Broken Ch. 03


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"Great, great my boy," said Mr. Smith in hos gravelly voice. "Tell me more about your place."

"Well, it's built in the middle of about eighty acres in the desert with virtually no driveway that someone who doesn't know about the place would find. It's hidden in a little canyon so it's very private. I keep a few horses there along with my motorized toys. I secured a bedroom for someone like Linda myself so o one knows about it. I hopefully covered all my tracks so no one will suspect a thing, even if they were to somehow meet her."

"Try not to let her get out in public is my advice," said Smith as he lit up a cigarette. "You don't mind if I smoke do you?"

"I'll go along with just one," said Ben. "Open the window at least."

"Okay. Now, regarding training, you will need to establish right from the start that you are in charge. I saw some signs of weakness there at Dr. Lee's. You gotta be firm right from the start or they'll walk all over you. I've seen you young guys fall for a slave before. That spells trouble, believe me. No need to get rough or nasty, just firm. If she refuses to obey however, you have to punish her right away and make sure she understands that you will not accept that kind of behavior. I know she's a little cutie with those bedroom eyes but you can't fall under her spell, so to speak. I'd hate to see you some night on the news. That's what keeps me awake at night."

The chauffer stopped at the local bar and grill that Ben had recommended. Mr. Smith continued to hammer Ben with how to train and control his new pet. The conversation was informative be for Ben as he hadn't given nearly as much thought to this when he got involved as he maybe should have. Mr. Smith gave him a burner phone to use in case of an extreme emergency. It was pre-programmed with Mr. Smith's emergency number on another burner phone.

"Remember Ben; never, ever get the authorities involved with anything to do with her. Call me, night or day with this phone only. I have the necessary resources to handle anything. You'd be surprised how many of these things go wrong and turn into a fuckin' mess. I can help you. No one else can. Understand?"

"Yes, Sir," Ben replied as the town car pulled onto his property and continued to the house. Ben was amazed that the chauffer was able to find the house without more direction. "

"He looked your place up on the satellites and used the coordinates to find your place in case you were wondering," explained Mr. Smith. "We are a very resourceful service."

"Impressive," remarked Ben who was eager to get inside and check out his pet.

"One more thing, kid," said Mr. Smith. "You're going to find her on the floor in your kitchen. That's where they pit them. She'll probably be awake by now. They leave the women hogtied and gagged. Be careful when you set her free. Make sure you have the remote control for her collar ready, just in case. Here, let me come in with you since this is your first time."

The two men got out of the car and walked to the deserted house, illuminated only by the car's headlights and some landscape lighting. A motion-sensor light at the door came on as they approached. Ben unlocked the door and turned on the light in the foyer. They could immediately hear the sounds of someone thrashing about in the kitchen and trying to cry out through their nose. They walked into the kitchen where Ben turned on the ceiling lights. There she was, lying on her side, hogtied in between the center island and the sink. She had been changed from the blue hospital gown and back into her corset. Her pussy was spread open from being tied in that position. She was definitely awake now. Her ankles were pulled up and tied to her wrists behind her back but she somehow managed to kick at the lower cupboards. Ben looked at Mr. Smith for guidance.

"Let's get her calmed down first before we do anything else," Smith suggested.

Even though he had proven to be a very astute business man in this highly illegal business, Ben got the feeling that Mr. Smith was not a touchy-feely kind of guy when it came to emotional women.

"Linda," Ben said somewhat quietly, "It's me, Ben. This is my place. I'm here to untie you but you have to calm down and promise to behave.

He started to loosen the strap that held the ball gag tight in her mouth. She stopped struggling and waited for him to remove the gag. With the clasp unfastened he pulled the ball from her mouth.

"What the hell is going on?" she shouted in a hoarse voice.

"You've been brought to my place where you will be staying," Ben explained, hoping that she would find comfort with the change in her position.

"Let me go!!! I want to just go home," she wailed. "What the fuck is wrong with you people? You can't just go around taking people like this!"

"Well dear, actually we can," interrupted Mr. Smith.

"What is that asshole doing here?" she cried out with alarm as she looked to Ben.

