Bully Ch. 11


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He couldn't shout and yell, not outside where the neighbours would see and hear them. What would people think of him, losing his wife to a boy. The thought of going over to that house with his father baring the way, was infuriating.

'Damn well go! I'll not take you back, bitch!' he quietly spoke.

They turned the corner at the end of the street, and he wondered if he would ever see her again.

Alicia didn't feel sorry for her husband. He'd treated her like a servant in her own home. It had started in a small way from the moment they moved in. Over the years it progressively got worse, but she hadn't noticed. She was just a housewife, getting on with domestic chores. After awhile excitement hadn't been expected in any aspect of her life.


Walking into James' bedroom, she stopped just inside the doorway.

'This is it then. You're mine,' James stated.

He patted the bed beside him, and she tamely walked over and sat down. He wrapped an arm around her, and kissed her neck. He was allowed to do that, and anything else he wanted, as she was nothing but his slave girl.

'What do you want to do?' he asked.

'I'm your obedient slave girl, and will do whatever you want, master,' Alicia said.

'Then get on your knees, slave!' he harshly spoke.

Alicia was in a daze. Going home with him was meant to introduce a badly needed shot of reality into both of them. Meeting her husband had been meant to put the boy off his plans. Instead, she found herself back here. It was all too sudden to take in.

She wasn't quick enough, so he pushed her down onto the carpet, then began to pull her clothes off. Sometimes they ripped, as he didn't give her time to help. He jostled her around, using brute strength to strip her naked.

She was prostrate at his feet, breathing heavily. He knew it wasn't just from being tossed around. The woman was excited, and ready.

'On the bed, slave!' he demanded.

It was pleasing seeing her hastily clamber onto his bed.

'Assume the position,' he heavily spoke.

Less eagerly, she spread her legs. Since being with him, she'd been able to push them out almost sideways. As ordered, her pussy was cleanly shaved, so it was doubly embarrassing showing everything off to him. He leant over her sex, and kissed it. He gently probed with his tongue, and the thought came to mind that her husband would never do this.

Not having to do anything, left her time to contemplate her fate.

He got up from the bed, leaving her aroused. She watched him undress, and trembled with anticipation. From now on she would have to pleasure her master, and keep him pleased. If not, he might abandon her, and where would she go then? She couldn't go crawling back to her husband!

'Master!' she whispered.

'You love playing these games!' he laughed. 'Come on, girl, arms and legs stretched out! Remember your position, slave girl,' he heavily spoke.

He was right, she loved it! It no longer mattered if she wanted him or not. He was her master, and it was inevitable for a slave to fall in love with her master. She was here for good, or bad. It looked like being all good!

Oh! God! How in hell did this happen? The first visit here was meant to make the boy stop bullying her son. He did leave her son alone, only after cleverly bullying her into his bed. Over the weeks he'd tamed her, trained her, and made her his sex slave. Did she need the humiliation before meeting him, but not known it, or had he programmed her to become excited?

Alicia wasn't allowed to move. She had to be stretched out across the bed while he teased her. His tongue and finger tips were gently caressing her body. His tongue licked an armpit, while finger tips tickled the other.

'Please, master!' she whimpered.

He stopped tormenting her with delicious sensations stunning her, and lay next to her.

He spread out as she had, and said, 'It's my turn now.'

Alicia giggled while enthusiastically caressing his body.

'My master's body is wonderful. Hard muscles and strength, the strength to fuck his slave hard,' she cooed.

'Shut up, slave girl, and get on with it,' he demanded.

Alicia was a mature married woman, a responsible adult, but she obeyed the boy. He was a demanding bully and she was now nothing more than his slave girl. He'd trained her to be his sex slave, and she loved the idea of it. Giving her master pleasure was all she was here for, and she would do her best to please.


Alicia woke up wondering where she was. Then it hit her like one of her bullies slaps to the face. It wasn't where she was that mattered. As usual she was here to be used by an eighteen-year-old boy. This was now accepted and could be coped with. What shook her was that she had moved in. That meant a permanent arrangement!

It began to close in on her. What she had done, or allowed to happen, was stupid. She was a stupid bitch! She was a real airhead, a blond bimbo, to have submitted to this. There was no going back now!

