woods screaming for help, looking for a way back to the camp site.

Half an hour of wandering in the woods and Danny was utterly lost. The trees were unfamiliar and the ground rutted and riddled with undergrowth. She stumbled and tripped in her flip flops as she wandered about in the woods.

"Hello?" she screamed "Can anyone hear me?"

A wolf's howl greeted her back. Her heart sank and she turned around to start sprinting. "Help!" screamed Danny.

Another howl echoed through the woods. She could hear something breaking foliage behind her.

"Fuck" screamed Danny as her foot hit an exposed root and broke her toes. She spun around and hit her back against the ground. She panted in pain and scrambled to keep moving, she was blinded by the darkness, the flash-light was sent flying and no where to be found. Danny could hear something running behind her.

She pushed herself up and began limping towards nowhere in particular. The thing behind her was panting and snarling. Danny felt tears of terror flow down her cheeks as she limped away, hearing the monster behind her get closer.

Danny stumbled again and hit the ground face first, she could barely feel the pain there was so much adrenaline running through her. Claws dragged across her back, tearing up flesh as they went, Danny screamed in pain and felt something dig its fangs on her throat. Realizing this was the end Danny's life flashed before her eyes as she felt the monster release its fangs and without another strike rushed away leaving Danny mangled on the ground.

Danny Felt behind her and ran her fingers across her back, she could feel deep trenches carved into her. Her hand moved up to check her neck and despite the mauling her neck was intact. She put her arm forward and crawled, she felt blood dribble down her sides as she went. "Help!" she screamed, crying as she fought to go forward.

"Danny?" shouted a voice in the distance. It was Miles. Danny let out a relieved cry and shouted again.

"I'm over here! Help me please!" she begged.

Miles followed her cries and found her bleeding on the ground. "oh no no no no no" he whispered as he examined her injuries. Thinking quickly he took off his shirt and applied it to her back to staunch the bleeding. Despite his small frame he was able to lift Danny off the ground and fireman carry her. Too blood deprived to care how he was carrying her or how he found her in the middle of the woods, Danny closed her eyes to gather her strength.

Things moved quickly after Miles found her and Danny saw a helicopter land in a clearing where she was air-lifted to the nearest hospital. When she woke up she was in a recovery room after a lengthy surgery. There was an IV connected to her arm and some wonderful pain medication was coursing through her system.

Brandon was waiting in a chair near her bed. As she woke up he jerked awake. "Danny!" he exclaimed, standing up to hug her while she rested.

"How long have I been out?" Asked Danny groggily.

"Couple days," said Brandon "Miles and Nolan went back to pack up the camp site after we got the news that you'd be out for the duration of the trip."

"I'm so sorry," groaned Danny

Brandon stood up "Oh no no don't blame yourself, you had no way of controlling this," he insisted.

Danny groaned and held her hands to her face "I thought I was going to die," she sobbed. Brandon put his hand on her shoulder.

"You're safe now babe," he assured.

"It was horrible," she said, wiping tears away "How did you find me?" she asked.

"Honestly all credit goes to Miles, I don't know how he found you in the pitch black." Said Brandon.

"I'll take the miracles as they come," sniffled Danny. She pushed herself up on the bed and looked at Brandon.

"Get over here," she said, needing some affection after the nightmare she'd endured. Brandon smiled gently and kissed her, only pulling back after they'd locked lips for a minute.

As she rested she winced at the pain. "What's the damage?" she asked to Brandon.

"Something like a hundred and twenty eight stitches?" guessed Brandon. "Your back was bad, like really bad," he continued. Hearing him describe the wound made Danny groan, this wasn't one of those injuries she could move on from, she was going to have a mangled back for the rest of her life.

"I'm happy you're safe, when you went missing I was scared for you," admitted Brandon. He yawned and rubbed his eyes, Danny could tell he hadn't gotten a minute of decent sleep in days.

"You need to get some real sleep, Brandon," urged Danny.

Brandon nodded solemnly "I don't want to, but you're right. I've been in this room for two days now."

Danny's heart swelled as she learned Brandon hadn't left her side since she was admitted. For any faults he had his heart made up for all of them.