Bursting in the Boardroom

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I have a talk with Vic in his office.
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Chapter 1: Bursting in the Bathroom

Chapter 2: Bursting in the Bedroom

This is Chapter 3: Bursting in the Boardroom

I didn't dare open Caleb's messages for a couple of days. I couldn't bare the humiliation of what had happened. It was hard enough to get my head around what I'd enjoyed, and sharing that with someone, but knowing his flatmates had probably overheard us was worse. I spent the weekend hiding out at my house, I didn't go out, and I barely went online. I was incredibly grateful that he didn't know where I lived, but Monday would be here tomorrow and I'd have to brave the world and go outside to work. I could call in sick, but Xander would know better - he'd come round and make sure I was okay and I couldn't pretend to be sick around him.

I opened my messaging app a couple of times and saw the preview of what he'd sent "Zoe, it's not what you think pleas--." I'm sure he'd come up with an explanation, but would it make me feel better? I doubt it. They were all so good looking, and they know my friends, and they all know my secrets now. Would they tell Xander? He was my best friend and I worked with him. I'd die before telling him about any of this. If he found out, I'd have to quit. I googled jobs and flats in other cities, trying to find somewhere to relocate to, where I could have vanilla sex and be normal and no one would know. I could never be that spontaneous to just up and leave but it made me feel better thinking I could.

As I was looking at my 3rd city for houses well out of my budget, my phone starting ringing. Xander was calling.

I pressed the green phone button to answer and stopped breathing, bracing myself for him telling me how disgusting I was, but he didn't say that. "Hey hey, how's it going?"

"Fine, not really feeling right though, is it important?"

"Aww - need anything?"

"No, don't think so, I'm just resting."

"Oh, cool, well I was just ringing as I'd had a message from Caleb - he said you went on a date! I was surprised you hadn't mentioned it." His tone was cheery and friendly. I guessed he didn't know.

"Yeah, we went for drinks, nothing too exciting."

"Yeah but he was messaging to make sure he hadn't scared you off, since you haven't messaged since or something, so I thought I'd check in," Xander said.

"What exactly did he say?"

"Hang on, let me get the message... okay, here; 'Hey mate, you know that woman Zoe? We met at your party and ended up having drinks the other night. I kinda liked her but she's not messaged back - just wondering if she's checked in with you and if maybe I scared her off? Hoping not but if you could put a good word in for me I'd appreciate.' Did he scare you off?"

I paused to think about how I wanted to handle this. I could tell him he did, but that would be a lie, and he'd get protective and maybe make the situation worse. I couldn't have that because then the truth could come out.

"No, no, he didn't do anything. I actually had a really good time, but I just haven't been feeling well since, might have caught a bug or something, that's why I haven't messaged back. I'll reply to him."

"Sounds good, he seems like a decent guy."

"He seems close with his flatmates?" I asked, hopefully nonchalantly.

"Yeah they've lived together forever, we've hung out a few times, I know Vic most from the gym."

"Cool, anything I should know about them?"

"Like what?"

"Never mind," I said, "I'll go now."

"Okay, feel better."

I sat with that for a minute. It didn't seem like Xander knew anything out of the ordinary about them, otherwise he would have told me, or vaguely warned me away. I opened Caleb's messages.

22:33: 'Zoe, it's not what you think please come back.'

22:34: 'I'm outside trying to find you - I just want to talk.'

22:43: 'I didn't lie to you, I promise, they were supposed to be out, but their plans cancelled and they thought they could sneak back, they didn't think they'd bother us and they didn't tell me.'

22:58: 'Okay I get you don't want to see me, but did you make it home safe?'

23:43: 'I didn't mean for this to happen and I'm sorry to message again, but I had the most amazing night ever and I don't want to sound too intense but it would kill me if we couldn't do it again. Yes, we saw you at the party and we knew that you'd pissed yourself, but honestly that's what made me sign up to that site, because it was hot and I wanted to explore that with someone. I didn't realise it was you until they said it, but we talk about this stuff, the three of us, and we all like it - not all of us in the same way exactly, but we're all into pee stuff. I don't know if that makes it better or worse, but I thought knowing about them might make you feel better about them knowing about you. I'll stop messaging now, but I hope you message back. Caleb x.'

