Breeding The Bride Pt. 06

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Sex is her Superpower.
4.3k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 05/26/2024
Created 05/05/2024
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Breeding The Bride

Part 6 of Seven


The most popular stories on Literotica involve incest. I've tried to write this kind of erotica in the past, but I've failed because I'm not usually aroused by the idea of having sex with blood relatives. After several attempts, I came up with an idea that seems to work.

Welcome to the planet Neo Sola, where humanity's descendants live in peace, luxury, and happiness. Crime, exploitation, and hereditary diseases have been conquered. This led to a gradual collapse of moral objections to incest.

Indeed, on Neo Sola, it is thought that a young person's loving relatives are best suited to help them lose their virginity, teach them about sex, and impregnate them when they become adults. After repeatedly failing to craft an incest story that felt genuinely erotic, I was surprised by how believable "Breeding The Bride" felt to me.

I have one concern. My observation is that the kind of readers drawn to incest fiction are very different from the kind drawn to science fiction. Are there readers who'll enjoy a fusion of these different genres? We shall see.

I classified this series as incest instead of sci-fi because I don't want some unsuspecting sci-fi fan to stumble across a story that they wouldn't knowingly read. Here in Part Six of the seven-part "Breeding The Bride," Deja learns a new way to enjoy sex.


Deja's ass ached when she woke the next morning. She wasn't surprised to discover that she liked the way it felt. Uncle Jone gave her permission to remove the butt plug she'd worn overnight. During her shower, Deja realized that her bottom felt different after being stretched and stimulated for so many hours.

She wondered if butt plugs would be something she wore routinely in the future, or if she'd only use them on special occasions when she expected to have anal sex. She'd never heard of the sex toy before yesterday, but today she was anxious to learn more about its erotic potential.

The trio decided to go out for breakfast because they needed an excuse to leave their suite. Deja was disappointed that they didn't have sex that morning, but she was certain she wouldn't have to wait long before Uncle Jone made her drink the next love potion.

Were love potions something she'd enjoy after her marriage? She hoped so. It was obvious that something in the potions enhanced Deja's ability to enjoy sex. The potions made her want it more.

After breakfast, they decided to tour the wilderness area north of the resort. The only safe way to see the zone was from inside an oversized all-terrain vehicle that kept out pesky insects and persistent predators. Deja was most impressed by the lush plant life that included everything from towering trees to colorful ferns. Most plants and animals were non-native species introduced as part of the ongoing effort to terraform Neo Sola. A few traced their genetic ancestry all the way back to Earth, but the majority were the result of genetic modifications intended to create forms of life that could survive and thrive in the planet's unique ecosystem.

When the tour was over, Deja hoped they'd return to their suite to have sex. She was sad when Uncle Jone said he'd purchased tickets for a multi-media performance he hoped they'd enjoy. The show featured sensuous music and half-naked dancers performing erotic routines. Deja enjoyed it, but she couldn't help thinking about how much she'd rather be sucking her uncle's cock.

When they finally returned to their suite, Uncle Jone asked Robbie to prepare three love potions. "Yes! Yes yes yes!" Deja said excitedly. "It's about time!"

Uncle Jone and Aunt Lini both laughed. "Getting impatient, Deja?" Lini asked. "Has it been too many hours since one of us fucked you?"

"Yes!" she said. "Yes yes yes!"

"Aren't you afraid we'll make you do something you won't like?" Lini asked. "I can guarantee that today's lesson will push your boundaries farther than before."

"I'm not afraid of anything," Deja said. "Everything has been wonderful. I'm sure I'll like whatever you want me to do today."

"I guess we'll find out," Uncle Jone said. He turned on some sexy music that they enjoyed as they sipped their love potions.

"What can you tell me about what's next?" Deja asked.

"Not very much, I'm afraid," Uncle Jone said. "This one is supposed to be a surprise."

"Aunt Lini, you must remember when this happened to you," Deja said. "Did you like what I'm about to experience?"

"If my memory is accurate, I did not enjoy it," Aunt Lini said. "That doesn't mean you won't like it. It took a while for me to see the attraction. It's something I enjoy all the time now, but my first experience wasn't pleasant."

