Bree's Journey Pt. 01


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I shook my head in disbelief. I'd been totally duped. I felt betrayed, and well, ticked off. Not just at Nancy for being a conniving little bitch, but at Miles for putting me in this position.

"She's nothing like you, Bree. You're honest, and so in touch with your sexuality...more than any woman I've ever met." He paused to check my expression. "You have every right to be angry with me for putting you in this situation. I didn't know how to protect you from this. You deserve to be more than some mistress."

"Why don't you just divorce her?"

"It's not that simple, believe me. First of all, she'd take me to the bank; she's made that much clear."

"So, it's money that's keeping the two of you married?"

"Not exactly. Nancy's family would be very ... disappointed in her if she got a divorce. It would ruin her. I can't do that to her."

"You love her, don't you?"

Miles nodded and then hung his head in defeat. "After all she's done, I can't help it."

It felt like someone had just kicked me in the gut. The truth was right there in front of me.

"I love you, too, Bree. I wasn't lying when I said that earlier. If I could change the past ..."

Miles shook his head, knowing there was no point in continuing. It was a fantasy. What was done, was done. He was married to a woman that he wouldn't divorce, and he was in love with me. It was a fucked up situation for everyone.

I took Miles up on his offer and excused myself to go nap. I wasn't sure if it was against their "rules" or not, but I closed the door. I hoped that it conveyed the message that I didn't wish to be disturbed. By anyone. I'd taken in too much information for my brain to process and I just needed to escape in peace for awhile.


I woke up alone and checked the clock. I'd slept for nearly two hours. While it was precisely what I'd hoped for when I shut the door and slipped under the covers, it made me uneasy. Lonely? I missed waking up to Miles' warm body wrapped around mine. His insistent, hard cock poking my thigh as his hot tongue laved my neck.

As much as I wasn't thrilled about sharing him with a wife, I still loved the way he made me feel. And truth be told, if he hadn't been so attached to begin with, our relationship probably wouldn't have gotten this far. It was his inability to trap me in a committed relationship that allowed me the freedom to get close to him.

How fucked up is that?

I didn't want to think about what that said about me and every past relationship that I'd had, but the truth was slapping me right in the face. I avoided commitments.

I swung my feet to the floor and padded to the closed door wearing nothing but one of Miles' tee shirts that I'd snatched from his drawer before climbing into bed. When I opened the door, Miles' eyes fluttered open from his prone position on the sofa. I glanced at the television as I made my way to him.

"You should know better than to watch golf."

Miles grinned as he opened his arms to invite me to join him.

"Why didn't you just crawl into bed with me?"

"I didn't want to disturb you. I thought you could use the time alone. You're probably not used to being around people all the time."

"That's very perceptive of you. Are you always this attentive?"

Miles tightened his grip around me, nuzzling my hair in the process. "Only toward you, baby."

A fresh wave of arousal swept over my body at his words. The tee shirt had crept up my thighs, baring my ass so I pressed it against his groin.

"Are you trying to hint at something?"

I chuckled under my breath. "Maybe."

"You are such a slut, you know that?"

I shook my head. "I'm just trying to get comfortable," I lied.

"Oh, yeah?"

Miles slid his hand down my side and then between my thighs, working his fingers into my slit.

"Then why is your cunt soaking wet?"

His vulgar words sent a jolt through me, flooding my pussy even more. I hoped he wouldn't notice.

He plunged his finger into my hole and growled in my ear. "I want you to admit to me that you're my slut. That just being next to me makes your pussy cream."

I whined and squirmed, trying to get him to withdraw his finger. "No. I don't want to."

"Why not?"

His finger withdrew and his hand held my hips firmly still. I looked over my shoulder at his now serious face. I realized in that moment that this wasn't a game to him. It wasn't just about sex. He needed to hear me admit that I wanted him; that he turned me on beyond belief. But he also needed to hear that I loved him.

I hadn't said any of those things to him. Not because I was afraid of being pinned down in a commitment, but because I was afraid of being rejected. I might hold all the cards against Nancy when it came to sex with Miles, but in the end, she was his wife.

"I don't want ... I'm afraid of getting hurt."

Miles sighed, and then his brow furrowed in confusion. "By me?"