I typed out several versions of a reply but I just didn't know what to say. 'Hello, yes all that is fine, how about another sex date?', 'Well how about we all hang out together sometime?', and my personal favourite, 'Yeah but I know that you all wank together, go to the bathroom together and probably do more together, so how about you tell me about that?'

After not sending a single message, I decided to sleep on it and leave it another night. After a restless night, I reluctantly got up and went to work. Me and Xander worked at a local bookshop slash retro music shop where the owner was more like a silent partner and let us have free reign over how we ran the place. I was more the bookworm, focusing on author events and the book stock, whereas Xander bought in vinyls and CD's to sell them on. It kept us pretty busy, and Monday was a bank holiday so most people had had some time off work and took the opportunity to have a day out. We barely stopped serving customers until about 3 o'clock when everything died down.

"Hey Zoe, want to clock off early?"

"We should tidy up and do some admin if we're quiet", I said, grabbing a stack of receipts to log, and checking the pockets in my denim skirt for a pen.

"I can do that, and it was actually in exchange of a favour."

I gave him a side eye, and gave him my fake suspicious look. He laughed heartily.

"It's not that bad - I just got a call from someone who needs some last minute gifts and asked if they can be delivered. They've paid by card, and gave us a generous tip that will pay for at least a round of drinks next pub night. If you do the delivery you can just head home after that - I'll hold down the fort till closing?"

"Why don't you do the delivery and I'll hold down the fort?"

"For... reasons?" He said, and I gave him my real suspicious look for that.

"I just can't be arsed, call me lazy. It was leg day at the gym this morning and I don't want to use my legs any more." He sat down and made a show of struggling. I didn't believe him but after that busy day I wouldn't have minded an extra hour at home.

"Fine, what's the address?" I said. It was an office close by, a 20 minute walk. I chugged down the last of a bottle of water that I'd been drinking, my third of the afternoon on a warm day, and grabbed the bag which had been prepped.

I had a sneaky peek on the way at what had been so urgent that it needed to be delivered, and it was a book about Polyamory. At just the sight of it, my brain, which had been surprisingly clear of the thoughts of the previous week, suddenly became flooded with all those thoughts of Caleb, of Vic and Ben, and a new fantasy came in to play, of all three of them being mine. I shook my head of that, no way it could ever happen.

Arriving at the office, I checked the receipt in the bag and the note that was attached. I had to ask for Victor McKenzie. Fuck me, these guys were not making it easy on me, were they?

I headed into the reception area and said I had a delivery for Victor McKenzie and I asked the receptionist if he could pass it on to him. I kind of needed to pee and thought if Vic hadn't been hanging around I would have asked to use their bathroom before heading home, but I didn't want to risk seeing him.

"Oh yes, he's in the boardroom currently and he's asked you to go right through," the man behind the desk told me.

"If I could just leave it with you-"

"He's asked you to deliver it personally, I believe he asked for that when placing the order, and was quite insistent on it actually. Right through that door," and he gestured to a room down the corridor.

I glared at him a little, but knew I shouldn't kick up a fuss. He wasn't the one who caused this, so I nodded curtly and headed for the door, knocking sharply four times. A muffled voice from inside called me in and he had the utter audacity to smile as I came in.

"Vic, I presume? Nice touch with the choice of book," I said, dropping it on the table in front of me.

"Thank you, I thought it would be a useful conversation starter," he said smugly as he rose from the table. I ogled his body longer than I should have, his sleek shirt almost perfectly gripping his form. My eyes snapped back to his face.

"I have a few questions, if you don't mind staying," he said to her. It wasn't framed as a question. Zoe almost huffed, aware of how childish it may seem, but when his demeaner was that commanding, an insolent part of me who wanted to rebel seemed to be in control of my reactions.

"You can lock the door so we can have full privacy for this conversation," he said, and gestured to the door. I turned and saw that there was a key in the door just below the handle. I could turn the lock and let him get on with what he had to say, or I could just open the door and leave. He was hardly going to make a scene in front of his office. It was a choice.

I reached out, barely knowing where my hand was going to land. As I turned the key, I took a deep breath before turning back around.

"Make it quick," I said.

"I'll take all the time I need," he said calmly but firmly. His voice was gruff naturally it seemed, but he purposefully kept it gentle and low. I wasn't sure if that was for my benefit, or if it was what he did all the time.

