Breaking Out, Breaking In Pt. 01


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"I only found out about that stuff when I left home," I admitted. "Maybe I went too far too fast." Regrets about my relationship with Carrie began to sneak into my mind, but I shook them out. "You're still stuck here."

"Then you are a dummy," she said. I fell silent. It hadn't occurred to me that I could have found out about the outside world before leaving. "Did you ever touch yourself before you left?"

"Of course."

"So?" she asked, leading. "What did you think about while you did?"

"I'd rather not-"

"Oh, come on!"

I sighed, and my attention to the road wavered for a second. The car swerved, and I put us back on the right track. "Fine. I was thinking about..." I trailed off. I couldn't honestly remember. I thought back. Lying in bed awake at night, I had stroked my cock and felt ripples of pleasure flow over me. What had happened that day? We had gone down to Miami for a church function. I was in a hotel. Hannah had been arguing with their father about swimwear. She wanted to wear a two-piece, but he insisted that she at least display some sort of modesty and stick with an ill-fitting one-piece swimsuit. "We were in Florida," I said eventually. "I saw you in that two-piece suit."

"I was fourteen!" she said, just a tiny edge to her voice.

"It was green," I said. "Like your robe. You look beautiful in green."

She blushed. "Still-"

"So," I said quickly. "You apparently had a head start on me. What did you think about?"

"Who else could I think about? Those church kids are crazy."

"Well, that makes me feel a lot better," I grumbled. Maybe this was a bad idea. "I'm sorry you were stuck with me."

"Mike," I felt her hand on my thigh. "I mean, who else could I think of? I mean, look at you."

I looked at my face in the rearview mirror. I didn't see it. I mean, I got it: I was a decent looking guy who made a point of it to stay fit-but I always heard girls whispering at school about other guys. I'd never figured that those whispers might have been about me when I wasn't present. "Looks aren't the only thing," I said, guardedly.

"I know," she said, "but you've always been so good to me."

"Well, I'm your-"

She waved me off. "Brother. I know. But it's more than that. Maybe you don't know it, but it always went past that."


"Remember that time when we went to the state fair? Pretty much that whole day."

I thought back again, replaying that day in my mind. "I won a bear for you. And you threw YOURSELF ON ME IN THE HAUNTED HOUSE!!" I was practically shouting with astonishment. "You did that on purpose?!"

"And you hugged me back," she said.

"Of course," I said. "My little sister was scared."

We turned onto our street, and then into our driveway. "Believe what you want," Hannah said. "Facts are facts. We're in love."

I turned off the car and for a split second of silence, the rain pounded against the metal. "You also conveniently never answered my question. How did you become so wild?"

"If you have to ask, you'll never know," she said and opened the door, taking the bag of food in her arms.

"Bullshit," I said. "That's a cop-out and you know it."

But Hanna just smiled sarcastically at me and ran out into the rain.


The romantic comedy was the obvious choice for the next movie, and we let it run as we ate, occasionally feeding each other with chopsticks. Hannah took off her robe so the sleeves wouldn't drag in the sauce, and I took the opportunity to curl an arm behind her, up her shirt and around her belly. She scooted closer, and we enjoyed each other's warmth. Halfway through the movie, the phone rang. It was dad. "Hold on," I said. "I'll put you on speakerphone."

"Daddy?" Hannah asked, changing her tone of voice into something a little more innocent.

"Hi sweetie!" he said.

"Hey ya!"

"Are you kids OK?"

"Of course," I said. "The rain's heavy but not too bad."

"Really?" He sounded surprised. "When's the last time you turned on the news? The storm has turned north, you're probably going to get hit pretty bad tonight. Are all the shutters closed?"

"Not yet," I admitted. "I didn't think it would get worse."

"That's fine," he said, "but as soon as we're off the phone, you go and close those shutters."

"Yes sir." I said.

"Good man," he said. "Turns out, with the storm changing direction, we won't be able to come back until late tomorrow night. Will you be OK?"

"Sure," I said. "We even have a little extra Chinese food, so we'll just reheat that."

"You went driving?"

"It wasn't bad out when we went. Must've hit a lull."

"Lucky you," he said. "But stay in until it clears, understand?"

"Yes sir."

"Good," she said. "Are you taking care of your sister?"

"Still on speakerphone, daddy!" she chimed in, leaning on my shoulder.

