Bred by the Hive Ch. 53


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...and suddenly, it was over.

Sam blinked, and saw the other Sam above her. Sweat glistened on her face, on her bright blonde hair. She saw the other Sam smile at her.

"What a good girl," said the other Sam. "I have everything I need now. We're all done here, Sammy," she said cheerfully. She put her hands around Sam's throat. "Any last words?"

Sam's gaze drifted down to the other Sam's breasts. They looked so large and heavy, the way they hung over her. Her erect nippled tits stood out surrounded by bright red areolas; her creamy white breasts were spotted with beads of sweat. For a split second, Sam understood why other men and even women found her so attractive.

In her final seconds of life, Sam wondered about Jack. Would the other Sam merely have sex with Jack, or would she actually become his lover? How would Jack feel about making love to the woman who had killed her? Would he even be able to get an erection for her, thinking of how the other Sam had killed her original self? Would he be able to work himself up enough to ejaculate inside of her, or would his revulsion prevent him from coming? Or, given enough time, would he even forget she existed, and treat this duplicate like her original self?

For some reason, in the last seconds of her life, Sam was haunted by that fear, the fear that Jack could actually fall in love with her duplicate. In her heart of hearts, she felt that while Jack could be made to make love to the other Sam--she had seen that the Hive could make them do anything--she felt that Jack could never love her duplicate like he loved her.

The other Sam smiled down at her. "He'll love me just as much as he loved you. Bet on it."

Sam looked startled.

"You forget, Sam, for the past few hours I've been doing nothing but reading your mind," said Sam. "It's touching that in your final moments you're focused on Jack. I could bring Jack in right now, and make love to him right here in front of you, and you would see exactly what I could make him feel for me."

The other Sam paused for a split moment, as if considering. Her grip on Sam's neck tightened... and then, loosened. She raised her eyebrows as the other Sam spoke again."No. I have an even better idea. I'm not going to kill you, Sam."

The other Sam pulled back, and took her hands away from Sam's throat. "I'm going to do even better. I'm going to have you turned into a spider guard. Did you happen to notice them, Sam? They're kind of like the harem guards, except they have a black spider in their brain. The way it works is that they put a green liquid in your brain. Not the kind that erases your brain cells; no, this is a stronger version which melts your brain tissue away entirely. Then the black spider oozes its way in, and takes total control. Then they finish you off with an arthropod exoskeleton mask over your face."

"Just think of it, Sam! You'll be totally nude, in the Hive, with a human body from the neck down. You'll get to show off those gorgeous titties you admire so much. But from the neck up, you'll be all Insect. Your brain will be gone forever, and you'll live the rest of your life as a mindless spider guard."

The other Sam smiled. "I'll work on Jack for a few days, conditioning him. From your memories, I can see that you have him wrapped around your little finger. I will too. When he's ready, I'll bring him to the cave, and have him fuck me in front of you. Then, I'll tell him that the spider guard in front of us is you." She leaned her face close to Sam. "And then I'll have Jack fuck me again."

She slapped Sam on the ass. "So get up, and get dressed! This is your big chance you've been waiting for, to escape!"

Sam slowly got up. She found her ripped clothes.

"Oh, sorry about that. Get something else from your closet. We want you to look nice for the harem master," the other Sam grinned. "No, I have a better idea! Wear your Survey Service finest! You're so proud of that, aren't you? Major Samantha Arden? Get dressed, you noble bitch cunt!"

Sam woodenly went into her closet and got dressed. When she emerged, she was wearing her Survey Service skirt, pantyhose, blouse, and jacket. Her face was a block of stone.

"Don't forget your hat, dear," said the other Sam, reaching out to put it on her head. "There! You look like such the warrior soldier now!"

Sam stood there woodenly as the other Sam saluted her. She saluted back.

The other Sam smiled. "Give me a kiss before you go."

Sam walked over to the other Sam and pressed her lips against her. The other Sam looked disgusted. "You can do better than that."

Sam leaned forward again, and gave her other self a kiss filled with passion. The other Sam kissed her, and for a moment they lovingly locked lips. As they did so, the other Sam slipped a finger into Sam's skirt and into her panties and penetrated her. Sam gasped as the other Sam winked at her. When the other Sam pulled back, she said, "You see? We can make you do anything. And right now you are going to drive on down to the Hive and find Marion or Janice and beg them to turn you into a spider guard. You'll do that, won't you, Sammy girl?"

