Breakdown Cover Ch. 03


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But he was still stood in the doorway, and he said, "If I come back there, you're not going to start reading out the small print?"

"Small print? I don't know what you mean?"

"No closer than nine inches. No looking for more than ten seconds. No breathing on it. Or any other silly regulations you can dream up."

"No. You can come and lift my skirt up, and look till you've seen enough of it. I hope you'll keep your word and not touch it. But as you can see, I'm in no position to stop you, so I am leaving that to trust."

He stepped back into the room, and after closing the door behind himself, he walk back across to stand directly in front of me. "Can I kiss you?"

I blushed bright red, "Oh please no. Not down there."

"No lass. On your lips."


"Cos you look so good."

"D'you mean wet tongues?"

"That would be good. But if you can't bring yourself to that, then just a normal kiss would be nice."

"Ok, I guess it would be ok."

I'd never expected this, and he not only came in close and put his arms around me, he eased my arms from behind me, and as he supported me, he guided my arms around himself. And we kissed. And to my surprise, his kisses were nice. Not forceful, nor did he instantly start pushing his tongue. And after that cold emotionless session I'd just experienced with Bob, this cuddle and tender embrace just lulled me into a false state of security. I even remember thinking to myself, I'll have to be careful now we're kissing with full tongue, as the feelings this was generating, were definitely sexual ones. But for the life of me, I don't know which of us was responsible for the full tongue kissing that raised the stimulation to this level. But raised it was.

And even as I felt his hand cup one of my breasts, and he began to tweak my nipple, I still didn't want to call his embrace to an end. I mean, I think I could have done at this stage. But I'd still got my blouse on, even though I was bra and knickerless, he'd not gone inside either. So still loving the sensual attention, and thinking I was able to control my own feelings, I allowed him free reign from breasts to breast and nipple to nipple. And even as his fondling ceased and he started to use both hands to undo the buttons on my blouse, we just kept swapping tongues. I did consider using my hands to ease him from me, but only so that I could tell him he'd now reached the limit of my cooperation. But then I thought, he's only feeling my tits; where's the harm? So as he eased the blouse from first one arm and then the other, I just assisted in its removal.

It was now that my breasts were naked, that our mouths parted, and his lascivious kisses moved to my nipples. And as his mouth worked from one to the other, I held onto his head, and planted my kisses on his bald patch. It wasn't any kind of deliberate action, but as his mouth sucked and his teeth teased from nipple to nipple, the sensations they were creating, meant I just needed some outlet for my passion. And it just kept building, until I knew I could control my inner demon no longer.

And then as my pelvic muscle gave my hips an involuntary heave, from my mouth, came an equally involuntary grunt, "Arggg." I swear I'd not consciously been aware of any manipulation by him in the critical area under my skirt. So I'm not sure exactly what triggered my heave. But as I had heaved my fanny onto his hard cock, his hands cupped under the cheeks of my bottom and lifted me to himself. And then with a combination of thrusting up by him, and an autopilot hip rocking from me, we fucked his cock in until we were locked brush to brush.

So locked onto him, he walked around to the end of the desk that was the least cluttered. And supporting me with one arm, used his other to sweep a clear patch on the desk. I'd kind of regained my awareness at this point, and it felt bizarre to be perched up here, and watch him prepare a place to fuck me. It brought back an instant vision of a scene from, The Postman Always Rings Twice. But in the case of that film, it's the woman who hurriedly clears the kitchen table so Jack Nicholson can fuck her.

And as I'm lain down, I stretch my legs wide and hold them high, so Ned can do his worst; or do I mean best. Well best or worst, it was good. No, great. And he wasn't big, neither in length nor thickness, in fact, thinking about it, I'm sure my James has more down there than him. But I was hot, no, I was on fire, and I was fucking him, as if my life depended on it. And in under a minute, all hell let loose down there. The clamping started, and my fanny took on a life of its own. Clamp, squirt, clamp squirt, whilst I gripped Ned, and he just kind of suspended himself above me.