Deja felt that sounded ominous. She'd thought that Aunt Lini would tell her to expect to have a blissful experience. The idea that she might not like what was coming was strange. Deja sipped the love potion and felt it take effect, heightening her senses. She noticed a surge of attraction for both her aunt and uncle. It made her want to touch them and be touched in return.

She noticed that Maria was carrying items in and out of the bedroom. Deja's robot companion was apparently preparing the room for what was about to happen. She wanted to ask what Maria was doing, but Deja knew it wasn't something she was permitted to know. She'd have to wait until she experienced it for herself.

"I think it's time, dear," Uncle Jone said finally, rising from his chair and extending one hand to Deja. He led her and Aunt Lini to the bedroom, which was illuminated with the dim golden light of candles.

"Take off your clothes, Deja," Aunt Lini said, helping the younger woman remove her apparel.

"Today's lesson involves bondage," Uncle Jone said. "We're going to tie you up exactly like we did before. I want you to concentrate on the fact that you will be powerless. After you're tied up, think about being unable to stop us from doing whatever we want to you."

Deja reclined on the mattress and let them tie her wrists and ankles to the bed. She looked at the reflection of her naked body in the mirror on the ceiling and realized just how powerless the restraints made her. Uncle Jone made the sensuous music play through speakers in the bedroom, then he kissed Aunt Lini and said "I'm going to enjoy this."

"So will I," Aunt Lini said. "I doubt that Deja will like it as much as we do."

Deja's aunt sat to her right, and her uncle sat to her left. Aunt Lini picked up one of the big red candles placed next to the headboard, and Uncle Jone picked up a bowl containing something white.

"Look at this candle, Deja. Watch what I do with it," Aunt Lini said. She lifted the candle high over the bed and turned it just enough to let a big drop of hot wax spill out. The wax landed on Deja's belly, causing a sharp burning pain.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!" Deja cried when the wax scalded her flesh. There was nothing sexy about being burned like this, she thought. She realized that the wax wasn't hot enough to do any damage, but it caused enough pain to take her breath away.

Uncle Jone reached into his bowl, withdrew an ice cube, and used it to cool her aching flesh. The pain stopped as soon as she felt the ice.

She realized that Aunt Lini was still holding the candle above her. After a long delay, her aunt tilted the candle again. This time a bigger drop of wax landed on her shoulder. Once again, Deja cried out in pain.

"No! Stop! That hurts!" Deja said.

Uncle Jone applied an ice cube to this second little burn, helping Deja calm down.

"I don't like this!" Deja said. "This isn't fun at all!"

"It's not supposed to be 'fun' Deja," Aunt Lini said. "It's supposed to be painful. Does it hurt too much?"

"Yes!" Deja said.

Aunt Lini nodded, held the candle high over Deja's leg, and let a drop of hot wax fall just above her knee. Uncle Jone let a few seconds elapse before he used an ice cube to relieve her pain. Deja pulled at her restraints and remembered being told she needed to concentrate on the fact that she was completely powerless. Seeing Aunt Lini move the candle again made that idea easy to focus on.

Over and over, her aunt dripped hot wax on Deja's tender flesh, and after agonizingly long intervals, her uncle relieved the pain with ice. The ordeal actually got worse because Aunt Lini aimed for increasingly sensitive parts of Deja's body. She gradually lowered the candle so the wax didn't have as much time to cool as it fell.

Deja watched as Aunt Lini dripped wax on her sensitive inner thighs, her breasts, and even her neck. Just when it seemed things could not get worse, a drop of especially hot wax fell on Deja's nipple, causing a long moment of agony that didn't end until Uncle Jone soothed it with the ice. Over and over, Deja cried out in pain as she begged them to stop the torture.

But then Deja noticed something odd about the torment. She felt like her mind left her body, looking down from above. It was as if she was seeing someone else as she watched herself writhing in pain. In time she realized that she liked the burn! She especially enjoyed hearing the sound of her voice as she cried out in torment.

The mirror on the ceiling revealed that her torso was covered with little pink splotches showing each burn. It looked sexy. Being restrained looked sexy. Being powerless during such intense torment aroused her in ways she'd never imagined before.

Things culminated when Aunt Lini spilled wax on Deja's cheek. It triggered an orgasm unlike anything the young woman had ever experienced. She thought it was very strange that she could climax without any of her erogenous zones being touched, but it went on and on as waves of pleasure that started in her pussy spread from her head to her toes.

