Brownwood: Tommy Boy Ch. 01


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I snorted out a laugh.

"That way he would be a eunuch," she said calmly.

"Angie," I cautioned.

"A big, handsome, buffed eunuch!" she continued.

She turned to me and smiled evilly.

"You know a eunuch actually still has a..."

"Don't," she said sweetly. "Don't ruin the moment with facts."

We both chuckled and turn our attention back to Erica. I spent the next hour entertaining the little munchkin and had a better time than I would've expected. I did notice Angie watching us. She was stepping back and letting her daughter get her fill of male attention. I wasn't daddy, but I was an acceptable substitute for the evening.

That night changed the way I interacted with the Myles girls.


The hardest part of the plan Angie had me under was the amount and type of foods allowed. It was a pain in the ass at first, but I soon fell into a routine.

The workouts themselves didn't change much, since I still got to stare at my beautiful trainer. There was one little addition: a little golden-haired munchkin. Erica sat in on a few of our workouts, and although quiet, as quiet as is possible for a four-year-old, her presence was felt.

It didn't take long before I'd dropped the first twenty pounds, and Angie was her usual non-cheerleader self.

"I was surprised you didn't lose it faster," she stated in a less than enthusiastic, matter-of-fact tone.

She saw my disappointment and sighed.

"Tommy Boy, I knew you could do twenty easily since the first weight is the easiest to lose. Now it's time to start pushing!"

And push she did, as the workouts got more intense. I was so focused on my workouts I failed to notice how much Erica was getting more and more involved. Any doubts that she wasn't a miniature clone of her mother were laid to rest one day when Angie had to take a call in her office.

I was struggling to complete my final set of bench presses with Brandon stepping in for Angie and spotting me. I was gassed and really fighting with the weights.

"Come on, Tommy Buns!" she chirped loudly. "Give me five, six more!"

Brandon snorted. "Yeah, come on, Tommy Buns."

I tried to glare at Brandon, but Erica interrupted.

"Push, Tommy Buns! PUSH!" she barked.

I heard laughter from several people working out near us. I groaned and finished my set with a new vigor.

Afterwards, I looked at Brandon and he looked like he was going to burst.

A few minutes later, I led Erica back to her mother's office, where she quickly got lost in some of her toys she'd brought.

"Really, Angie," I hissed quietly while trying to stare down my petite trainer. "Tommy Buns?"

Angie covered her mouth, but still couldn't keep from laughing.

"Well, it was better than some of the other ones she came up with at first! You could've ended up with Tummy Boy or Shrekky Boy."

Angie grinned as she stared into my eyes trying to read me.

"At least," she continued as she laughed, "she has good taste. She picked one of your better ass-pects!"

I groaned.

"Please, Angie. Having a cute little four-year-old call attention to my ass isn't high on my bucket list."

She smiled.

"Okay, how do you feel about Tommy Bear?"

"All right, not great, but better than Tommy Buns."

"Here's the deal, then," she said with a twinkle in her beautiful blue eyes. "I'll work on her to call you that if you work at getting those Neanderthals in there to stop calling me Miss TOS."

I groaned.


Thankfully, I became Tommy Bear after only a couple days. There were a few stragglers but it was bearable. It took a little while longer, but after several discussions and a few threats, there was a noticeable drop in Miss TOS comments.

Soon, I was able to refocus my attention on my diet and made my thirty pound goal. The dance lessons began the next week.

The Hawthorne Grand Ballroom was a blast from the past. It was surprisingly smaller than modern hotels, but very, very elegant. It was here that ten to twenty various couples learned and practiced their ballroom dancing once a week.

The first time I held Angie, I was hooked. Normally, with most dancing, there is a gap between the couple, but not with us. With my belly and her huge tits, it was like a slow dance to classical music. I was in heaven!

As the workouts continued and I approached my forty pound goal, I found I could hold her even closer. Much to Angie's surprise, I picked up the footwork quickly, and rarely stepped on her toes.

We'd only been practicing a month before Angie came up to me and asked me to meet with her in her office.

"Tommy Boy," she said calmly, "I'd like to modify our agreement."

"All right," I said as I sat down. "Is there a reason?"

She nodded.

"I'd like for you to consider working with one of the women here at the gym in an arrangement similar to ours."