It must have gone on for at least half a minute, then as my fanny returned to normal, Ned looked me eye to eye and said, "My God lass, that's a fearsome little beast you've got down there. I think it wants feeding more regularly." And without any more words, that's what we did. And I say we, deliberately. Cos I was as hyped up as I can ever remember being. And towards the end of his fuck, I felt I just couldn't hold back any longer, and as I gave in, and let my fanny do its clamping act, I thankfully sensed the clamping was wringing the cum from Ned's cock. And even a minute or so later, when I regained my awareness, poor old Ned looked like he'd been put through the mangle.

His first words to me were, "Well Shirley lass. I can honestly say, that was one hell of a fuck. And I do mean hell. Have you got a pair of pliers up your fanny? I've never had my cock squeezed like that before."

So blushing with embarrassment, and attempting to apologise, I said, "I I'm sorry. I didn't mean..."

He took hold of one of my hands, and used a finger on his other hand pressed up to my lips to stop me, as he said. "It was great. The best I've ever had. Give me five minutes to get my wits together and I'll go another round with it; maybe this time I'll better it. I doubt I'll get a knockout punch in, but I might better it on points."

It took a few moments, but I did eventually realise he was making light of it all, by using boxing expressions, as a metaphor of sorts. But before I'd got chance to reply or he'd said anymore, Harry spoke from the now open doorway.

"There'll be no need for the lass to wait; I've got a cock that's ready primed, and a pair of balls bursting with spare ammo." He then closed the door behind himself and strode forcefully towards where I was standing with my bottom half sitting against the edge of the desk; a desk I'd just been fucked on.

But despite the fact I'd just been fuck by his friend, and Ned was no less a stranger to me than Harry himself, as I saw him coming my way, I instantly drew my hands up to cover my breasts. As Ned hadn't removed my skirt, it was already providing cover to the lower half of my body.

Ned had turned on hearing Harry, and he said, "Thank God the reinforcements have arrived." And then turning to me, "I guess this'll be like a tag match. As you down one of us, the other will have to come running in to take over." Then looking to Harry, "Ok, she's all yours. And good luck. I'll go keep watch."

And as I looked on in a stunned silence, Ned left, closing the door behind him. As the door closed, Harry asked, "So Shirley, are you ready?"

"Now come on. I told you this morning; I'm a married woman."

"I know. So what's that matter?"

"Look I know this doesn't look good, especially after me saying I'm not interested in having sex with either of you. But that, what you just caught the end of. It wasn't meant to happen. I don't know how I got roped into it. It was Ned's fault." As I couldn't think of any more excuses and I ran out of things to say, I stopped babbling.

Then he said, "I've been outside that door since he brought you in here. Well most of the time. Once I heard the noise of the desk feet screeching across the floor, I knew you were at it. So from then on, I've kept looking in, whilst still keeping one eye on lookout duty. So don't come the innocent party with me."

"But I never meant it to go so far. It was just a kiss and a reassuring cuddle."

"Ok, I don't mind starting off with a bit of kissing. But make no mistake." He didn't stop talking here, but as he continued he grabbed a handful of his own genitals. "Once you drop your defences, I'm having what's due to me."

"Due to you? And what makes you think you've got anything due to you?"

"Well first, I'm the one who kept watch; to make sure you got that last fucking without getting caught. You do know that if Bob catches you, he'll not be interested in your fanny any more? And that means you'll lose your job."

"All the more reason to refuse you then."

"Are you sure. I'm not saying I would, but if you're snubbing me, doesn't that mean you're not interested in joining our little group of workers against the bosses. And I've told you, if you're not for us, then that means you're agin us. So why shouldn't I drop hints to Bob that Ned's been scrumping in his orchard?"

"You wouldn't. Please say you wouldn't?"

"No I wouldn't. I'm not like that. But can't you see how unfair you're being to me. You haven't even let me have a feel yet. Ned got one this morning."

"Ok. Maybe you're right. But I'm not going to let you have sex with me, like Ned just did. That was a mistake and I don't want to repeat it."

"But you'll let me have a feel of your fanny?"

"I guess so. You did say that was all I needed to do to prove I'm one of you. An initiation, wasn't that what you called it?"

"It was. But that was this morning."

"Oh no, now what? Please don't tell me you're now upping the stakes?"

"Oh come on. Be fair. You've just let both Bob and Ned fuck you. And now you're saying that all I get is a stinky finger. Isn't there a halfway point we can reach?"

