Bullding a Greater Family


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As I rested after my second come of the morning, I decided that I couldn't tell much difference between Vickie and Marla. They both had wonderful mouths and busy tongues. They both swallowed easily and naturally. I liked this since Mindy didn't really like me to come in her mouth. She preferred to suck me until I was ready and then for me to come in her pussy. She loved it when I ate her but then I loved eating pussy for its own sake. My two new lovers offered me two exciting and sensitive pussies and I was looking forward to enjoying both frequently.

Marla asked, "Have you decided yet?"

"Decided what?"

"Who has the best pussy? Me or Vickie?"

"To be honest, I love both of your pussies. They are different by a little but I love the taste of both of you and love the way you come. I can't rate either of you better than the other."

"Are you going to like fucking us both at the same time? She wants to sleep with both of us together and independently."

"I've never done that before but I can't imagine not liking it. I take it that you are going to be fucking her too."

"Yes, maybe more than you do. She really likes girls although she also likes a nice long and hard cock like yours. She hasn't had a man since she cut her husband off three years ago. She has focused on work and a girl friend since then. That is when she stopped taking pills. She isn't sure if she wants to start that again. That is why I might be fucking her more than you do. When she is fertile, you will probably only get to fuck her mouth and my pussy."

"So what happened in the room after I left with her bags?"

"Not a lot actually. She told me that she wanted both if us Wednesday night for all night. We need to figure out an excuse to be gone that night. I did find out that she is a little more submissive than I expected. She loved it when you grabbed her ass and when I put my hands on her breasts. Then I told her that you would fuck her in the back seat while I drove. That was when she told me about not taking the pills; so I told her that you would eat her out. She liked that idea. I took her panties off and told her that she would get them and her bra back when you were finished. So what are you thinking about Mindy?"

"Nothing positive but plenty of suspicions. She told me about last night. They left the party at eleven and she got home at one. She said she and Zach stopped for a drink and to talk. Maybe so; maybe no. She usually always wears a bra and panties when she goes out but she came home without them. Then there was the hickey. She told me a mixed story about today. First, it was brunch at ten and his plane was at three. Later it was she was going in before ten and his flight was at five. I'm betting that she fucked him last night and will spend all day in his room today. I don't know if we will be able to tell anything tonight or not. Whatever happens, I am going to fuck you silly tomorrow if not tonight. By the way, Vickie said that we can fuck tonight, tomorrow, and Monday but not on Tuesday or Wednesday. We are supposed to save ourselves for her."

"She kind of told me the same thing. So what are you going to do about that?"

"I am going to fuck you as often as I can get it up. That's what I am going to do about that."

"To reiterate, I'm not going to tell you no. I have wanted you a long time and once I get you, you will be mine for a long time."

"What about Vickie?"

"We are a team and we will both fuck her but you will still be mine because we are sharing her. We can share someone together but I am not sharing you with anyone alone. That will mean that if you still want Mindy, we will share her together. She can't have you alone again."

"That could prove interesting. I guess we need to go. Sit on the towel because I intend to touch and feel you almost all day."

"I will love that but I need you to do something first."


"Last night, I saw her hickey and she saw that I didn't have one. I want you to give me two; one on each breast right near my nipples. I will make sure that she sees them when she gets home tonight and she will know who gave them to me."

I lifted her halter and planted a kiss and a nice bruise on the inside of each breast next to her nipples. "Is that what you want?"

"That is a start. Now we can go and I can call my friend about the club for the reception. You drive."

"You leave your shorts off."

"Fine. You leave yours open. I want to play with your joystick."

We finally left the airport with my cock sticking out and her bare ass sitting on a towel with my hand caressing her inner thighs. She took out her cell phone and called a number and began talking to her friend about the reception. After she told him about when and how many people and what we wanted, she began answering his questions with simple yes and no answers. It was then that I slipped a finger inside her pussy and began exploring her surprising tightness. I could tell that she would be gripping my cock tightly when we made love. Her breath began to get thicker and her voice huskier as I drove. Finally, she said, "That is perfect. We will be there at noon tomorrow and sign the contract and confirm the details." Then she hung up and put her head on my shoulder while she came again. When she began to come around again, I removed my finger and sucked it clean of her marvelous honey. She held my cock but wasn't stroking it; just holding it lovingly.

