Brother and Sister Take the Plunge

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Brother and Sister go hiking and ease there sore legs.
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Brother Sister give in to flirting.

I should introduce myself, I'm Sebastian, (Seb for short) I have 3 younger Sisters. Amy, Susan and Tara. I work as a firefighter and although I'm not your rippled, muscled American firefighter, I have a decent level of fitness, but I don't think women look twice at me and I have a certain level of body hatred to think otherwise.

I've been married to my wife now for 10 years and although we don't have children yet, the fun is in the trying. Except the fun stopped a while ago, our dog got old and the more treatment he needed the worse our finances got. The worse our finances got the less time we would spend together, which eventually led to us having sex or any sort of intimate moment in 4 months. I know it was 4 months as she keeps a journal of all her menstrual cycles and our intercourse for the doctors.

Amy and Susan have there own lives, Amy has 2 children and is married to an absolute tool but seems to love him and I guess you can't argue with that and Susan lives on her own. Tara still lives with Mum and Dad and is going to university this year. Tara is a spoiled brat and I've always been closer to her then my other sisters. I used to get home from school and help Mum look after her, while Mum cleaned and cooked our dinners.


Being married and not living at home I wouldn't see the family that often and so when I did go there it was always good to see how everyone is and catch up. It was on one of these visits I noticed Tara had lost a little bit of weight and when I complimented her she said that she had joined a local gym and was watching what she ate.

Now I had always been attracted to my sisters at one point, Amy especially, she being closer in age, I would always try to spy on her and even take her underwear from the wash basket to see if I could smell anything after reading it in one of my Dads magazines I once found. Of course I couldn't tell what I was smelling but it helped my young fantasies nonetheless.

Later that evening after learning Tara went to the gym. My wife was at work and I figured I'd have some time. So after logging on to my computer and opening incognito mode I went to pornhub typed in incest and beat the night away. However it wasn't the faces of the adult stars I was picturing or even my wife's, it was Tara.


My wife is a carer for disabled children in a private care home for children with severe learning disabilities and so consequently it being a 365 24/7 job the bosses say to them that they can either work Christmas or New Years but they can't take both as annual leave.

This year it was my wife's turn to work Christmas which was lucky as New Year Eve is my Mum's birthday and it being her 60th this year we were all going to go out for a meal.

So because Laura was working Christmas, I went round my parents house and didn't come home till 27th as Laura was working all day Christmas and all day Boxing Day. I figured so I wasn't alone I'd be with Mum and Dad and Tara.

Unfortunately it didn't quite go as planned with Dad getting ill just before Christmas, I spent the day by myself slowly drinking and watching the Queen's speech.

Dad wasn't any better for New Years either and unfortunately Laura was ill too so the meal was just Myself, Mum and my 3 sisters. Tara had been. Going to the gym for a few months now and she looked gorgeous, lovely navy blue dress that showed the perfect amount of boob, I tried not to stare but I'm only human and when we took photos of that evening I made sure I had a good on of Tara and I and that cleavage.

JULY 2023

Speaking to Tara I asked how the gym was going and she mentioned that she had quit early in the year, she had fallen out with her friend and besides the gym was quite judgy and if you didn't have the perfect Hollywood body you felt judged in there. Now I know I mentioned that Tara had been going to the gym, I should mention that her body is what I consider lovely. Curves in all the right places. "A little bit of cushin' for the pushin' I believe was the saying when I grew up. I told her I was sorry to hear that and we got on with our lives. Laura and I are still trying for a baby, the rest of my family with theirs lives.


I had received an email at work to say that we could now get a corporate membership at a local gym group and that we could either do it singular or for 2 people.

I thought about asking my wife but knew that the gym wasn't her scene and besides we had been rocky for a while now and so I text Tara.

"Hey you, what's up? You still not going to the gym? Do you wanna?"

She replied, "yeah I'm good, you? I do want to go to the gym but can't find any that I like that's in my price range!"

"Don't worry, I got you, work are allowing us to use this gym with a corporate membership, it includes one other person, figured you might want to use it" I dint bother telling her that there was a price difference, the money came out of my salary before I was paid, so I wasn't worried, besides at this point I was deep into the fantasy of her and I and seeing her in the gym.... Phew!