"Okay," I said warily, "what's the punchline?"

"No joke. There's a young lady who I feel would greatly benefit from an agreement like ours."

"And you suggested me?"

"No, she approached me with the idea and that it should be you."

"Okay, besides the obvious question of who, why me? Angie, there are a bunch of better candidates here at the gym to pick from. They're better looking, more fit, and would make better trainers than I could."

"Perhaps, but she suggested you and I have to agree. Yes, there are guys in this gym that are in better condition and would make very good trainers, but they don't have what you currently have. Tommy Boy, your recent dedication and results have raised more than a few eyebrows. The way you've handled our agreement and defended me has gotten the attention of several women.

"As for the woman making the request, she knows you understand our current arrangement. It would be for a shorter duration than our agreement, but as a reward you'd take her out on the town. Nothing sexual, simply a fun night out."


Angie laughed.

"Tommy Boy, in many ways, you're safe."

"Great," I groaned. "Just how I wanted to be known as, SAFE."

"Don't knock it, buster. If you weren't safe, I'd have never agreed to our arrangement and I certainly wouldn't have let you near Erica!"

"All right, Angie. Who is it?"

"Tara Reyes."

"The college girl with the long black hair?"

Angie nodded.

"Angie," I said softly, "she's really pretty even though she's heavy. She could have several of the guys here falling over themselves hoping to work out with her."

Angie chuckled.

"No question about it, Tommy Boy," she said, smiling, "you're the right choice. Meet with her and talk before you turn it down."

"Okay, I'll meet with her."

"Now," Angie said in a more business tone, "if you do this, then you'll be working out with her probably right after our sessions and she'll be replacing me as your dance partner for a while."

I tried to keep the disappointment off my face, but apparently she could see through it and smiled.

"Since that's the case," she continued, "do you think you can reach your fifty pound goal by July 4th?"

"Yeah, it's possible."

"Well, if you do make it, I know a little girl and her momma who would like you to join us for a picnic on the Brownwood Square and watch the fireworks."

She looked over at me and smiled.

"I think I can meet that deadline."

"Good, I'd hate for her to be disappointed."

I'd met Tara before, only in passing, a few times at the gym. When we sat down together in Angie's office, I did a quick assessment of the young woman sitting across from me.

She had a strong Hispanic look about her. From her long straight ebony hair to her dark tanned skin to her beautiful dark brown eyes, her appearance attested to her heritage. She was obviously overweight, but had a very pretty face. I guessed she was about five and a half feet tall and weighed somewhere close to two hundred pounds.

What surprised me the most was how she acted when she was alone with me. Normally, you could hear her voice and laugh throughout the gym when she was with a group of people, but privately she was reserved, almost timid.

"Thank you, Tommy Boy," she said, averting her eyes.

"Tara, please," I said calmly, "I'm the one who should feel honored."

She looked at me with those huge brown eyes and smiled.

"Angie said I could trust you. I think she might be right."

Tara went on to tell me what she was wanting. She wanted to lose forty pounds in a little less than three months. She wanted to reach this goal before her senior year at St. Catherine's began. She was willing to adhere to the plan Angie set for her and it was very aggressive.

I decided if this girl was willing to do this, then I'd do my best to help her, so I agreed.

Tara looked at me and her eyes teared.

"Tommy Boy, I want to be honest with you," she said softly. "One of the reasons I wanted you to be the one to help me was because I'd heard a little about your past marriage."

Brandon, I growled to myself.

"Is it true? Did your wife leave you because of your weight?"

I sighed.

"That was one of the reasons. Truth is, she really didn't give any reasons. She just gave up on the marriage and started sleeping with other guys."

"I'm sorry," she said, staring at me. "I'm sorry she did that to you. It's because I believe you can empathize with my situation that I chose you. Sean, my ex-boyfriend, and I broke up a month ago."

"I'm sorry," I said gently.

"I know it's for the best, but it still hurts. I could've married him before finding out what a bastard he was. I overheard him talking with his friends one night at a party. One of his buddies asked him if he was going to marry me."

She choked back a sob and a single tear fell down her cheek.

"Tara, you don't have to tell me this."