I shrugged, suddenly not sure of how I was feeling. "I guess so. I don't know. I'm so confused about this whole thing."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa...I'm not asking you to process everything. Just start with us. You and me."

I swallowed hard and sucked air into my lungs. "The problem is, Miles, it's never going to be 'just us'. If it were, this would be a different conversation."

"Dammit, Bree! You're making this too complicated."

Miles swung his leg over my hip, his foot landing on the ground so he could push himself up off the sofa. Without another word, he stalked off to the hall bathroom.

I scrambled up to a sitting position and started to go after him when I caught movement out of the corner of my eye. Nancy was sorting through some laundry on the kitchen table. I heaved a sigh and changed directions, heading toward the master bedroom, rather than following him.

It just proved my point. We weren't alone. It wasn't "just us". She probably heard our whole conversation. That last thought made me break out in a sweat.

A moment later, Miles stepped into the room and shut the door behind him.

"Isn't that against the 'rules'?" I squared off at him, preparing to battle.

"I make the rules around here."

"Are you sure about that?"

Miles closed the distance between us in two long strides, then pinched my chin between his thumb and forefinger, forcing me to crane my neck to lock gazes with him. "That's enough, Bree. You are not a victim here."

My eyes grew to the size of saucers. He knew that he was pushing a button of mine.

"Stop acting like you just found out I'm married. I've been upfront about my situation from the start. It isn't going to change, so deal with it."

He let go of my chin, leaving the spot where he'd been pinching, tingling. I rubbed at it as I took a step backward, my heart pounding in my chest. I was so angry with him...or with myself...I couldn't tell which.

"I'm the one who should be pissed right now. I risked everything to bring you here, thinking you could handle this like an adult, and this is what I get."

I could feel the hurt starting to swell within me.

"I open up and tell you how I'm feeling, and I get nothing in return. Nothing. You won't even admit that you're attracted to me sexually. How do you think that makes me feel?"

Tears were welling up in my eyes. I shook my head and lowered my gaze to the floor, blinking the first tear drops down my cheeks.

"You're impossible to get close to, Bree."

I nodded at that statement. I knew that one was true. "I'm sorry."

Miles shook his head. "You don't have to apologize for being who you are. I knew from the first moment I met you. It's just that I know you want more, but you're scared. I'm scared, too. I could lose everything. Can't you see that?"

I'd never really thought about it from his perspective. I just saw the obvious. From where I was standing, he was getting everything he wanted at the expense of both me and Nancy. Well, maybe not Nancy. It did appear that she was getting the best part of the deal at the moment.

"Just...Just meet me halfway, that's all I'm asking. Can you do that much?"

I wiped the tears from my cheeks and nodded.

"No more bullshit about how fragile you feel because I'm married, or because she's in the next room. I get it, okay?"

On the one hand, I hated how unsympathetic he was being. On the other hand, I totally deserved this. I'd been acting like a victim ever since I arrived at their house. It was pathetic. I needed a little slap to get me to start acting like a woman responsible for her own feelings.

Miles went to the bed and began straightening the bedspread. He picked up the clothing I'd discarded on the floor and folded the garments neatly. I could feel how pivotal this moment was for us. It could mean the end.

In a sudden rush, I blurted out, "I love you."

Miles froze. I'd spoken the words to his back like the chicken-shit that I am. He slowly turned around with a cocked eyebrow, and an expectant expression. He wanted me to repeat it to his face.

Suppressing the mounting panic within me, I swallowed hard and sucked in my breath. "I love you, Miles Gregory."

We stood there gazing silently into each other's eyes for several long minutes, the words still floating somewhere in the empty space between us.

Miles took a couple of steps forward, shortening the distance between us by half. I followed his lead, doing the same and meeting him in the middle. "Halfway."

Miles nodded and cupped my face in his hands, his thumbs wiping away the trails of fallen tears. "You're such a pain in the ass."

The way he said it, coupled with the most adoring expression on his face, made it sound more like a statement of endearment than a complaint.

"Now that we have that out of the way, do you mind if we get back to fooling around? I'm not as hard as I was when we were on the couch, but I'm sure you can change that."

He lowered his lips to mine before I could come up with a clever retort. His hands reached down to tug at the tee shirt I was wearing. We broke our lip contact so he could pull it over my head.

"This is how I like you. Naked, and in my bedroom."