We were halfway back to Dallas when I asked, "So what are the details?"

"We lucked out big time. They had a big reception scheduled for Friday night but it got cancelled. They already have the food and liquor ordered and scheduled for delivery and he is giving us a deal on it. It is $4000 if we go from seven until nine. It will cost another thousand if we want to go until ten. They will have to pay their people overtime for that. If Friday is all right, we can go over there tomorrow at noon and sign the contract and work out the menu?"

"Sure. I think we better call Vicki later and see about the time. I would like to save the money but she might want more than two hours to meet people. Either way, it is within the budget she mentioned."

"That's what I was thinking too. Normally it would have been over $5000 for two hours plus the overtime for the extra hour."

"You earned your paycheck today for sure. I guess you better get your shorts back on. We will be at the hotel in about fifteen minutes to pick up my car."

"Honey, did you like my pussy? I loved having your finger inside me and know that your cock will feel even better."

"I love your pussy. You are a little tighter than I expected but that will make it feel even better."

"That's because nothing but fingers and tongues have been in there in a long time. It is now your pussy. I only want your cock in there."

"I will treat it carefully."

The rest of the morning was almost anti-climactic. She drove my car to her house and an hour later, we had all of her clothes and personal things in both cars. On the way to my house, we stopped at a small place for lunch before driving home and unloading her things into the guest bedroom. While she began putting things away, I went to the kitchen to make us something to drink and found a note from Mindy. "I will be back around six or so. If dinner is ready around seven, that will give me time to shower and change. I need to have a private talk with you after dinner too." I took the note back to show Marla.

"Private talk...hmm. If I had to guess based on what we know or suspect, she wants to tell you about her and Zach. Maybe something more. Her behavior is a little odd even for a woman having an affair. I doubt that she will say that she is leaving you but she might say that she will be seeing her lover regularly and that you have to accept it. What do you think?"

"I'm not sure. I think you might be right about telling me that she is fucking Zach. Other than that, I can't see that she has been planning anything like moving out or telling me to get out. Either of those would be hard on both of us. Since I got laid off, we have had to cut back because I didn't have any income. I do now but I haven't gotten a paycheck yet so things are still a little tight. She has changed like I have told you since I have been home fulltime. Your idea that she might tell me about him and expecting me to accept it makes a lot of sense. But I still don't know. I guess that we will wait and see."

"Bob, what do you want me to do and are you going to tell her about us?"

"I want you to be there with me when we have this talk and yes, I will probably tell her about us unless something really off the wall comes up."

"Ok, I'll be there for and with you."

"While you finish this, I am going to work on some of the data that Vickie left for me. Maybe that will shed some light on things."

"Ok, I was thinking about making lasagna tonight. If we start at four, it will be ready any time after six."

"That is a plan and we will see what comes up."

I went into the study and booted up the laptop. Soon I was lost in the data. I sorted and ranked things like I had told Vickie but I paid special attention to the women in Mindy's office and compared them with other offices. For some, there were the expected comparisons; for others, I began to see some patterns evolve. For three of the women in Mindy's office and a number of other ones, their first two years on the job were predictable in numbers of accounts added, size, and profitability. But in their third year, the rates of each began to increase at a higher rate. It wasn't all of the women; over half of them and all of the men seemed to increase at a steady rate as you would expect when someone gains more experience and builds a wider network. But for a number of women, their rate of growth was outside of the norm. I wondered what that could mean.

As I thought, I was reminded of Mindy's excitement about meeting Zach and how much business that would mean to her. Providing sex to a prospective client was an age old way to increase business for sure. It could also be that once you get an upscale client in the fold, that client can open doors to other upscale clients with or without sex. I wondered if this was the case with Mindy. I also wondered if Vickie was aware of this possibility. From everything she had said, it probably wouldn't make much of a difference as long as all of the clients were taken care of properly. On the whole, I suspected that she wouldn't want the company to become known as the company who will fuck you to get your business. At least I hoped not. I decided to talk to her about this when she got back.

