Brenda & Ian Ch. 01


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"Well, unfortunately, my family will talk no matter what. They objected when Ian and I went on vacation last summer, even though both our parents were okay with it. I really don't think Ian's parents will have a problem with it. They'll be back from vacation in a week, so we'll see. I love my family, but they will not stop me from doing this. If you haven't noticed, I can be quite stubborn."

"That is quite evident, my dear." Roger stood up, moved around the desk, and embraced Brenda. Tears were forming in Brenda's eyes, happy ones this time. "My dear," Roger said, "if your parents knew that Ian could make you this happy, I think that maybe they would have told you about the adoption sooner."

"I think so, too," she replied.

"Well, it is time for lunch," he said when he broke the embrace. "Bring that fine young man back in and we will decide where to go."

The lunch was pleasant and relaxing. Roger proved to be an excellent host and told many stories of Harry and Alice, some of which Brenda hadn't heard. Nothing was said about Brenda and Roger's conversation and Ian had no intention of pursuing it. Though mildly curious, he felt it was none of his business and if she wanted to tell him, she would. Roger asked him many questions about school and his choice of study and attempted to get a better understanding of the man whom Brenda loved so much. By the end of lunch, Roger was convinced that she had made the right choice and would do everything in his power to help her achieve her dream.

After lunch, Ian and Brenda stopped at her bank where she deposited the check that Roger had given her. The ride back to the house was somber. Brenda's mixed emotions were churning like a boiling caldron, some rising to the top and then going back down. She wanted to cry, but she was sick and tired of crying. She always thought of herself as an emotionally strong individual, but she was finding out that she wasn't as strong as she thought she was and it made her angry. Brenda didn't like feeling weak and not in control and she hoped that she would regain her strength and quickly.

Emotionally spent when they arrived home, Brenda claimed a headache and went to her room to lie down. Ian went to his room and worked on the computer. After a few hours, Ian turned off the computer and decided to check on Brenda. Her door was open and he stepped in to find her sound asleep, partially covered with her sheet and blanket. Ian could see that she was wearing nothing but her bra and panties and the sight of her almost naked body aroused him to no end.

Quietly, he moved closer to get a better look. She was lying on her right side, but turned a bit. Her muscular left leg and curvy hip, along with a bit of her bra-covered breast were exposed. Her right arm was under her head and her left arm was at her side. After a few seconds of watching her, Ian decided to cover her before he had an accident in his pants. As he pulled the blanket to her shoulder, Brenda stirred and opened her eyes and looked at Ian, who instantly turned red from embarrassment.

Her eyes traveled from his face to his crotch, where she was almost face to face with his erection. She glanced back up at Ian and giggled in spite of herself. "Is someone glad to see me?" she laughed.

"You shouldn't sleep in your underwear and keep your door open." Ian managed a sheepish smile.

"You've seen me in a bikini before."

"This is different."


"Because I'm in love with you."


"And I wasn't then."

Brenda sat up with the blanket covering her upper body.

"So," she continued, "the sight of me being in underwear excites you, but me in a bikini doesn't."

"Not at all." He sat down near her hip. "You're beautiful in your bikini, and yes, it did excite me. You just probably didn't notice."

"Oh, I see," Brenda replied. The thought and sight of Ian being sexually aroused sent shivers through her.

Ian laughed, "Maybe you should wear more to bed so you won't get cold."

Brenda smiled devilishly at him. "It's not because I'm cold." She leaned forward, letting the blanket fall to her waist. Ian couldn't take his eyes off her partially covered breasts as she kissed him softly. "It's because I want to take the rest off!"

Ian's eyes grew wide at the thought of what she said. "Bren...are you sure?"

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life. The only good thing that's come out of this adoption mess is that we're not true cousins. Things happen for a reason and maybe it was best that I didn't find out until today. I don't know. All I know is that I've waited a long time for someone to love me, really love me and he's right in front of me where he belongs." Brenda looked down for a moment. "It's something I've wanted for a long time. Maybe I didn't know it until recently, or maybe I just didn't want to admit it, but I now know that it's okay to love you and for you to love me. It was meant to be."

