Business and Bruising

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Wife gives her husband up as a toy to a futa CEO.
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this is my first story in a while and the first one with lewd undertones in a semi realistic setting usually i write more fantasy/scifi works for games like dnd lol though this is pretty light on the NSFW its more to dip my toes back in and see if i can still write lol

my only other warning is i have dyslexia and havent found someone free to look this over so if theres any glaring mistakes please be kind lol.


"Are you ready?" Louanne Richmond Steele asked in a somewhat placid tone; she dabbed at her makeup and glanced back at her submissive; he was a pretty little thing, dolled up like a geisha in the back of her limousine.

He nodded and shifted from his seated position Rin Steele knew his place what his wife wanted he would do without hesitation and in this instance his wife wanted him to act as a tool for her to succeed he waited on her to open his door, with the gentle cusp of her hand he rose from the limo and looked around they were in the city again; this would be a business deal then.

A small blush came to his cheeks as she clipped his leash to the collar around his neck he did relax once he had thought about it; with this outfit and make up he looked more like a woman than his wife, though considering the size difference and muscle disparity between them that wasn't a hard mistake to make. Rin stood at the respectable height of 5'4 middle of the road for men his size, a slender build carefully curated to attract the eye, his hair was well kept but in a messy cute way it's blonde locks accented his emerald green eyes in such a lovely way.

His wife on the other hand was 6'3 well built and darker skinned; she also sported blond hair but her eyes were a lovely caramel they were an odd couple but they were happy in a world of futanari most assumed he was a victim of such brutality kept in line by a fierce dicking but no... he genuinely loved her he needed no such persuasions though the key she kept around her neck would have been ample enough.

Together they strode through the lobby of the big gray block the clacking of their heels echoing in the warmly lit but sparsely decorated lobby; the receptionist didn't even bat an eye as they lifted two cards and slid them forward; typing away however as Rin thanked her she did cast a glance taking a double take admiring the small man whom was currently being scolded for talking without express permission with her luck she'd never see him again.

"You're getting awfully comfortable around people these days honey." She tightened her grip on his leash, pulling him close while her other hand thumbed the elevator button. She captured his lips dominating his mouth as he melted in her grasp, his face growing flush as he gently pushed her off causing her to speak in a slightly amused slightly annoyed tone "You would deny me my joy?"

"M-my makeup." Rin weakly stuttered out pulling his shirt collar to cover his blushing mouth he couldn't really do much more his wife could easily overpower him and well he really liked when she decided to kiss him.

She loosened up on his leash reaching over to grab his ass and pulled him close before she took his face in her other tilting his chin up to gaze into his eyes losing herself for a moment before remembering what she had brought him here her smile faltering slightly, she covered it well though choosing instead to push him into the elevator stepping in after him and pressing the top floor button "You wore the correct clothes underneath?" She asked once they had begun their ascent.

"If I may mistress...They don't really classify as clothes." Rin rebutted quietly only to be met with a small chuckle.

"I'm well aware of that you know what this place is?" She took a moment to look him over, admiring the fine piece of meat she had wed "No? I assumed this was a business meeting where you needed me to act as eye candy?" He wasn't lying, his wife loved manipulating lustful old men using him; a small laugh here, a wink there and occasionally a light shoulder touching and so many geriatric people signed over large assets before they knew what they were doing.

"This is a specialized company...They cater to the type of woman I know you adore honey." Louanne smirked seeing his knees press together and his breath quicken she adored the man she had created to be her submissive; it wasn't easy he was such a shy young man when they had started dating, kind and never cruel or afraid towards her height in fact it was one of the main reasons he adored her so but after the 3 or so years of marriage her constant training of his backdoor had lead him to crave cock and considering she could only offer plastic facsimiles his excitement was obvious.

"So." Rin started, taking a deep breath and staring dead ahead at the elevator doors worried his cage wouldn't hide his excited cock below if he turned to look in her eyes "The clothes you asked me to wear...and the rather large plug that is." his cheeks blushed and he felt himself clench around the large silicone mass in his rear unable to blurt out the obvious.

His wife however had no such qualms, her large hand wrapped around the back of his throat as she leaned in close, her breath tickling his back with its suddenly blistering temperature "For the client today. Yes honey." He refused to look back at his dominant, screwing his eyes shut as he felt a sizable dollop of pre leak from his cage staining the fine silk garment a slightly darker tinge of white she wasn't playing fair anymore he lips kissing his exposed collarbone, removing a small amount of the makeup that obscured the many bites and bruises of their escapades the night prior. He felt especially whorish when she did that, dolled him up covering her love marks only to remove the mask mere moments before he met with people of influence.

A small moan left his lips before her free hand left his hip and covered his mouth fully, squeezing a finger inside as the elevator doors finally dinged open revealing a long walkway flanked either side by sets of office desks, blackened walls and a large tinted glass office at the back of it all; not every desk was filled there was a fair few empty but every single woman had a small level of dishevelment to them from small things like sweat ridden brows to bigger details like hair messed up, panting expressions or even straight up orgasm faces.

The thing that hit Rin first was the smell; it was undeniably semen a cacophony of whorish delights, earthy tones and fishy under scents, the second thing that hit Rin was the lack of noise after a few moments. While the elevator doors swung open he heard different melodies of office work mixed in with the odd pant and moan but as he was pushed forward by his wife into the center of the plush carpeted walkway all the noise stopped every woman had their eyes on him and his wife; he was pretty yes a thing of beauty, like a piece of ceramic someone might cling too or put in a museum his outfit aided in his allure as well but he had nowhere near the level of curves his wife had and he did not like the look some of these assumed futanari were giving the love of his life.