We both stood on opposite ends of the table, ready for an interrogation to start. He asked me all his questions in a commanding manner, and for some reason I felt compelled to answer each and every one. I never questioned why he was asking them, never thought that not answering them was an option I wanted to take. I just wanted all the control to be his, so that he could extract my thoughts and unjumble them, like they were earphone cords in a knot I couldn't get untangled but maybe he could.

"Did you like him?" I didn't even have to ask if he was talking about Caleb.


"Was it an issue that he used my pictures instead of his?"


"Do you want to see him again?"

Very much, I thought. "Yes, I really do."

"Do you regret what you did with him in bed?"

"No, I don't. I want to do more of it."

"Then why are you avoiding him?"

I felt like I didn't have the answer to that one at first, but he remained quiet and gave me time to think. "I felt humiliated."

"Because of him?"

"Because of me. It's not exactly normal, what we like, and when I thought people had found out, I couldn't bare that. It was easier to avoid it."

"And is that all?" He asked, taking a few steps closer to me.

I paused before I answered. "Yes."

"That was a lie," he said, moving closer again. He was only a step away, and I could smell his aftershave now, and it smelled slightly sweet, like chocolate.

"What's the real reason?"

"Because of something I heard."

"Tell me," he commanded, almost at a whisper. His hand came up to my face and the back of his hand softly caressed my cheek.

"At Xander's party, I overheard you. I was in the bathroom with you all, at the end of the party, behind the shower curtain. I was hiding from you."

His hand moved away. He examined my face, and I couldn't tell what he was thinking. His face was serious, contemplating.

"So I know you all wank together, and probably do more, and not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just a dynamic I'm not sure I'm the person to get in the middle of. I don't know how to do... this"

He brought his face around to the side of mine, leaned down and gently grazed his lips on my neck. His light touch was electric, it sent chills down my body and my clit twinged. I breathed in and held it, waiting for what he would do next.

"What if we wanted you to?"

I didn't answer, and my need to pee suddenly became a lot stronger, and I was going to have to go soon. Fuck, why now?

"Breathe out," he said, and I did.

"What if we liked hearing you fuck him?" and he kissed me again.

"What if we wanted to watch you?" he whispered, as his hands snaked over my hips. I clenched my legs together tight to stop myself needing to pee so much, but that meant my clit was squeezed too, and a little shudder of pleasure happened. I couldn't concentrate on all these things at once and I almost lost track of where his hands were.

"What if we watched you piss all over him?" His hands had moved downwards towards the hem of my skirt.

"What if we all wanted to fuck you?"

I moaned audibly, my heart was racing and I just wanted to fling my arms around him and have him fuck me against the wall. I wanted him inside me, buried deep.

"Do you need to pee right now?", he murmured, lifting my skirt up and fingering the lining of my pants. "What if I fucked you right here?"

He was still standing right beside me, I could feel the heat radiating from his body, or was that maybe mine? My cheeks felt like they were on fire, and I could barely control my breathing. "Pee", he said.

"What?" I asked, a little stunned.

"Open your legs, and pee. Soak the carpet. I'm going to watch you."

I moved my hands towards my pants to move them aside, but he tutted and said, "I didn't tell you to touch them."

I took a small step to each side so my legs were wider and I tried to let my pee loose but it wouldn't come out. My face had a pained expression on it as I tried to push. My bladder was full but it just wouldn't let go. I was nervous, doing something I'd never done sober before, and going against every instinct I'd had for my entire life. I had to let my brain think it was okay to do this. After a moment, a few dribbles happened. They soaked the material of my underwear and didn't drop down to the floor, but more followed. The wetness dropped out, a stream of pee falling all the way to the carpet, creating a puddle. As soon as there was a steady sound to my urine, Vic spoke again.

"Stop. Hold it now." I moaned at him, annoyed at the command, but I clenched and stopped it. My stream ceased and I closed my legs at the thigh, but he just shook his head. The liquid dribbled down my leg on each side, just a few drops, which he watched with a smile.

"Good girl. Leave them open." The warmth of my pee was nestled against my pussy. It was soaked but not just from wetting myself. I was so turned on and slick, I could have the biggest dick slide right in with no issues, I was ready for it.

Vic took his phone out and for a second I was terrified that he was going to film this, but instead he brought it up to his ear. He was making a phone call. I was absolutely mortified, but I didn't move. I reached out for him with one hand, and he used his free arm to support me. It was comforting.

After two rings, the other person answered. "Yes, I'm with her," he told the person on the line.

