Brashey Family Story Ch. 01


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"He started having affairs after that, said he wasn't obligated to be faithful since I was a pervert," Leanne sobbed. "I told him I'd change, I tried to, but he never believed it, and he was right, I couldn't change, I wasn't doing anything, just dreaming, and drawing, but he said that was proof that I was a bad person and that I should be grateful he was willing to put up with me at all and that I-"

"Shhhhhh!" Sarah said, urging her daughter to silence with a finger to her lips as the words kept spilling out faster and faster. "Your husband is a rat bastard and you're better off without a man like that in your life!"

"B-but he said-"

"Lee," Sarah said firmly, "did you ever cheat on him? Ever, with a man or a woman, either one? Even once?"

"N-no," she sniffled. "Never!"

"OK, that's the first thing. Second, did you ever act on these fantasies, ever?"

"Yes, I did," she admitted. "But only before I met Gary! In college, some friends and I, we-we-"

"But not while you were married?"

"No! Never, not ever!"

"All right," Sarah nodded. "So the only complaint Gary had, the only legitimate one, was that you didn't tell him about this...interest...when you married him. When you revealed it he had a right to say he didn't share it and didn't want to play with it, that's true. If that's all he'd done, would you have been upset?"

"No," Leanne replied with a shake of her head. "I'd have been disappointed, but that's all."

"But instead, be belittled you, used this as an excuse to cheat on you, insulted you, and played on your guilt to make you take it. Do I have it about right?"

"But he said-"

"I don't give a damn what he said!" Sarah snarled. Leanne jumped a little, surprised by her mother's vehemence. "Nothing you did excuses his treatment of you! I never realized what a complete prick my son-in-law was until tonight, and I never imagined he was treating you that way!"

Leanne looked at her mother wide-eyed. "You don't think it fault? That I'm the reason Gary had to have someone else?"

"I think Gary is a complete sleaze and a manipulative loser, Lee! OK, maybe he found your fantasies disturbing, that would be his right, I guess. But that doesn't mean he's entitled to treat you that way! If you'd actually cheated on him to get what you wanted, if you'd tried to somehow force him, force him for real, I mean, to play these games with you, or something like that, then he'd have had reason to be angry at you, but you didn't do any of that, did you?"

She shook her head. "I never mentioned it again after his reaction that first night, he was always the one to bring it up, all the time..."

"I'm sure," Sarah nodded. "His way of controlling you, making you feel guilty so he could get away with his behavior! He finally pushed you too far and you walked out, and good for you!"

"Do you think he'll really file for divorce?"

I sighed. "I doubt it, Baby. From what you've told me, I suspect that's the last thing he really wants, he wants you to come crawling back to him and let him use you some more. When he demanded the divorce and you said you were leaving, how did the sleazeball react?"

"He, uh...his eyes got real wide, and he stammered. I was so mad that's all I noticed, I didn't care what he thought right then, I just wanted to get away from him!"

"Good for you, Darling!" Sarah said, hugging her shoulders. "I'll be surprised, once he figures out where you are, if you don't hear from him, trying to get you back. Oh, he'll portray it as him being a big man, kind and forgiving, as if you had done anything wrong! But it'll be him trying to get things back to his former comfy status quo, and if you're smart you'll tell him where to stick it and his girlfriend!"

Leanne actually giggled. Then she sank back against her pillows, and said, "Mom, I was so terrified when I saw you standing there looking at my pictures! I grabbed them when I left so Gary wouldn't have something to use against me in the divorce, and I hid them in my suitcase. I thought when I saw you looking at them that you'd throw me out, that you'd hate me too, just like Gary."

"Oh Baby I could never, ever hate you! And you've done nothing wrong!! Granted, I wouldn't tell just anyone about your interests, there are people who'll find it disturbing...but what Gary did was beyond the pale. And by the way, your pictures are damn good art! I had no idea you'd gotten that good!"

"I used to talk about selling my drawings," Leanne confessed sleepily, "my, ah, ordinary ones..."

"The vanilla ones, you mean?" Sarah asked with a smile.

Leanne blinked in surprise. "Yeah, the vanilla ones. I had had people pay me to do sketches occasionally, but Gary told me I shouldn't kid myself, my work wasn't good enough to sell."

"Really? Did he now," Sarah asked. "Was this before or after you told him about your kinky side?"