The intention had been to quietly slip away from home, and stay here for a couple of days to keep her bully happy. Shoving her sordid behaviour in her husband's face meant he couldn't look the other way, and ignore what she had done. Even he had to stand up and protect his ego. He couldn't take her back now, not after they had flaunted their sexy games in front of him.

The look on his face came to mind and she felt a rush of sweet vengeance. James was right, Harold had treated her badly for all those years but she hadn't seen it. James was treating her badly, but she was enjoying it. Damn! She was enjoying being humiliated in that certain way he had. Fuck! He was so good at playing with her body, and her mind.

The consequences were still frightening! Leaving her husband was only a part of it. It was an important part, but was it the worst decision of her life? It meant cutting off her friends, the social network, all that she had worked for over the years.

Did she really have friends? Acquaintances, people to dine with, play golf with, but were they friends?

Her whole life had changed. Before moving in with her bully she had kept up the pretence of a happy marriage, like any other neighbour did. In fact, she thought she was happy, until meeting James.

Meeting James? It wasn't a meeting of equals, he'd seduced her, taken her, and made her his plaything. That's what she was here, and having broken with her previous life, this was it. This is all she had. This is all she was, a boy's plaything.

It was this, or remain a husband's drudge. She had golf, an unused tennis court and pool. All the ephemera of the sophisticated gated community, but it wasn't enough.

It wasn't just the sex that trapped her into this. It was being cared for, receiving more attention than she had ever experienced in her whole life. Being controlled in exactly the way she wanted, not how a husband wanted.

His arms tightened around her, even though he was asleep. He sighed over her neck, sending a thrill of sensations down her backbone. Had she given in to him? Maybe she had wanted to be taken away to a different, more exciting life. Her heart raced, her breathing rate increased, as she became aroused. He was big and strong, and would look after her.

Slipping out of bed so as not to wake him, she showered and dressed. A pair of flat shoes was found, as the high heels couldn't be worn around the house.

While listening for him to wake up, she prepared for breakfast. The house was clean, but men couldn't do a thorough job. When they brought in someone it wasn't there home, so they didn't have the same enthusiasm.

The kitchen had been given a thorough going over, by the time she heard James making man noises in the bathroom. How he could make so much noise, even when brushing his teeth, she had no idea. It made her smile, to be cooking breakfast for her lover.

'I wondered where you were. The smell of bacon was a clue,' he laughed.

'You need a good breakfast to keep up your strength,' she teased.

'Did you sleep well? What time did you get up then?' he asked, then looked around the kitchen. 'I can see the difference, everything is shining. Not a good thing with a hangover!' he laughed.

'Do you like your eggs like that?' she asked.

'Yes, I like everything when you cook it. It tastes almost as inviting as you,' he declared.

Alicia turned away, from blatantly blushing. He grabbed her around the waist, she pretended to resist, and wailed. He pulled her onto his lap, and kissed her. A gentle soft kiss to her lips. He kissed her eyes, her nose, her ears, and finally her neck. Soft gentle caresses, meant to arouse, and to say thank you.

'I'm glad you are here,' he whispered in an ear.

His breath tickled, and the caresses aroused.

Through heavy breaths, she told him, 'I'm glad to be here.'

'I want you to be with me forever,' he said, and kissed her lips, deeply taking her mouth.

'Stop it, I'll not get anything done at this rate,' she protested.

'You sure you want to do housework?' he asked.

'Yes. You and your father have done a good job, but it needs a woman's touch,' she said.

'I need a woman's touch, and you're the woman! Okay! Alright!' he said, when her little fits beat upon his chest.

'You need appropriate clothes for it. Come on,' he said, pushing her up off his lap.

He had a hand on her rump all the way to the spare bedroom. It had been his sister's room before the accident. Now it was her changing room. It felt as though he was changing her into what he wanted, every time she put on an outfit. Being wanted, being controlled in such a caring way was nice.

Alicia twirled the dress while looking in a mirror. The hem was too short, and the top too low cut, as usual. The outfit was especially dangerous when wearing split crotch panties. They were comfortable, expensive silk panties, but that didn't make her any less available.

He would bend her over when she least expected it, and help himself to her sex. Her pulse raced from the humiliation of him making use of her whenever he liked, and even the thought of it was exciting. Housework at home had never been so exciting.

Alicia straightened the frilly little apron, adjusted the maid's cap, and was ready to get on with the housework. She was now the picture of a man's fantasy French maid. She looked sexy from the white cap, down to the shiny high heels. He'd made her pin up her hair, and tuck it under the cap, with a strand falling down over an ear.

