Breeding the Pony Girl Pt. 02


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"Damn fool Sunday drivers. Let me go over and look. Meanwhile, Haile, will you please go to the bunkhouse and wake up Charles and Henry? We need our paramedics."

"You got it, boss." Said Haile, flying out of the room. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Mary hesitating, torn between seeing to the accident and protecting me. Then I heard her announce, in a firm but troubled voice,

"Stud, you do right by that filly. If I find out you've hurt her while I'm gone, I'll flay you alive, got it?"

The rhythmic plundering of my vagina paused for about two seconds, and I heard Stud whinny and stomp his right hoof. Then the door banged shut and I was left alone, completely helpless with the most well-endowed stallion on the ranch firmly mounted in my saddle. Without any hesitation, I felt him resume his masterful fucking. All I could do--in fact, all I WANTED to do--was lie there and take it. I felt another orgasm building inside me.


("Stud's" perspective)

I'm enjoying myself thoroughly as I fuck the slave brains out of this little redhead, and from the noises she's making (translated by the horse collar), she seems to be equally thrilled. So, to avoid coming too soon, I'm trying to distract myself by running my mind over all the oddities that I noticed this morning.

-A very unusual time for a breeding session;

-Ms. Spalding, who for some reason never misses a chance to watch me at work, is nowhere in sight;

-A red-headed pony slut whom I've never seen before, who's never been out in the sun and whose butt-cheeks, while sexy as hell, show none of the lean, muscular tautness that every pony on this ranch develops within days of starting training. She isn't even branded;

-This pony girl is blindfolded, but seems to be able to see through the sleep mask they normally use;

-The stable boss (and MILF) hesitating to go to the scene of an accident with four of her girls injured, instead pausing to threaten me in a manner I've never heard her use with anyone before.

See where I'm going with this?

If I recall, I've already told you that I sometimes think of myself as a slave Sherlock Holmes. It's mostly a joke, my lame attempt to motivate my mind to keep looking for new things and drawing conclusions about my environment. It's been years since I read those detective stories, but I remember Sherlock's basic approach to solving a mystery. It went something like, "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."

I'm not really Sherlock Holmes--I'm a recovering alcoholic jock with a 1.7 GPA--so I CAN'T eliminate all the other possibilities, but I think they boil down to two:

EITHER this is a genuine, random pony girl with whom I'm suddenly alone, and who won't be able to tell anyone what I do to her so long as I do it quick, before any of the staff return. OR by some strange Karma, the girl on that frame really is the bitchy owner of the ranch, a woman who might have a crush on me but has definitely been a pain in my ass. In which case, she wouldn't dare tell anyone that she let a slave use her sexually as if she were a pony girl. Either way, now's my chance: I get to act out my fantasy with this filly, and MAYBE, just MAYBE, I get the chance to be a real pain in the ass to the ice princess!

Looking around one more time to ensure we're alone, I use my left hand to pull out her butt plug. The shaft appears to be clean, so I guess she must have gotten an enema this morning. Never mind that right now--I pull out of her cunt and, with my right hand, press the mushroom head against her anus. I don't want to injure her, so I only push just enough to pop the head of my cock past her sphincter. Then I stop.

She jerks and neighs, but doesn't seem to be in too much pain. I count to 40-Mississippi while I stroke that velvet skin, giving her a chance to adjust. After that, I have to speed up, because I don't know how long I have. Push in an inch, pull back about half an inch, and repeat. Occasionally, "Mizz Spalding," as I like to imagine she is, moans and shifts her weight as I occupy another inch of her colon. About half-way in, she seems to capitulate, relaxing, sighing, and (as far as she can) pushing back against me.

In a few more strokes, I'm balls deep in her rectum. Man, is she tight, warm, just plain superb, just as I always thought Ms. Spalding's ass would feel. Time to move, though, so I begin to pump in and out, faster and faster, clutching those magnificent buttocks as I ream my fantasy girl.