"Before, way before. When we were first married. He said he didn't want me to get hurt trying to do something I couldn't do, I shouldn't let my dreams get ahead of my talent...oh shit, he was fucking with my head even back then, wasn't he?!"

"Sure sounds like it, Hon." Sarah nodded, a new hate for her son-in-law forming in her brain. "There's a big difference between helping someone stay grounded and running them into the ground, and it sounds like Gary was big on the later from the start. I don't think he found your fantasies shocking. When you finally got up the nerve to share them with him, I think the bastard just knew you'd given him the key he needed to really mess with your head. I'll even bet, and I'm sorry to have to tell you this, that he had already been unfaithful to you before you ever told him about your little interest."

"I hope he does try to get me to come back," Leanne said sleepily, her eyes getting heavy.

"Honey?!" Sarah said in alarm, only to hear Leanne giggle.

"So I can offer him a selection of orifices he can stick his reconciliation up!" she said.

Sarah grinned, and sat on the bed with her daughter until she fell asleep. With a yawn, Sarah headed for her own bed, drifting off to a troubled sleep as she contemplated how many bad things she wished she could inflict on her son-in-law.


Sarah was up early the following morning, fixing breakfast for Leanne and herself, letting her exhausted daughter sleep in. After setting the table, she pulled out the sketchbook again, leafing through it by the morning sunlight in the kitchen, the lake filling the back windows and birdsong filling the air. It was a lovely morning already. She shook her head in amazement at her daughter's talent, wishing she had some vanilla ones to look at too.

Damn you Gary Norris, Sarah thought Damn you for what you've done my little girl!

Even as Sarah was thinking that, she heard a voice saying through a yawn, "Morning, Mom."

Sarah looked up to see Leanne, still clad in her pajamas, coming into the kitchen. "Oh, something smells sooo good, Mom! I'm famished! What time is it, anyway?"

"About nine am," Sarah replied. "I let you sleep in, I thought you could use it!"

"I loved it," Leanne replied, sitting down at the table. "I feel...better this morning."

"I'm glad of that, Honey!" Sarah replied. "I was just having another look at your work!"

Leanne blushed, but giggled. "I noticed. You seemed awfully interested in them when I came in, if I didn't know better, I'd think maybe I inherited my little fantasies from someone!"

"Are you sure you know better, Lee?" Sarah said quietly, setting the sketches aside to enjoy her own breakfast. "How do you know you didn't?"

"Last talked about my...'vanilla' sketches. That's the way people who...well, who are into what I'm into talk. How did you know that term, Mom?"

Sarah grinned. "I don't know if I should tell you or not...I'd hate to give you a heart attack!"

"I'll risk it, Mother," Leanne said quietly, as she finished off a biscuit. "I've been going crazy ever since I woke up and remembered what you said last night, it didn't register then because I was so tired and upset and confused, but now I can't stop wondering."

Sarah sighed. "Lee, I don't know whether you can inherit a fantasy or not. All I know is that I have a collection of bondage art and pictures hidden away in a nook upstairs that this little sketchbook would fit right into. All I know is that I've had more than a few actual experiences, too. Been a long, long time since I did anything but dream...but I used to be a doer."

Leanne was wide-eyed. "Did Daddy know?"

"Oh yes, little girl," Sarah replied with a laugh. Part of her couldn't believe she was having this conversation, part of her only knew it felt so good to talk about it. "He knew. I hope I'm not giving you a heart attack!"

"Is that-is that why you got a divorce?" Leanne asked in a small voice.

"NO! No, Lee, your father and I divorced's hard to explain. But he knew all about my fetish, and we both enjoyed it. Maybe you did inherit it, I don't know."

"Can-can I see your collection?" Leanne asked hesitantly. "Please?"

Sarah looked at her daughter and wondered when the world had gone nuts. She knew on some level that she wanted to show it to her daughter, but somehow it didn't quite seem like the motherly thing to do. But these were unusual circumstances, too.

"Not right now," Sarah said. "Later, if you still want to see it...yeah."

Leanne smiled. "OK, I can wait. What's on the agenda for today?"


Leanne giggled and said, "I like shopping!"

Then her face fell, as she added, "But I didn't bring my money, and if Gary hasn't frozen the credit cards by now, I'll be a very surprised woman."

"He can't cut off my credit cards, Hon. Let your old mother indulge her little girl today, we're going on a shopping spree to beat the band."

