Broken Hunter

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Dark unicorn makes a dark elf hunter lust-crazed.
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Miriel's steps barely made a sound as she stalked the forest. It was a clear night, and a particularly bright half-moon projected long shadows over the thick vegetation.

She always worked better at night; despite having lived on the surface for years now, the darkness always felt more like home.

The forest was full of sounds. Those who did not prowl it at night might imagine it quiet and sleepy, but like herself, there was a whole world of creatures that existed away from the light.

Such as her target for this outing. Something as far as she knew no one had ever been able to capture yet, an elusive black unicorn.

Even from before her escape to the surface, Miriel had been trained and focused on the art of capturing the mythical and dangerous, pushing aside all other distractions and relationships.

Her prowess had garnered her accolades in the world below, but these meant nothing unless you were part of one of the leading families, and thus, she was used more as a tool than a person, always walking on the edge, waiting for that day when she was suddenly not useful any more and discarded like a broken tool.

Hence, her escape.

The surface people were strange and alien to her. So close to each other and open with their thoughts and feelings, not knowing how others might use them against them.

Thus, she had kept to herself, living alone, and offering her services to those that could afford them; making a nice and comfortable life for herself, and without the fear of one day being betrayed by a moody Matron.

Her employer this time was some kind of wizard or witch, who was fascinated with such a creature, that for the longest time was believed to be a myth, which Miriel found funny as unicorns were already so rare as to be mythical themselves.

As she stepped into a small clearing, the air seemed to glow with an eerie light, almost like a fog.

Fae land, she thought to herself.

She had already been stalking the forest for 3 nights straight trying to find leads to her quarry, and her efforts seemed to have paid off.

At least, for now.

She carefully moved around the clearing, keeping her grey eyes opened for anything out of the ordinary.

Normally unicorns fled when in the presence of certain creatures they deemed impure or malicious, but if her sources were correct, her quarry did not do the same, and instead seemed to stalk those that caught its eye from a safe distance.

Unicorns were famed for their healing powers, capable of curing any malady known to mortals, but it was much less clear what a black unicorn could do.

Miriel was very much banking on the idea that their powers should be similar, with just a different colouration, as often things were that simple.

She readied her hand crossbow, the bolt loaded in it coated in a powerful mixture of arcane plants that could knock out even a dragon.

There was no bait she could use, so her instincts were the only thing she had for this, which were telling her to wait here.

So she patiently did so, as her hair, braided into a long and thick ponytail, gently swayed in the breeze.

Her body grew stiff as the hours passed by, but she was used to the aching. Keeping her mind focused was way harder, as the quiet murmur of the forest could very easily put one to sleep.

It was then, after gods know how long waiting, that she observed a glint in the darkness ahead of her on the other side of the clearing.

Whatever it was it shone like a ruby poking through the shadows, giving her a chill that shot down her spine.

All the sound in the forest stopped, and Miriel held her breath, as if hoping to not give away her position.

Slowly, the creature trotted into the light, poking part of its body out from the trees. Visually, it looked like a horse, a big majestic horse, with lustrous fur dark as ebony, and powerful muscles that would have put any mortal stallion to shame.

But even just by looking at it, it was obvious that it was not just an animal.

There was an aura of power that suffused his being, as if it was raw animalistic essence trapped inside flesh.

As expected, it had a single beautiful horn on its forehead, though this one was of a blood-like crimson.

Its red eyes shone with intelligence, and Miriel could have sworn it was smiling.

She readied her weapon and slowly aimed at the creature from the bushes.

But just as she was about to shoot, it looked at her.

And not just glanced in her general direction, it looked straight at her, his eyes piercing her with a malicious look.

This startled Miriel so much that her heart skipped a beat, and she lost her aim, the bolt flying dangerously close to the unicorn's chest, but missing it.

"Fuck," she muttered to herself.

But before she could run, his look intensified, bathing her in an odd magical aura.

Her body felt heavy and warm, the thin leather and linen she wore to avoid making too much noise while prowling choking her.

A whine escaped her mouth as she dropped her crossbow and struggled not to fall to her knees.

