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"Marcus," Bridget tried to make me understand, "I said you were special earlier not just because most guys don't give a rat's patootie about their exes, but because you take things to an entirely different level! It goes without saying that you're the most honest man I've ever met, and while most men would lie and try to be macho by telling a woman he would jump in front of a moving train for a conquest in order to score points, you have no problem telling Ashlee and me that you'd let a woman and her baby die...but not us!"

I wasn't seeing why that made Bridget happy.

"Marcus," Ashlee took over the explanation, "I think what Bridget is trying to say is that you're not only honest with your feelings, but you care a great deal about the people who care about you."

I was kind of starting to come around...

It was back to Bridget as she sternly said, "Marcus, you obviously know that I care a great deal about you, and it's pretty evident that you're still a central piece of Ashlee's life after she proved it by lunging off that stage and running into your arms earlier tonight. We also know how you feel about the both of us after everything you've just said...and I have to say, it makes me a little excited just to hear it."

Ashlee was just as blunt as ever as she admitted, "Hearing you say you'd sacrifice an entire village just to see to my safety makes me a little wet." She looked at the brunette next to her and apologized, "I'm sorry if I got any on your couch, Bridget."

Our gracious hostess simply smiled and waved her words off as if to say, "it's okay...I understand."

I scratched the back of my head while looking both women over. I've never claimed to be the smartest man in the world by any stretch of the imagination, so I had to admit, "I'm probably too much of a blockhead to understand what the two of you are saying..."

Bridget stared directly into my soul with those brilliant, bright eyes she possessed as she told me, "Marcus, you told me a couple days ago about how you loved all the women who had done something meaningful for you in your life. At first, I didn't understand it. You made it pretty clear that it didn't matter if you had been with one of them for two days or two cared for each and every one of them because of what they had meant to you at one time. Again, it seemed ludicrous to me at first, but after seeing the way Ashlee reacted to you tonight...well, I get it now. I see how much she still loves you...and I can see how much you still love her. It's no different than the way I've fallen so hard for you...and you've fallen for me in return."

Was I hearing all of this right? I mean, everything she had said was true, but she was honestly okay with all of this? And Ashlee was okay with all of it too? This wasn't a normal setup by any stretch of the imagination, but to know that both of these women understood that I actually loved both of them...

Bridget suddenly stood up and walked over to me. She stood right in front of me as she gazed up into my eyes and ordered, "Kiss me."

I was back to being confused again. "Huh?"

"Kiss me, you big lug!"

I glanced at Ashlee and saw her nod. This was definitely another test. I wasn't sure what it was leading to, but I did as I was told.

I took Bridget into my arms and swept her off her feet. I felt like the two of us were pouring our souls into one another...and the only regret I had was that poor Ashlee was being forced to watch on after confessing how she had felt for me after so many years. Still, I couldn't deny my feelings for Bridget and wanted her to know that I truly loved everything about her. I put my heart into that kiss and gave her everything I had.

When it was finally over, I could see that Bridget actually looked a little lightheaded for a moment. I made sure she was okay, and she reassured me that she was fine. She then motioned for Ashlee to get up and walk over to where we stood. The dark-haired beauty did so without questioning her.

I had no idea what to expect...and what happened next was the last thing I would've anticipated.

Bridget had Ashlee step up to me. She had us look each other dead in the eyes as she surprisingly commanded me, "Kiss her, Marcus."

I was hesitant for a moment because I was still convinced that this was some kind of test. Perhaps Bridget was seeing if I'd go through with it because she was going to throw me out on my butt if I did so. Still, she had heard me confess my feelings and knew how much Ashlee meant to me...and she had already seen the two of us lock lips when we had been reunited.

I knew how I felt, though, and as long as Ashlee was okay with it, I was going to be honest to myself and the two women standing in that living room with me. As time and space stood still for a moment, I grabbed onto the goth babe and pulled her in close. Since I could see that she clearly desired it just as much as I did, I laid my lips on hers and slipped my tongue into her mouth. I felt hers against mine and I recalled the time we had wrestled on the floor in her basement. A floodgate of joyful memories ruptured as all the happy times we had shared in the past hit me like a tidal wave. My knees nearly buckled as the two of us felt like one with Bridget watching on.