Marla came in and sat in my lap at four. She had taken her shorts off to give me the opportunity to play with her pussy again. Like a good man, I took advantage of it with my fingers and lips. She was rewarded with another good come for her thoughtfulness. When we finished, we called Vickie and told her about the reception options. She was very pleased about it being on this coming Friday and went for the extra hour. I told her that we would e-mail her the details after we signed the contract. Then we went to the kitchen and started the lasagna, garlic bread, and salad. It was fun cooking with Marla. She was a better cook than I was but we also teased and helped each other as we worked.

By five thirty, everything was ready. We would put the lasagna in the oven when Mindy got home and it would be done when she changed and relaxed. We could have the salad whenever we were ready. Marla and I were sitting next to each other on the couch talking and exchanging occasional kisses when Mindy walked in smiling. I looked her over and decide that I had probably been right. She had the look of a well-fucked woman. Her hair was just a little out of place. It also appeared that she might have a new hickey that just peeked above the top of her blouse.

"Hi, that wine looks good. Bob, will you get me a glass?"

Marla said, "I'll get it. Did you have a good day?"

"Yes; a very good one, thank you. How about yours? Did you move your clothes over?"

"Yes, we got them all moved and put up. We made lasagna and I'll put it in the oven. It will be ready in about an hour. Is that good with you? We can have the salad whenever."

"Perfect. I want to change clothes and chill out for awhile."

Marla brought Mindy a glass of wine and I could tell that Marla gave Mindy a nice down blouse look helped by a couple of undone buttons. When Mindy looked, I knew that she had seen what Marla wanted her to see because a grin crossed her face. Then she said, "I'll be back out in a minute. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." She swayed her ass as she went down the hall to the bedroom.

Marla sat down and squeezed my cock. "She knows who my tits belong to now."

"I could tell. She broke into a grin when she saw them."

Mindy returned a few minutes later wearing a new blouse that showed more of her cleavage and half of the new hickey. I had the feeling that she and Marla would be engaging in a silent turf battle until we had our talk. The first barrage had been made by Marla. Mindy had fired back with the blouse and now by sitting in the recliner across from us. She was now in the regal position looking down at her minions.

"So Marla, how do you like Vickie? I am eager to meet her."

"I like her a lot and will enjoy working under her and Bob too. She has a very good idea of what she wants and we are both ready to help her to get it."

"Good. Did she shed any more light on this new program? I am eager to see if it is right for Zach."

I asked, "Have you locked him up on the retirement account yet? It will probably be easier to sell if he is already a client."

"Almost; I mean we have worked out the specifics. I will have the papers ready for him to sign when he gets back on Thursday. I hope that Vickie will tell us about the other thing on Friday. He is leaving on vacation on Saturday for two weeks and I want him to be thinking about it while w... he is gone."

That told me pretty much what we would be talking about later. "I'll make sure that she talks to you Friday night. The reception will be at that club we had dinner at when they announced the buyout. We will be finished at ten; so perhaps all of us can go somewhere quiet and talk."

Mindy nodded and said, "Perhaps we can come back here. It is private and we can talk as long as we want or need."

Marla replied, "That might be better than a club somewhere. I'll make a dessert and we can relax."

Mindy replied, "That would be a good idea, Marla. I think that you and Bob can provide a nice setting for both Vickie and Zach and I to talk business."

I clearly heard Mindy's denigration of us to the level of servants and almost wanted to slap her. Marla must have felt it too because she casually put her hand on my shoulder as she responded, "Mindy, Bob and my job is to support Vickie in everything and that includes account executives and clients. We are prepared to see that you have a really nice night together."

"We would like that a lot. I am a little hungry; can we have the salads now?"

"Certainly. Do you want them here or at the table?"