Trying hard to take charge, Ben started in, "He's here to make sure that we get off to a good start. I need to get you out of these ropes so I can continue with your training starting tonight. He simply wanted to demonstrate to us how to continuing where Dr. Lee left off. As you know, you were released earlier than usual so you are not completely educated on what is expected of a slave like yourself. As is usually the case in life, there is an easy way to go about this or there is the painful and difficult way. Try to behave and I think you'll end up doing better."

She remained silent, sizing them up to decide whether to fight now or wait until later when Ben was alone. It really was no contest. Ben seemed naïve' and possible to manipulate. She wasn't sure about Mr. Smith or whatever his real name was but he obviously had experience. She decided to go along for the time being.

"Okay, so if I agree to do as you say, what's next?"

Mr. Smith jumped in, "Linda, you will simply be expected to do any and everything that Ben asks of you. Failure to do so will result in immediate and possibly severe punishment. That's up to Ben but he knows what is appropriate. Go ahead Ben, untie her and show us both what you have in mind for her on this first night."

Ben took a knife from a drawer in the kitchen and cut the rope that bound her ankles to her wrists. Linda stretched out her legs on the cold tile floor to relieve her cramped muscles. He cut the rope between her feet and wrists, allowing her freedom.

"Slowly rise to your feet and go sit in that chair at the table in the dinette," he told her.

Linda slowly got to her knees, checked the stare from both men and stood. She walked slowly over to the chair where she sat as instructed. Ben pulled a metal shackle from another kitchen drawer and walked over to her. He crouched in front of her and ordered her to extend her left leg. When she did, he placed the shackle around her left ankle and locked it tightly around her leg, in similar fashion to a handcuff.

"You'll be chained at all times as we get started," explained Ben.

"That's bullshit!" she declared. "I'd rather take my chances out there."

"I'll show you tomorrow when it's light out that there is really nowhere for you to go anyway. Besides, in addition to the brutal heat and lack of water there are rattle snakes, scorpions and coyotes all over the place in the desert."

He picked up a box that was sitting on another chair and pulled out a coiled stranded cable, nearly half an inch in diameter and coated with gray plastic. . The aircraft cable had loops at each end. Using a padlock, he fastened it to a looped anchor in the cement floor that was concealed behind a blind. Bringing the other end to her he fastened it to the shackle with another padlock.

"Just sit tight while I discuss a few matters with Mr. Smith. There are glasses above the sink if you'd like some water from the tap. That's about as far as you can reach."

He walked over to Mr. Smith and gestured for him to follow.

"Let me show you the room I intend to keep her in and see what you think," he said as they walked. Ben opened the patio door off the kitchen. "I converted the casita to have no opening windows. The glass is tempered bullet-proof glass with a tint to prevent anyone from seeing in".

Mr. Smith followed him out the kitchen door across a concrete patio to the stand-alone casita.

"The door is steel with two deadbolts – one needs a key and the other has a changeable combination. I have this four-post bed that is anchored to the floor. There are several eyebolts attached to the floor for the cable if I want to really keep her locked up. I have a ceiling lift hook in here so we don't have to go to the basement. All the toys are kept in another room or are in a locked chest over there where the kitchenette used to be. The bath has been simplified to just have a toilet, tub and plain sink. Any suggestions come to mind?"

"It looks pretty secure. The biggest thing is you can't leave anything around that they could use as a weapon against you. Think like they do in the prisons – nothing loose anywhere. Otherwise I think this place ought to work well. I like the fact that it's a separate building even though it's close. Hey, you did a good job of laying down the law out there – keep it up, no lapses in discipline. Avoid the temptation to literally sleep with her, as in unconscious. A man is very vulnerable when he's asleep and they know that."

"Oh, good idea. I was thinking of the day that we could eventually share my bed but you're probably right."

"Not until you have established a ton of trust. Ever hear of Stockholm syndrome? It is very real and you will most likely experience it with Linda. Pretty soon she'll cozy up to you and make every attempt to please you. Next thing you know she's feeling like she's your girlfriend or even wife. Try to keep her at a distance from your personal life. Even if given a lot of time, they can turn on you in a heartbeat if the situation changes. Do you have a girlfriend right now?"

"There are a few women in town with whom I've spent some time," Ben answered.

"Do you ever bring anyone out here to the house?"