"Like what?"

"I guess a fanny licking is off the menu, I'm not keen on lapping up Ned's spunk. But what about a navy fuck?"

"What on earth is one of them?"

"Surely you know that. Navy. A boat full of men. No women allowed. Months at sea. You've never heard of the golden rivet?"


"The new cabin boy gets on board, and the shipmates tell him that this boat has a golden rivet. He wants to see it, I mean gold is rare an expensive. It'll be something he can tell the folks when he gets back home. So they tell him this is a special rivet, just visible as the boat rises and falls, it's on the edge of the waterline. A sailor either side takes hold of his arms, and says. Don't worry lad, you lean right over, we won't let you fall. And as he gazes over the side looking for the rivet, down comes his pants, and they take turns to rivet him good and proper."

I might be slow, in fact, I obviously am, as I'd not understood when he told me all of those things about the navy. But half way through his crude so called joke, I realised, he was saying he wanted to fuck my bottom. "Oh no. Not that."

"Why ever not? I'm sure you gave Bob a sample. And I can assure you, if you can manage his cock, you'll not have any trouble accommodating mine."

For the life of me, I couldn't think how on earth he knew what Bob had just done to me. Well I guess it was pretty obvious that he'd taken me to the horse box to fuck me. But how would he know Bob had used my bottom. Anyway, I didn't think it was worth trying to deny it. "Never you mind what Bob and I did, that's between me and him. And even if I did allow him, his authority over me, outweighs yours."

"Ok, I've made my opening bid. So if you reject it, it's now your turn to make a counter offer. But remember, the base line I'm starting from, is a good feel with fingers up your fanny."

"I never agreed to go further than what was needed to prove my place as a fellow worker. Surely that's enough for you?"

"You're standing there, naked down to the waist, and you're not even prepared to let me play with your tits?"

"Ok, you can feel my breasts."

"And suck on them?"

"Yes. But only if you promise that you won't go all the way."

"I won't force you, if that's what you mean."

Sheepishly, I said, "It's not so much you forcing me I'm worried about. I trust you enough to think you wouldn't do that."

"Well that's good to hear."

"No, it's me. If I let you loose feeling and kissing all parts of my body, well you know what I mean."

"You'll spread your legs and willingly take a fucking?"

"It could happen. I didn't agree to Ned going all the way. It just got out of control."

"And I'm hoping that's the way it will go with me."

"No. I told you. That was a mistake. I'll only let you feel me, if you promise before hand, not to fuck me."

"You know I can't. And even if I did. I've got no more control than you. In fact, probably less. Even if I promise, once the red mist comes over me, that cock of mine will be giving the orders. It might not be very big, but like your fanny, it's powerful enough to take over and control my actions."

"So it's a stalemate. I'm not giving you the go ahead without a promise."

"Ok, I promise that I won't go all the way."

"That doesn't make any sense. You just said you'll have no control, and that you're bound to break any promise."

"I did. So being as I've told you that, my conscience is clear."

"You mean you are going to fuck me?"

"Not intentionally. In fact, I promise I won't." And then without waiting for me to respond, his hands were on my naked waist, and as I was lifted onto the desk, he continued, "Ok, now can I get you sat up on the desk?" and then as I began to protest, he more or less repeated what Ned had done earlier. He lifted my arms over his shoulders, I assume for me to hug him. Whilst he cuddled me to himself, and began kissing me.

I managed to break my mouth from his, to say, "Look, this had better be the one and only time you ever do this."

And then with a curt, "Ok, but lets get it done now." He resumed his kisses. And like with Ned, it was no time at all before I relented, and just went with the flow. His kisses gradually developed until we were kissing full tongues, and all the while he was fondling my breasts. It was only when his mouth left my lips to suck on my breasts, that his hand then reached up under my skirt.

And my reaction to his fingers was instant, spreading my legs, and uttering a kind of sighing groan. And as I was obviously not in need of any more stimulation, after just a few seconds of exploratory work with his fingers, I felt his cock taking over. I lay back on the desk, and he proceeded to pound away. And like with Ned, from the very off, things down there began to build very rapidly, and I knew another clamping orgasm would soon be upon me. And sure enough, before he'd been pounding for five minute, my back arched up, and my fanny clamped his cock, followed by such an almighty flood.

