Bridget's Lesbian Seduction Ch. 02


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Shelly had stopped the fine stream of water on Bridget's belly. Noticing Tami's exploring hands, Shelly ran her hand low across Bridget's belly, then, even lower. Her fingers to brushed the top of Bridget's cut-offs. Shelly was tempted to ram her hand down Bridget's shorts. But she didn't instead she finished her run across her belly. Bridget's belly was firm, she really did take care of herself, and her body showed it. Another stream trickled down from Bridget's bikini top. Shelly caught it just before it reached Bridget's waistline. She ran her hand up. Water was building up in Bridget's bikini top, then trickling down. She ran her hand just under Bridget's top. Bridget's nipples were rock hard. Her wet bikini top didn't hide anything. It was quite racy for the usual conservative clothes Bridget usually wore. In fact, Bridget's whole outfit this morning was quite skimpy.

Bridget was frozen. No words came to her. She had no idea how to act. The fact that she was getting virtually felt up by Tami and Shelly had registered with her a few seconds ago, and she had no idea how to act. Tami had almost had her fingers down her butt crack, and Shelly came within inches of her pubic hair. She was standing there, feeling even more naked than she was, while two equally nearly naked women ran their hands over her. Her heart was racing, and she felt warm down below. Now Shelly had her hands just below her breasts. Shelly touched her. Bridget stifled a shudder.

"Oops, sorry," Shelly said. She had bumped Bridget left breast. She made it look like an accident. Shelly caught Bridget looking at her. She knew Bridget had no idea what to say. In her eyes Shelly saw fear, but inside that fear, she also saw excitement. Shelly brought her hands up, so they would deliberately bump Bridget's breasts again. Bridget didn't move. Shelly looked Bridget directly in the eyes, "The water is pooling in your top, do you want me to get it out?"

"Yes," Bridget whispered. Bridget subtly drew her shoulder blades back, pressing her breasts forward, and tilted her head back. Tami stopped rubbing Bridget's back. She wanted to see what Shelly was up to. She put her arms around Bridget's waist. Stepping forward to put her head on Bridget's shoulders. From her angle, she got a good look at Bridget's breasts in her tiny bikini top. Shelly stood right in front of Bridget. She started by running her hands up either side of Bridget's bikini top, to her collarbone, then down, on the inside. Down her chest, between her breasts, in her cleavage, to the bikini top. Finally running her hands along the bottom of her breasts. Bridget closed her eyes. Shelly glanced at Tami. Tami brought her hands together at Bridget's belly button. Bridget could feel Tami's breasts pressing into her back.

Shelly cupped Bridget's breasts in her hands. She gave them a squeeze and started rubbing them. The excess water trapped in the bikini top trickled out, down Shelly's wrists. Bridget's head lolled to the left, she sighed, and softly bit her inside lower lip. Shelly stepped in closer, her own breasts almost touching Bridget's, she continued to massage Bridget's breasts, pinching Bridget's hard nipples between her fingers. She started too lean in to kiss Bridget.

Bridget was ready. Weeks of fantasy daydreams were about to come true. She felt Shelly moving in closer, her hands on her breasts, the first person to touch her breasts, other than her husband, in years. She waited for the kiss. But it never came. Shelly stepped back, and Tami released her. Bridget blinked, what happened? She saw Shelly swallow hard, looking at her, then to the right. Bridget followed her look. A group of kids were riding down the hill into the parking lot. Bridget fought the urge to yell at them to go away. She was ready to let herself go, to see what would happen. But it was taken away by a pack of brats on bikes. She felt robbed.

"I guess we should get going," Shelly said. "We can finish this later."

"Yeah," Tami put the misting bottle in the truck. "Your cabin isn't that far away, right?"

"No not far," Bridget said. The kids were up on the sidewalk now, coming right towards them. Tami was already crawling up in the pickup cab. Bridget stayed standing by the truck, staring at the kids. Three boys, and two girls, rode right past Bridget's truck, down the park path to the playground. Bridget looked up the hill and saw a couple of mom's starting to walk down to the park.

"Come on Bridget," Shelly said. She was waiting to hop in the truck. Bridget finally shook herself back to reality. Her face burned. Pulling out her keys, Bridget lurched towards the truck, she put out her hand to steady herself. "Are you OK?" Shelly asked. "Do you want me to drive?"