Brenda fell silent as Ian looked away. He thought of everything that had happened over the past few days. He felt awful about his aunt and uncle and the pain that it was causing Brenda. He knew that he loved her enough that he would gladly be just a cousin to her if it could bring back her parents. He just wanted her to be happy, to be the girl he knew just a week before.

Brenda waited patiently for Ian to say something, but all Ian did was sigh heavily as he looked down.

"Ian?" Brenda said, her hand touching his chin. Ian looked up at her, his green eyes misty as he studied her face. He saw no sadness in her warm smile or her soft, brown eyes, but only love and concern. She leaned forward and kissed him gently, his soft lips accepting hers tentatively at first. Seconds later, he relaxed and began to respond to her love. Slowly, they settled down on the bed as their kissing became more passionate. Ian wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close as her hands rubbed his back, her breasts pressed against his chest.

They broke their kiss and stared into each others eyes, their breathing heavy and quicker than it had been just seconds before. Neither said a word as they studied the other. Brenda pulled Ian close and hugged him tightly as the tears began to fall down her cheeks. Alarmed, Ian felt the wetness and pulled away abruptly, looking at Brenda expectedly.

"I just love you so much!" Brenda cried as she pulled him back to her. "I love you, I love you..."

Her mouth found his once more as she kissed him softly, tenderly. Ian now knew that it was okay to love her, that he needn't fell guilty about loving her because of her parents death. As she said, it was meant to be. He kissed her back, his hands pushing away the tears as he stroked her face, the lovely face of the woman he loved. Brenda groaned softly as a shiver went through her. A giggle escaped her lips as Ian smiled.

"You're an excellent kisser, Ian," she whispered breathlessly. She began kissing him open-mouthed, urgently wanting more and accepting nothing less. Ian held her face in his hands and kissed her hard, holding her in place. Another groan escaped her as she slowly moved her hand to his thigh and began massaging it. With each squeeze, her hand came closer and closer to his erection. Her touch felt wonderful to him as the anticipation began to build as to how far she would go. Ian's breathing became faster and sharper as he waited for her next move. She never hesitated as the back of her hand brushed against the bulge in his jeans. Ian inhaled sharply at her touch. Brenda squeezed gently and loved the feel of his hardness and began to feel her own excitement begin to build.

Brenda pushed him away gently and before he could say anything, she reached behind her and quickly unhooked her bra. Ian looked at her with anticipation as she held it in place.

"Would you like to do the honors?" she asked mischievously.

Ian could only nod as he reached forward and pulled her bra away from her body, his hands trembling slightly. Once exposed, he stared in awe at them. They were slightly coned shaped, but were firm. Her areoles were puffy and her nipples erect from her own arousal. Brenda was aching for him to touch them, love them like a lover should, but he could only stare at them with a silly grin on his face. Not being able to stand it any longer, she gently pulled his face forward until he got her subtle hint. He kissed the nipples first as she sighed contently. Her nipples protruded even more as he ran his tongue over the left one first, then the right. Brenda arched her back, trying to push them further into his mouth, her own breathing starting to become ragged. He kissed them gently on the tops of them and then the underside. Brenda murmured her approval as she eyed the bulge between his legs.

"Get undressed. Hurry!" she begged in a raspy whisper. Ian undressed quickly as Brenda watched his every move. Once he was down to his underwear, his erection straining against the thin cotton fabric, Brenda got off of the bed and hooked her thumbs inside of her bikini briefs. Slowly, sensually, she wriggled them down past her hips and to the floor. Ian pulled his underwear down quickly, his hard penis bobbing as it was set free from its confinement. They stared at each other for a few seconds, each nervous and not knowing what to do next.

"You're simply beautiful," Ian managed to say, his voice trembling a bit. He had undressed her mentally more than a few times in the past days, but her body was even more sultry, curvy than he could ever have imagined.

Brenda blushed from the compliment and extended her hand to him. He took it and she led him back to the bed. She was more than ready for him, her flesh twitching in anticipation of them becoming one. She layed on her back, parting her legs as she pulled him on top of her. She felt between her muscular thighs with her hand and she was amazed at how wet she had become in such a short period of time. Her hand brushed against her clitoris and a shock of pleasure attacked her body. Wanting him inside her, she reached for his penis and began to guide it towards her slick opening. It twitched at her touch and she could feel the moistness at the tip. Ian groaned as he tried desperately not to lose control.

