Box Jewelry


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At this point all she is wearing is a small thin pair of panties. Everything else has been taken from her. Katelyn is oddly thankful for the one remaining bit of clothing that is covering her pussy. Without that, everyone would be able to see just how excited and horny her swollen pussy is. Still no one seems to notice. They all act as if she is fully clothed.

Just one more verse to sing. One more man to dance for. Then the final chorus. After that she can go tell that Dana that Rick is off limits. Then Katelyn can get Rick and brother back together again. Katelyn keeps her eyes on Dana as she sensually dances her way to the guitarist, and looks up.

To her surprise the man playing guitar isn't the man from the Helical Gears band. The man with the guitar is Katelyn's father. Now she feels completely embarrassed by her nakedness, and to make matters worse the words of the song have gone from being sensual to being explicit.

Katelyn wants to quit and run, but now she cannot make herself stop singing. Something inside her is driving her to finish the song, forcing her to dance in her underwear and sing nasty words to her father. She has never felt more embarrassed, but at the same time she has never been more turned on.

As Katelyn sings this one last verse to her father, he starts running his hands up and down her young body, sensually touching every part of her. Then with the flick of his wrist, her panties fall to the floor and she finds herself completely naked, standing in the middle of the stage, staring out into the crowd.

When she still had her panties on, no one seemed to notice that she was naked. It was as if she was wearing one of her old baggy outfits and no one seemed to care. Now everyone in the place is laughing and pointing at her. Making comments about her body with their hands covering their mouths.

The level of embarrassment Katelyn is feeling reaches a point she never knew could exist. She feels everyone in the bar looking directly at her wet swollen pussy. Everyone in the place knows exactly how much her father's touch turned her on. Everyone knows what a deviant she is.

All of the sudden she is overcome with sexual desire, and she can't remember a single word in the song she was so skillfully faking her way through only moments before. She mumbles a few words hoping to find her place, then stops singing completely. With no words coming out she is left to dance naked on the stage, while the band plays on. Then her father's hand makes its way down until it slips between her legs and into her wetness as the crowd starts cheering.

All Katelyn wants to do is run away and hide, but her only escape route is blocked by the burly doorman, standing with his arms folded looking at her like she doesn't belong there. It seems he is the only one in the place that knows she wasn't supposed to be the one up on stage all along.

There is nowhere for her to run, and nothing she can do, other than stand in the middle of the stage and try to hide her obvious sexual excitement behind her hand, while desperately hopes to find her place in that song she never really knew. Finally convincing the burly doorman she actually belongs there.

Just as she gets her rhythm back and the words of the song start coming back to her, Rick and Jason run up onto the stage. Katelyn thinks she is saved, but instead of helping her, the boys start tickling her.

Great... She had just gotten her voice back and now she has to try in vain to keep singing and to not break out in uncontrollable squeals of laughter while she is being tickled. She is still naked, still incredibly turned on, and still standing in front of a room full of strangers. She is trying her hardest to keep singing, but there is a new problem. The boys' tickling is making her so incredibly horny she feels like she is about to burst into an orgasm. That's the last thing she wants everyone to see.

She can't stop squirming, and the harder she tries to concentrate on the song, the worse the tickling gets. Soon the boys start chanting as they tickle her, "Come Katelyn, come. Come Katelyn, come. Come on... let it go."

She knows she will be mortified if she has an orgasm in front of all those people, but she is especially concerned about coming in front of her father. She is sure the song will be done soon and she will be able to make her getaway. She just needs to hold out a little longer.

Then just as she is sure she can't take one more second of tickling... she wakes up.

Rick and Jason are both there on her bed, tickling her, and taking turns saying, "Come on Katelyn. Come on. Come on, let's go."

It's very early in the morning and the boys are there to wake her up. Even though the sun hasn't quite shown itself on the horizon, the boys have decided there is enough daylight to head to Bridgeport and find their ship. This internship is something they cannot be late for, and Katelyn cannot sleep in. She is required for this trip. It's her job to drive the Mustang back to the beach house after they shove off. The boys tell Katelyn to get up. She can sleep in the car on the way.