"Caleb wants to speak to you," Vic told her as he handed the phone over.

I took it nervously, and brought it up to my ear.

"Do you want to stop?" Caleb asks me.

I take a deep breath before answering honestly. "No, I want this."

I was holding on to my pee confidently. Letting some go had helped but I couldn't hold it that much longer. Some drips from the soaked material of my pants were dribbling down my leg again, teasing and taunting me. Vic fingered the soaked underwear outside gently, as I spoke.

"Do you want him to fuck you?" Caleb asked over the phone.

"Yes," and I looked to Vic. "Yes I want him to fuck me. I want him to let me pee first. He's making me hold it."

Caleb laughed a little. "Is he now?"

Vic moved forwards towards me, and whispered, "Pee," in my ear. I immediately let go, and let out an audible sigh.

"I'm peeing, right into my pants, and all over the carpet," I told Caleb.

"Tell me how it feels?" he asked, almost begging to hear. I could hear his breathing become ragged. He was jerking himself off at the sound.

Vic spoke again, "Stop."

I clenched, but it was harder this time. I cut off the stream but some small spurts of liquid blasted out. I could feel it trying to escape, drip by drip.

"It feels so wrong but so fucking good," I said, my stream dangerously close to uncontrollably spurting everywhere. Vics hand moved gently between my legs and caught the dribbles, rubbing my wet pants over my sopping wet cunt. He found my clit and started rubbing it with the wet material, fingering me fast and hard.

"Pee," he commanded again, and I pushed hard. My pee gushed out of me like a torrent, and I willed it all to get out before he could tell me to stop again.

"It's going everywhere," I said, not sure who I was speaking to now. My stream was interrupted by Vics fingers, so it wasn't heading straight down to the carpet any more any more. It was splashing everywhere, forming a big puddle around our shoes, dribbling down my legs, and even some splashes hit his black suit, causing wet patches.

"Oh fuck, Caleb, he's fucking me with his finger, and I'm still pissing myself," I said, holding on to Vic with my other arm, like I was going to fall without him. My stream dwindled to nothing after a few moments and after it had completely stopped, he leaned me up against the table, and pushed me against it, my back laying flat and my legs hanging over the side.

"I wish I was there to lick your pussy right now, baby," Caleb said over the phone. "tell me how good it feels."

My breathing was laboured now, and I was holding back moans, suddenly aware that there was an entire office of people beyond those doors. Vic pushed my pants aside and inserted a single finger, pumping it in and out of me, his thumb still circling my clit fast.

"I can't, I'm trying to be quiet, but... oh fuck!"

"What, baby?" Caleb asked.

Vic had added another finger.

"I'm close, I'm close to cumming," I breathed into the phone.

"Good girl," Vic said with a smile, "You're going to cum for me and not make a sound, okay?"

I had no idea how I was going to do that. Vic added a third finger and picked up the pace, his thumb pressing harder now, the pressure adding to the pleasure and my clit began twitching as I was right on the edge.

"I can hear you're close," Caleb said, "I am too, baby."

"I can't... I can't.." I whispered desperately as Vics movements became faster, and harder. He pushed my legs further open and kneeled down in front of me. He licked and kissed the inside of my thighs as his hand kept up the movement. Vic took the phone from me with his free hand and pressed a button on it. I could hear Caleb's breathing, his movement pounding his own cock. Vic put it right next to my leg on the table so the loudspeaker would pick up our sounds. I used both my hands to cover my mouth and muffle my pleasure, as wave after wave of orgasm hit my body. My legs spasmed, but Vic brought my body up to a sitting position, perched on the edge of the desk with him in between my legs, and holding me close. As he held me in place easily, his crotch met mine as my throbbing lips felt his hard cock. My body twitched and tensed at having to be quiet as the orgasm subsided.

"Fuck her for me," Caleb said over the phone.

I heard a condom being unwrapped, and his cock found my entrance. I used his shoulders to support me and brought my legs up to give him easier access. He was thick, and he filled me up. He pumped in and out of me, and I held on to my moans. The table shook with our movements and the phone with Caleb still on the line was right there, right next to me. He would be hearing Vics grunts, and the slopping wetness of my cunt as Vic fucked me hard. He was rough, and I thought my pussy was not going to be able to handle it, but another orgasm built up again, and I knew it was going to be stronger.