Thrust, withdraw, thrust, withdraw, thrust--after no more than 20 repetitions, I finally blast my load deep inside her bowels. She is obviously overcome, hanging almost lifeless from her bonds. I'd love to linger over this moment, but I dare not. Quickly, I pull out my cock and re-insert the plug, making sure that my hot cum stays embedded in her butt. Then, looking around again, I shuffle backwards, stepping carefully down from the frame, and back away from the filly.

Just in time (for me), Mistress Hailie reappears, looking flustered. Because the mounting is officially over, she barely glances at the restrained pony girl, who is beginning to come around. Instead, the pony boy whisperer removes my scrotal leash (thank you), re-attaches a normal leash to my collar, and leads me away for a shower. I know they have cameras recording the whole thing, but I hope that my little switch between her two entrances will go unnoticed. For the moment I seem to have gotten away with my dream of butt-fucking a pony girl that MIGHT actually be the bitch queen ranch owner from hell. If it really IS her, she'll find some way to punish me severely, but man, I still think it's been worth it. What a piece of ass!


(Lois Spalding's perspective)

If you had told me beforehand that this incredibly well-hung stallion would ream my rectum this morning, I would never have undertaken the masquerade. Thank heavens I had taken Mary's advice and practiced with the plug in my butt, so I was stretched out enough to accommodate his even larger-caliber dick. To be honest, though, it wasn't that bad. In fact, given that I was trying out the role of helpless submissive pony girl, I have to confess that I kind of enjoyed him taking me back there. It felt like the ultimate act of control and possession--not only was I naked, voiceless, and helplessly bound, but this magnificent animal occupied the most intimate, shameful part of my body. I'd never thought of myself as particularly-submissive, but at the moment I felt like a very real--and very happy--pony girl. Tomorrow, I'd have to decide whether I should punish Stud for breaking the rules, although how would I tell anyone, even Mary, what he had done to me? For that matter, he might figure out WHO he had butt-fucked, which would only increase my humiliation. For now, I'd be happy to bask in post-coital glow. Now, I only hoped that Mary would reappear and get me back to my rooms before someone recognized me. His cum was starting to burn inside my battered back door.

Only, she wasn't the first person who found me. I was still lost in the moment when the door opened and closed quietly, so I didn't have time to look up and see who had entered.

The mounting frame vibrated slightly as someone climbed up behind me, then began to stroke my rear end and lower back. He (The erection pressing against me said it was a male) bent over and whispered gently in my ear. Because of the sleep mask, I had difficulty identifying him in the mirror.

"Poor pony, somebody forgot about you, didn't they? That's a shame. You're such a pretty girl, too--and a redhead. Bet you're a real firecracker when you can talk, but right now all you can do is whinny and stand there, right?"

I remembered Mary's warning about playing along to protect my identity. So I tossed my head slightly and emitted a soft whinny that I think conveyed my helplessness and fear.

"Don't worry, girl." The unknown hand continued in a soothing voice. "I won't hurt you. But, since you're already scheduled for breeding this morning, I'm sure Mizz Spalding won't mind if I give you a little extra fucking. I'll be quick." Oh, crap.

I felt him step back a little, then heard the tell-tale sound of a zipper. The next indication I had was the insertion of his dick into my canal, which was still slick from the excitement of my previous use. Whoever he was, this guy wasn't of the same magnum caliber as the Stud, but he wasn't small, either. The rather large plug in my other opening made his prick feel larger, and I automatically tightened all my muscles back there to ensure that I didn't expel that thing--no sense giving him ideas when my rectum was still sore from Stud's massive invasion. I'm sure my clamping down gave him extra pleasure, which was just as well--I was on the edge of panic and prayed that he would finish with me quickly. In the back of my mind, however, my newfound submissiveness was dancing a little jig at the thought of an unknown free man fucking Pony Girl Ginger's slave brains out!

