Breaking Code


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It was a short drive, just a couple of streets from Jesse's house -- a right, a left and another right to be exact. He saw 251 in black letters next to the door, green siding with black shutters just like she had said. He felt his heart race, a light shaking sensation in his arms and legs. He was actually nervous, for what had to be the first time in years, especially when it didn't involve public speaking. He had hoped the days of girls turning him into a nervous little school girl had passed with high school. No such luck, he guessed.

He clicked off the car, wondering if she had heard him pull up, wondered is she was looking out the window right now. He didn't see anyone. He took a couple of deep breaths and got out the car, no game plan, he was just going to wing it. The walk from the driver's side door to the front door of the apartment felt like a million miles -- all sorts of weird scenarios came crashing into his head. What if she had a guy in there with her? What if her mom was paying a visit? How would he explain that? What about her friends? Surprisingly none of these crazy thoughts caused his feet to stop moving. Plus, he didn't notice any cars in the driveway, always a good sign. He finally arrived at the front door, two more deep breaths, it was now or never.

Knock, knock!

He waited, his mind racing. Seconds passed, nothing. Come on, PLEASE be home. Another few seconds, he exhaled, a small puff of white floating out in front of him. The door handle turned, the sound echoing out into the night's hair, a fraction of a second and the door was opening, he saw Lacy standing there, she was definitely shocked to see him. Good shock, bad shock? He was about to find out.

"Bobby..." her tone was unreadable.


She took a step out the door, shutting it gently behind her.

"What are you do...."

And without a second thought, he leaned in and kissed her, catching her totally off guard, a small whimper jumping from her mouth. Their lips touching for the first time. He gently grabbed her lip with his, and then what he had hoped for, happened. He felt her lean in and kiss him back. Their lips wrestling with each other for a few seconds, their eyes shut, he brought his hand to her face, gently holding it, before pulling back, a look of shock on her face, her lips still slightly parted.

"I've gotta go... TEXT ME LATER!" he said, yelling the last part as he darted off the steps and back towards his car, leaving Lacy completely speechless.

He gave her a smile and a quick wave goodbye as he ducked his head into his car and started the ignition -- the car roared to life. He did a quick one-eighty, heading back the way he had came, back towards the bar, back to Jesse. A slight cringe at that thought, he snuck a peek out the driver's side window as he drove off, Lacy still standing there -- shocked, confused and hopefully a little tingly. The last part was a long shot, but a guy could dream, right?

He made it to the bar a few minutes late, forgetting that he had left his wallet on the coffee table at Jesse's. He opened the door and stepped in, the smell of sadness and shame suddenly wafting over him -- yep, it smelled like a bar alright. Some loud, unrecognizable song blared over the sound system as Bobby eyed around the bar for Jesse. As he looked around, he saw a few regulars but considering it was a Sunday night, the place was kind of dead -- just the way he liked it. A few more steps in and he saw Jesse taking a shot with someone he had never seen, a cute little Puerto Rican chick, who had a cute little blonde friend to match.

He walked over and plopped down on the stool next to him. Jesse downed the shot and then slapped his hand against Bobby's back.

"Dude. This is Laura," Jesse said, pointing to the blonde, she mouthed 'hi' and Bobby jutted his hand out, which she took with a quick shake and then he was introducing the other one. "And this is Isabel." He gave her the same routine. "Shots!" Jesse hollered out and the bartender brought four shots of something brown.

Bobby didn't care what it was, he grabbed it and slammed it down, the shot glass following suit against the wooden bar.

He sucked in, the oh-shit face smeared across his features. Whatever that was, it was definitely high-proof. He looked over at the girls, who surprisingly were taking them well, he felt like such a light weight. Jesse ordered another round -- wham, bam and holy shit. He was not built for shots, not anymore, not after the long dry period he liked to refer to as the "Rachel experiment". She was a sweet girl, but him plus her plus drinking was a bad idea -- someone was more than likely taking a trip to the ER or Planned Parenthood after one of those nights. Thankfully that was all over now and his liver had paid for it dearly.

