Brokering Trust - Gay Edition


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David began to move a little faster, the soft slapping sound of his hips hitting Selkie's tentacles rising above the patter of water, his partner quickly figuring out that it felt better when he moved with the thrusts. The shower was still pouring over them, the sparkling droplets coating the Broker's colorful skin as it pulsed and flashed, the rising steam coalescing around David's legs like rolling fog.

Selkie groaned as David pushed into him again, rewarding his attentions with another shiver of papillae and a maddening squeeze. Overcome with pleasure, David buried his face in the nape of Selkie's slender neck, mouthing and kissing, feeling every touch of his lips and tongue reverberate through the alien's body.

"This strange," Selkie stammered, gripping David's back and shoulders with the suckers on his four hands to keep him close.

"Good strange?" David asked, pausing to kiss his lover's cheek. "Tell me if I'm being too rough."

"I am not so fragile," Selkie said with an amused snap of his beak. "I like it. I feel the odd, alien contours of your organ, as though it is reshaping me to suit its purposes."

Selkie began to push back faster, angling his lower body to take David deeper, seeming to delight in the sensation of the human's glans scraping against those fleshy walls. Each throb of pleasure that wracked him was reflected within that tight chamber, bands of muscle constricting, forests of teasing papillae erupting along the length of his winding shaft. David could feel his tip pressing against Selkie's innermost barrier - just kissing that sensitive gland, the Broker not yet ready to climax. He wanted to take his time and enjoy this.

David moved with him, his hands running across Selkie's delightfully wet skin, the alien's figure shining in the glow of the light strip that illuminated the cubicle. The way that the water interacted with his mucus was so odd, the slimy, glistening substance absorbing some of the moisture to keep his delicate anatomy hydrated. Steam billowed, filling their little metal box and misting the walls with droplets of water.

With Selkie's long tentacles stretched out to hold him aloft, David could better admire the way that the alien's pulsing chromatophores reacted to their lovemaking, watching the bright bands of color sweep along the length of the limbs. They began in Selkie's core, each thrust sending them ribboning out along his extremities like a ripple, his pleasure painted on his skin. When David hooked a hand behind the Broker's mantle and drew him in for a kiss, the patterns faltered, growing distorted and irregular as they shared a desperate embrace.

"There is something to be said for this," Selkie purred, his synthesized voice wavering as David pushed into the tight spiral created by his prehensile organ. "The rhythm, the way that we move together - I feel as though we are dancing..."

"Maybe we should listen to some music next time," David suggested, mouthing at Selkie's throat.

"I-is that something your people do?" Selkie moaned, lifting his head in encouragement. He interrupted the flow from the shower head, the stream splashing off his smooth mantle to create a sheet of water, like an umbrella in a rainstorm.

"Some do," David replied, sucking at his lover's narrow shoulder. Selkie ran a hand through David's damp hair, matting it with his slime, extending his hooks just enough that they served as the teeth of a comb. They pricked David's scalp, the sensation sending a pleasant shiver sliding down his spine.

"Then dance with me," Selkie giggled, starting to circle his hips. He was really getting into it now, adding some of his own flair to their rutting, changing the angle of penetration to help David reach new and exciting spots. David didn't need to ask what his partner liked - he could see it on Selkie's skin, and he could feel it just as easily as if the sensations were his own. The shivering alien squeezed, tightening his winding tentacles, his fleshy papillae brushing against David's shaft.

Selkie used some of his leg-tentacles to grip David's lower body, wrapping them around the human's waist and his thighs, the anchor point letting him use his strength to pull his partner into him. He seemed to enjoy more force, but a slower tempo, David gladly obliging.

"I am a little embarrassed," Selkie said with a nervous laugh. "It was much darker when we last made love."

"You talk as if I don't like what I'm seeing," David replied, cupping Selkie's face in his hand. The alien looked up at him with those glittering eyes, the little flecks of iridescence in his horizontal pupils bewitching, shifting hue with every subtle movement. His soft lips were perpetually wet, giving them an enticing shine, and they curled into a smile as David admired him.

"Why do you look at me in such a way?"