Deja's eyes rolled back in her head as her orgasm continued. She wasn't able to keep watching what her uncle and aunt were doing. When she was finally aware of her surroundings again, she saw that they had put the candle and the ice away, and now they were removing their clothes.

"Suck on my cock, Deja," Uncle Jone whispered. He used one hand to open her mouth, then shoved his limp penis between her lips. Deja dutifully sucked him as well as she could while being restrained, and soon her mouth was full of hard cock. He began thrusting, shoving his erection all the way into her throat.

He's fucking my face, Deja thought to herself. It seemed to go on forever, but Uncle Jone eventually climaxed, sending a volley of hot cum into her wet mouth.

By this time Deja was conditioned so well she had no choice but to climax anytime she felt cum in her mouth, ass, or pussy. She pulled at her restraints as her second orgasm rolled on. Deja barely noticed when her uncle's erection wilted and he withdrew from her mouth.

Several long seconds elapsed, and Deja realized that her Aunt Lini was getting on top of her. She was squatting over her face, pressing her pussy against her mouth.

"Eat me," Aunt Lini said softly. "You know how to lick a pussy. Lick mine. Now." Deja was exhausted, but she obeyed her aunt and began licking her wet folds. She felt proud when she heard Aunt Lini moan from arousal after Deja's tongue found her clit.

Deja wasn't sure how long she ate Aunt Lini's pussy, but it seemed like a long time. At some point she felt the older woman lean forward, and she realized Aunt Lini was burying her head between Deja's legs.

It felt wicked. Obscene. Deja was eating Aunt Lini's pussy at the same time Aunt Lini was eating her, experiencing something the younger woman didn't know was called 69. The scene was so far outside anything Deja ever imagined that she found it hard to believe that people actually did such things. The feel of her aunt's tongue on her clit made Deja work harder eating the older woman's pussy.

Deja climaxed first. By this time she'd endured so much pleasure and pain that she was losing control of her body. She cried out, but her cries were muffled because Aunt Lini's wet pussy was pressed against her mouth. Aunt Lini saw the contractions in Deja's pussy, and the sight was so erotic it made the older woman cum.

They untied Deja's wrists and ankles. She was so spent she was unable to move for a long time. They used wet towels from the bathroom to wipe the dried remnants of wax from her body, and then they applied an ointment that soothed the lingering burning sensation. Uncle Jone gave Deja a glass of cold water. It seemed to revive her.

"Wow!" Aunt Lini said. "You tolerated that a lot better than me. I was a sobbing mess when I experienced it. I managed to climax once, but you came three times. I am impressed, Deja!"

"I am too," Uncle Jone said. "I was warned to be prepared for you to struggle with this lesson. To resist. Not everyone climaxes just from the pain of the wax. Watching you have that orgasm was inspiring, niece. I can be aroused by pain, but not like you."

They cuddled up next to the young woman and held her for several minutes. Then Aunt Lini began to speak.

"Deja, there's no way you could know what I'm about to tell you," she said. "For years, our relatives have considered me to be the biggest slut in the family. I've always been proud of being such a slut. What woman wouldn't enjoy having that kind of reputation?

"I've got a feeling that I'm about to be replaced," Aunt Lini said. "Deja, you may be the biggest slut I've ever met. Your sex drive is ferocious, girl. I can't wait to tell your parents about what just happened. They are going to be so proud."

Deja was so happy she felt like crying. "That's a very gracious thing to say, aunt," she said.

"It's just the truth," Uncle Jone said. "Deja, your Aunt Lini isn't the only slut I've had sex with over the years. But you're the only virgin I've known. As I prepared for this week with you, I was told what to expect as you progressed through the traditional lessons.

"You have exceeded all those expectations. All of them. It's time for me to say out loud what I've been thinking since I broke your maidenhead.

"Deja, sex is your superpower. There isn't a man on Neo Sola who isn't going to want to take you to bed. I hope you realize that your fiance is a very lucky man. He has no idea what's going to happen after you two get married. Whatever his family is paying as his dowry can't be nearly enough."