When the euphoric moment finally ended, Ashlee and I took a step back from each other as Bridget jumped toward us and placed her right hand on Ashlee's left shoulder and her other on my right. She stared directly at the goth chick as she blissfully told her, "I want you to count with me to three at the same time and then say the one word that happened right there and overtook you, okay?"

The gothic beauty nodded.

I'm sure I just stood there looking like an ant that was about to be stepped on.

"One, two, three...LOVE!" After saying the exact same thing, both women started jumping up and down while cheering. They even high-fived at one point.

By this point, I felt like I was being strung along in some kind of practical joke. I had been honest about everything the entire night, but I obviously needed this spelled out for me. "I...I don't get it, you two!"

"How can you not?" Bridget asked me as she continued to beam. "It's right in front of your face, Marcus!"

"It is?"

"Yeah!" Ashlee agreed, and also radiated unequivocal joy. "You're in love!"

I knew that much, but...

"You're in love with both of us!" Bridget exclaimed.

As I've always stated in my stories, honesty is the best policy. I decided to just come right out with it as I admitted, "I am. I love both of you. I'm not exactly sure what that means moving forward, but..."

"And it's clearly obvious that we both love you!" Ashlee energetically called out. "I've known it since we were teenagers, and it doesn't matter how long Bridget's known it...but she does! And there's no stopping that emotion from taking over!"

I couldn't agree more with the gothic beauty's statement. Love was a fickle thing...but when it worked, it was the most amazing emotion in the entire world.

"Lucky you, huh?" Bridget asked. She motioned toward Ashlee as she pointed out to me, "You've fallen for two hot foxes...and they're both head over heels for you as well!"

"What...what are you trying to say, Bridget?" I asked since I was still unsure of where this was going. "Are you both saying that you're fine with me loving...both of you?"

"You can't control who you love, silly!" The beautiful brunette proclaimed. "In your case, you just happen to love the both of us...and we love you, too!"

"I..." I wasn't sure what to say. Most guys who would profess to love two women at the same time would promptly receive a pair of slaps in return, but if I was understanding this right...

"I have to work in the morning," Bridget announced out of the blue. "I think I'll go upstairs and shower real quick before laying down. Ashlee, you saw where my bedroom was upstairs when you showered earlier. If you need a place to crash for the night, you're certainly welcome to stay."

"That's very kind of you," the dark-haired stunner responded to the gracious hostess. "I think I'd like to take you up on that. I know the others will wonder where I am, but I'll find them in the morning. I'm getting rather tired anyway."

Bridget continued to smile and nodded before glancing at me. "Same goes for you, you big lug! But first things first, you should probably run out to your pickup and grab some fresh clothes! Then you can come in and shower!"

"Sounds good," I said since I certainly needed to bathe after being in a strip club full of smoke and sweaty concertgoers for the last couple of hours. "I'll be back and then take a shower. I'll crash on the couch so you two can..."

Bridget grabbed my right arm and gave me a tight squeeze as Ashlee crossed her arms and glared at me. "Don't be so dense, Marcus!" The bountiful brunette lectured me. "After everything we just told you, you better damn sure realize that you'll be sleeping between us tonight!"

I had either died earlier in the night without realizing it and had found my own personal paradise in the afterlife, or else some god up above was truly smiling down on me. Either way, I planned to make the most of it.

* * *

I climbed out of the shower and dried myself off. There was no question about the boner I was sporting even after the morning and afternoon of straight up sensuous activity I had spent with Bridget. Under normal circumstances, I should've been running on empty after all the action the two of us had seen, but the very thought of crawling into a bed between her and Ashlee...