Since being with him, she hadn't had her hair cut, just trimmed. It was down over her neck, and would be grown down her back to please him. Having him pay so much attention to her was wonderful. At first she hadn't been used to every detail of her life being supervised, and decided upon. Now she was, and liked it. It was comforting and meeting some deep need.

It seemed usual that he'd dressed her to excite, and would take her while bending over in the lounge. Trying to reach behind the sofa with a duster, he quietly moved up to her, and entered her. She'd been wet since changing into the outfit, yet she still exclaimed in surprise.

It felt as though she was being taken by a stranger! Then he filled her deeply, and settled into the rhythm she craved. Damn! He was so good! It felt so wonderful, being taken by him. Right then she didn't need to be subjugated, she would freely do whatever he wanted. His hands were squeezing her breasts, in rhythm with his thrusts.

'Oh! James, I'm going to cum! Hold still, please!' she shouted.

He grunted, and thrust in as deep as he could reach. He held still for her, as well as him, while spurting semen into her. It seemed he was filling her up, pumping her body full of cum. It was a wonderful sensation, even though she couldn't feel much. His cock was twitching, and she imagined his cock spurting young potent cum into her vagina.

Alicia shrieked as though a second orgasm had overcome her. It was the realisation that she hadn't taken the pill over the weekend, and this was the fourth day of vulnerability.

'Oh! Shit!' she exclaimed through clenched teeth.

Not wanting to tell him, she kept quiet, except for a few groans when he pulled out. As soon as he let her, she would shower, and take that damn pill. Maybe a morning after pill was needed, just to be safe. If pregnant, there would be no way back to her husband, not that there was much chance now.

'May I change, in case someone calls?' Alicia humbly asked.

'So what? You are the maid this morning. It was your choice. This afternoon you can change, when we go out shopping,' he told her.

Wearing stockings held by suspenders meant her thighs were bare. She had to keep finding him to play a dirty game. In front of him she lifted the hem, and stroked her pussy with her fingers. Then she licked his cum from her fingers.

'Thank you for your cum, master,' she said, not sounding pleased at all.

'You sound petulant like a little girl. Will I have to put you over my knee and spank you?' he asked.

'No, master! Please, master, please don't spank me. I'll be a good slave girl, honest, master,' she quickly responded.

Again she was reminded that she had to keep him happy. If he threw her out where would she go? Suddenly she was pulled onto his lap, and squeezed.

'No more of that game, my love,' he warmly said, and kissed her.

'If you want to we can,' she said.

'No, you don't like it, and it is gross,' he admitted.

'We'll play only nice games in future. Games you like,' he said, while cuddling her and teasing her.

'Thank you, master,' she said, while snuggling up to him.


They went shopping, and as usual James was generous. She'd cautioned him over spending money, but it seemed he was wealthy from inheriting his mother's estate. He rightfully dictated what she was to wear, as after all, he was paying. It was nice to have him take an interest in her, as her husband never did. It was also a relief to find he bought her decent clothes, even if they were more flamboyant than she would usually wear.

The crop tops and micro-mini skirts were his sisters, so there were plenty of those to wear. It was a challenge at first, but it soon became easy to wear clothes that showed off her body. It was made possible by him saying how beautiful she was, and her body should be on display. The compliments gave her confidence, and anyway, his words were orders.

He was very patient while she chose a nice evening dress. The girl serving kept staring at them with a look of curiosity, wondering what the relationship was. James didn't notice until she pointed it out. He opened the curtain on her, to help with a zip, and kissed her intimately when she emerged.

'I'm not sure, master,' Alicia demurely said. 'May I try something else on, please,' she added.

'I like it, you always look wonderful in pale blue,' he clearly stated, and it was true. 'You look elegant, and the silk finish suits your complexion,' he added.

'Very well, master, as you wish,' Alicia shyly spoke, and almost curtsied.

'Turn around,' he said, and unzipped the dress.

Alicia went into the changing room, trying hard not to laugh at the girls reaction. She pushed the door open to find the girl standing there, looking furtive.

'I can get you another dress, if you would like,' she said, trying to be helpful.

'My master has spoken. He likes the dress so I must accept this one,' Alicia quietly spoke, and looked around to find James.