"I hate to be so much trouble-"

"Lee, what did I tell you last night? As far as I'm concerned, you're home now, and if you decide to stay here for the rest of your life I'll be a happy woman! So go put on some of my clothes I left for you and let's go shopping!"

"OK! I'll be down as soon as I shower and change!"


It was late afternoon by the time Sarah and Leanne returned to the house, Leanne now stylishly clad in a properly fitted skirt and top, both women enjoying their new shoes. Leanne had found that she was able to throw herself into the shopping trip and push her personal troubles aside, much to her own surprise, but when they got back a little message from that part of her life arrived, in the form of a phone call for Leanne from her husband. It came that evening, shortly after mother and daughter had put on their newly-bought silk pajamas and were relaxing for the evening.

Leanne took the call, seeing on the caller ID who it was, and Sarah sat on the sofa, and watched and listened to half the conversation as Leanne spoke with Gary, and she watched as her daughter's eyes widened, then narrowed.

"No, Gary I don't want to come home yet."

"No, I'm not interested in talking about Marcia. No, I don't care whether you're still with her or not, you told me you wanted a divorce, well guess what, you can have one!"

"No, I don't care that you miss me-no I don't even believe that you miss me!"

Leanne was getting madder and madder, at whatever her husband was saying.

"No, no-no! You are not blaming me for this, I didn't 'make' you do squat, you toad-oh shove it up your ass, Gary! The sooner we're divorced, the better!"

She slammed the phone down on the receiver, and Sarah heard her mutter something about kids.


"I was saying thank Heaven we had no kids!" Leanne replied. "We talked about it, but somehow we never actually got around to it, and now I'm grateful they won't be caught up in this mess. I'd like to have children...but not with that bastard!"

Sarah sighed with relief. She'd been pretty sure this moment would come, and she'd been afraid for her daughter's sake that when it did she'd 'fold' from habit and go back to Gary.

"Was I right?" Sarah asked. "Did he try to be 'forgiving'?"

"Oh yeah, you called it Mom! He was sooo noble, it was all MY fault, you see, but he loves me and he'll be understanding about it, if I'll just try to change and meet him half way...damn it, how come I never saw what he was doing to me all these years?!"

"Sometimes, when you love someone, or love the person you think someone is," Sarah said, "it's hard to see the truth. Gary didn't just fool you, you know. I had no idea what kind of person he was, I was glad you and he had found each other, he seemed to perfect for you."

Leanne laughed. "I loved him so much, Mom...but it wasn't really him, it was the person I thought he was. Now that I've got my eyes open, it all seems so obvious, I can look back and see just where he played me, but I can't believe how much shit I had to go through before I woke up!"

"Do you have a lawyer?"

"Not really," Leanne said. "I haven't thought that far ahead. Ever since I snapped two days ago, I've been going on instinct, when I left Peoria I didn't even consciously realize I was coming here to you. I just wanted to get away from him, I drove for hours before I stopped and thought about where to go. You seemed like the person most likely to take pity on a runaway wife with no place else to go. Now I'm so glad I came here!"

"You and me both, Honey!"

Another mother-daughter hug later, Leanne said, "I think I'm ready to start thinking about what comes next, though. I don't suppose you know any good lawyers, Mom?"

"I might," Sarah giggled. "There's Barbara, the lawyer I hired when your Dad and I divorced, she's a tiger."

"Is that why Dad got away with half of everything including your convertible that your Dad gave you?"

"No," Sarah sighed. "That had more to with the fact that his lawyer was a grizzly bear! And the fact that he'd done nothing in particular that we could go after him for, either."

"I hated that, you know," Leanne said as they sat on the sofa. "Seeing you and Dad trying to tear chunks out of each other, it was a nightmare. That's part of why I'm so glad Gary and I had no kids now."

"I hate that we put you kids through it," Sarah said. "Our behavior was inexcusable! When I look back on it I'm more ashamed of that period in my life than just about anything else. We got caught up in our war with each other and you kids were caught in the cross-fire, especially Kyle, he was only 10."

" was a long time ago now. I want a lawyer who'll cut chunks out of Gary, though! I want to make him sell that damned house, I'll burn it to the ground personally rather than see him share it with that bimbo! I want some compensation for what he's put me through, I want him to know what it's like to have somebody step on your life!"

Sarah wanted to cheer, this was the vivacious, vibrant girl Leanne was supposed to be, and had been.