The unicorn advanced towards her, the horn on its forehead shining with a dim purple light that invaded Miriel's thoughts, making it difficult to think.

With a grunt, the hunter fell to her knees, struggling not to moan from the pressure she was feeling on her flesh.

"Well, well, well..." said the unicorn, with a deep masculine voice that appeared to come from his mouth despite it not moving, "it seems a dumb little whore was trying to hunt something she shouldn't..."

Miriel shot a defiant look back at his quarry, she did not take kindly to insults, even when her back was against the wall.

"Fuck you, equine asshole, if you are going to kill me get on with it," she said, her hands fighting to reach the knife on her belt.

The unicorn chuckled and lowered his head, looking at her more intensely, the glow from his eyes and horn shining brighter.

To her shock, a shiver of arousal travelled through Miriel's body, crossing every fibre of her being before exploding on her lower lips.

The dark elf moaned like a whore, quickly covering her mouth in shame after doing so.

"What the fuck are you doing to me?!" she asked in frustration, still trying to fight whatever was holding her down.

Once more, the unicorn chuckled.

"I'm intensifying your lust, slut, it's particularly easy with a repressed bitch like yourself," he said licking her face slowly, making jolts of delight spread through her ebony skin, "you really picked the wrong quarry."

Tears of rage started flowing from Miriel's eyes, who with a roar placed all her focus onto retrieving her knife, throwing her hands at her belt.

But, instead of the sound of a blade being unsheathed, a loud ripping sound followed her sudden movement.

She had ripped her tight linen shirt around her belly, exposing all her midsection and the lower part of her tightly bound breasts.

The unicorn laughed out loud.

"You can't wait to take all of those stupid clothes off, can you?" he said as he paced around her, drinking her visage from all sides.

"What's going on? Get out of my head?!" she said, struggling to not rip her clothes further.

"You dumb cunt, mind control is so uncouth, my power is way more interesting and raw," he said with a ping of pride, "I can just exacerbate what's already inside you."

"And by the gods you are one horny little bitch," he said, letting his words stab her.

"Lies! I'm no horny slut controlled by her body," she said as her hands continued to rip her shirt, fully exposing her bound breasts.

"You are, you dumb cunt, you just live in denial about it and repress it so much inside you, I only needed one look to make you break," he said, his words full of smugness.

Miriel grit her teeth, trying with all her will to slam and lock the door on her impulses, but it felt as if an imp inside her head kept unlocking the door and throwing it open.

"It's cute to see you resist in vain...but it bores me," said the magical equine, as he lowered his head towards her, aiming the tip of her horn between her eyes.

The glow coming from it intensified, washing over the hunter as a flood of repressed emotions and desires rushed to the surface, making her skin crawl and her nethers quiver.

With the sluttiest moan that had ever left her lips, Miriel's eyes went blank and she orgasmed so hard it felt as if she was about to split in half.

A lustful haze enveloped her, and as her eyes refocused, she could not help but become utterly enthralled with the stallion's erection, which had grown just as she broke under his magic.

The hunter literally drooling looking at the massive equine phallus poking from below he who had been her quarry, pulsating with vigour.

"Go on slut, I know you're dying to taste it," he said, with something akin to a smug expression on his inhuman face.

As much as she hated herself for it, she could not deny it, even the magical beast's smell was driving her insane.

She tried to crawl under him, but before she could do so, one of his hooves stomped in front of her, blocking her path.

"Tits out first, slut," he said, with what looked like a grin on his equine face.

The hunter groaned in exasperation and drew her knife from her belt, but after a moment of furious hesitation, proceeded to cut her bindings, letting her generous breasts bounce free.

She stabbed the ground with her knife, looking at the unicorn with fire in her eyes, almost demanding he let her through.

"Much be a good girl and make sure you worship me properly," he said in a mocking tone that infuriatingly aroused her more.

Crawling like an animal, she placed herself under the majestic magical equine, and with bated breath took in the enormous manhood in front of her.

It's not just that it was big, but the fact that it was pulsating with magic in such an intoxicating way that Miriel grew terrified of becoming addicted to it just from looking.