"Another!?" Jesse hollered out, Bobby only half hearing him. That didn't matter, another one was slid his way.

He downed it, his lips were numb by now, intoxication had definitely begun to coil around him like a large snake. He shook his head, looking over at the happy threesome, surprised that he couldn't care less that he wasn't getting any attention -- something that usually bothered him greatly in situations like this. But there was a reason he was fine with it, a cute little brunette reason.

He ordered a beer, hoping Jesse would see it and stop with the shots nonsense. As he took the first sip, he felt a tap on his should, it was blonde girl -- Laura, he believed -- she leaned in and whispered in his ear. "Wanna dance?" As cute as she was, those words sounded like 'Wanna eat shards of glass?' to him. He HATED dancing, well, he couldn't dance and that made him hate it, was more like it.

"I'm good, thanks..." Bobby replied.

She gave him a fake sad face, not happening hunny, sorry. He turned around and took another sip of his beer, still feeling the alcohol from the shots coursing through his veins.

"Dance with the nice lady!" Jesse hollered out, drunk, his words just beginning to slur.

Mr. Persuasive was at it again, what the hell, he took one last swig of his beer and stood up. Blonde Laura grabbed his hand and walked him out towards an empty spot on the dance floor, at least there's not too many people he thought as he looked around, a good number of the people that were there when he had arrived had left and not many new people had shown up.

As she began to dance he did what all guys should when dancing at a bar, not much. He let her do the dancing and did the least he possibly could while still maintaining motion throughout. He watched and felt as she grinded on him, the smell of her rising into his nostrils, the feel of her felt nice but something was amiss, something just wasn't right. And everyone knew it, probably even Jesse, who had joined them out on the floor with Isabel, he just couldn't know why. Thankfully. Bobby's mind wandered as Laura's hands did the same, some terrible song playing louder than it should ever be allowed to.

The song ended and the four of them made their way back towards the bar. Jesse stopped Bobby a short distance away, looked like it was time for drunk guy talk, he usually enjoyed drunk guy talk. But, under the current circumstances, it did give a weird tingling in his stomach.

"What do you think of Laura? Hot, right?" Jesse said quite a bit above a whisper.

"Yeah, definitely cute."

"Ready to bring 'em back? Have some real fun." Jesse shot a glance back to make sure they couldn't hear, probably not caring either way.

"I dunno, man." How was Bobby going to explain his hesitation?

"Dude, she ain't coming back. You're free. Do you. Like old times, man," Jesse stated bluntly.

Like a hay maker to the ego, Bobby was stunned. "I'm good. Bring 'em both back, do YOU," Bobby replied with a laugh and headed towards the bar.

"Shots!" It was Bobby hollering it out this time. And the shots came, lots of them.

Monday morning afternoon came way too early for Bobby and he assumed Jesse as well. He was ninety percent sure that if he tried to piss, a puff of dust is all that would exit the end of his dick. He could feel his skin tight to his bones, feeling leathery like the face of the older ladies that still, for some reason, trolled the bars for guys. Not a pretty sight. He attempted to push himself to his feet, instantly feeling wobbly and collapsed back down on the couch. He gagged a little, fuck, he needed some McDonalds and he needed it fast! He could also use a cup of orange juice, but the fridge was so, so far away at the moment. He threw the blankets back over his head and closed his eyes, hoping the headache would eventually go away. He quickly fell back asleep.