"Yes I do, Tommy Boy. I brought up a painful memory for you when I asked you about your ex-wife. It's only fair you know my situation.

"When he was asked that question, he laughed. The bastard actually laughed! He said why buy the cow when he was getting the milk for free. Then he said he liked dating me because he could do all sorts of nasty things with me and I'd let him. He said most fat girls were like that.

"I was crushed. I did those things because I thought we loved each other. I was so hurt I couldn't even get mad. That came later."

"So you see, Tommy Boy? I need a guy who knows what it's like to be treated that way by someone they loved because of their weight. I need a guy who's working hard to get his life back on track. I also need him not to be some arrogant ass. I need someone safe. Everything Angie tells me about you says you're the perfect choice."

Damn, there's that word again!

I agreed to work with Tara, as if I could turn her down after all that. Our workouts would be right after mine with Angie. She'd also be working out with her girlfriends on those other days. I wasn't sure she would reach her goal, but it looked like she was going to try.

After two weeks, it was evident this girl was serious. She absolutely attacked the workouts. Her dedication and energy were contagious and invigorated my workouts, as well. I reached my fifty pound goal with a week to spare.


I found Angie and Erica a few hours before dusk. It was still hot but they had a blanket spread out on the grass and were beginning to unpack their picnic basket.

I laughed when I saw them, because Erica looked like a mini me of her mother. Well, at least a child version of her very grown-up mother. Both mother and daughter had on large straw sun hats and oversized tortoise shell sunglasses. Erica had on a green child's halter top and a denim jean skirt, while Angie had on cut off jean shorts which showed off both her incredible ass and her muscular legs.

Angie's green halter top was an attraction on its own. It looked like it was fighting for all it was worth to contain Angie's magnificent breasts. The struggle was mesmerizing.

"Tommy Bear!" Erica squealed, and ran over to me. She jumped up into my arms and I lifted the giggling ball of curls up to sky.

"We're going to see fireworks!" she said, laughing.

"What? Fireworks? I thought we were going to have a picnic!

"You're silly! We're going to have BOTH!"

I laughed, looked over at Angie, noticed her megawatt smile and found myself smiling even more. We sat back down and began to enjoy our picnic. I noticed immediately that Angie was wearing a huge rock on her finger that had to be a good two-carat diamond. She noticed my stare and laughed.

"Insect repellant," she stated, grinning.

"It so big," I said, grinning back.

She snorted and covered her mouth.

"Isn't that supposed to be my line?"

We both chuckled.

"It's fake of course, but it's big and gaudy, but that's why I got it. Besides, it has to be large enough to get their attention off of these," she said, pointing to her breasts.

I chuckled. "You'll need a bigger rock."

She laughed and lay back on the blanket. I stifled a groan as I watched her sprawl out and stretch. I had to fight the urge to lie down beside her and take her in my arms.

My comment about her needing a bigger rock ended up being prophetic. She must've been hit on at least a dozen times, even with her rock, her little girl and me sitting there. Now, I'm not small, and there couldn't be any doubt the rock she wore signaled she was taken, but those massive mammaries seemed to override some men's common sense.

I let Angie take care of most of her would-be suitors. She disposed of them quickly and politely. A few of them didn't take the hint, initially. Angie's barbed comments got her point across quickly.

"Angie?" I asked her while Erica was busy playing. "I'm not sure what my role is here. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to act like we're together to help ward off unwanted attention, but I don't want to offend you. I won't lie to you. I feel very protective of you and Erica.

She grinned.

"Thank you, Tommy Boy, but I'm a big girl. Your role tonight is as a friend. If I need any help, I'll be sure to let you know. Besides, my big-assed fake rock here tends to help keep the interruptions at a manageable level."

I think she saw the disappointment in my face and her expression morphed from thankful to humorous.

"Tommy Boy, this is why I agreed to let you take me out before the Christmas Ball. We need to be comfortable as friends or we'll be mistaken as a couple."

"Well, I wouldn't want to cause any problems with you or your boyfriend."

She laughed. "Boyfriend? Not likely. Oh, there've been a few men I've dated since my divorce simply to remind myself I'm still a woman, but those have been rare. For the most part, I rarely go out with a man more than twice."

She looked up and smiled.