"Why don't you serve us here? Bob, refill our wine glasses."

We both rose and went into the kitchen where Marla pulled me to her and kissed me passionately. Then she whispered, "Don't let her get to you. She is playing mind games with us. We still have lots of cards to play tonight and later this week."

"I know but her attitude is pissing me off. I'm ready to get this talk out of the way."

"Me too; but let's let her play this out. After our salads, put your arm around me. That will get her woman's protective juices flowing for sure."

Marla got the salads out and put the vinaigrette dressing on them while I opened a new bottle of wine. We went back out together and handed Mindy her salad while I refilled all three wine glasses. Mindy had readjusted her blouse and most of the hickey was now on clear display. She was feeling very confident about herself right now. We ate quietly with only some idle chit chat. When, we finished, Marla took the bowls to the kitchen and checked the lasagna. When she came back out, she sat down right next to me and I put my arm around her shoulders. She took my hand and pulled it down until it rested on her breast. That must have jolted Mindy because her eyes were fixed on my hand which I gently moved against her blouse.

No one said anything then but I could tell that Mindy was regrouping and thinking about what she was seeing. When the oven timer dinged, Marla got up slowly, making sure that my hand dragged over her erect nipple. "Dinner is ready. I'll put it on the table. Bring your wine with you."

Marla had now asserted herself as the woman of the house. She confirmed that even more when she sat herself at the head of the table and had Mindy sit on her right and me on her left. Mindy looked a little more confused now. Marla served up the lasagna and we began to eat. It confirmed my thought that Marla was a very good cook. Even Mindy seemed to relax as she relished the wonderful dish.

When we finished, Marla continued playing the role of the mistress of the house. "Bob, would you take the dishes and rinse them off. I will make coffee. Mindy, would you like yours with or without brandy in it? I understand that you want to have a talk with us."

Mindy looked shocked but replied, "With brandy, thanks."

"Go on in the living room and get settled. We'll be right out." Mindy got up and went back to the living room while we went to the kitchen. As soon as I was there, I grabbed both of Marla's tits and pulled her to me. I growled in her ear, "God, I want to fuck you right here and now. You are marvelous."

"Thanks honey and if you want to fuck me, go ahead; but I think we need to wait until later. I think that Miss Mindy is very confused right now but from now on it has to be your show. Be careful."

"You are right of course but it doesn't change what I want to do."

She rubbed my cock and said, "Keep that thought in mind."

We went out to face Mindy together. Marla carried the coffee for Mindy while I carried our cups. This time, Marla sat next to me and put her hand on my thigh which Mindy also noticed. I stayed silent waiting for Mindy to play her first card.

After a couple of sips of the brandy-laced coffee she took a deep breath and began. "I take it that you and Marla are having sex together. Is she as good as me?"

"We haven't done anything but kiss a little. But don't ask me that question tomorrow night; the answer will be different." That unsettled her a little and she had to regroup again.

"All right, then this might solve part of the problem. Why don't you just sleep with her starting tonight? That will simplify you having to find a lover's nest tomorrow. Then you can sleep with her for the rest of the week."


"The truth is that I will start my period tomorrow and since you haven't had any sex in awhile, you might as well get relief tonight and the rest of the week while I am out of commission."

Marla interjected before I could respond. "We accept our offer but I should warn you that it has been a long time since I have had sex with a man and I might scream three or four times tonight when I come. I do that anyway but tonight you might be prepared for a lot of screams." Her hand squeezed my thigh. Mindy looked startled. She usually only came twice in a night and seldom screamed her pleasure. Marla had just told her that she would come three or four times tonight.

"I see. Well, I can survive a little screaming. Just do it. Um...Bob, you might not want Marla here for the rest of this. It is personal and it might upset you."

"Mindy, when Marla and I worked together before, we didn't admit it but we were a team. Vickie has shown us that we are a team and a good one. What affects one member of a team affects the other. She can hear anything you have to say. Is this when you are going to tell us that you are fucking Zach?" That unsettled her and she squirmed in her seat.