"Yes, once in a while. You know Bob and Dave who hooked me up with you. I usually see them at business affairs but they were talking about maybe getting together with our slaves some day." The light went on in Ben's head. "What do you suggest I do with her if I have someone over?"

"First of all, I think that would be very risky to get two slaves together anytime. Secondly, I think you really need another holding area away from the house. Do you have any outbuildings that are farther away? You must with a big place like this."

"Yes, I could prepare something in the horse barn as one option."

"I suggest you do that as soon as possible," advised Mr. Smith. "You don't want to have to answer a bunch of difficult questions if someone comes over. A regular safe room would be ideal if you really want security. If you get unannounced guests I'd suggest that you keep her away from the house entirely. It's good that you can get her out to this place quietly without being seen from the front door."

"Yes, I can see that. Thanks Mr. Smith. I'll look into that right away tomorrow. Oh, and I have a housekeeper that comes a few times each week too."

"Ooh, that could be trouble. Tell me about her," said Mr. Smith.

"Well she's a middle-age Mexican woman, illegal I think. She doesn't want to ever see a doctor or dentist or anyone else that might leave a paper trail. I pay her in cash."

"That worries me a little, Ben. It will be hard to hide your guest from a housekeeper. They pick up on everything. Can you trust her with any and everything?"

"I think so. She's not about to go to the authorities."

"I don't know Ben. Try to keep things low key with her too. She's probably not going to be a problem but you need to be careful. Maybe come up with a cover story that Linda's your new girlfriend."

I have the special phone so I'll keep it in a safe place and give you a call if anything bad happens. Otherwise, I know how to contact you if I decide I want another. – Just kidding for now anyway," Ben laughed.

"Look, I have to go now but remember what I said. I worry most about the really cute ones with the power of persuasion. Make no mistake about it Ben, you got a good one. They are never as innocent and helpless as they look either. Remember that."

"Right, I'll be on guard, said Ben with so much eagerness that Smith knew what was on his mind"

"Now go enjoy your new pet," he said as he walked back into the house and through the kitchen.

"Bye, Linda. Be good," he said as he left the house.

She ignored the man. Ben was finally alone with his Sarah or Linda or who cared what he called her? He was pretty excited about having the new woman at his place indefinitely. He knew he couldn't let her get the upper hand but he wanted to fuck her so badly right then and there. He came into the kitchen where he saw that she had helped herself to a glass of water. He wondered whether ne needed to switch to plastic dishes just to be safe. She looked so sexy sitting there with her corset defining her figure. She seemed to have gotten used to being half-naked. He stared at her with her firm breasts exposed above the garment and her pussy visible on the wooden chair. She was probably hungry but that would have to wait. He had other plans on his mind.

"Hi Linda," he said as awkwardly as a teenager meeting a girl for the first time. "Now that we're finally alone together I'd like to get closer with you. Would you like to see your place now? Or rather, I'm going to show you your place now."

"Okay," she replied casually as she leaned back in the chair, to his surprise.

"I'm going to put handcuffs on you before I release your tether, Linda. I am still trying to read you to see how accepting you've become with your new role in life. Damn, you are hot though!

He ran his hands up her sides, feeling her curves under the corset. She smiled at him, not so much at the compliment but because she knew she could easily manipulate this man. She had an idea.

"Ben, do you have something, some fruit maybe that I could eat. I'm really hungry because I haven't eaten all day?"

He looked around and saw a bunch of bananas sitting on the counter. They were spotted from being there for a while but he offered one of them to her.

Linda took the banana from Ben's hand and slowly peeled it. She looked at his eyes as she slowly brought it to her mouth. Seductively she closed her lips around the fruit as she slid it into her mouth.

"That's good," she said as she chewed the banana. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," he blurted out, totally surprised at her demeanor and clear attempt to seduce him.

He pulled a pair of fleece-lined handcuffs from the same drawer where the shackle had been. He walked over beside her and looped one cuff around her left hand as it sat on the table. Pulling her left arm behind her back he took her right wrist and brought it back to slip the other side of the handcuffs onto her right side. Standing over and behind her he focused on her exposed breasts. He took the opportunity to run his hands gently over them, gently tugging on her nipples until they responded and grew harder. She sat still as he played with her body. She found his sensuous touching to be very nice actually.