"yeah that sounds good! What do I need to do is there in induction?"

i look through everything and forward the email on with what she needed to do. "Just fill this in Tara, its all explained"

That is how Tara and I found ourselves in the gym every other day sweating and working out.

I should explain here, I have a thing for bodily fluids, sweat, salvia, pussy juice, it just makes me hard and I can't think of anything more sexy then rubbing against a sweaty body passionately kissing someone exchanging salvia. Especially if I've just gone down on them!

Later that November Tara and I would go to the gym, we would work out, I would take her home and she would do what she would do and I would go home and think about her while I was in the shower.

It was here that I did honestly try and think to myself to stop this dangerous thoughts. I knew Tara didn't feel the same. Who wants to have sex with their siblings!! I blamed porn and literotica for normalising it and fucking with my brain! However I would stop thinking about her and then i would see her in the gym or she would text me and I was back to square one.

Through all this we would talk like normal brother and sister, I'd tease her about boyfriends while secretly being jealous, she would talk shit about some crappy K-pop band that she was into.

Another reason I knew she didn't think of me that way. I am a white British, hardly athletic body but not too fat and this K-pop member who is a Korean man with a 6 pack. She would tell me all the things her and her friends would say and I'd laugh and tell her she's an idiot. Inside i would think, why can't you see me like that.

The closest we got to anything sexual was she joked that she had gone to a steakhouse with this fella the other day. I mentioned that I hoped she had cooked correctly and that it should have still been mooing when it was bought out to her. She said that she has her steak medium rare and I called her an abomination and that blue steak is good for you. I said it's especially good when ladies have their special time of months as the iron is good for you.

She joked she didn't understand, I said. "You know, when your P E R I O D gets here." Giggling like the immature 34 year old man I am.

She said "she doesn't get periods anymore, not since she had her IUD inserted. Well I joked that's one way of enjoying all 28 days of the month.

Christmas that year was when the flirting between Tara and I really got bad. Laura got roped into working Christmas Day again because we don't have children. She offered that she would work Christmas so that everyone else who did have children could spend the day with families. Amy and Susan were spending time with each other as Susan moved in with them. So I was all on my own again. Dad kindly offered that I can go round thiers for Christmas, so that's what I did. Christmas Day morning, I packed some clothes, got on my motorbike and went round there.

Tara and I drank way too much starting around 10am, before anyone judges it was 5PM somewhere in the world and it is also Christmas, a day us Brits can drink and not be judged. We joked and laughed. At one point she even got some shots on the go. The more we drank, the more I thought the laughs and jokes were us getting close. I'm sure she caught me sneaking a peek down her top once or twice. I couldn't help it. Thankfully I still had enough blood in my brain to realise not to do anything stupid, especially as A, Dad would kill and disown me, B, We are brother and sister, of course she didn't think of me sexually. C, I couldn't ruin Christmas!

I am just a humble man and so at one point i excused myself to go upstairs and sneaked into Tara's room so once everyone went to bed last night, I laid on the sofa sniffing the sexiest panties i found in her washing, a red frilly looking hot pants with a lovely looking stain in the gusset. I sniffed those panties until adding my own stain in to the gusset before shamefully falling asleep wondering what the fuck was wrong with me.

APRIL 2024

After wanking into Tara panties at Christmas although we were still active gym buddies I knew my fantasies were out of control and I needed to cool off with the flirting and so that's what I did. Tara didnt help though, Phoning me up one Saturday evening, "You still in London Seb?"

'Yeah I'm just at Kings Cross Waiting for my train. Why what's up?"

"Piage has let me down, we were going to a concert tonight and she can't go, any chance you wanna come hang out with your sister?"

"Im shocked Tara, out of all your boys you decide to pick a date on a Saturday night with your brother?!"

"Fuck off Seb, I dont have boys, and besides, just think when I go to uni in September, I can look on my memory wall and think off all the fun times we had at the concert and when we go walking at the end of the month"

"Sorry Tara, as much as your date sounds appealing, I can't bear an entire Saturday evening listening to the shit you call music!"

"Pleasssse she begged, its not shit. It is all in English no Korean"

Well she has me hooked, "Okay, I concede, I'm up by the Greggs upstairs. Let me know when you get here and I will meet you at your platform"

"Yaay, you won't regret this" and she hung up.