"No," Bridget regained her balance. Her legs felt like jelly. "It must be the heat." Bridget explained. She walked around the back of the truck, using the pickup to steady herself. She opened her door and climbed up into the driver's seat. Tami and Shelly were already in the truck. Bridget put the keys in the ignition, now that she was able to sit down, she felt more normal. But, she could feel the heat within her chest, butterflies in her stomach, and burning between her legs. "OK, we should be at the cabin in about 45 minutes."

Bridget's swerved out of the parking space. Over correcting, she angled across the parking lot towards the exit. The two mothers stared at her. It would be her luck if they called the state patrol to report a drunk driver. She paused longer than normal at the park exit, then turned onto the main road. She used the short drive to the highway to regain her composure. She was vaguely aware of Tami and Shelly talking. Since they didn't address her, she kept silent. Drawing deep breaths, Bridget calmed herself. She massaged her hands on the steering wheel. By the time she reached the highway, she felt safe to drive. Driving towards the greatest risk of her life.

"So, Bridget, are you OK?" Tami put her hand on Bridget's shoulder. Her soft touch was soothing. Nodding, Bridget smiled slightly. "You looked a little shook up back there. You should know we would never do anything to hurt you."

"I know," Bridget answered hoarsely. She laughed and cleared her throat. "I trust you guys."

"You know you can trust us," Tami smiled. She gently rubbed Bridget's shoulder. Bridget glanced at Tami. Her gentle brown eyes studied her. Smiling, Bridget patted Tami's leg. Bridget swallowed hard, if she wasn't careful, she would start crying. Why was she so emotional? She cleared her throat again. Tami put her arm around Bridget. Resting her head on Bridget's shoulder. "You invited us up to your cabin, and we'll make sure we take care of you."

"OK," Bridget fought back tears. She cursed herself for not being in control of her emotions. Tami rubbed her shoulder with her hand. Bridget tilted her head. Her touch was calming. Bridget sighed and concentrated on the road. Despite the heat, Bridget didn't push away Tami.

"So how much further?" Shelly asked. They had pulled off the highway onto a winding road. A blue lake teased between the trees and cabins on the left side of the road. The sun beat in through the rear of the cab. Bridget could feel her back sweating again. At least when they reached the cabin they would have air conditioning, and a cool lake to swim in.

"Not much farther, that's Blue Lake over there, our cabin is on Little Turtle Lake," Bridget followed the winding road. The lake to the left disappeared behind the trees. Blue Lake was the main lake in the area. Most people thought of Blue Lake when coming to this area. The shoreline was infested with cabins, resorts, restaurants, and public beaches. With two more large lakes to the west, many people overlooked a string of lakes just north. Little Turtle Lake was a smaller lake with known for several inlets. Bridget and Ross had their cabin on such an inlet. No neighbors to pry into their affairs. Plenty of woods for the dogs to explore, complete privacy for swimming and fishing. "It's about ten miles down the road."

Bridget turned off onto a small country road. Thick forest flanked the road, interrupted occasionally by a turn off. Shelly peered down each turn off as they passed. Each went deep into the woods, with no cabin visible. Bridget slowed and turned left into one such turn off. About a half-mile down the road, Tami and Shelly spotted a brown cabin. The cabin was in a patch of grass surrounded by woods. A single car garage was at the end of the back lot. The yard sloped down to a small beach on a blue lake. A t-shaped dock ran into the lake, a little farther out a square swimming dock was anchored in the inlet. Bridget pulled the truck up on the asphalt next to a side door on the cabin. She angled the back of the truck towards the door. "Well, we're here," Bridget turned off the pickup.

The women piled out of the pickup. Bridget stretched, relieved to finally get to the privacy of the cabin. She sorted her keys as she walked up to the cabin. Tami and Shelly pulled out their bags from the back of the pickup truck. Bridget opened the door, stuffy heat from inside the cabin wrapped around her as she stepped in. Tami and Shelly followed her in. Bridget kicked off her sandals by the door. Tami and Shelly followed suit. The dining area was in front of them, with the living room beyond, the kitchen off to the right. Bridget moved through the dining room and across the living room. She stopped at the wall, and turned on the central air conditioning.

"If you guys want to help out, we usually leave all the windows open just a crack during the summer. So we need to shut them so the central air can cool the place down," Bridget crossed the living room and turned the patio door blinds to allow sunlight into the cabin. "Plus, I can show you your bedroom. Now that the boys are older, they took the bedroom downstairs. So this is now the spare bedroom." Tami and Shelly followed Bridget to a small hall. Off to the right was the first bedroom, Bridget was talking about. Tami and Shelly set their bags on the bed as Bridget shut the window.