The unidentified ranch hand bent over to tweak my nipples, setting the bells jangling as he began pounding into me, his rough jeans rubbing against my behind with each inward thrust. I'd already had half a dozen climaxes that morning, but he knew how to use his equipment. That, plus the thrill of humiliation and subjugation, caused my breathing, heart rate, and lubrication to all accelerate. I absent-mindedly wondered what that would look like on the monitor, where I usually sat while pony girls were mounted. Then I suddenly recalled the cameras that were recording this scene--Oh, lord, Mary would know all about my extra ration of cock! I imagined that Pony Girl Ginger will go to the bottom of the reinforcement schedule because she had gotten more than her share that day.

All these thoughts flashed through one part of my brain, while the rest of me was enjoying the physical and mental thrill of casual, pony girl sex with a master. Whoever he was, he was in a hurry, not wanting to be caught in the act of administering unscheduled rewards (snicker). By this time, I was babbling and moaning uncontrollably--if I had been able to talk, I would have begged him to do me deeper and harder, but the collar translated my rambling into various excited horsey sounds.

In my (limited) experience, simultaneous climax by both partners is so rare as to be almost a myth. That morning, however, both of us were excited and in a hurry, so I think I peaked only seconds after I felt him stiffen, ram even harder against me, and flood my innards with white stuff. Good thing I was on birth control, although the load I had expected--from Stud--was still squishing around in my bowels. Lost in what I have since realized was "slave haze," I thought absent-mindedly that I had a load in my cunt and another in my ass, so now I needed to find another prick to fill my mouth. Whoa--didn't realize I could slip so easily into submission.

I was again exhausted, hanging from my bonds, as my temporary master hastily extracted himself from me and zipped up. Before leaving the mounting frame, he gave me a solid slap on my right buttock, and announced,

"You're a fantastic fuck, Red. Maybe sometime soon I can take you out for some private racing practice and use you again." I caught a glimpse of a tall, gangling guy in a cowboy outfit as he exited the barn, leaving me alone again.

It seemed like less than two minutes later that Mary reappeared, apologizing quietly for having to leave me alone for a while.

"I guess Hailie took care of Stud, right?" Still wearing the horse collar, I could only toss my head and stamp my hoof. She grinned and inquired, "Did you have a good time, 'Ginger'?" I responded the same way.

She released me from my bonds, clipped a leash to my collar, and helped me down off that fatal platform. I needed the help because I was still shaking and weak. She stopped at the computer and downloaded the vital signs graph and camera feeds onto a disk.

"Come on, girl, let's get you home and out of this tack," she whispered quietly, leading me out into the bright sunlight.

Two minutes later, we were safe inside my suite again. Mary locked the door and began to release me, starting with the nipple clamps and arm sleeve. As soon as my shaking arms were free, I tried to reach the collar, but was too weak and distracted. She understood what I wanted, though, and unclipped the collar before moving around to my back to unstrap the bustier.

"I know I asked you this before, but did you enjoy yourself? Was it what you expected?" She inquired.

I paused for a moment, and then said, hesitantly, "It was . . . interesting."

"Oh, come on, girl. We went through all this trouble for you to try on the Stud for size, so the least you can do is tell me all the dirty details." She extracted my tail and then guided me over to sit on a chair while she removed the boots. I made a mental note to disinfect that chair!

No sense trying to hide it from her. Blushing again, I finally got out, "He was fantastic, and I'll be glad to tell you all about it later. But first, you need to review that disk--and please be alone when you do it! You'll see that a lot more happened while you were gone that just Stud fucking me."

Her face changed from excited to compassionate, then angry. "What did he do to you?"

"Nothing you didn't warn me about, and to be honest I enjoyed most of it--that's what makes me REALLY embarrassed. But, I don't know how I can look you in the eye after you see what happened. God, I'm so ashamed."

The practical, supportive Mary re-emerged. "Don't worry about that, Sweetie. Whatever happened, it's not really your fault, because I left you alone and helpless, in pony girl mode. So, it's my fault, and I'm sorry. I hope we can still be friends no matter what."