I didn't regret the time I spent with her, people seeing us and not knowing we were brother and sister. I even took off my wedding ring so it might look like we were on a date. Yes I am that sad and madly in love with my sister. But I was right, the music was shit and although it was English it was still a K-Pop band.

The walk she mentioned early was a group of us from work walking around an abandoned mine in Wales and then off up Snowden the following day. Seeing Tara all harnessed up for the rope swings in the mine was truly an exciting site, seeing the way the straps held her soft but firm arse in place, the way her tits were pressed together, well I'm just lucky I didn't walk the entire mine with a permanent hard on.

Again watching her walk up and down Snowden was truly wonderful site and we were quite lucky with the weather so we have a lovely picture of the pair of us at the top of Snowden with my arm around Tara and my hand inches away from her tits. While the rest of our group went home after the climb Tara and I stayed for one more night as this was her first serious climb I figured she wouldn't want a 6 hour drive back home and so we stayed an extra night, had a couple of drinks in the hotel bar before going to bed.

I was laying in bed when my phone went off, a text from Tara:

"Thanks for a brilliant 2 days Seb! The walk was amazing. Im feeling it now though! <3"

"Your welcome, you know how much I love your company. Don't worry, my legs feel just as sore!"

"What!!! No heart for your little sister who is suffering!"

<3<3<3 BETTER?????

"Yes thank you! My legs are killing, I was stuck in the shower earlier where my left leg almost cramped"<3

Well that thought got me hard instantly, Tara in the shower trying to ease her leg out, all wet from the shower, I couldn't help myself. "I have some ibuprofen here, i could come give it to you plus a leg rub?"<3

"Yes Seb come to my room and give it to me :p"

"Don't piss around Tara, I'm trying to be nice here, now know heart for you"

"*pouting emoji* Please Seb ill be nice, my legs do need a rub"

So After letting my cock deflate after thinking of Tara in the shower, I went to her room and knocked. "It's me" I shouted through the door. I heard some rustling then Tara opened the door wearing a loose shirt 3 sizes to big that just went half way down her thighs. Sitting on her bed she held her leg out to me and cleared her throat, enticing me to her.

"You better make this worth my while Tara, I could be doing better things than rubbing your leg!" I said and then added in my head, like my cock while thinking of you!

"Don't worry Seb, We will do tit for tat, you do me, i'll do you!"

Well I blushed and got to work, she handed me some lotion and I started running my hands all over her legs stopping just shy of the bottom of her shirt. With her eyes closed I was able to check the swell of her tits in her shirt, "Are those nipples getting erect" I thought to myself. Must be my imagination. But then she started to go a bit red and her breathing deepened, as my hand reached to her thigh again she froze and suddenly opened her eyes at me. She quickly glanced down at my dick which was so hard i had no hope of hiding it. She smirked slightly and then gave me her other leg resting the leg i just massaged on my leg, inches from my cock. IF she flexed her foot, her toes would brush my cock I thought to myself.

Again i started slowly rubbing up her leg, hearing her breathing deepen and her nipples react to my touch. I felt like a 13 year old boy ready to go off any second.

I stopped myself, I couldn't do this, not to Tara, not to my family. I went to leave hastily turning my back to arrange my dick so i could walk back to my room with some dignity. I slowly walked to the door mumbling apologies to Tara that I can't do this and I'm sorry. She got up and caught me just before I opened the door. "Wait Seb! Please, I need this, I need you!' She cried. In the time she had gotten up and i had walked to the door she stood there naked apart from those red frilly panties i had wanked in at Christmas.

Did she know i thought as I looked at them?

Yes she answered seeing the question in my eyes. I have known about your feelings for me for such a long time. All those subtle glances aren't so subtle! The way you stare at me on the gym!

Im sorry i said again.

"Sorry" she shouted. "Look at me Seb, Look at your fucking sister, tits heaving, nipples erect, face red with passion. I want your cock as much as you want to give me that cock i knew you wanted me, i left those panties there at Christmas just for you. I knew you could resist to taking them. Did you find me dildo? I used early that day stuffing it in my tight cunt thinking it was your dick. If you had found it you would have smelt how fresh i was on it"

I was shocked, i didn't know what to say. Yes I loved my sister, yes I lusted after her. But for her to want me back? The thought had never seriously crossed my mind.