The dock where the research ship is moored is easily two hours from the beach house, but the way Jason is driving they will probably make it in an hour and a half. Katelyn is in the back seat and could use this time to sleep, but she is wide awake watching every road sign and every turn.

Even though her brother's car has a GPS, she doesn't completely trust her ability to use it, and she definitely doesn't want to get lost on her way back. That would make her mother's prediction right, and Katelyn would never hear the end of it.

When they pull into the port and it is still early in the morning. Many of the ports crewmen and dock hands are just now arriving for work. There are giant freighters everywhere, all seemingly painted with the same dingy red and grey color scheme.

Surely a shiny state of the art science vessel will be easy to find among these huge grey ships. They drive through the lot reading the names of each ship as they go by, but their ship doesn't seem to be there. They wonder if they got the day wrong, or if this is even the right port.

They finally stop, get out of the car, and carefully re-read the directions they were provided in their internship welcome packets. A crude map shows their ship and some buildings, but there are ships and buildings everywhere. They turn the map every way they can and try to match up what they see with what is on the paper. There isn't much time left before the ship sails, and if they aren't on board, it will leave without them.

While the boys frantically try to match up landmarks with their tiny map, Katelyn sees a dock hand headed to work and flags him down.

"Do you know where we can find this science ship these guys are looking for?"

"Oh, you must be talking 'bout the old Gay La' Tease. They've been putting strange looking antennas and stuff all over that old scow for months now. Last I saw her they was giving her new paint. I reckon you can still find her over on the other side of the docks in between them rickety old warehouses."

"Thank you sir." Rick nods in appreciation.

As the three walk back to the Mustang Jason has his head held high to see if he can spot the old warehouses, but doesn't really see what the dock hand was referring to.

Then Rick smacks the tiny map he is holding with the back of his hand and says, "Of course it's right over there," as if the whole thing always made perfect sense to him.

"Come on, you couldn't tell where it was any better that I could." Jason chides.

"This just goes to show you, if you really want something, all you have to do is ask." Rick replies.

"What?" Katelyn mumbles quietly to herself. "If I wanted Rick to fuck me, all I had to do was ask?"

"What was that sis?"

"Oh, nothing... It just seems odd that you guys are so busy patting yourselves on the back, when I was the one that actually had the guts to ask that smelly old man where to find your ship."

"She's got us there sailor," Rick grins while they climb back into the car. "Maybe we should ask if we can take her along this summer. We may need her if we get lost. You never know."

"Yeah, right. Let's not press our luck here." Jason responds as they pull the doors shut and start on their way back to the other end of harbor.

At the other end of the harbor they drive much more slowly than before, looking carefully between all of the old wooden structures to see if they can spot their ship. This time as they pass the buildings they can just make out large sun faded numbers that had been painted on the building's doors long before any of the three were born.

They had driven right by these buildings earlier, but in the dim morning light the numbers didn't show. Now they wonder how they could have missed seeing these numbers. Each painted digit is at least ten feet tall.

As they pass the building marked with the large number two on its doors, Rick stabs his finger onto the tiny map and orders, "Turn here." Then Rick excitedly pokes at the map. "Take a right, and go between one and two."

Jason makes the turn and eases the Mustang down the dark alleyway between the two decrepit old buildings, trying hard not to run over any of the old wooden crates or other bits of trash along the way. When they finally pull back into the light at the other end of the buildings, they stop. Their ship is just to their right, resting against the dock on some old tires, being held captive by a thin frayed rope at each end.

Their high tech research vessel looked more like an old fishing boat than a modern ship, and the old dock worker was right, it had been repainted. A strong smell of paint solvent filled the air, and the freshly painted letters on the bow that renamed the old scow from the Gay La' Tease to the Ocho Venir, looked as if they could still be wet.

Rick verifies that Ocho Venir is the same name as the ship on their internship papers, and they are happy to have finally found their summer home. On the other hand they are surprised at how small and old this vessel really is.