I couldn't believe the two of them were okay with what had transpired between us. I felt like I had fallen into the plot of a dirty movie and was the lucky main character who was going to score with two perfect tens. As I toweled off my midsection and carefully worked my way down to my privates, I tried to contain my joy as I pictured both dazzling women standing naked next to each other...

Whoa there, cowboy! No one said anything about actually having intercourse. Bridget just mentioned sleeping in the same bed together. That's all. Besides, she works in the morning and needs her rest after everything you put her through today!

I looked at myself in the mirror after trying to talk some sense to myself. I tried to tell myself that if this was somehow going to work and I was going to somehow be technically dating two beautiful women at the same time, I would have to take things at their pace. I wanted them to call the shots so I didn't make them uncomfortable in any way. I needed to give them space...

What was I talking about? We weren't going to end up dating! This wasn't that dirty movie I had been imagining earlier! Hell, Ashlee and Bridget hardly knew each other! And we all had separate lives, for that matter!

Bridget worked two jobs and had never been out of her little village.

Ashlee was a member of a successful band and would more than likely be heading out to her next gig in some big city somewhere in the morning.

And I had my own job to do...

I focused on myself in the mirror as I thought about Nick and realized I hadn't given him a single thought since meeting Bridget. I didn't know much about him, and what little information I had on him wasn't going to give me any leads unless I went out and did the work myself. If I didn't put any time into searching for him...

My thoughts suddenly shifted as I recalled seeing Ashlee's naked body in the club. I recalled a new tattoo I noticed above her left breast that had read "faith," and I recalled seeing a few others over her pubis. They were a little too small for me to get a good look at, but I had also noticed that she still sported the upside-down triangle of fur. Maybe later I could ask her to give me a closer look at her new ink...

I shook my head and tried to delete the vulgar thoughts from my mind. I loved the two women at the other end of the hallway more than life itself, so I didn't want to degrade them by thinking obscene thoughts about them. I pulled on a clean pair of boxers as I reminded myself they weren't pieces of meat sitting on Bridget's bed waiting to please me.

At the same time, I told myself there was no harm in admiring their impeccable and faultless figures. Both women had the forms of goddesses, and to cherish their exquisite shapes was to shower them in the praise they deserved. If I had learned anything throughout my travels and the time I had spent with some of the most admirable women the world had ever known, it was that one of the biggest turn-ons the female of the species could receive was to know how sinfully pleasing she was to the senses. If I had sprouted an engorged hard-on due to the fantastic duo that awaited me almost thirty feet away, they'd want to know they were the cause of that excitement. Those two women would thrill to the fact that they had caused me to bulge uncontrollably.

I brushed my teeth with the toothbrush I had grabbed from my truck as I still tried to comprehend everything that had happened. Earlier in the day, I had been taken to new heights of ecstasy when Bridget and I had been intimate together. We made love all over her house - including on this very counter I was now leaning on - and then in the woods by a beautiful body of water she had shown me. Now, there was a very real possibility that we might share our love again...but this time, a woman from my past would be involved. Adding Ashlee to the mix felt too good to be true...

Time truly flies as we get older. I couldn't believe it had been nearly two entire decades since Ashlee and I had been a couple for a few months during her final year of school. I was only twenty years old at the time...and she had been a fresh nineteen-year-old. We had really hit it off...and who knows where my life could've been all these years later if I hadn't been so stubborn and set in my ways. If I had just listened to the raven-tressed beauty and understood her reasoning...

The past was the past. There was no going back and undoing it. All of us make mistakes on a daily basis that we have to live with for the rest of our lives. I don't know of a single person who wouldn't change something if he or she could. Those oversights - no matter how large or small - are inevitably what makes us human. We roll with the punches and move on to the next blunder knowing full well that it will be there. We then use the memories of those mistakes to hopefully prevent the same thing from happening again.

I also realized that had Ashlee and I stayed together back in the day, I never would've met Bridget...along with some of the other spectacular women who had changed my life for the better over the last eighteen years. There were so many things to take into consideration.