We walked towards each other, not knowing what we would do on reaching one another. We reached one another her tits almost touching me, I glanced down at them, how often i had wanted to see them like that, to touch, to taste! I hesitantly went to move my hand, upon sensing my hesitation Tara guided my hand to her left tit. It felt so good to hold, to play with, she moaned as I treated her nipple with my fingers. Feeling more bold i lifted up my other hand and grabbed her other tit. I had Tara's tits in my hands, this is real. Fuck i hopes its real. We kissed, hesitantly at first, getting more passion as the kiss went on, i felt her fingers playing with my shorts, getting her idea i lifter my t shirt off and helped her with my shorts. I stood there, all 7 inches standing hard pointing at her, my head dripping a small amount of pre cum.

She looked pleased at it, smiled at me got on her knees and said. "I believe I said something about tit for tat, you rub my legs, ill.." and before she finished her sentence she sucked on my dick, groaning at the taste of me. A look of pure delight on her face as she grabbed my shaft and pumped me while sucking on my cock.

I stood there trying not to come. Trying to make sense of it all, she started to deep throat me and was fucking her face on to my cock. She lifted herself up for air and as she did a string of saliva attached to my dick pulled with her before breaking and landing on her chin and tits.

I couldn't help it. I picked her up and through her on to her bed, yanking down her underwear, i tried to pace myself, to ease into and enjoy my first taste of her pussy. I tried to enjoy the way her fat puffy outer lips glistened with her juice, the way the pussy wasn't completely waxed but just trimmed down. But I couldn't, i would do that later, if there was a later. Right now, Tara had taken my head and was pulling at me to lick where she wanted me to lick. I was licking her clit, sucking the juice from her pussy when she announced she was going to cum. "Suck on my pussy Seb, Im cumming" she screamed.

My sister has always got what she wanted from me. It wasn't going to change now. I sucked on her as she cum, my chin being coated in her juice which tasted so sweet and sexy.

"Holy fuck" she panted, "I dont care where you learnt that but you are defiantly doing that again. She hooked a finger under my chin dragging me up to her.

We rolled over and she straddled me, grinding my cock against her pussy entrance till i slipped inside. That's better, she said. She looked down at my face and I thought she was about to kiss me. Instead she dragged her tongue across my face to wherever she could see her cum on me.

She opened her mouth to me and let the juice pool there for a second so I could see. Then delicately spit it into my mouth, before i could swallow it all, she pounced on me grinding and kissing at me, we swapped her juice as she milked my dick with her tight cunt. I could even announce it, I just emptied myself in her as she kissed me. I felt her pussy pulse against me as i cum. Did my sister just cum with me.

"Fuck Seb, you just cum in me!!"

"I tried warning you Tara but you wouldn't stop."

"Relax dickhead, I'm obviously joining, IUD remember, no P E R I O D"

"That's it, make fun of me, you should be lucky i decided to come in here and remember to rub your legs in the first place or else we would be here"

"Don't worry Seb, if you didnt cum to me, I would have cum to you" she said, emphasizing the word cum each time.

As we cuddled afterwards, I asked her why?

"Well as I said I've known about you for a while it's just you haven't done anything about it. You may have been thinking it for a while but I've always wanted you Seb"

Really? I Asked?

"yep, all those times i had friends round, for Tara, your brother is so hot, wish i could live with him, blah blah blah,"

Who said that? I might go say hi to them next i joked.

She grabbed my balls, 'You fucking well won't"

Im kidding I said, now I've got you, I'm not letting you go! Although it does beg the question on where we go from here?

Well she said, taking my dick in her hand and slowly getting me hard. "I figured we have a few hours left in this room. We have our gym buddy time to do some cardio for 5 months and then when I'm in uni, you know what I'm like, always forgetting something or another and why bring a car when my big brother can just put it on the back of his motorbike. Speaking of which, whenever I'm on the back with you, I love pressing myself against you, I'm so wet afterwards. So wet in fact i can just do this" she then hopped back on me in one swoop and impaled herself on me moaning in the moment.