He laughed a hearty, wholesome laugh. "Of course! How are you doing? Mike's keeping you company, right? He doesn't have his nose buried in one of his books?"

"He's been with me the whole time," she said, slipping a hand under my shirt and running in over my chest. "We played Monopoly!"

"You didn't let him win, did you?"

"Of course not!" she said indignantly, and then slipped her hand into my pants. I felt her nimble fingers run across my cock. I tried very hard not to make a single sound. "But that didn't stop him from taking everything." On that last word, her hand gripped my hardening cock.

"Good!" he said. "Well, I should let you go so your brother can close those shutters. Stay safe!"

"Will do," I said, finger on the Talk button. There was silence on the other line, but no click. Hannah leaned in to say something to me, but I halted her.

"You mother says she'll try calling tomorrow around midday to check in," he said. "Since we're stuck here, I've offered to head a couple of panels."

"Good luck!" Hannah said.

"Thanks, sweetie," he said. "We'll be back in no time. God bless!"

"God bless!" we both echoed out of habit.

Now came the click, and I hit the talk button on the phone, but I double-checked to make sure it was completely hung up. Hannah's hand was still fondling my cock, but I gently pulled her arm away. "You are a menace!" I whispered. "When you're on with mom, I'm gonna do ... something."

"Oooh!" she said, feigning fear. "Something!"

"You're such a brat!" I said, and grabbed her waist and pulled her into a kiss that lasted a good long time. When we pulled back, our eyes met. "But you're my little brat."

"Pff!" she scoffed, pushing away with both arms. "Go close those shutters so we can finish the movie."

"What are you gonna give me?" I asked fatuously, turning for the door. She slapped me hard on the ass, and I jumped. "OK! I'm goin', I'm goin'!"

Taking an umbrella would be pointless, since I'd need both hands to close the storm shutters. My only hope of not getting completely soaked was to work quickly. I ran through the rain, skirting the house until I reached the first set of shutters. Unlatching them from the house, I closed them firmly and locked them together. The rain was definitely coming down harder. It was the evening and if we could have seen it through the clouds, we would have seen the sun setting behind the hills. A flash of lightning suddenly lit up the darkened evening, making everything bright as day. The storm definitely was getting worse. I picked up the pace and ran to the next set of shutters, closing them, locking them, and moving on to the next. By the time I reached the last set of shutters, the wind was howling around the house, throwing stinging rain into my eyes. I no longer had any illusions of coming back inside anything less than soaked to the bone.

As I took the last shutter in hand, I noticed something through the window. Hannah stood warm and dry on the other side, and she stuck her tongue out, blowing a raspberry. When I made a sad face at her, she smiled and began lifting her shirt up. It was just the distraction I didn't need.

A sudden gust of wind ripped the shutter from my hand, and in slow motion I saw Hannah's face change. The shutter banged against the house, rebounded, and before I could react, I felt a thumping on my upper back and the ground rushed up to meet me.

The next thing I knew, Hannah was kneeling over me shouting something over the howling wind and rain. I looked up at her and smiled. "Come on, Mike! We've gotta get inside!" she shouted above the roar. Slowly, I sat up and shook off the daze. The shutter still banged against the house.

"Help me close the shutter!" I shouted, and my sister nodded, helping me to my feet. Struggling against the wind, we closed the shutters, leaning on them long enough to get the lock in place. Finished, we rounded the corner of the house and bolted through the front door, slamming it and locking it behind us.

For a moment, we stood leaning against the door, catching our breath. When I looked over at Hannah, she was soaked, and her church camp T-shirt clung to her skin, leaving little to the imagination-not that I needed to imagine anymore. She turned to me, shivering slightly, more from the adrenaline than the wet cold.

"Are you OK?" she asked.

"I think so," I said, feeling myself for cuts and bumps. I luckily wasn't concussed. "I think it hit me straight on. Probably just knocked the wind out of me."

She threw herself on me, hugging me tight. "I'm sorry!"

I wrapped my arms around her, but pulled back a little. Her hair clung to her face and neck and hung around her head in dark orange ropes. I brushed some of it away from her eyes and left a dark brown streak. "Uh oh."