"Should we open the door before we get too involved?" I wasn't asking the question to be bratty. I was genuinely concerned about causing him trouble over something that could be easily avoided by just opening a door.

Miles shook his head as he began stepping backward, guiding me with him toward the bed. "I want to make love to my girlfriend. Is that okay with you?"

I nodded, eyeing him somewhat sheepishly.

"I want to show her that she's so much more to me than a fuck. That if things were different, I'd be asking her to be my wife."

My heart stopped beating for a second, I was sure. "What?"

Miles smiled and nodded.

"We've only just started seeing one another."

He shrugged. "We have a good thing here. Don't you agree?"

"Well, yeah, but..."

Miles pressed his fingertips to my mouth. "Don't panic, sweetheart. I'm already married, remember?"

I released the breath I was holding. "Sorry. It's habit, I guess."

"The irony is delicious, you know."

I cocked my head to the side, not sure what he meant by that.

"If I were single, I'd never have gotten this far with you. My being married, as much as you claim to hate it, is the only thing keeping us together."

I'd had a similar thought when I first woke up. Not put in quite the same way. I frowned up at him, slightly irked by how well he could read me.

Miles chuckled at my expression. "You can stand there and pretend to be mad at me, or climb onto this bed and spread your legs so I can lick that delectable pussy of yours. Which is it going to be?"

No contest. I didn't know I could move that fast.


I was spent.

It was lovemaking, for sure. Long, drawn-out, slow, sensual, and passionate sex. There was no mention of his cuckquean wife or his impregnation fetish. One hundred percent of his focus was on me. It was one of the most intimate experiences of my life, while also being one of the most terrifying. I fought the urge to flee several times. By the time he'd come for the second and final time, I was wiped out. I'd never known how much slow, intimate sex could take it out of you.

Miles returned from the kitchen with a glass of water for us to share.

"She went to the mall without us. I guess she got tired of waiting."

"Maybe she left you, and she's at her sister's house right now telling them all what a cad you are, and what a whore I am."

"I'm sure she'd like to do that. But she won't. You see, to her, and to her parents, it's the same as admitting failure. Even if she told them every gory detail about us, they'd admonish her for not trying harder to make our marriage work. Her mother would scold her about the duties of a wife. How she should be willing to do anything in bed in order to keep me from straying."

"I doubt they'd go that far."

Miles smiled and nodded.

"Wait. Is this something they've already done? Has she tried to leave you before?"

Miles nodded and then sighed. "After about my fourth affair. It was years ago. Nancy found out, and pretty much did exactly what you said...she drove to her sister's house to tell her about it. The whole thing backfired on her. Her parents got involved. It was a mess."

"God, how do you get past that?"

"I promised to never do that again if she would just throw me a bone every once in a while and have some sort of sex. That seemed to work. For a few months, anyway. When it was clear that she never intended to have sex again, I renegotiated the terms. I had to be upfront, though. No sneaking around behind closed doors."

"Hence the open door policy?"

"Yeah. But these past couple of hours hardly counts. She knew what was going on in here. If she wanted to see for herself, she could've opened the door. It wasn't locked or anything. I hardly think this technicality would set her off."

"I thought you said that she got off to you being with other women? That it was sort of a fetish for her."

"It is. Now. That just came about fairly recently. And this is the first time she's ever met one of my, you know..."

"Mistresses? Fuck-buddies?"

Miles nodded. "Not that you fit into either of those categories."

"What am I, then?"

Miles scooted close to me on the bed and nuzzled my neck. "Mmmmmm, you're the slut-girlfriend that I adore. My paramour."

"It doesn't roll off the tongue quite like 'fuck-buddy'."

Miles ignored my observation, becoming increasingly more interested in nibbling on my neck. "Are you hungry?"

"A little, yeah."

"Let's go raid the refrigerator."

Miles hopped off the bed and pulled me to my feet. I bent down to retrieve the tee shirt I'd been wearing earlier but Miles stopped me from picking it up. "This is a nude kitchen. No clothing allowed."

"You're wearing shorts."

"No clothing allowed for hot, young females. Optional for men."

"I don't know if I like your dual standards."

"Get used to it, sweetheart."

We wrestled and bantered all the way to the kitchen. When we stopped in front of the refrigerator, Miles filled our empty, community water cup with ice. I didn't notice that he'd palmed one of the cubes before refilling the glass with water. He set the glass on the counter and came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my naked body.