"We grabbed your bag too, where do you want it," Tami asked. Bridget motioned for them to follow her. She walked out into the hall.

"The bathroom is right here," Bridget stopped to close the window. "There are plenty of towels and washcloths in the linen closet, just take what you need. My bedroom is right down the hall." Tami stepped in to examine the bathroom. Shelly headed down to Bridget's bedroom and set her bag on the bed. Bridget followed her in. Together they closed the windows. Bridget put her foot over a grate to check for cool air. Bridget lead them back to the living room. She opened a door that Tami and Shelly assumed was a closet. "Follow me, the basement is down here."

Bridget led the way down. Tami followed, with Shelly bringing up the rear. The basement opened up to a spacious family room. Done in rustic wood grains, with a bar running by the stairs to the far wall. The main bar area was tucked in under the stairs. Shelly noticed it was a wet bar, with a bar sink at the near end. A black refrigerator stood in the corner. Just beyond the high back bar stools was a pool table. A small dining table was pushed up against the wall. There were a variety of board games and puzzles in a bookcase on the wall. An electronic dartboard was on the far wall. A comfortable looking sofa centered the room, flanked by nightstands topped with small reading lamps. A sturdy coffee table that beckoned as a footrest was in front of the sofa. Another set of large patio doors was to the left of the sofa. A rock fireplace centered the far wall. On the left was a stereo system, the right house a television system. Bridget padded across the soft pile carpet. There were three doors off the family room.

"This is the furnace room, nothing to see in there," Bridget passed the first door. "Here is the bathroom, we usually use the shower in here after we come in from swimming. Or you can use the outdoor shower on the patio. This last room is the boy's room. Messy as usual. We usually only open the windows upstairs, so we don't have to check any down here."

"Hey Bridget, is this a folding bed?" Tami patted the sofa.

"Why, yes it is, would you guys rather sleep down here?" Bridget asked. She hadn't considered using the sofa bed. Although Ross and her used to sleep down here before they had the boys. Light a fire on a cold autumn night, make love, and cuddle in the sofa. Bridget wondered if Tami and Shelly would do the same, perhaps, invite her. "That would be no problem."

"We should probably get that furniture in before it gets too hot," Tami said. "Then we can kick back and enjoy the weekend."

"Plus, we'll work up a sweat, then we can go skinny dipping," Shelly laughed.

"Oh God," Bridget laughed. She turned and headed up the stairs. Swallowing hard, she stopped to survey the main floor, planning on how to get the furniture in. Tami and Shelly came up. "I think we should bring the furniture in through the patio door. That way we can place it right in the living room, and it should only take about ten minutes. Then we can let the cabin cool down."

Tami and Shelly nodded their agreement. Bridget opened the blinds and patio door. She left the door wide open as she walked out on the deck. Pulling her keys out of her pocket she walked down the couple of steps to the sidewalk. The pickup was parked by the side door. Bridget hopped in and backed the pickup over the yard to the bottom of the deck. Tami and Shelly helped guide her in.

"OK," Bridget hopped out of the truck. "Let's get it done. I'll untie the rope, if you guys get on either side, I can feed it to you and you can thread it through the cargo ties." Bridget lowered the tailgate and climbed up into the truck bed. She untied the ropes holding down the tarp. Tami and Shelly stood on either side of the truck. Bridget handed the rope to Tami first. The girls undid the ropes from the truck bed while Bridget pulled the tarp of the furniture, folding it as she went. She tucked the folded tarp by the wheel well as Tami handed her the rope. Bridget grabbed one of the end tables. "Let's get the easy stuff in first, then we'll carry in the sofa."

"OK, we'll just set it inside against the back wall," Shelly took the first end table from Bridget. Tami stepped up, taking the second table. While the girls were bringing those tables in, slide the two chairs to the end of the truck bed. The girls returned for the chairs.

"These are light," Shelly lifted her chair off. "Did you really need help with these, or did you lure us here for something else." She winked at Tami as she carried her chair off.

"Do you think I would do that," Bridget teased back. "Plus, the sofa is to heavy for me to handle alone." Bridget tugged the sofa into position. She had a moment to reflect while the girls were in the cabin. They were finally at the cabin. Since the furniture was pretty light and easy to handle, Bridget wasn't sweating. Even so a dip in the cool lake was going to feel good. A cool naked swim, Bridget smirked.