Brenda rested it at the opening of her vagina and took a deep breath. "Push, baby, nice and slow," she instructed him. Ian nodded and pushed forward slowly. Brenda gasped with pleasure as the head pushed forward and into her. Tears of joy erupted from her eyes as she instinctly wrapped her legs around his torso. Soon, he was totally inside her, his penis pulsating and wanting to let go. Brenda's warm, moist vaginal muscles surrounded Ian's penis lovingly and he thought that he had never felt anything so wonderful in his life. Ian fought the urge gamely and remained still until Brenda gave him the signal to continue.

"I can't believe you're inside me," she whispered in his ear, her voice choked with emotion. "We're really one now. I love you so much!"

"I love you, Brenda," he replied before he kissed her deeply. He always tried to imagine what it would be like to make love to a woman, how it would feel to be inside of her, how her naked body would feel underneath him. He never counted on losing his virginity to Brenda, he always thought it would be someone else from school. He never counted on the mixed emotions that were churning inside him. His love for Brenda was real and the joy he felt at that moment was real, too. He thought that his first experience would be very quick with little or no emotion involved. How wrong he was.

Brenda broke the kiss and looked deeply into his eyes, smiling. She looked down at her tilted pelvis and saw their two bodies joined by the flesh of their beings. She was truly, blissfully happy for the first time in a long time. She never thought that making love could be like this, that she could feel this good physically and emotionally. Brenda nodded quickly for him to begin and he smiled. Slowly, he pulled back a few inches and pushed back in. The sensation of her flesh surrounding his was incredible as he tried to maintain an even pace and not ejaculate too quickly. Brenda tried to meet his thrusts in unison as wave after wave of pleasure started to invade her body. His pole of muscle filled her completely as it rubbed against her walls and the sensations were electrifying as the waves became stronger. Brenda groaned loudly in spite of herself as she knew that she was coming close.

As her vaginal muscles started to tighten, Ian could no longer hold out. "It's coming, Bren..." he gasped as he tensed and his penis began to pulsate. Brenda reached forward grabbing his buttocks and pulled him forward, not letting go. "Aw...geez..." he exclaimed as semen began to spurt.

Brenda felt the pulsations of his penis and that sent her over the edge as well. The excitement that was building within her exploded as wave after wave of intense pleasure gripped her. She road each wave with gritted teeth, almost growling at the intenseness of it. "Oh Ian, oh Ian..." she exclaimed over and over again.

Ian's orgasm stopped after five or six spurts, but he kept thrusting slowly as he watched in amazement as Brenda's orgasm continued. She was smiling now as the spasms that had wracked her body were now soft, gentle waves again. She eased her legs down to the bed as Ian collapsed on top of her. Brenda hugged him fiercely as he kissed her neck softly, whispering his undying love to her. Sweating and chilled, they pulled the covers on top of themselves and snuggled against each other as their hands roamed, exploring every inch of their naked bodies.

After a few clumsy tries at trying to find her clitoris, Brenda took his hand and guided it to her most special, secret spot. Being the eager student, Ian soon learned what pleased her and what sent her into orbit. They made love once more before drifting off into a deep sleep, Ian's head against her chest.

When they awoke, it was well after seven o'clock. Ian woke first and eased himself carefully off of Brenda, not wishing to wake her. He stared at her in awe and wonder, hardly believing what had transpired just hours before. She had a slight smile on her face and was breathing slowly and deeply. Ian brushed some hair away from her face and continued to stare at her, taking in every feature of her and feeling that he could look at her forever and never tire of it.

Perhaps sensing that Ian was no longer laying on her, Brenda slowly awoke and smiled at Ian, who was still hovering over her. "Hi," she said softly, still smiling.

"Hi," he replied. "I hope I didn't wake you."

Brenda glanced at the clock. "That's okay. I need to get up anyway." She reached up, wrapped her arms around Ian's neck, and pulled him down to her once more, kissing him softly.

"I love you so much," she whispered, her voice choking with emotion. "I love you, I love you..."