This isn't the sleek modern science vessel they had dreamed it would be. It is obvious that the Ocho Venir is just an old fishing trawler with new paint and some scientific instruments bolted to the deck. It's no wonder that Rick and Jason were restricted as to how much gear they could bring along. This ship is tiny compared to everything else in the harbor.

As the boys unload their duffels from the trunk, a bearded man in a baseball cap leans over the side of the boat and calls out. "Hey you two must be the ecologist and the cook."

"Jason and Rick reporting for duty sir." Rick responds in his best sailor voice.

"Good, good. Toss you stuff up and climb on. We're ready to leave as soon as you two get settled."

Rick and Jason look at each other with a bit of dismay. They fully expected to spend the summer on the ocean with some salty old sea captain at the helm, barking out orders, and saving them from disaster. Instead this guy in the baseball cap sounded more like a school teacher leading a field trip. Nonetheless they grab their duffle bags and toss them up onto the boat.

Jason grabs his little sister and gives her a nice hug and thanks for taking care of his car. Then he cautions her one more time about being careful with it. After Jason's quick hug, Katelyn turns to Rick expecting a simple air hug with quick pat on the back, but when she hugs him he grabs her and pulls her in close. Their eyes meet and Katelyn can't help herself. She kisses Rick, and Rick kisses back.

Seeing this, Jason gets all up in arms and shrieks, "What is it with you and all the damn kissing this week? Let go of my sister and get your ass on the boat."

With that Rick slowly releases his hold on Katelyn, and she gently slides back down onto her heals. Then the boys say their final good-bye and climb the ladder up onto the Ocho Venir, and disappear over the side-rails. Katelyn is happy that the boys made it to their ship on time, but now she feels quite alone.

At least Rick kissed her. That was amazing. She will have that forever. Then as she walks back to the Mustang she hears the man in the baseball cap asking Rick if the girl he just kissed was his girlfriend. As much as she wishes she was, she knows deep down she never really could be.

The boys are off on their summer adventure, and Katelyn is headed back to the beach house in her brother's Mustang. Jason had set the beach house as a return point in the GPS. All Katelyn needed to do was tap the return button, and a kind calm voice would guide her to her destination. She didn't really have to watch every sign and turn on the way there the way she had.

Along the way, Katelyn feels like everyone she passes is looking at her. It seems as if the TV ads actually got this one right. This car actually does seem to make her more attractive. She feels like a rock star the whole way back to the beach house, but she tries hard not to let that go to her head. She is exceptionally careful driving her brother's car. The last thing she wants to do is have to explain why there is a huge dent in his prized possession.

Taking the boys to their ship was supposed to take most of the day, but Katelyn finds herself back at the beach house well before noon. He father isn't supposed to be there for another three or four hours so she decides to walk down to the beach and watch boys.

At the beach she hopes to get the attention of one of the cute boys she saw the day before. Maybe she can take one of those boys for a ride in her brother's super cool car, pretending it is her own, and he will be impressed. Or maybe she can just usher one of them off to the beach house and get naked with him before her father arrives.

Finally just after noon, a younger boy strikes up a conversation. He isn't the kind of boy she had in mind, and he is nothing like Rick, but talking to him beats the heck out of standing there alone. While they talk Katelyn can't stop glancing down looking at the smallish lump in the front his swimsuit.

As she looks at the front of his shorts she wonders if all boys liked getting their cocks sucked, or if only the gay ones did. She wonders if this boy has hair around his, like Rick had. She also wonders if this boy would let her play with his cock and maybe even suck it.

As they talk, Katelyn hints that they should go somewhere and be alone together. Katelyn wants to make use of the empty beach house while she can, but her awkward hints don't seem to have any effect on the boy. Instead of whisking him off for some naked fun, the boy tries to teach Katelyn how to throw a Frisbee. With every throw Katelyn yells out, "Cover yourself." The boy never catches on as to why she is saying that.