"Just thinking about how often we're going to be able to do this when Jeff gives me that beach house."

"You are so confident he will acquiesce?" Selkie chuckled.

"It's the cheapest way for him to shut me up."

"We Brokers do like bargains..."

Selkie teased his partner with another lazy swing of his hips, his tightly coiled member pulling David into him. Although it was hidden beneath the skirt, David could feel the alien's flexible shaft making a come-hither motion, massaging his length with wonderful ripples of muscle. The Broker's organ demonstrated no less finesse than his tentacles, which were still at work licking and stroking David's most sensitive anatomy. The slimy limbs smeared gooey mucus on David's inner thighs and his balls, the slick skin as smooth as latex, their suckers tugging at his sack like a dozen tiny mouths.

"I can feel you growing more excited," Selkie sighed, closing his eyes as though listening for something beneath the patter of water. "Your pulse grows faster, the rushing blood makes you warmer, and your breath comes quicker."

He lay two of his hands on David's chest, feeling its rapid rise and fall, probing his lover's red cheeks with his face-tentacles as though testing their warmth.

"My body language isn't quite as easy to read as yours," David muttered.

"It takes a little time and patience, but I can read you more easily than you know," Selkie replied as he leaned in for another needy embrace.

Selkie set their pace, moving faster, his desire palpable in every thrust. Though this method of coupling was alien to him, he had taken to it like a duck to water. Selkie seemed strong enough that David felt comfortable leaning some more weight on him - the Broker easily able to support it. The way that Selkie let himself swing a little with each thrust made David feel like he was making love to someone who was sitting in a hammock. The alien gripped his partner's soaking-wet body with some of his free tentacles, holding onto him, ensuring that they never completely separated.

"Deeper," Selkie cooed, pulling David tighter. He finally allowed David to slide all the way inside him, the thick ropes of slime that served as lubrication seeping between his thighs. That sensitive little chamber of silky, elastic flesh stretched over David's cock, conforming to his every contour like a glove. Beyond the alien's innermost wall, David felt that sensitive little gland press against his tip. Selkie shuddered as the sensation overwhelmed him, a wracking clench robbing David of his breath, the alien's entire body seeming to stiffen for a moment before melting into his lover's waiting arms. Selkie was tight enough that David felt like he was wearing a ring around his base, Selkie's organ pressed tight against his, rubbing and jostling as it flexed and writhed.

"Fuck, I am never gonna get used to this," David groaned as he buried his face in Selkie's chest.

"I would not wish it," Selkie replied. "I want each time we make love to feel like the first..."

They were on the last stretch now, David redoubling his efforts, Selkie relaxing his tentacles enough that his partner could manhandle him without losing purchase on his slippery skin. He swung himself into each thrust, taking David deeper, mesmerizing waves of color spreading across his shining skin each time that tender little gland was squashed by his lover's member.

Back during their romantic getaway in the observation room, Selkie had kept David locked in his depths, scraping and grinding that prostate-like organ against his glans. It was the most receptive part of his anatomy, likely rich in sensitive nerve endings.

Selkie let slip a sharp trill that made David's heart flutter when he bottomed out again - a Broker vocalization that the translator couldn't hope to interpret, its tone oddly musical. Selkie wasn't used to this feeling yet, the impact reverberating through him, making his free tentacles curl into spirals. David didn't need to ask if he was hurting him - not with Selkie's skin lighting up with excited patterns.

The next thrust filled Selkie's chamber again, stretching the delicate flesh taut, the Broker throwing back his head. He opened his mouth in a silent moan, letting the shower water fill it, having no fear of drowning. Swaying drunkenly, Selkie took a few more moments to bask in the sensation, the water pouring over his smiling face. Brokers couldn't move the way that humans did with their soft, almost gelatinous bodies. Selkie had once described David's physiology as a system of mechanical levers.

Each thrust seemed to get a stronger reaction from the Broker, waves of bright bands trailing along his limbs, his loins milking David ruthlessly with each flutter of contractions and shiver of papillae. His prehensile cock spiraled around his lover's shaft, reaching out to coat David's balls in slime when he pushed deep enough.