He bent down and kissed her on the mouth then suckled her right tit. She could feel his erection through his pants and the chair rails. He pulled out the key and released her ankle from the cable. Holding her arm beneath the shoulder he helped her out of the chair and walked her out the kitchen door to the outdoor patio. The night air was still hot she noticed. Ben unlocked the door and opened it. He ushered her into the main room where the bed dominated the space. He pointed out the basic features that were there. Unable to wait any longer, he pulled the covers back on the bed and threw her onto her back in the middle of the bed. He undressed so quickly that his clothes were scattered around the bedroom. Ben crawled on top of her, caressing her breasts and face. He ran his hands over her body and cupped her bottom as he kissed her all over her mouth and breasts. Linda couldn't reciprocate with her arms cuffed behind her back.

"Ben, do you think you could take these cuffs off so I can participate in this too?"

He pondered her request for a second but his head was not doing the thinking.

"Okay but let me get the door first," he replied.

He got out of the bed and turned on the ceiling fan before he set the combination lock on the door. He returned to her and rolled her over to remove the cuffs. It was only then that he realized that the key was in his pants pocket on the floor. He dug through his pockets to find the key. He found the remote control first and had a thought but dismissed it. He found the key in another pocket and returned to unlock her wrists. He thought about removing the corset too but he's either have to unlace the whole thing or get a tool to unfasten the hooks in front. He decided that it could wait.

He resumed his position on top of her. He spread her legs with his and mounted her. He watched her reaction as her pounded her hard on the mattress. When he sensed that she was getting close he placed his hands around her neck and pressed his thumbs into her carotid arteries just above her collar. She was surprised but did nothing. He held his hands on her neck as she came. He immediately came as well and released her neck.

"What was that?" she asked, gasping for air from the strenuous workout.

A little oxygen deprivation during climax," he told her.

"That felt really weird," she said. "I'm not sure whether I liked that or not. I felt kind of high but dizzy at the same time."

He had wondered how his slave would react to his kinky sex fantasies. This was only the first test. He was glad that she was open to discussing it with him. There were many others that he intended to explore with her in the future.

"I think both of us need some sleep," he announced. "This is your bed so I'm going to lock your leg to an anchor in the concrete floor as well as lock your door. You should be able to reach the bathroom with the cable."

He pulled another cable out from under the bed and fastened it to the shackle that remained on her left ankle.

She felt her neck where he had pressed. She was sure there must be at least two bruised. She was somewhat surprised at how rough he got. Maybe just a clue about his need for a slave, she thought as she lay in the bed.

"Good night. I'll come and get you for a nice breakfast in the morning. I trust that there will be no drama tonight?"

"No, Sir," she replied wearily.

She was tired too and hungry. She fell asleep in the wet spot before he had even left the casita.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
it is a story

I find this story very entertaining. Of course, I would never want someone in real life to become a sex slave. This is a story. I read novels and watch movies where bad things happen. It doesn't mean I would want them to happen in real life. It is entertainment.

annikasfuryannikasfuryover 9 years ago

Humanity is all well and good, but this story is in the non-consent section. There are some perfectly lovely stories in the other sections, loving wives, even some of the fetish stories can be sweet. You seem to have wandered astray from your comfort zone, Anon. Just saying. If you don't like it, don't read it, they're tagged. I enjoy reading other stories myself, but I can not achieve orgasm with anything other than non-consent. I'd rather that wasn't so, and I spent many years fighting it, but I like to cum, I am.

Excellent story, DarkFantasy. It's a little rough around the edges, but still fun to read. I think the longer you keep writing , the better you are going to get.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

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Littlelady360Littlelady360almost 10 years ago
More please. ..loved it

First I understand that it's Bens first time owning a slave but I thought he would umm maybe have like a little more attitude with her. But during the last scene I wisbed that there was more detail of how he fucked her. Other than that I loved it and can't wait to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
I agree with anonymous. What is the attraction is owning a slave?

I mean, do you and your supporters agree with the Ariel Castros of this world? The men who kidnap and sell into the sex trade, young teens and women? Do you read a out their cases and pity that they were caught?

I only ask because if you enjoy the kidnapping, rape and eventual demise of the victims, what's that say about you? As for me? Well, I like to remind people of their humanity once in awhile....maybe spark some empathy.

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