Bobby woke up a few hours later, still dry as week-old dog shit but the headache had waned a little. He was able to sit up much easier this time and stay there, the wooziness kept at bay by the large amount of sleep he had just enjoyed. He looked for his phone on the coffee table, not there, uh oh, he grabbed his pants off of the floor and checked the pockets. Phew. There in the right front pocket was his phone, complete with the incriminating texts he still hadn't deleted. He flipped it open, holy shit, 14 new text messages. He started reading through them. The first few were from the Laura chick, who was obviously drunk texting, from where he had no idea. He didn't see her sleeping anywhere. They were dirty, poorly written text messages. He shook his head and laughed and then quickly deleted them. After a half dozen of those he finally ran into one he had hoped would be there. Lacy had texted Hey, r u up? - he checked the send time, 7:45 AM. It was now 4:42 PM. Shit. He clicked next, another one from Lacy -- Text me please. :) - that one at 8:12. The next two were from Laura, apologizing for the first texts and one from Jesse that just said he. Bobby laughed again.

He clicked back to Lacy's second text and responded with a Hey :) - breaking the man rule of never texting anything with a smiley attached. But it could be their little secret, no one had to know. Bobby put the phone down and jumped up, nearly running to the bathroom. He picked up the toilet seat, unholstered his little friend and let loose. He was surprised when he actually heard liquid hitting the water below. A flush, a quick wash of the hands and he was headed back towards the couch, the message tone going off before he could make it back.

Where r u?

Your brothers.

Can I see you tonite? It didn't matter that she had ended "tonight" with an "ite", he was just so happy she spelled out 'see' instead of just using the letter. That was almost enough to make him tear up, almost.

Of course. Your place? Knowing damn well it couldn't be here.

Yes. 9ish?

See you then. :) He broke the rule again, he was either catching feelings or the hangover was making him especially girly this Monday afternoon.

K. :*

It took Bobby a second to figure out what the hell that was, before guessing a kiss and sticking with it. He had seemingly left the impression he had hoped for. It was now five, he had plenty of time to get showered and dressed -- but how was he going to leave without causing suspicion? Hopefully Jesse had hit it twice as hard as he had and wouldn't be getting up until Tuesday. That was known to happen around this place.

Bobby shit, showered, shaved, dressed, got something to eat, took some Tylenol and drank a half gallon of water -- almost in that exact order and with time to spare. He dolled himself up a little with deodorant and the same stuff he had sprayed on himself before hitting the bars the night before. He looked like a million bucks, or a crumpled up twenty dollar bill. He couldn't be sure. Breath check and it was time to go, he was a little early but that was probably a good thing. Best thing of all? After all of that, he still hadn't heard a peep from Jesse's room. Which, as he got into his car and started it up, made him wonder if he should run in and check for a pulse? He shrugged it off and pulled away, his destination Lacy's apartment where he'd be breaking code, no doubt.

He pulled up in the same spot as the night before, with similar intentions and smelling exactly the same -- Déjà vu. He popped out of his car, nervous but definitely a toned down level from the night before. At the door he gave himself a final breath check and knocked on the door.

Lacy answered it in half the time as before and looked amazing -- having definitely dolled herself up a little as well. She gave him a huge smile, that could easily light up the dark side of the moon. He stepped in, looking around, taking in everything. It was a cute place, much more girly than Jesse's and it smelled a hell of a lot better. He was guessing she didn't have cats, smelly little fuckers.

"Hi," Lacy sounded nervous this time. Bobby liked that the tables were turned for a change.

"Hey," his voice coming out smooth.

"I just wanna say I'm..."

"No need. I understood," he said, interrupting her. He made his way a little closer.

A nervous laugh. "Do you want something to drink?"

"Yeah. What do you have?" Bobby asked, following her out of the main room and into the kitchen. She opened the fridge door, leaning down to take a look.

"Uhm... Pepsi, Sunny-D and... iced-tea. Sorry, no beer." Another cute little laugh.

She stood up, the fridge door slightly ajar, waiting for his response. He didn't answer, he took advantage of their close proximity and leaned in to steal another kiss. He was becoming a pro at this now, and his timing, never better. Their lips met, she closed the fridge door with her free hand, the other grabbing at the front of his shirt. He gently pushed her backwards so that she rested against the fridge. This time the kissing was stronger, longer, something else behind it that wasn't there before. Privacy? Time? It didn't matter at that moment.