She'd already told him that was the dress she wanted, leaving them free to tease the girl.

'Can't you decide for yourself?' she asked.

'No, he is my master, and I must obey him,' Alicia said, and felt a great warmth for James overcome her.

It was time to move on, as she was becoming too emotional. The unexpected feeling of love and affection for James was real, and deep. It was true, what he decided for her, she would have to obey, there was no choice. He was looking after her, treating her with respect, and paying her lots of loving attention. She hung her head, not in shame, but not wanting to share the feelings that were sure to show on her face.

The girl looked at the woman with sympathy. What could she do for her? How could she help? The man came striding back to her, and put a hand under the woman's, chin lifting her face to him. What was that expression? Could it be intense love? The young man kissed her lips tenderly. He put his arm around her and guided her out of the store.

Mabel no longer felt a sympathy for the woman. Admiration, and a longing to be in that man's arms, brought a warm smile to her face. Her feet moved from a pact with her emotions, following the sweet couple all the way to the door. A little wave of her hand couldn't be held back. No one saw it. Her heart was racing and she couldn't wipe the smile from her face.

Mable didn't understand what they were doing. The woman was older, yet letting a young man control her. He wasn't a toy boy, as he was in charge. Very much so, from what she had seen. Going on a break for a coffee, was badly needed. If a colleague offered her a cigarette she would have accepted it, but fortunately they didn't.


As promised a bank account was opened in Alicia's name, with a large amount of money transferred to it. Again she was examined by a clerk, who was trying to figure out who she was, and what she was to James. This time she thought it better not to play around.

Finally he took her to a hair salon, where she could relax, and not be judged. It seemed extravagant to have her nails and everything seen to, but the pampering was welcome. James even dictated how her hair was to look. It was blond with long extensions. She had to keep flicking it over a shoulder, in a way she'd seen other's do. By the way things were going, he was forming her into the doll he wanted to play with.

Seeing herself in a mirror, she realised he'd changed her almost out of recognition since they had first met. The short skirt and crop top couldn't have been worn back then. Despite being a conservative housewife, the new image felt right, as she had become comfortable with it. With a make-over, from high heels to hair extensions, made up as a blond bombshell, her transformation was complete.

Long blond hair, flashy make-up, false eyelashes, nails, and other changes to her appearance, left her feeling different about herself. Showing off her tummy wouldn't have been possible, and especially not while wearing a jewel in her bellybutton.

She'd learned to walk in very high heels, which showed off long legs, under a short skirt. Care had to be taken, or her panties would be flashed, though the inevitability of it made it less embarrassing whenever it happened.

Alicia had been shaped into being a boy's toy, and because it was her master's desire, she willingly obeyed.

Now that she accepted the new image, it showed how she had changed inside. She didn't think of herself as a slut, she liked what she saw. The new Alicia was fashionable, light hearted, and fun. She giggled at the mirror image, enjoying the feeling of being ogled by men. She deserved it!

'Like, thank you so much, James. I love it!' Alicia cooed.

The mature woman sounded like a teenage bimbo, yet she didn't need to. Thinking of pleasing her boyfriend dominated her thoughts, and that meant being the girl he wanted.

James proudly guided his woman through the mall. They were hand in hand, happily making their way home. Alicia would reward her man with her body, giving her all to him, however he liked it. At last she realised he would do the same, as he had all along. He would tease and pleasure her, just as she liked it.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
to the rubbish story reader

you can read another story if u don't like this one

or you may write ur own !

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
rubbish story

like i said !

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
awesome story !

I like it because the mom always change her cloth for bully ,each time got sluttier than before ! the bimbo tone sounds hot than ever !

I hope next time james throw a party or in a particular gathering to confront her boy that his mother was changed from the statement of wife to a cock submitted obligation slave, humiliation must go on to the slut !

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Love the whole story

I finally finished all eleven chapters and I absolutely loved them all. Great story that should be continued to her having his baby. The only complaint that I would have is that more should have been written about her sex being locked up from her husband. There was nothing ever mentioned again about the piercing and lock since the chapter that he had it done to her. I would have liked to see her deny her husband sex because of it. Otherwise the story was great. Please write more. Thank you.

xxchillxxxxchillxxover 6 years ago

I think this series is great, and don't want it to end.