"Yes," said Sam.

The other Sam smiled. "I know you will. And on the way there, spend your last minutes thinking about the resilience of the human spirit, and how, when the time is right, you're going to break out of our control and save the world. You'll do that too, won't you, my little Sammy baby?"

"Yes," said Sam.

"Then go and get to it," said the other Sam, slapping her on the ass again. "I would say goodbye, but better to say, 'until next we meet'."

Sam robotically turned and left the room.

The last thing Sam heard as she left was the sound of laughter.

Sam marched to her car. Once again, she remembered the words of Colonel Worth Rogers, telling her that the enemy could only win when they convinced you to stop fighting. She remembered Gretchen McCallister telling her how Anna Rogers resisted, and won, even under overwhelming alien mind control.

Sam struggled to stop or alter her course. She couldn't change a thing. She was still walking to her car. She had a three ringed rider on her back, which was controlling her completely.

Or was it?

Or was she simply letting it control her? She tried again to resist, and this time paused a step. That wasn't much. But it was something.

It had been so long since Sam had tried to resist. She had even forgotten was it was like to try.

And then Sam got to her car. The car recognized her and opened the door.

And then Sam tossed her car keys to the ground.

Sam smiled, "Do you really think you're going to delay the inevitable that way, Sam?" Sam turned around, facing away from the car door, and bent down on her high heels, and picked up the keys. Then she slowly stood up, intending to turn around and get into the car.

At that moment, as she was standing up, Sam summoned all her ESPer powers, her ESPer powers she had never before tried to use to fight the creatures, and used all her will to send herself slamming backwards.

Her back slammed hard against the sharp corner edge of the door, the sharp point where the top met the side. Sam cried out and fell. But that was nothing compared to the screaming in her mind.

Suddenly, her rider started to flipflop violently on her back. She heard it cry in pain in her head. For a terrifying long moment she felt it flipflopping on her back. Sam's heart beat rapidly as she felt liquid streaming down her back. She cried out as the rider's movements became more frantic, and then.... suddenly it went limp, and stopped moving entirely.

Sam sat on the ground for a long moment. Her rider was not moving. She couldn't feel it in her head.

Her rider was dead.

Sam experimentally tried to get up. She could. Her arms and legs were suddenly under her control again. Suddenly she felt the rider, on her back under her shirt, falling off. It dropped to her waist, still inside her shirt.

Sam took off her jacket. There were large yellow stains on her back. She took off her blouse, and the smelly dead body of the rider crashed to the ground. It had been stabbed right in the middle.

For a moment Sam stared at it, stunned. For the first time in a long time she had complete freedom of action. She had no rider on her back. She had no worms controlling her. She had no heavily preprogrammed routines to perform. All she had was... herself.

Dunlop. There might be time to save him.

She got into her car and sped off.


The Survey Service had given Dunlop 4 an apartment in Bethesda, Maryland. Sam had been there a few times. Dunlop's duplicate had a several hour advantage over her, but she remembered the duplicate saying he had to report to the Hive first before taking care of Dunlop. There might still be time to save him.

As she drove wildly, Sam tried to formulate a plan. Dunlop would still be under the control of his rider, of course. But perhaps Sam could persuade him to come with her. Or she could figure a way to knock him out. If only she had her blaster.

When she got there, she rapidly knocked on his door and tried to catch her breath.

Dunlop 4 opened the door. "Samantha," he said.

Sam entered his apartment. It had come pre-furnished, of course, but didn't have much in the way of furniture. It was a one room studio with a kitchen and a bed and a chair and a closet. Dunlop's weapon lay on a counter top.

Sam entered his apartment. "Did he get here yet?"

"He who?"

"The other Dunlop." She looked at Dunlop intently. Had she gotten here too late?

"No one has been here, Samantha," said Dunlop.

"Good," she said. She grabbed his hands. "We have to get out of here."


"Your life is in danger."

"We serve the Hive," said Dunlop.

"Yes, we do, but-" her voice suddenly broke off.

Dunlop had been calling her Samantha.