It was late and the lighting dim as the young couple sat in the corner of their favorite restaurant, "Franco's". There was only a few other patrons, but they were oblivious to anyone outside their world. At times, they sat and said nothing, content with just being with each other and taking in everything. Unspoken, unconditional love bounced back and forth between them as soft Italian music floated in the background.

"I still can't believe we made love in the shower!" Brenda giggled, shaking her head back and forth. Her thoughts turned back to the bathroom where they soaped and washed each other, each reveling in their partner's delicious nakedness. Ian took extra care and time when it was his turn to wash her genitalia, using his fingers and hands to cleanse her and bring her to an earth-shattering climax at the same time. Once she recovered, she rinsed and then grabbed the towel rack, thrusting her puffy labia and engorged clitoris at him, begging him to take her from behind. Brenda squeezed her thighs together and knew that she was getting moist again from her carnal thoughts.

"I couldn't resist," Ian answered, trying to sound innocent. "You'll never get me off you now."

"God, I hope not!" Brenda giggled once more. They fell silent again, each deep in thought.

"So...", Brenda said after a few moments.

"So what?" Ian asked.

"So, what do you think about living with me?"

Ian blinked momentarily and cleared his throat. "You know I want to," he said, then he hesitated.


"But, my parents will probably be against it."


"Well, I wouldn't want you to foot all of the bills when they cut me off."

"I'll have the money."

"I know, but you shouldn't have to."

"I don'thave to do anything. I want to do it. Ian, I'll have my MBA in two years or maybe less. Who knows? After that, I'll be able to support us without touching savings. I've got virtually no outstanding debt. My God, Ian, I could even sell dad's car and pay for your school next year."

"I'm on scholarship," he reminded her.

"Sorry, I forgot."

"I don't want you to sell things to help me."

"You know what I mean." Brenda fell silent for a moment. "We're in this together, you know. It's not you against them, alone. I'm a part of this now. What are you afraid of?" She waited patiently for his answer.

"I just don't want to be on bad terms with them, that's all."

"Is it the money?"

"No," he said strongly, "I don't care about their money, really. Sometimes, I wish we weren't that rich. I guess it's just an ego thing, you know, the male providing for his mate. I guess I would just feel weird about it, that's all."

"Lots of women put their husbands through school."

Ian laughed.

"What's so funny?" she demanded.

"I'm in serious trouble now," he replied.

"What do you mean?"

"Husband?" he answered. "We haven't even dated yet."

"Dated?" she squeaked. "We've seen each other almost every week for the past three years. We spend most of our summers doing stuff together. We've gotten to know each other pretty well this afternoon, I might add. Anyway, you're ignoring the question at hand. There's no reason why I can't support you, so you can put that thinking away. You can support me when you get your practice started."

"You're getting pretty hung up on this 'husband' stuff, aren't you?"

"And you better start getting hung up on the 'wife' stuff," she warned.

"Is that a proposal?" he asked, laughing.

Brenda thought for a second and she didn't need that long to know what her answer was. "Yes, I believe it is," she replied simply, staring into his sea-green eyes once more.

Ian stopped and looked at Brenda who, just a few hours earlier, was regarded as his cousin. Still his cousin in everything except blood, she was now his lover, his everything. He knew that he would never want another woman in his life and he knew that he never wanted to be without her. He looked into her eyes and saw nothing but love and joy staring back at him.

"So, what color tux am I going to wear?"

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

It is one of the very best I have read.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

One of the best stories I've ever read: content, grammar & composition.

Radomir1Radomir1over 2 years ago

The story is beautiful. It's a little dark and stretched out.

But I don't understand Jan's infantilism. He's a grown man. At 21, he should be taking care of himself. Even if he's a student.

Or is that the problem of children of rich parents? Worry, about inheritance. Earn it yourself. Worry about what relatives will think. What business is it of theirs? It's his life. And even if they were still real cousins. Marriages between cousins are legal in many states and countries.

Rancher46Rancher46over 2 years ago

What a great love story, a real sadness for a time but at the end of this first chapter it looks like Brenda are going to have a great life together. 5/5

goodshoes2goodshoes2over 2 years ago

10 star rating. One heck of a story. Well written. Don't know how much more I can add. One of my favorites in Literotica, and elsewhere.

Please keep writing.

Thank you.

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