I spit some toothpaste out as I still tried to wrap my mind around the fact that both Bridget and Ashlee were waiting for me to join them all snuggled up on that bed down the hallway. They were two of the hottest women I had ever seen...and more importantly, they had the souls of two angels.

Well, maybe two naughty angels. But that just made them all the more attractive to me.

Don't fuck this up, Marcus, I told myself as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. This is that rare second chance that comes along only once in a lifetime. If you march into that room and find that all those two wonderful women want is to snuggle up with you and go to sleep, you do it. If they want to sit around for the next few hours and just talk about things, you do that, too. If they want to do something a little spicier...

I stopped running the toothbrush over the top row of teeth on my right and shuddered in delight at the thought of going to bed with those two specimens of loveliness at the same time. I couldn't imagine anything more delightful than showing them how much I cared for both of them at the same time. How incredible would it be to copulate with the past and present at the same time...and show them both such true devotion that they would know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I would always cherish and protect them? Maybe that sounds a little ironic since a guy would usually say it about one woman, but I couldn't help that my heart belonged to two women at the same time.

In the back of my mind, I started having brief flashes of the first threesome I had ever been involved in. I remembered the delectable faces of the two comely women who had allowed me to love them both at the same time. I recalled the kinky, silver-haired vixen, Madelyne, and I also remembered the always radiant and softspoken Rosalind. Both women were as different as night and day...almost the same way Ashlee and Bridget were.

As physically and mentally different as the two sets of women seemed to be, it suddenly dawned on me that they had some eerie similarities as well. Maddie and Rosa had both been considered as somewhat outcasts due to bodily "deformities." I use that term because in my opinion, there was absolutely nothing wrong with either woman. Madelyne had been only four feet, two inches she was of course ridiculed for her lack of height. Rosalind was insecure about herself because her breasts were small and had never fully she tended to not go out much due to embarrassment. Neither of these women had anything to be ashamed of, and while they were always beautiful in my eyes, they undoubtedly still are to this day. I would do anything for either of them the same way I would do anything for Bridget or Ashlee.

Speaking of the two women waiting in the room at the other end of the hallway for me, I realized that while they were vastly different in a plethora of ways, they also had some strikingly obvious similarities in the same way Maddie and Rosa had. While one was a big city girl with her name in the spotlight and the other was a smalltown lass with no real ambition of leaving her home behind, both of them were untamed spirits with hearts of gold. They wanted nothing more than to please others, and they would sacrifice anything to do so. They may have both been fascinated by the lengths I would be willing to go to for them when we had spoken about it half an hour earlier, but they had to know that they were a lot like me in that regard: I know they would both do anything to see me happy and healthy. Maybe it hadn't been said in words, but I could feel the very essence of their adulation and tenderness through the very ways they moved and acted. Their love was evident the same way they claimed to be able to feel mine through those powerful kisses we shared.

"I love them," I told my reflection as I intently stared at it in the mirror. "I don't care what I have to do to protect them from the world outside, but I love them both and will never lose them. I won't allow anything bad to happen to either of them...ever."

It didn't go lost on me that I probably sounded like a crazy person as I stared at myself in the mirror and had a full-blown conversation with the guy looking back. I guess for some reason, I just had it in the back of my mind that I was in that small little town out in the sticks for a reason...and if worse came to worst and I somehow did manage to find this character who was only known as Nick, then I would take care of him while shielding my two remarkable ladies at the same time.

First things first: I had to stop being such a damn pessimist. I had been following Nick's trail for quite some time and not a single shred of evidence even suggested that he was a real person. For all I knew, I was chasing some phantom trail with no real end in sight. So far, all this town had to offer as far as leads were concerned was a dubious individual sitting in a dark corner at a strip club. It seemed highly unlikely that one pervert who kept his face shrouded at all times could actually be my guy. I couldn't discount it completely and it certainly wouldn't pay to let my guard down...but I couldn't jump at the slightest hint of danger. I had lived my life that way years earlier...and I was done being scared.