I let go a deafening screech before twisting away from him. He'd cupped my left breast, holding the ice cube against my now frozen and aching nipple.

"Owwwwww! Damn, that hurt."

Miles chortled as he tossed the cube in the sink. "Awwwww...let me warm that up for you." His mouth was latched firmly onto my nipple, flicking the hard nub with his tongue. Pretty soon, it wasn't the cold that was making my nipple stay painfully erect.

Miles released my nip with a pop and then pulled back to admire it.

"That is so fucking sexy."

He ran his thumb over the hard point, back and forth, seemingly mesmerized by it.

"I wish your tits were producing milk right now. I'd drain them several times a day, I swear."

I didn't know what to say to that. I'd never been with anyone who expressed even a remote interest in breastfeeding. "Really?"

"Oh, hell, yeah."

Miles leaned down to suckle my other breast until my nipple was protruding obscenely, covered in his saliva.

"I find everything about motherhood erotic. Milk-ladened breasts, and a bulging, tight belly. I hear that pregnant women are horny as hell. Lactating women, even more so."

"Where did you hear that?"

Miles shrugged. "Around."

"Is this another one of your kinks?"

"I don't know. I guess. Although, I've never admitted it out loud until right now. There's something about you that makes me want to knock you up."

"So, it's really just an extension of the little impregnation fetish that you have going on."

"I hadn't thought about it, but, yeah, I guess it is. With you, anyway."

"What does that mean?"

"Means that I've been fantasizing about putting a baby in your belly since we first met." Miles slid his hand down my belly to my pussy and slipped his finger into my slit. "And judging from your wetness, the idea turns you on, as well."

I was about to deny it completely when the throbbing in my pussy made me gasp. I was horny as hell just from what he was saying.

"It's okay. A lot of women get turned on by the thought. It's totally natural. We're meant to breed, baby."

He continued to finger my pussy as his lips found that sweet spot on my neck, just below my earlobe. I mewled as I clawed at his back.

The door to the garage opened, startling me a bit. Miles didn't even act like he noticed. I was suddenly aware of my nakedness, and the fact that Miles was mauling me in the kitchen.

"Hey, hon. Did you get what you wanted at the mall?"

I tried to peel myself away from Miles, but he wouldn't let me. He kept one arm around my back while he fingered me with the other hand. I was too busy struggling to hear Nancy's answer to his question.

"That's good. We were just snooping for food. Do you have something planned for dinner?"

Miles dragged his digit from my pussy and held it up so I could clearly see the wetness before he shoved it into my mouth. I wanted to die of embarrassment.

"That works for me. How about you, Bree?"

I had no idea what she'd said. I shook my head and shrugged at Miles.

"That works for her, too." Miles wrapped his arms around me and put his lips to my ear. "You should pay better attention. We're having pizza."

"It'll be about 30 minutes."

We both recognized the queue to evacuate the kitchen, and we acted accordingly. I wanted to dash to the bedroom to grab some clothing but Miles had different ideas. He held onto me until we reached the living room, then pulled me onto his lap as he plopped down onto the sofa.

"I want you to ride my cock right here."


"Yeah. I'm horny as fuck after that conversation we had in the kitchen."

Miles unfastened his shorts and fished out his steel rod. I was astonished that he was able to get that hard after the afternoon we'd had in bed. "Shit, Miles."

"I know. Must be a fucking record. Just think what I'd be like if you were pregnant or nursing."

He situated himself on his back, pushing his shorts down his legs. Then he held his proud dick upright.

"Hop on, baby."

I swung my leg over as best as I could and then guided my pussy onto his shaft. It slid inside without any resistance, proving once again how wet his little kink made me.

"That's it. Ride my cock, baby."

I glanced over at the kitchen and caught Nancy stealing a peek in our direction. She couldn't see Miles since he was laying down, but I was clearly visible from the waist up.

Something snapped in me. Locking gazes with Nancy, my entire body lit on fire. I wanted her to watch me fucking her husband. To see how much pleasure he derived from my pussy. I don't know if it was the competitiveness in me, or my predisposition toward exhibitionism that was driving me. Maybe it was something entirely different. Maybe I was starting to get into this little game of theirs.