"OK, lets get this in, so we can relax," Shelly and Tami started pulling the sofa off the truck. Bridget guided the back to the edge of the truck. The girls set the front of the sofa on the deck. "I'll help Bridget, if you just want to guide it up on the deck," Shelly told Tami. Tami nodded. Bridget hopped down on one side of the sofa, with Shelly on the other side, the lifted the sofa up and slid it onto the deck. Tami took one end, Bridget the other, and Shelly grabbed the middle. The sofa carried easier than Bridget anticipated. They easily brought it into the living room, setting in centered in front of the entertainment center.

Bridget shut the patio door, now the cabin could cool down. Tami and Shelly pulled the chairs up on either side of the sofa, then put the end tables between them. Bridget smiled, "You guys are good. Do you want a drink?"

"We're good at a lot of things," Shelly laughed. "You'll find that out, soon."

"I'm sure," Bridget walked over to the door leading downstairs. "We have all the beer downstairs, are you guys coming?"

"Hopefully," Tami giggled. Bridget blushed and led the way downstairs. She headed over the bar refrigerator while the two girls lingered by the pool table. Bridget popped the tops off the beer bottles before handing one to each girl. Bridget leaned on a barstool and took a drink.

Tami watched in amusement as Bridget guzzled down over half of her beer. She was a little nervous, but after the little incident in the park, she seemed more relaxed. Tami found herself eyeing Bridget's body. She was still amazed at how well she held her age. Tami took another sip of her beer. "So, are we going to get naked or what?"

"Yeah," Shelly agreed. She winked at Tami. "Let's get naked."

"You guys," Bridget blushed. "We need to finish our beers before we can go skinny dipping." She took another drink from her bottle.

"Well, Bridget, your beer is empty, so you can go ahead and get naked," Tami leaned back on the pool table. Shelly laughed and took a sip from her beer. "Come on Bridget. We're waiting."

"What, I'm just supposed to strip in front of you while you guys stand there and watch?" Bridget took a sip from her beer. As soon as she swallowed she cursed herself. Her beer was now completely empty. Now Tami and Shelly would really be on her case. She fiddled with the bottle, then set it on the bar. She turned back to face Tami and Shelly. She wished she still had the bottle, even if just to hold it in front of her as a shield. She felt as if she was naked already.

"Well, yeah, you're right," Shelly giggled. "We shouldn't just stand here and watch, we should be comfortable. Let's go sit on the sofa." Shelly nudged Tami. Tami stepped forward and took Bridget's hand. Bridget let herself get lead into the family room. Tami was surprised Bridget followed so easily. She led her the area between the sofa and the fireplace. Tami and Shelly settled in the sofa, leaving Bridget standing in front of them.

"OK, much better," Tami giggled. She stared at Bridget. "Now strip. Or do you want us to strip you?"

"I can do it. But I think I need more beer," Bridget crossed her arms over her belly. Despite being nervous, she was incredibly excited. Tami leaned forward, offering her beer. Bridget took the beer, poured it down her throat and handed the empty bottle back to Tami. "Thanks, that helped."

"Do you want the rest of mine too," Shelly held out her beer. Bridget shook her head. She didn't want too get drunk, just take the edge of a little. She swallowed hard, positioned herself in front of the two girls. Bridget sighed, reached up behind her and undid her bikini top. She let the top fall to the floor, but cupped her breasts with her hands. Shelly and Tami smiled.

"Be nice to me," Bridget pleaded. Tami and Shelly nodded they would. Bridget dropped her hands to her sides.

"Nice tits Bridget," Tami leaned forward for a closer look.

"Oh God, I feel so cheap, I can't believe that I'm doing this," Bridget moaned. She unbuttoned the top of her cut-offs. Unzipping, she pulled the cut-offs down to her knees, letting them drop the rest of the way to her ankles. She kicked them off to the side. "But, it is kind of exciting too."

"Exciting? How?" Shelly finished her beer.

"Just, being forced to strip. Having you guys watching me," Bridget slowly pulled down the sides of her bikini bottom. "No one looks at me like that. Not even my husband, anymore." Bridget paused, then pulled her bottom off. She kicked them over by her cut-offs. Standing straight up, she watched Tami and Shelly look her over. She was so wet. "Now that you have seen me naked, are you guys ready to go skinny dipping?"

"Who said anything about skinny-dipping," Tami stood up. She took Bridget's trembling hand. Pulling her towards her, their mouths almost meeting. Bridget's short breaths on her lips, Tami whispered. "We just wanted to get you naked."