I know I couldn't actually see things down there, but it just felt so powerful, I'm sure it must have been actually squirting out around his cock. But within a split second of my heaving flood, I felt his thrust, and the warm cum that it shot up inside me. And then after maybe five or six of these clamps, squirts and cum thrusts, he pulled out, and stood watching me. I was well gone, but apparently, I kept on pumping and arching my back for at least half a minute after Harry had pulled out.

When I did regain my senses, Harry said, "Well now I can see why Ned wanted reinforcements. That fanny u'll not be contented with just a couple of fucks. How on earth does your old man keep that snapper satisfied?"

"Please, don't say things like that. It was you who forced yourself onto me."

"Forced? I did no such thing."

"Ok, I agreed. But only because you were determined to have me. Well now you have, both of you. So let that be an end to it. I've proved I'm one of you, and I won't go telling tales."

"You certainly have lass. There's no denying that. Right, there's some cleaning cloths in that other draw, and once you're right, you'd better come out and find us; we'll be tending to the young stock. They're in the brick building, next to the barn we took you to this morning. But don't dally too long, you don't want Bob catching you." And with that he walked to the door and then I could hear him and Ned talking; but not what they were saying. And as the volume of the voices gradually diminished, I assumed they were now gone.

I quickly cleaned myself as well as was possible, considering the meagre facilities available to me. And then re-dressed in the borrowed knickers and my own skirt and blouse. Then I made my way out of the dairy, and headed for the barn, looking for the brick building Harry had described.

It was as I was walking around the barn, and passing close to the big doors, that from the gap in the part opened door, I heard someone calling, "You must be Shirley. James's wife." I turned and there was a man I didn't recognize, but he was now making his way towards me with one arm outstretched, as if to shake my hand. "I'm Sam, Mary's husband. I recognize you from the football."

As soon as I realised who he was, I held out my hand and as we shook, I said, "Ah, yes I think I can remember you. But you all look so different in your football strip. I'm looking for a brick building where they keep the young cows. It's supposed to be next to this barn, I think."

"It is. It's behind it. You can either walk all the way around the barn to get to it, or if you want, come through the barn, and I'll show you where to find the door that lets you out on the other side."

"Oh, thank you. It'll probably be less muddy going through, than around."

And so as he held the door ajar, I went in, with him closing the door behind himself. It was darker in here, but the building did have some openings high up in the walls which allowed a small amount of light. And as I wasn't sure exactly which direction I should be heading, I hesitated momentarily for him to catch up. But when he did, instead of just walking alongside me, he also slipped his arm around my waist, and even drew me in close to himself.

I reached down and placed both of my hands onto his wrist, and said, "No no. I don't think so. I'm sure Mary wouldn't approve."

He didn't let me lift his hand from my hip, and I obviously wasn't strong enough to force him. And then as his other hand came around in front of me, and took a hold of both of my wrists, he said, "In that case, maybe we'd better not tell her then."

"Oh please Sam. This isn't a good idea."

He walked me quite forcefully across to the same pile of loose hay that Harry had thrown me down onto this morning, and then turning me around to face him, said, "Now this can be pleasant for you, or painful. But make no mistake; you're not getting out of this barn until I've fucked you."

My experience on that farm has quite a time to run, so I think I'll stop here, and leave the rest for another instalment.

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. If so and you want more, let me know.

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Sman4444Sman4444over 6 years ago
More please

Please keep the story coming!!!!

tmpforumtmpforumalmost 9 years ago
Very good story...

I always like the relucant and naive wife that is tricked into doing it and secretely enjoying it, as described in your stories. I remember "The Kings of the Valley" (nice story in "Old England" --Wales, actually- country setting!) and "Wanna'be a model".

I hope to read something like this in the future, but it is a year and more since your last story!

braindumpbraindumpalmost 10 years ago

Great stories, thanks for sharing. Hoping for more

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

more, more, Please!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Excellent - more please and soon!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Breakdown Cover

Enjoyed all three instalments and hope there will be more.

Keep up the good work.

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