That was the moment when Deja stopped worrying that she might not be as slutty as she'd always hoped. She felt it in her mind and her body. Her inner slut was awake, and Deja felt it come roaring to life.


Aunt Lini stayed an extra day so she could have more sex with Deja. The ordeal of the hot wax was the last major lesson of the week. The remainder of her time was devoted to reviewing what she'd learned and ensuring that her conditioning was reinforced.

Uncle Jone verified that Deja was skilled at eroticizing pain, consistently climaxed when she felt his cock throb inside her, enjoyed exhibitionism and voyeurism, loved anal, and was a skilled cocksucker with a talent for deep throat. She came to love bondage and role-playing. Again and again, they discovered that Deja excelled at every lesson. It was obvious that she was becoming an accomplished slut.

By the end of the week, Deja was so sexually satisfied that her pussy was continuously wet and happy. It was pleasant to feel a butt plug up her backside - even large ones. She swallowed so much cum her belly always felt full. There was just one more thing that needed to happen to make the week perfect.

On the final day, Maria used a medical scanner to examine Deja's womb. "Congratulations!" the robot companion told her. "You are pregnant! It's a boy."

Deja and Uncle Jone were both so overwhelmed with emotion that they began to cry. I'm going to be a father, Uncle Jone thought to himself. Deja is going to have my baby! Maria hugged her human companion and began downloading information about childcare and babysitting. Although Deja and her new husband would raise the baby during the day, Maria would be in charge at night, while the humans slept.

The group was packed and ready to leave when Uncle Jone announced that there was one bit of unfinished business.

"Deja, tradition demanded that I keep many secrets from you this week," he said. "There is one big mystery that remains. It's time to reveal something you may find surprising. Maria, would you explain it please?"

"There's something special about this suite," the robot explained. "There are cameras and microphones in every room. There are recordings of everything you did this week, from the moment you walked in the door until now."

"Recordings?" Deja asked. "Why?"

"Traditionally, brides often enjoy letting their new husbands watch video highlights of what happened when they surrendered their virginity. When they were bred. When they learned to suck a cock. It provides erotic entertainment that makes the honeymoon more enjoyable.

"But in your case, Deja, there's another possibility. You already know that there are corporations that provide erotic entertainment for adults. You remember the film you watched called "The Ski Weekend" don't you? There's a vast selection of sexually explicit material available to adults on Neo Sola.

"One streaming service specializes in reality television, which provides a look at the sex lives of real people. A very popular program features women just like you, who are recorded having sex for the first time. The programs are especially popular because viewers know the women have no idea they are being recorded. It means they are responding naturally to everything that happens to them.

"Deja, there are a lot of people who would love to watch you move from a state of innocent virginity to your current status as an accomplished slut. You've already heard your aunt and uncle say you were an extraordinary student this week. You must know that you are an unusually attractive woman. It's also true that your handsome uncle was an unusually attentive teacher who was careful to conform closely to our cultural traditions.

"What I'm saying, Deja, is that I'm sure you could sell your recordings for a substantial amount of money. There's every reason to believe you might attain a level of celebrity that would make your husband, your uncle, and the rest of your family proud. I'm sure your girlfriends would be jealous.

"People would pay to watch me have sex?" Deja asked.

"They certainly would," Maria said. "I have already had preliminary discussions with the streaming service that provides most of the reality television on Neo Sola. Based on my report and a preview of your Bridal Dance, they are very interested in seeing your recordings. We'd need to negotiate a contract, but I'm confident I could secure an agreement that would generate very significant income, Deja."

"Is that something you'd like to do?" Uncle Jone asked. "It's alright if you want to keep your recordings private."

Deja laughed. "Uncle, I can't believe you asked that. You are the one who taught me to be an exhibitionist. OF COURSE I want people to see me having sex! OF COURSE I want people to know I'm a slut! The idea is making me wet as a thunderstorm!

"Maria, please follow up with the negotiations," Deja said. "I know nothing about such things, but I trust your judgment. If you could make me a reality TV star, I would be deeply appreciative."

"I'm sure I can work something out," Maria said. Deja's obvious happiness moved the robot, who loved her deeply. Like all robot companions, Maria was activated on the day Deja was born, and she'd been a devoted companion since then. Barring an accident, the pair would be together as long as Deja lived.