"Wha-" she said, touching her face, and suddenly, she noticed. "Oh God! You're so muddy! Look at you!" She led me to the hall mirror, and I stood there trying to find my own image through the muddy specter staring back at me. I looked like Swamp Thing. "Take off your shoes!" she demanded. I slipped them off, and she led me to her bathroom, where she helped me peel off my wet and muddy clothes. In return, I stripped off her t-shirt. She hadn't put her bra back on, and the nipples on her perfect pale breasts were hard from the wet chill. Her sweatpants sagged with the weight of the water and hardly needed any encouragement to come squishing down around her feet. Again, no underwear. For a moment, we stood outside the shower while the water warmed, our hands exploring.

"You really are beautiful," I whispered into her ear. She just smiled and gently pushed me toward the shower.

"And cold," she said.

The warmth of the water immediately carried away the cold, and I felt the mud oozing off of my face and arms. I closed my eyes and let the water run on my face, and soon I felt Hannah's hands on my back. I was sore where the shutter had slammed against me, but the feeling of her hands on my skin seemed to melt the pain away. I opened my eyes and turned toward her, and couldn't help but smirk.

"What?" she asked.

"You have a bigger shower than I do," I said.

"Of course I do," she said, taking her breasts in her hands. They weren't large enough to sag, but they were enough to fill her hands. "I need room for these."

I took them in my hands and watched trails of water trickle between them. "I won't argue with you there." Leaning in, I took a nipple in my mouth and sucked it and flicked it with my tongue. She made a pleasant purring sound and I felt her hands on my head. I reached back and slid a hand onto her ass.

"Mmmm..." she purred again, and then pushed me away from her breast. "I wanna go all the way." She stared her blazing blue eyes directly into mine. This was no idle request.

"We should've got condoms while we were out," I said, kicking myself in the brain.

"No need," she said, grinning.


"You remember how I used to get really, really bad cramps with my period?"

"Yeah-wait, what happened?"

"Mom and dad talked to the doctor, and they decided to put me on the pill," she said. "It helps a little."

"How?!" I was mind blown. Mom and dad talked about the evils of contraception practically every Sunday.

"It was a hard decision, but they decided that as long as I wasn't using it primarily as contraception, it'd be OK. Why do you think they've been extra protective of me?" It really did all fit right into place.

"Fuck me," I said, astonished.

"No, fuck me," she said.

"You're sure?"

"Mike, I know I'm your little sister and you want to treat me nice, but I know you want it, too." Her fingers slid over my cock, which had become rock hard just from the idea. "And I can't think of anyone I'd rather have for my first time."

"OK," I said, a frog in my throat. "But not here. Not for our first time, anyway."

"Fine," she said, turning off the water. "But promise me one thing."


"When we hit the bed, you don't treat me like your little sister," she said, still staring into my eyes, her hair dripping. "You said when we're alone, we can be anything. So treat me like your lover."

"Sure," I said.

We toweled off as quickly as we could, and hurried into her room. Indeed, the moment we hit the bed, I kissed her the way I'd wanted to kiss her since this whole crazy episode began. I could feel her hands all over me, grabbing and stroking and clawing. I kissed my way down to her breasts again and felt her gasp as I nibbled and sucked and licked. "Oh, God, Mike!" she moaned breathily.

I moved down and began kissing her belly until I reached her pussy, which I gave a quick peck before kissing the insides of her thighs. Her breathing was quick and ragged, and if her passion was burning as hotly as mine, she was going to be begging soon. I teased her smooth pink labia a few times and then spread her open and explored her cunt with my tongue. "Ahh!" she cried out when I flicked her clit.

When I could tell her juices were flowing and she was delirious, I positioned my cock at her slick entrance. Her eyes popped open, and for a few seconds I used her juices to lube the tip of my cock. "Do it!" she whispered. I pushed slowly, feeling the tight warmth of her young pussy. "Oh!" she cried out when I hit her hymen. I stopped and backed up a bit, and when her eyes met mine, I pushed in with one stroke until I was fully inside her. "AIEEE!" she squealed through gritted teeth and clenched her eyes shut. I stayed buried in her hot young pussy, letting her get used to the feel of my cock inside her.

When she reopened her eyes, I pulled back until I was nearly out, and then I pushed back into her. "Oh, shit!" she moaned.

"You OK?" I asked. I knew it could hurt for a while. I stayed buried in her again, feeling her muscles massage my cock.

"Oh hell yeah!" She must have seen my confusion. "I thought it was gonna hurt more, too, but it was just a pinch. That's it. Oh God, Mike! Your cock feels so good! Now fuck me!"