Dunlop 4 had been conditioned to think she was Sirena, his long lost wife. She pulled away from him, and took a few steps back.

Dunlop 4 gave an unnatural smile as he saw realization dawn on her face. "It seems you somehow got away from your counterpart. I wonder how that happened?" He took a step towards her.

"You killed Dunlop!" said Sam, taking a step backwards.

"I replaced him with something better."

"You bastard!" she cried.

"That's a funny name to call your child," said Dunlop, smiling. When he saw the horror registering on her face, he lunged for her, but Sam dodged out of the way, falling back against his kitchen counter, feeling something solid on it-

and suddenly she clubbed him with his own blaster rifle. (Which, she had learned, was much more than an ordinary blaster rifle.)

Dunlop fell back, for only a moment.

"That's not how you use it, Samantha," he said. "It can only be activated by my thought patterns."

He smiled at her as she realized she was once again helpless, and he grabbed for her again.

Sam, grasping the useless gun, found her finger grasping the trigger anyway.

There was a burst of light, and suddenly, there was a smoking hole in Dunlop's stomach. He looked astonished, and fell to the ground. As life faded from his face, Sam stood over him.

"I think I understand now," said Sam. "This is how you control people. By telling them they are powerless. Well, it only works if they believe you."

Dunlop opened his mouth to say something else, but Sam fired again, blowing off his head.

Then she ran into the bedroom, and saw what she knew she would find. The dried out husk of Dunlop 4.

She cried out.

But then she got a hold of herself. This is one of the first places they would look for her. She had to go to ground and find somewhere to hide.


Survey Service Major Samantha Arden was jumpy. She never slept in the same place twice. She always paid with temporary credit vouchers. She didn't know who to trust. She had no allies left in the Survey Service or HomePlanet Security. The only one she knew who was still alive was Jack, and his rider would turn him against her in an instant.

She was in a hotel in Springfield, Missouri. She didn't have the faintest idea of a plan. She had spent the last three weeks on the run, feeling tremendous grief, for all the terrible things she had done. All the people she had allowed to die or be altered or enslaved. Her parents. Her sister, her brother in law, her niece, Janice, Jack... the list went on.

She stared at her face in the bathroom mirror. It wasn't a pretty sight. Her eyes were bloodshot. She was barely sleeping two hours a night, if even that, and her dreams were filled with nightmares, nightmares where she fucked Jack while he turned into an Insect, or nightmares of Jack fucking her while she turned into one, nightmares of duplicates chasing and killing her, or nightmares of giving birth to monsters in the night who strangled her in her sleep.

She couldn't forgive herself for everything she had done. She had betrayed the Survey Service. She had turned Janice, her best friend, into a Hive Slave, which in turn had destroyed her mind. And then there was Jack. She had turned the man she loved more than anyone else into the world into a Hive Slave, and helped them gain so much control over him that he cheerfully participated in inseminating her with Hive monsters. She winced as she remembered Jack, filling her with alien sperm, groaning with sexual pleasure as he talked about the joys of being controlled; the joys of being used, manipulated, as a slave of the Hive.

And worst of all, Sam had willingly participated in the enslavement and death of her own family members.

Sam would never be able to sleep well again.

Sam got out of bed, feeling very tired, as she always did. She sat down on the toilet and spread her asshole. Her mind was so raw she could barely think. She squeezed down, but before anything could come out of her, something went into her. Her eyes widened.

"Samantha," said Sam.

Sam didn't know how to respond.

"Samantha, can you hear me?" said Sam.

"Aura?" said Sam, uncertainly.

"Yes, it's me," said Sam.

"Aura, how did you find me?"

"Quite simply," said Sam. "James said that every human action can be expressed and predicted as an unbalanced equation, if you simply know what variables to apply-"

"Never mind that. You're saying James sent you to find me?"


"Take me to him."


James was living in an obscure cottage in Strasbourg, France. Sam traveled there, on the lookout for anyone following here. She allowed Princess Aura to ride inside of her, after Aura promised not to control her, and to also allow her to excrete solid waste so she wouldn't get constipated. But Aura made her go through a series of extra loops to get to Professor Monroe, traveling through Bonn and Innsbruck and Milan first, just to make sure that they weren't being followed.

"Ah, Samantha," said the Professor, sipping a glass of wine at his desk, working on several datapads simultaneously. "How are you?"