Cautiously, as if expecting the unicorn to stop her again, she slowly moved her hands closer to the burning member, and to her delight, she was able to grasp it.

Her quarry whinnied in delight as her dexterous hands firmly grabbed the phallus, her fingers wrapping around it almost like ropes, wanting to not lose a single sensation.

She raised the massive cock over her shoulder, and a waff of its smell made her head spin as if from opening a bottle of deeply fermented liquor.

With rhythmic movements, she started to slide her hands up and down the thickest bit of his shaft, all while her tongue lolled out and slid along one of his throbbing veins.

The feeling of personal disgust she had before was evaporating as she indulged in her lover's member, as if her complaints and frustration were melting in a sea of lust.

"That's it, bitch, work the shaft," the unicorn said with a happy grunt, "you have been dying for a nice dick to worship, haven't you?"

Miriel refused to answer on principle, but he was right, she had not even considered the thought, but her growing joy was undeniable.

Still frustrated with the creature, she gave him a tender bite, enjoying the spongy yet firm texture of the enormous cock, which made her insides tingle.

The unicorn stomped his hoof again in joy, his buff clearly indicating she was doing a good job.

"What's your name?" she managed to ask while she lathered his enormous length with her thirsty tongue.

A mocking whinny came from his mouth.

"Listen here, slut, no one-night-only whore will be dignified with my name, you should count yourself lucky I'm letting you worship me." Miriel almost growled in offence, squeezing him hard, "But if you please me properly and impress me, I might introduce myself."

"For tonight though, you may call me Master," he said as Miriel whined, frustratingly aroused by the term, "am I clear, slut?"

The hunter punched the ground before continuing her delightful worship of the unicorn.

"Yes... Master," the words almost choked her, but the sensations that were storming inside her quickly diluted the annoyance into nothingness.

"Good!" he said in a content buff as his cock twitched in her hands, "continue, and don't stop unless I tell you to."

Miriel growled in response, but kept going as instructed, not that she could keep her hands or tongue away from the delicious member.

Her eyes were watering from the smell, a storm of tingles and shivers building inside her as its tip rubbed against her erect breasts and nipples.

Thirsty for him in a way she had never felt for anyone, the hunter lifted the tip of the huge phallus and started kissing, licking and suckling it, the dirty moans and needy whines coming from her filling her with shame, though it was being drowned by an even bigger desire.

She stroked him as fast as she could with both hands, almost crying for him to stop withholding his seed from her lips while she did so.

With a twitch and a stomp of his hoof, the stallion readied to unload, and Miriel desperately placed her tongue and lips right against the flared top of his cock.

With a powerful whinny, the unicorn orgasmed with a flood of cum so savage it was impossible for her to capture it all with her mouth, despite her desperate attempts to do so.

She lapped, licked and suckled, like a needy whore, the warm liquid filling her belly with fire and making her whole being felt as if it was about to explode with joy.

It tasted like nothing she had ever had drank, as if all the fruits and berries of the forest had combined into the most delicious nectar conceivable, but one that was also salty and potent, her eyes drowning in tears as she took down gulp after gulp.

The torrent was so thick it spilled everywhere, ruining the tattered remains of her clothing and sliding down her beautiful skin.

A line of if ran down her midsection and sneaking under her trousers.

Those drops eventually reached her soaked nethers, and as it touched her lower lips, her whole being convulsed with the most delicious orgasm she had ever experienced.

She flopped on her back as she thrust her hips upwards, his cum still dripping on her belly and crotch as her thoughts dissolved from the mind shattering orgasm.

A condescending chuckle resonated in her head, but she could not stop thrusting and touching herself.

"Gods! What have you done to me!" she screamed, still convulsing in lustful joy.

"You dumb whore, I already told you," he said, planting one of his front hooves on her crotch with a wet thud, and making her break with another orgasm.

"I've only brought out what was already were always a cum addled slut waiting to happen," he kept pressing with his hoof, and as he did so, she felt emptier and emptier, as if she would die without his inhumanly big phallus inside her.

She grasped at his leg with her hands, pleading with anxious tears in her eyes.

"Please...I need it..." she said, desperately.