"No, Mary, it's not your fault." I replied. "I was the horny filly who came up with this idea, and you warned me what might happen. I need a shower and a nap. Review the film and we'll talk later, OK?"


When we met again after supper, I was more than a little red-faced, but we got past that and Mary eagerly pumped me to describe all the sensations I experienced. She even expressed admiration--and perhaps some envy?--about my ability to take Stud's over-sized shaft up my rear. She also identified the mystery man who had fucked me later, Bob Grant, but we decided not to bring attention to me by punishing either him or Stud. Instead, Mary just gently reprimanded Bob the next day, saying she had seen his face while reviewing the reinforcement camera records.

I was sore for a day or two, but even before my body recovered I felt better, a little happier, than before. I could tell by the strange looks I got, as well as Mary's reports, that some of the staff were wondering what had gotten into me--but I couldn't tell them that the answer to that question was Stud! So, I tried to tone my disposition down, retreating just slightly into my reserve, ice-maiden act.

The first time I came face to face with Stud, I did my best to maintain a poker face while he gave me a smirk that was almost a leer (or was I imagining things?) I should have whipped his ass again, but decided that the best thing to do was ignore him.

About two weeks after my pony girl mounting, Mary and I were sharing a beer when she remarked, with elaborate casualness,

"I've been meaning to tell you, Lois, that I'm now sold on your operant conditioning ideas--intermittently breeding the pony girls does wonders for their performance and attitude."

"Well, duh!" I replied. "But, how come you're telling me this now?"

"Because, two weeks ago, I had Stud breed Ginger, and Ginger's been much happier ever since. Maybe we need to schedule that pony girl for another round of reinforcement some time."

I felt my face getting hot, but my mind told me that she had a point. "It's a great idea in theory, but the risk of discovery is too great."

She smirked. "Not at all. I think the next time we hold Social Corral we should decide to make it a masked ball--with the emphasis on 'Ball!' Imagine Ginger wearing nothing but pony boots and a mask--think that Stud or Bob Grant might be interested in bending her over the fence and giving her a workout?"

"We'll see. Boy, you sure have some original ideas, Mary."

"That's what you pay me for--well, that and pimping you out once in a while. You know we have a standing contract to provide displays at the Breeding Barn Café. Maybe some time Ginger and Stud can put on a show there?"

I threw all the pillows on my couch at her.

(To be continued)

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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyabout 1 year ago

Im kind of confused, as to avoid a disease i would rather being analcunt fucked, so Stud just did all in perfect order …. Ok a analcunt fuck is the most humiliating act, but after relaxing and enjoying an analcunt fuck is pure sensation ….. and you will be back for more And now ginger has a huge inner debating 🤭

Akirababe87Akirababe87about 2 years ago

I'm not typically into the pony stuff, but I came across this series while looking for slavery smut, and I gotta say I'm glad I gave it a shot. While I still can't claim much personal appeal for the pony aspect the writing was fantastic, and the forced nature of what she was put through was just so incredibly hot. Too bad this stuff is strictly fantasy. After reading this I'd be tempted to submit myself into slavery. The extra cash flow wouldn't hurt either :p

HargaHargaalmost 3 years ago

She put up with a lot just to get her rocks off.

johnnuttalljohnnuttallalmost 3 years ago

Ginger, sure fell off the wagon.

JillDoe33JillDoe33almost 3 years ago

Excellent story! Looking forward to the next installment hoping that Ginger finds a way to put herself in a situation where her freedom is truly in jeopardy. How will Lois regain her dominance of her slave Stud?

ZZchromosomeZZchromosomealmost 3 years ago

Have to say... super-awesome. She actually got away with it.

msspnnrmsspnnralmost 3 years ago

Lois falling into her slave haze was a nice touch. Loved the way you slipped in the anal and the extra breeding. I am not sure who wants more chapters more, Lois or the reader. You have paved the foundation for additional adventures for our heroine.

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