Suddenly she notices how late it has gotten and tells her new friend she has to go. Katelyn's father was supposed to be at the beach house more than an hour ago, and she is sure he is there worrying about what might have happened to her. She wasn't supposed to be out wandering on her own, or at least that was the rule when she was younger.

As she runs back to the beach house she wonders why she is in such a hurry. Maybe the same rules don't apply now that she is eighteen, but she isn't sure. Rules or not she hurries as fast as she can, fully expecting to find her father frantically looking for her.

Fortunately for Katelyn, Mark had gotten a late start and traffic was heavy. Just as she walks in the back door of the beach house, she hears her father's truck pulling into the driveway. Still unsure of the rules, she runs upstairs to the balcony and leans on the railing, pretending she has been there for hours watching the surf roll in. Then she sits waiting for her father to come find her.

By the time Mark gets his belongings unpacked and settled in, they both agree that it is time for dinner. Mark hasn't eaten since breakfast, and Katelyn hasn't had a bite all day. As the two head out the door, Mark says he knows just the place. As they head down the boardwalk Mark already has a place in mind. It's a new place and they are already known for great food and fast service. They are supposed to have the best burger on the beach.

When they get to the place Mark had in mind Katelyn finds herself standing with her father in front of none other than Rick's Place. Katelyn almost blurts out that this place has Jason's favorite hamburger and it's got the same name as his gay friend... but she stops herself just in time.

Then as they wait in line she wonders... If this place is brand new, how did Jason know about it and how could it be his favorite already? Then Katelyn realizes that Jason had picked the place off a beach brochure because it had Rick's name on it, then he just acted like it was an old favorite.

As they step up to the counter Mark urges Katelyn to go ahead of him and order. Looking over the menu, Katelyn thinks she would like to suck on one of those nice thick hotdogs again, but she is too embarrassed to eat one of them in front of her father. She ends up ordering the Rick on Wick with the works, just like the boys had the day before.

As they eat, it's all she can do to keep from telling her father all about Jason's friend Rick, and the crazy things they did over the last couple of days. She manages to not say a single word about Rick, but she just can't seem to wipe the silly grin off her face. Mark comments about how happy Katelyn looks. She quickly credits the quality of her hamburger, but what was making her smile more than anything is her memory of sucking on that big thick hotdog the day before.

After dinner they walk around the beach front for a bit then head back to the beach house to relax and watch the stock car races on TV. It had been a long day for both Mark and Katelyn, and it didn't take long before droning sounds of the race cars whizzing around the track had them both fast asleep on the sofa. Later when Mark woke up, some overly animated guy was selling a useless set of gadgets on a late night infomercial, and Katelyn was snuggled up next to him fast asleep.

He watched his little girl sleep for a few minutes and remembered back to a time when she really was his little princess, sitting on his lap as they watched the races and cheering on their favorite drivers. Then he gently slid the glasses off of Katelyn's face, and laid her down on the sofa covering her with a blanket. He stood there watching his little girl sleeping, just like he had for so many years. He marveled for a moment over how fast she had gone from being his little girl to becoming a pretty young woman. Then he turned off the TV and headed up to bed without waking his daughter.

The next morning Mark found Katelyn on the sofa right where he left her. When Mark peeled back the blanket to wake her, he found that she wasn't wearing the sweatpants and t-shirt she went to sleep in. She was already dressed for the beach, wearing her new bikini. Mark couldn't believe how little of his daughter the new swimsuit covered. He was even more curious about how she ended up dressed this way.

"Time to wake up"

"Good morning dad."

"Did you get up early to put on your swimsuit Katelyn?" Mark asks fishing for details.

"No dad, I had it on under my sweats already last night. I wanted to be ready for the beach first thing. When the sun came in the windows this morning I got too hot and the sweats had to go."

"So I take it you want to go to the beach today"

"But of course, Dad. Isn't that why we are here?" Katelyn is secretly hoping to run into her new little friend.

"OK Sweetie, we can head down right after I finish my coffee and bagel. Don't forget about that fair skin of yours. You're definitely going to need some protection from the sun today."