"I am so close," Selkie gasped, pausing between greedy kisses to plead as though David needed convincing. "Please, more..."

Arousal spread through David like a fever at Selkie's honeyed words, and he wrapped his arms around his partner's slender waist, pulling the shivering Broker tight against his torso. The water poured over them as he let his lust guide him, rutting like an animal, Selkie responding by coiling his tentacles around his lover possessively. A few of the alien's appendages began to pop off the walls as he lost his composure, gripping David instead, spiraling up his forearms and draping around his neck. The suckers held onto David so fiercely that it almost hurt, leaving red hickies all over his chest and back, Selkie's little chirps and trills goading him on.

Selkie didn't even have time to announce his climax before David felt it welling, the Broker loosing a wordless cry that was muffled by his partner's chest as he stiffened, every muscle in his lithe body tensing with each wave of ecstasy that tore through him. There were a series of loud pops as his suckers released their hold on the polished walls of the shower cubicle, David losing his balance as all of the alien's weight came to rest on him, a dozen tentacles wrapping him in a desperate cocoon of slimy flesh. The Broker was heavier than he looked, and David sank down to the floor as he cradled his trembling lover in his arms, his butt hitting the cool metal. The steam billowed around the pair, making it feel like they were making love on a cloud, the water continuing to pour over them as Selkie rode out the throes of his orgasm.

There was no more thrusting or pistoning, the squirming alien returning to more familiar habits, their limbs a slimy tangle as Selkie buried David's cock in his twitching reaches. He swayed and circled his skirt, grinding David's shaft against the cushiony lining of his sheath, every glance and stroke eliciting another tremor coupled with a burst of colorful patterning. The desperate alien sank into his lover's lap, sitting atop him, Selkie intent on wringing out every drop of pleasure that he could.

David lurched as he felt something brush his butt, soon realizing that one of Selkie's tentacles had started to wander. The Broker was so beside himself with ecstasy that David doubted whether he could even reach the alien. Like a tongue, it circled his entrance, smearing that slippery mucus as though it was bubbling saliva.

Selkie opened one eye, smiling down at David, clearly cognizant of what he was doing.

"Relax," he purred, shuddering again as another wave of his orgasm tickled him. "And I mean that in both senses of the word..."

David gasped as he felt a couple of inches of slick, cool tentacle penetrate him, easing itself inside him with a few flexes of rubbery muscle. Selkie had learned much during their last encounter - perhaps a little too much - seeking out his prostate with practiced precision. The tapered tip of a tentacle began to stroke the spot, making slow, maddening circles that had David's toes curling.

"I can feel you swelling inside me," the Broker purred, the sensation making a beautiful ripple of color wash across his skin. His prehensile member gripped David's tightly, milking him with slow, winding strokes. "Join me in my bliss..."

Selkie curled his tentacle into David's sweet spot, making a teasing wave motion, the control he exerted over the innumerable muscles in his limbs giving them unbelievable range of motion. Like someone rolling their tongue, he could create ripples in his very skin, changing its texture to better stimulate.

David found himself pushing back in an instinctual bid to seek out more stimulation as Selkie began to thrust the appendage deeper, each throb of pleasure sweeter and more distracting than the last. Like a loud, clashing chorus drowning out a softer melody, the feeling of that tentacle massaging his prostate was all he could focus on. Part of him was almost annoyed by the ease with which Selkie could make him dance to this new tune, but the sensations were irresistible.

"Good," Selkie purred in that honeyed voice, rising into the air as David arched his spine off the wet tiles. "Do not fight it, my treasure. Fill me..."

No man could have endured that kind of cruel treatment for long, and David was no exception. The dizzying combination of that tight sheath gripping his cock like a glove, the wringing and stroking of Selkie's tightly-wound shaft, and the tentacle that was rubbing against his prostate quickly teased his orgasm from him.

Selkie froze like a statue again, mouth agape as David's emission bubbled up within him, hot ropes of it splashing against his tender reaches. David's boiling seed quickly filled the narrow sheath like he was inflating a little balloon, pumping the rest out past their jostling shafts, even that tight little ring of muscle not enough to keep it from spilling out. Thick slime and cloudy semen dripped between Selkie's thighs, gluing the two lovers together in a lascivious mess, the spray of water failing to dislodge it.