I began fucking her, slowly at first, and saw her tits jiggle with each thrust. "Oh, Hannah," I moaned into her hair, and felt her clit grind against my pubic bone. I began fucking her harder and faster, and her mouth gaped and her back arched.

"Ah! Ah! Oh!" my sister cried in ecstasy as I fucked her. Before she could come, though, I pulled out of her. "Oh, fuck! What the hell?!" But before she could complain any further, I rolled her over and pulled her butt off the bed until she was on her hands and knees. She looked back and I shot her a quick wink before burying my cock in her again. "AHH! Yeah!" she hollered above the roar of the storm. I grabbed the pale globes of her ass and squeezed as I rammed into her again and again. She hung her head between her shoulders and made pleasured panting sounds, and I could tell she would be getting close to coming soon. I looked down and watched my cock stretch her young cunt, and the thought that I was fucking my sister no longer lingered as a hang-up. Hannah was right, I'd wanted this from the beginning and denying it was foolish. Somewhere along the line, the thought of fucking my sister had actually become a huge turn-on. If she wanted to know what I'd been up to for the last year, I was going to show her everything.

But not right this moment. Right now, I was going to keep it simple. Hannah had her head pressed into the sheets and was making quick whimpering noises, probably right on the edge. Again, I took my cock from her and heard a frustrated groan. But I quickly laid back on the bed, cock sticking up, and when she saw this she paused. I motioned for her to get on top, and without a moment's hesitation, she threw a leg over me and slid down until her clit ground against the base of my cock again. When she pulled up, I saw her eyes roll back. I put my hands on her hips and drew her back down, and we repeated this rhythm, gaining speed. Her pink pussy lips stretched, and I felt muscles ripple and squeeze around my cock as the tension built in her. It wouldn't be long for her or me.

She slammed herself down on me and squealed. "Oh shit... fuck!" She began rocking her hips against mine and arched her back, and I reached up and took her tits in my hands. As she ground her clit into me, the rippling of her muscles around my cock became too much.

"Oh fuck!" I groaned as I shot my load deep into her. I felt her hands cover mine, pressing them harder into her young tits.

"Oh! I'm coming!" she cried, her head tilted back. "I'm fucking coming!" I felt her spasm and jerk and then she collapsed on top of me, panting. My cock was still spasming and spurting, and with each, I felt Hannah's body twitch in response. She buried her head in my shoulder, and I ran my hands over her back, down over her ass and back up, soothing her. Her muscles relaxed and she melted into me. "Fuh cun frfrprfuh huff uh pruhff uck boo."

I chuckled. "Pardon?".

"Fuh cun frfrprfuh huff uh pruhff uck boo," she repeated, her face still buried in my shoulder.

"Sorry, sis," I said. "Normally I'd say, 'speak directly into the mic,' but I think this might be a little too literal." This got a silent giggle from her, and her body shook on top of mine.

"I said, 'Why can't everyone have a brother like you?'" she said, raising her face to meet mine. I'd never seen such happiness from her. Lingering doubts told me that I was just seeing what I wanted to see, that I was just taking advantage of her, and I closed my eyes and tried to clear my head. When I opened my eyes again, the same look remained. "Speechless?"

"I'm just trying to figure out if this is real or not," I confessed. She kissed me, and my mind melted.

"Did that feel real enough?"

"Uh huh."


"So I'm trying to figure out how I got so lucky."

"We. We got lucky," she said.

"Luckier than I could have ever imagined," I said. "I love you."

"I know."

"As more than just your brother."

"I know," she beamed. "I love you, too. I've wanted to tell you for a while. I want to stay like this."

My softened cock slipped out of her. Nice timing. "Well, there goes that idea," I joked.

"I meant like..." she paused and slid off of me. "Like more than just your kid sister."

"I know," it was my turn to say.

"You can still have Carrie, though," she said, her hand running over my chest and belly and back again.

"Oh, thanks," I said ironically.

"You're welcome." She pinched my nipple and giggled. "And..." she took a breath and let it out.


She rested her chin on my chest and stared into my eyes. There was clearly something brewing that bothered her. "And... I..." she let out her breath and then inhaled sharply. "Maybe you could introduce me to her," she rattled off quickly. I saw where this was going.

"You know," I said. "You don't have to like girls just because my girlfriend does. We can still be together without her. I don't want you to feel any pressure."

"That's not it at all!" she said, surprise in her voice. "I know I'm younger than you, but I do know that I don't have to do anything I don't want to."