"Tommy Boy, I guess I really am that tease you've called me before. The simple fact is, I don't sleep with a man unless I'm in some kind of relationship with him. I currently have a man friend that I have a friends-with-benefits type of relationship with. We get together whenever he's in town."

"Lucky dog." I sighed as Angie laughed.

"Hey, wait a minute," I said, perking up noticeably. "I'm a friend..."

"Stop right there, stud," she said, grinning. "That role is already filled."

"Hey." I said smiling, "a guy can dream, can't he?"

She snorted and looked at me a few moments before turning her attention to Erica. The rest of the evening went well with only a few glitches.

One of those glitches was a big drunk guy who wouldn't take Angie's rebuffs. He finally left after she got nasty and cold to him.

Later on, right before the fireworks were to begin, Erica had to go to the bathroom. I told Angie I'd take her so she could ride up on my shoulders and still see any fireworks if they started before we got back. Naturally, the line to the women's restroom was a mile long, so I kind of flushed a bunch of guys out of the way and took Erica into the men's room. I put her in a stall and guarded the door.

When she'd finished, she threw me a curve ball.

"Tommy Bear," she whispered very loudly, "I have to wash my hands."

I looked over at the sinks and saw they were located next to a line of guys at the urinals. I decided against pressing my luck. Fortunately I still had a half empty bottle of water.

"Hey, Goldilocks," I said laughing, "let's wash our hands outside."

"Okay," she squeaked, and led me out through the line of guys waiting. I could hear some of the snickers.

It took us a little longer to get back to Angie, since it was quickly getting dark. As we approached our picnic blanket, I saw Angie had company. It was the big drunk, and this time he had a couple of friends with him. Angie was still seated on the blanket, but the big guy was standing next to her while the others hovered a little farther to the right.

I could tell by Angie's body language she was agitated. Her fists were clenched, as was every muscle in her beautiful body, and her face was completely emotionless.

As we approached, Erica squealed and ran up to hug her mother.

"Mommy, Tommy Bear and I went to the men's room!" she said, laughing.

Angie looked up at me and shot me a look which said I was in trouble. I ignored it. I walked right up to her, leaned over, and kissed her.

"Hey, baby," I said, "the women's line would've taken an hour!"

"We'll talk about it later, honey."

I looked up at the three men and smiled.

"Can I help you, gentleman?" I stared at each one separately. The two new guys wouldn't be a problem, but the big drunk glared back at me.

"Nah," said one of the guys, "we're just leaving."

The two men began to leave when one of them called back to the big drunk.

"Hey, come on, Bill. Let's head back over to the group."

"Nah," said the big drunk, "I'll be over in a minute."

Bill looked over at me and sneered. Almost as if on cue, the fireworks began. Several people behind us asked Bill to sit down or move so they could see.

"Fuck you," he barked back at them.

I went over and stood beside him on his right. He was a big boy, a couple of inches taller than I was, and appeared to be in pretty good shape. We stood there silently and to the casual observer it appeared we were watching the fireworks.

"You ain't her boyfriend," he slurred. "She's way out of your league."

"Yeah, she is, but she's a friend, and she's made it clear she's not interested in you. So why don't you move on?"

"Fuck you," he growled. "Bitch don't know what she wants. Wait till I give her a little taste of what a real man is like. She'll scream and cry—"

Sometimes, Karma is a bitch, and sometimes she's got one hell of a sense of humor. Just then, an exceptionally big and loud set of fireworks went off and Erica squealed with delight. Everyone's attention was distracted.

Was it honorable? Hell no, and it certainly wasn't fair. But I've found every time I try to fight fair it turns out badly, usually because I'm the only one doing it. My sucker punch caught him right in the temple and he crumbled to the ground.

When his friends turned and looked at him lying there, they froze.

"I think he must've passed out," I said coldly. "You might want to take your friend back to your group."

The two guys gathered a now groggy Bill up and half walked and half dragged him back into the crowd.

As I sat down next to Angie, there was a smattering of applause behind us. Angie continued to sit with Erica between her legs with her arms wrapped around her little girl. Both mother and daughter stared into the night sky waiting for the next firework.

"I take it you needed to let off a little testosterone?" Angie said softly, still looking to the sky. "Feel better?"

"Oh yeah," I said, chuckling. "Much."