Joined by a sagging web of their shared lust, David lifted Selkie into the air with a few more thrusts, the Broker's skin a patchwork of bliss and surprise. David was powerless to stop those silky muscles from stroking, Selkie's spiraling cock wringing out every drop that it could, that wayward tentacle milking him from within. The ecstasy was so intense that it almost hurt, a throbbing ache of satisfaction reaching to his core, one last jolt of pleasure washing away his thoughts as he sank back against the cubicle wall.

Selkie's climax lasted much longer than David's, his slender body twitching and shivering, his tentacles forming spirals that clenched and unclenched like fists or curling toes. The Broker's endless movement kept David hard, each twitch of muscle or squeeze of a tentacle rousing him from his euphoria-induced stupor, jangling his burnt-out nerves.

After what must have been minutes, Selkie finally relaxed, all of the tension leaving his muscles as he collapsed in a contented heap on top of David. Limp tentacles draped across the floor, David holding the spent Broker in his arms, waiting for him to recover as the warm water rained down on them.

"I think there are arguments to be made for both Broker and human customs," Selkie finally said, planting a lingering kiss on David's cheek. "Your way is certainly more...efficient."

"Yeah, you can fit a session into a lunch break," David replied, watching Selkie's lashes flutter as he ran his fingers along the alien's frill. "Not that I mind being subjected to countless hours of unceasing pleasure, but you kind of have to plan your day around it."

"We shall have to make an itinerary," the Broker said with a sultry chuckle, subjecting David to another probing kiss that robbed him of his faculties. "I am so glad that you are staying," Selkie added, resting his mantle on his lover's chest. "It means that this does not have to be some fleeting thing - it can be a permanent shift in our lives. I no longer have my face up against the glass, watching from afar as other people experience the things that I have longed for, forever out of my reach."

"You don't have to be Mountain anymore," David added, stroking him affectionately. "You can be Storm if you want to be. Well, you can be Snow, and I'll be Storm. Snow is the girl, right?"

"Your intimate knowledge of the classics continues to impress me."

"Well, you didn't show me the full thing yet."

"I am exhausted," Selkie sighed, nuzzling David's chest. "As much as I would like to remain here and sleep with you, I suspect that you are not as comfortable as I am."

"Nah, humans fall asleep in the shower all the time," David joked.

"Give me a few more minutes to enjoy this, at least," Selkie added as he coiled his tentacles around his prize.

"Sure," David conceded, watching his partner's skin pulse with color as he held him close.


Selkie had headed to bed, leaving David to start his shower over. He had to scrub to get the damned slime off, and he could have sworn that the water wasn't draining as quickly as it had before. When he was done, he wrapped himself in a towel and sat down at his desk, no longer fearing that images of his nudity were going to be broadcast into the Administrator's office. He flipped open the laptop and turned it on, checking the system to find that it had indeed been factory reset, and all of the data had been wiped. Jeff had taken care of deploying the bot deactivation software, and while David couldn't be certain that it had done its job, the matter was out of his hands now.

Once he had dried off a little, he slipped on some clean shorts and spread his suit out on the desk, fishing the hidden drive from the secret compartment in its lining. It was so unassuming - just a two-inch drive with a standardized connector protected by a cap. He plugged it into the port on his laptop, loading up his hoard of data. After Jeff had been allowed to wipe the computer, there would be no reason to assume that David had smuggled out any information, but some precautions would still be wise.

He began to sift through the documents, reassuring himself that it was all still there. It was a treasure trove containing all of the evidence that he and Selkie would need to enact the final phase of their plan. For all the harm that it had done during its short existence, Weaver had been instrumental in uncovering these secrets, and it could end up being the catalyst that would finally bring the Brokers out of their self-imposed isolation. That was David's hope, at least. Far from wanting to harm their standing in the Coalition or spread mistrust, he wanted to expose the truth, and hopefully build a foundation of trust between the two species in doing so. There would be fallout, certainly, but everyone would come out stronger on the other side. This had been kept from the Broker population as much as the humans or Krell.