My 2 cents: James is an insatiable alpha male bully in his prime, possibly with sociopathic tendencies; Alicia is submissive, and loves being degraded, with a huge inferiority complex, approaching her expiration date. I don't think it's realistic for James to fall in love with her or ever be totally satisfied with her, now that she's 100% given in. He'll still use and abuse her, but the luster will/should wear off. He'll get bored and need a new conquest. I think the series should go in that direction - he's gotta find someone younger, fitter, tighter, more innocent to corrupt while still keeping Alicia hanging on (not that she has much choice now!) and she's got to learn how to deal with that reality - no "happy ending". Again, just my opinion, take it or leave it. Good stuff though regardless!

StoryTeller07StoryTeller07over 6 years agoAuthor

If someone could say why it is a bad story, I could improve it. The low scores speak for themselves. I just hope the low score isn't because the boy has fallen for the woman., and is no longer hitting her. How sad would that be! Terrible even. Violence against women is so very bad. Cowards! Like murder in a mystery novel, it can be used for effect, but never as a good thing.

To the person who mentioned split infinitives, the Oxford dictionary says that this has been so commonly used as a means of clarity in writing, that it is now acceptable. Still, where it makes an ugly sentence, I will not boldly go boldly, where no one has boldly gone before, boldly. Yep! I'm a sciFi fan.

TomatobottomTomatobottomover 6 years ago

If we cinsider the previous parts of the story, I must say that the author has done a very good job. For stories as this one, it is impossible to come up with a continuation that everyone would like and go with the flow of the story.

I think the writer could select one of the 3 paths. First, Alicia could stand up or her husband comes to her aid. Both are very unlikely, if you read the previous chapters.

Second, Alicia or the Bully dies, or both of them die, like in a car accident. End of story. If one of them dies, other may feel sad or relief, depends how you see it. Or the bully gets tired and move on, to hunt a new target, may be. However, this wouldn't make most people happy. When a central character dies, after 11 chapters, people just hate it. And how James was feeling towards Alicia lately, it was very unlikely that he would get bored of her.

So it leaves the writer with the last option - Alicia move in with James. Not the natural outcome, of course. But lately as the story is developing, they were feeling affection for each other. Affection may not be the exact word here. Anyway, how the story has developed, it was the most likely outcome and to be honest, the author has certainly did a very good job developing this far.

Not straight 5 but certainly much better than 4 star.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I just wish my mom to be the bully's slut

I just wish my mom to be the bully's slut

betathingbetathingover 6 years ago
Well, I enjoyed it

from reading a couple of the comments, I'm not sure I was supposed to. Does that make me a bimbo? Nah, much to ugly for that.

It is a delicious fantasy. The guy with the black hat turned out to be the guy with the white hat. The husband is familiar. Over my several decades of gainful employment there is a long list of candidates for his role, if you decide to go to the big screen.

Thank you. If was fun, interesting, and a pleasure to read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I feel the story started on the premise of the humiliation of being used by the 'sons' bully. I loved the way he paraded her around in front of him and his friends, as it was the bullies relation to the son that made it so shameful for her as she tried to explain the situation with futility. I think her husband also needs to know this is their sons bully. So whilst he can be angry and or sad, even in his low position he can still look down on her for having the tables turned on her by a high school bully. you also mentioned her neighbours and reputation in the community and on the school board. I'd really like to see her caught in compromising positions so she starts losing status piece by piece, making her more dependant on her subservient life to boy who bullied her son. Keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Painfully bad dialogue motivated by porn logic

Apparently the husband is too retarded to bring up her own wedding promises or demand a divorce. Got it, porno logic. But at least fix the damn dialogue, Jesus. It sounds like it was written by a stoner imagining what 1950s dialogue between two 80 year old married college professors would sound like, except one is 18 and the other is a middle aged housewife. It's dry and stilted, not sexy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Best story ever

It is one of the best story, transforming a mature lady to a sexy fuckable slut.

If you think of it a bit you will understand. As mature women are the hardest to be seduced and treated like sluts.

The transformation in cloths is also perfect, he dresses her as he likes.

If you cannot digest these things, then don't judge the writer for your simple mind.

Again thanks to StoryTeller7.

One of the best stories I have ever read.

wylie236wylie236over 6 years ago

This really has to be the most stupid, ridiculous piece of crap that I have ever read on literotica. You should definitely get a prize for that.

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