"I suspect you know the answer to that question."

"Of course. Why else would I have sent for you?" he said. His eyes blazed with intelligence. "Is she clean?"

"Yes," said Aura, through Sam. "There is no trace of the parasite left in her."

Sam blinked. "How do you know who said that?"

"Because I do," said James. "Do you still want to defeat the parasites? Or, should I ask, do you once again want to defeat them?"

"Yes," said Sam immediately. "Have you devised a method to destroy them?"

James sighed. "Nothing comprehensive. There is still my theory about jamming their organic wavelengths. I already obtained the frequencies for the small insects and the riders from your HomePlanet security database, but we are still lacking the frequencies for their spiders and their humanoid forms."

"What about the Hive Minds?"

"They are isolated and cannot move. Once we eradicate the rest, we can eliminate them at our leisure."

Sam thought. "I think I did see the frequency for the spiders, once upon a time... but Gavin caught me at it. He caught me, and he... he did something to my memory."

"Did he?" said James. "Come and sit by me, my dear, and let us talk about it."

Sam sat down next to him.

"Now, tell me all you remember," said James.

Sam started to talk, but she couldn't hear the words she was saying, and soon everything was a blur. All that she could see was James' bright eyes, shining on her.

And then time seemed to skip a beat, and suddenly, she heard herself saying "4429 submegahertz."

"Thank you, my dear," said James.

"But I thought... I thought they had erased my memory."

"No, they just jumbled it up a bit," said James. "Well, that gives us what we need for the black spiders. Now all we need is a reading from a humanoid Hive creature."

"Well, there's another me floating around," said Sam. "I could go up to her and ask her to stand still while I scan her."

"I have a better idea," said James. "Why don't we arrange for your other self to be taken into custody, and then scan her?"

Sam gave a bitter laugh. "The Survey Service and HomePlanet security are in the hands of the Hive Mind. I saw to that."

"Think, Sam, think. Is there anyone else you know who might be able to help us? Anyone at all?"

Sam tried to think. It would have to be someone not in the Survey Service, or at least not in it recently... she lifted her head abruptly. "Maybe... Jeff Ward." She paused. "He was a Commander in the Survey Service, when I was a lieutenant. But then he transferred out of the Service and joined the World Army. He works on the general staff for the World Government... I think in Switzerland."

"Would he be able to get your other self detained?"

"Maybe not, but he almost certainly has the ear of a general who could," said Sam. "If he hasn't already been taken over. If he has, I'll be walking into a trap."

"There are no longer any riskless possibilities for us to consider, Samantha," said James.

Sam nodded, realizing he was right.


Colonel Jeffrey Ward worked on the Command Staff of the World Government out of Meiringen, Switzerland. Meiringen used to be a picturesque mountain town nestled in the mountains of south central Switzerland. Then the World Government arrived and constructed giant office buildings everywhere.

Sam contacted him. He seemed to be normal over holo, but Sam's ESPer skills couldn't scan him for alien influence over such a distance. She insisted she needed to see him but was vague about her reasons. To her relief, he agreed to meet.

Reichenbach Falls was more well known in literature than in real life. It was the place where Sherlock Holmes and his arch rival, Professor James Moriarty fought each other and both fell to their deaths. Ward suggested that they meet at the scenic lookout above the Falls, just outside of Meiringen, and Sam readily agreed. An outdoor meeting space would leave fewer opportunities for an ambush, if this were a trap.

Sam arrived dressed in street clothes. She had shed her Survey Service uniform immediately upon fleeing. It was evening and dusk was settling in. She looked around at the empty picnic tables but saw no one. She walked over to the edge and looked down at the falls. The water was rushing downwards with a roar, at a brisk pace.

"Invigorating, isn't it?"

Sam almost jumped out of her skin at hearing her own voice. She whirled, drawing the blaster hidden beneath her coat, and saw her duplicate, also wearing dark street clothes, very similar to hers, in fact. They were of such similar minds that they even dressed alike, Sam reflected. The other Sam leaned over and smelled the air. "We always loved the smell of the air around waterfalls, didn't we Sam?" she asked. She smiled. "Come. Sit down. We have a lot to talk about." She went and sat down at a picnic table.