"Good for you, Darling! That's the assertiveness I like to see, you're not a wimp or a crybaby!"

"No, I'm not!" Then Leanne grinned and said, "And as long as I'm being assertive, now I want to see that collection of bondage stuff you told me about."

Sarah blushed a little and said, "I don't know if this is the right time-"

"Maybe not, but I want to see it, Mother dear! Come on, please! Pretty please!! Or do I have to make with the big eyes like Kyle used to do to get you and Dad to give him his way?"

"Anything but that!" Sarah exclaimed, raising her hands in mock surrender. "OK, OK, let's go...I can't believe I'm about to show my own daughter my porn collection!"

"Life's funny that way, Mom," Leanne grinned. "I never thought I'd find out you had a kinky porn collection!"


Sarah led her curious daughter upstairs, past their bedrooms, to what appeared to be a closet door, double-locked. It took two different keys for the older woman to open it, and inside the 'closet' turned out to be a windowless room about 15 feet on a side. Thick grey carpeting covered the floor, one wall had a bookshelf full of books of all ages and conditions. A big-screen TV was on the opposite wall with a slick AV system attached, and a mat was rolled up against another wall, beside a chest that proved to be full of bondage gear. A high end home computer sat on a table in one corner.

"Wow," Leanne said, blushing but grinning, "this is nice! Must be nice to be rich!"

"I'm not rich, Honey," Sara said, blushing herself as her daughter looked at the titles on the bookshelf. There were bondage novels, picture books, DVDs and videotapes all with a bondage or S&M theme, the books ranged from new to very old, some of it was Victorian.

"I've died and gone to Heaven," Leanne muttered, still blushing. "My own mother..."

She pulled out a book that proved to be a collection of Betty Page pics, showing the infamous model tied up in a variety of improbable poses, or inflicting the same on other models. Leanne felt her crotch go wet, and blushed anew realizing her own mother was standing right beside her!

"She was hot, wasn't she?" Sarah said.

"Oh, yes," Leanne replied. "I used to fantasize about being her..."

"As dominant or submissive?" her mother asked.

"Both, of course," Leanne replied.

"Of course," Sarah giggled.

Leanne returned the book to the shelf, and went over to the box. She grinned and pulled out a pair of handcuffs, not police cuffs but fur-lined inch-wide bands of metal. They had about six inches of chain between them, and the key was right their with them. Leanne clicked them onto her wrists, shivering at the sound, and yanked the chains.

"Nice," she commented.

Sarah was breathing harder, she had to remind herself that this was her own daughter! She looked so cute as she cuffed herself! Clad in red silk pajamas that were in no sense particularly revealing, Leanne still looked unbelievably sexy in those cuffs!

"Your turn, Mom," Leanne announced as she pulled another pair of cuffs from the box. "Come here and give me your wrists!"

"I don't know, Honey..."

"Oh relax and let's have a little fun, Mom!" Leanne giggled. She walked over with the cuffs, and locked her mother's wrists together to match her own. Both women could still use their hands, they had half a foot or so of freedom, but they were cuffed. Suddenly both were giggling.

"Let's see," Sarah said as she went over to the box, "what else do we we are!"

She pulled out two collars, and said, "We might as well do this right, if we're gonna do it at all! Let's get these on!"

Leanne drew in a breath as her mother, moving carefully because of her cuffed hands, placed a dog collar around her daughter's neck and buckled it, and put another around her own. Then the older woman pulled out a two sets of ankle cuffs, and used them to connect her ankles to each other, and then her daughter's ankles to each other. Now the two women had to shuffle to walk, were cuffed, and giggling like schoolgirls.

"I can't believe we're doing this, Mom," Leanne said, but she shuffled closer and said, "and I don't want to stop!"

The two women stood facing each other, and then suddenly Leanne kissed her mother on the lips, softly but insistently. Sarah tried to push her away, but it was hard in chains, and then she was kissing back, their tongues touching.

"Wow," Leanne said a moment later. "You're a good kisser, Mom, better than Gary!"

"That probably wouldn't be hard," Sarah said. "I've had a lot more practice than he has, too, I'll bet!"

"Speaking of practice, I thought you said you only dreamed these days! What's with the toys?" Leanne asked as she rattled her chains for effect.

"I only play with myself these days," Sarah said. "But that I do fairly often!"

"Mom," Leanne said, "I dare you to spend the rest of the night naked!"