He buffed at her with what seemed like a smug grin.

The horn on his head shone once more, enveloping her in a soft purple tinge again, but this time, it was not her body that was affected, but the grass she was laying on.

With unnatural speed, the ground seemed to drag her forward and grow into something like a plinth or a soft grassy mound, that placed her high enough for him to take her.

Quickly understanding what was happening, and needier than she ever thought she could be, Miriel turned around on the mound, pressing her chest against the soft grass while raising her rear and spreading her holes.

Her thighs glistened with all the juices her needy pussy was leaking, and she sobbed and moaned as he teased her by licking her bottom lips with his long equine tongue.

"This looks suits you..." he said as he got in position above her, his inhumanly huge cock radiating heat above her rear.

She tried her best to stand on her tiptoes as she pushed her perky rear against his flared tip, the feeling of his wet cock dribbling against her pussy driving her insane.

The unicorn's cock started pushing against her as if it was held by invisible hands, but to her shock it didn't go for her needy pussy but her tiny and tight ass.

"Wait, no! It's the...!" her words choked in her throat as she gurgled from the brutal feeling of his meat penetrating her ass.

Not that Miriel could focus on such complex thoughts at the moment, but the work of magic was obvious, as her body seemed to part for him, adapting to his length and girth like a tight sock made of warm flesh.

Groans, moans and cries of both shock, pain and joy came from her mouth until she finally flopped on the grassy mound, pulling at it with all her might as she surrendered to the feeling.

With a wet slap, the unicorn's huge testes slammed against her asschecks. He was so deep inside her his tip would have to be in her ribcage, but Miriel was no worse for wear, and if anything, her body quivered with an overwhelming sensation of joy, as if it had found its calling.

The broken hunter drooled with her tongue lolling out on the grassy mound, her eyes having rolled back into her skull as her Master started thrusting with the force that only a supernatural stallion could provide.

Each wet slap made Miriel bulge as if there was nothing inside her but her Master's cock, and a dumb mindless grin formed on her face.

"Much nicer like this, slut, hearing your complaints was getting annoying," he said, lowering his body and digging his hooves on the ground so he could better put all his weight onto each thrust.

Miriel was in heaven. She had never been more content.

The rhythmic slapping of her Master continued for a while longer, until with a satisfied whinny the unicorn unloaded inside her without any hesitation.

His little toy groaned in excitement, as she was filled like a flesh sock, cum overflowing every little nook of her being until it literally dribbled out of her mouth.

She gargled and happily choked on the mound, nothing behind her dulled eyes anymore.

The unicorn stayed inside her for a while longer, enjoying her warmth and wetness for a bit before slowly removing his massive phallus from her ass, letting a torrent of his own cum splash on the grassy clearing.

He looked at her with his shining red eyes and a satisfied grin that quickly turned to surprise as he saw her rotate her body on the grassy mound, facing upwards and locking her cum-addled gaze with his.

"Please...more..." she begged, clumsily spreading her pussy for him.

He buffed in excitement, a jolt of power coursing through his body and ending on the tip of his once more engorged cock.

"I am impressed, slut! Most whores would have been brain dead from the assfucking I just gave you..." he said, with a cocky smile.

"If you keep impressing me like this I might keep you as a personal toy..." he said, moving closer to her and rubbing his face on her warm belly, the pressure making her leak even more cum from her ravaged ass.

"Please... Master, I've never felt so good..." she said, doing her best to hold her beautiful legs open, "I need you inside... please."

The unicorn flopped his cock with a wet slap on her crotch.

"This attitude suits you, whore, and because you please me, I will give you what you crave..." he said, magically aiming his tip to her ravenous pussy.

She whimpered as she thrust her pussy against his tip, sobbing desperately as if her life depended on it.

With a mighty thrust he penetrated her, a massive bulge forming on her belly as he plowed deeper and deeper.

Her eyes blanked out as her whole being seemed to become a pussy for his enormous cock, every throb of his veins reverberating on her very soul.

She clung to him with arms and legs as if hanging on for dear life; the wonderful weight of his body making her feel even fuller, if such a thing was even possible.