Bobby pulled back, grabbing for Lacy's hand and leading her out of the kitchen. She squeezed his hand tightly as they rounded the corner, passing back through the main room again briefly, he walked down a small hallway, hoping it lead to somewhere comfortable. A small living room, good enough. He sat down on the couch and pulled her down on top of him. This time she was the aggressor, bringing her lips to his for just a second, before letting them wander towards his ear lobes and then his neck. A tingling sensation ran down his spine, causing goosebumps to cover his entire body. Pressure began to build. He reached out, grabbing the zipper to her hoodie and pulling. It undid with ease, revealing a cute white top, a strong burst of her sweet smell coming out as he did this. She stopped kissing and removed the hoodie, tossing it blindly behind her. Bobby watched as it narrowly missed a burning candle, landing a few feet away on an old PC. The screen flashing bright, the screen saver having been interrupted.

Bobby grabbed the waistband of his boxer briefs and tugged them to the floor, kicking them and his pants free from around his ankles, never taking his eyes off of her. Lacy quickly removed her bra and straddled him, licking her fingers a few times, rubbing the wetness around the head of his penis. She then grabbed him with her soft hand and positioned him just right. His eyes were locked onto her face, he watched as she closed her eyes, her mouth opening slightly as she slid down onto him, a soft moan escaping her lips. It was like a vice, he struggled to get all of himself into her. She moaned again, this time following it almost instantly with a kiss. Their lips coming together, a few soft kisses before she grabbed his lip between her teeth, gently pulling on it as Bobby ran his hands slowly down her sides. His hands came to rest at her hips, he squeezed them -- pulling her up and then back down again. He continued this, each time pulling her a little higher up and pulling her back down a little faster.

Her hands made their way to Bobby's shoulders, where she squeezed, taking control, slowing the pace down. Long, slow strokes. Bobby placed his hand on the nape of her neck and pulled her closer. He began to kiss her again, his tongue dancing with hers. He pulled back for a second and smiled at her. Her face was reddened and sweaty but still incredibly beautiful, she bit her bottom lip as she continued to ride him. He brought his lips back to her, this time on her neck and was rewarded with another small groan, she sucked the air between her teeth. He worked his way down her neck and across her collar bone, her skin tasted sweet and smelt like her coconut body wash.

Bobby's mouth found one of her nipples, he took it in his mouth, swirling his tongue around it as he gently sucked in. He did the same to the other. She bucked her hips, her wetness running down his thighs. He leaned back, watching her as she fucked him, her hard nipples jetting out at him, her toned stomach tensing and relaxing with each thrust.

"I'm close," she breathed in his ear, leaning her chest against his.

His hands found a familiar position at her sides and, again he squeezed, meeting her thrusts with his. Her moans and the sound of their bodies coming together filled the small room. He pulled her nearly weightless body above him, pulling her so just his head remained in her and then brought her back down with force, burying himself inside her. He did this again... and again... again.

"I'm... I'm coming," she gasped, her voice strained, her breaths heavy.

He felt her insides tighten around him, her body tensing, her breathing erratic - she screamed out. As she did so, she leaned in and clamped her lips around his, her moans filling his mouth. Her movements slowing, eventually stopping altogether.

"Are... you close?" she asked in between deep breaths.

Bobby opened his mouth to answer...

And suddenly they could hear the front door open and footsteps.

"What the fuck!?" he heard someone yell from behind him.

Bobby saw Lacy's face, knew who it was before he even turned around. Standing in the doorway was Jesse.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Isn’t there more of this?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Please, please, please continue this story line.

ncrfreakncrfreakover 10 years ago

I hope you plan to write another chapter soon!

mcollectmcollectover 10 years ago
I agree

Don't stop now! Great, especially for a first story

tygztygzover 10 years ago
good first effort!

Now add more to flesh it out :)

rsqman68rsqman68over 10 years ago
Don't stop there!

Don't stop now! I need to find out what happens next.

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