He wanted to glare and protect her but given the sheer size difference, the fact he was blushing immensely, the number of them and his current state of being walked into a room filled with dominant women on a leash he really didn't fancy his odds.

Louanne stopped their walk forward and Rin almost fell back as his leash suddenly went taut. If he wasn't trained better he certainly would have complained, however his wife had trained him better than that. He felt her remove his leash as across the room the office's tinted glass became see through with a firm hand on her husband's shoulder she crouched down a little and spoke "Honey. In that room is the CEO of this company, a woman I quite adore... Were it not for you I may have been a doting wife, adoring her and not a commanding one adoring are to walk across this room; once she raises her hand you are to strip to your under outfit and kneel, position 3 if you would." Rin nodded, shaking a little from his nerves, position 3 was one of 12 different starting positions not involving any objects that they used to denote his submission.

"You will hold position 3 until given permission to crawl forward to the door of the office where you will be sampled by Mistress Fern. Until the end of the day she is the only person in the world equal to me in command over you." She gripped his collar and pulled him close "Do. you. understand?" Speaking firmly her hand snaked up to his chin forcing his beautiful emerald eyes to sheen slightly as he met her intense gaze. He nodded to the best of his ability and breathed a deep shuddering breath as he was released.

Rin didn't have to wait long for his love to continue "Everyone on this floor you will address as Miss. Everyone else you will not address unless directly engaged with." These were a lot of rules for her to dump on him considering he could just stay by her side the entire time... though as she took a step back towards the elevator his heart dropped slightly, it appeared his wife would be leaving him in the care of this floor for a little while.

"W-wait!" He whimpered quietly lifting his hand before faltering as she glared back at him "love you..." he said in a weak quiet little voice shivering from the cold smirk she gave as they continued on towards the elevator; he knew beyond a shadow of the doubt he was conditioned to her... That simple smirk made him throb and shiver, feeling a small trickle of pre-run down his leg.

He sighed and begun his walk towards the other end of the office, stopping just outside the door as he raised his fist to knock, the glass in front of him shimmered and became transparent he stopped with a small gasp of surprise as he saw the dominant woman through the wall of glass, a smug look adorning her face as he saw her hand come up.

Rin felt his face flush as he heard the creaking of chairs, several dozen women turning to look at him all wearing a devious smile...still he was a good boy, his mistresses word was final.

Shaking slightly he stripped from his overcoat, removing the "public outfit" he begged his wife to allow him to wear. There were a few cheers, a couple hollers and hoots. Rin gasped slightly as he dropped his clothes to the floor standing in what could hardly be described as underwear.

He gently got to his knees, folding the set aside clothes before huffing, hanging his head before he crawled into the office his tight hole clenching around the silicone plug degrading himself to the enjoyment of so many women, he found himself swaying his hips as he crawled making the "cat tail" attached to his plug sway and swish as he moved forward to the door of the office sweat dripping down his forehead as he moved into position number 3 kneeling until he had permission to move again.

She adjusted her position so she could rest her chin on her hands and watch him present and blush, squirming slightly at her gaze as he struggled to remain with his knees spread. He spared his time presenting to cast a glance at the person who was now in command of him she was beautiful, almost to the degree of his wife but with a different style; where she was caramel and toned this 'mistress fern' was dark and large far wider than both he and his wife, her hair was done in a more traditional style, akin to braids mixed with an office decorum. Rin couldn't help but draw his eyes across her form, usually he enjoyed the body type of his more muscular and toned companions of the past but for some reason her larger, fattier proportions endeared her to him. Maybe it was her slightly golden eyes? Maybe the plump lips that curved in a cruel sadistic manner as she spoke?

"'re the toy Steele promised me?" Her voice was soothing with a small hint of danger mixed in, like the strum of an electric guitar amp energized and filled with an undertone there appeared to be some kind of drawl in there too? She must have hailed from one of the further colonies. That explained the skin tone he mused in his head.

"I asked you a question boy." she spoke, that danger element struck his heart this time and he spoke with his small and quivering voice "O-oh. Yes ma'am...I. I thought that was a hypotheti--" He was cut off as she spoke again louder this time

"Did I ask you to spout the damn dictionary at me?"

"N-no ma'am?" there was a hint of confusion in his voice

"Then why would you try that? Hm? The only sounds I want to hear are your confirmations and your pretty little noises of submission, I'm not paying Steele for you to yammer."

Confusion wrapped itself into his mind, his wife had sold him for a day? This was odd even for the antics of his wife; she had never outright sold him before. The closest they had come to that was when he was made to act as a sushi serving vessel but that was for a friend of his mistress and he got to eat tons of yummy food after.

"Come here." She commanded after a few moments, his muscles relaxed glad to be out of their strained position as he moved slowly across the room, swinging his hips to let the fake sway for his audience, though at a glance back the door was closed and the glass had shimmered back to blacked out...this was a private show it seemed?

He sat near her nestled slightly between her leg and her desk; the heat and smell wafted up and hit him in the face "Lou told me you've never been with a futa before. Pity. She made you quite the fucktoy." Fern grabbed his cheeks, compressing them and dragging the boy closer tilting his head this way and that before her thumb pried the mouth of the sub open running along his lovely white teeth "She wasn't kidding. You actually did get canine adjustments." Fern spoke with a fair bit of amusement and a bit of a chuckle which caused the boy to blush harder than before.

In the past when he and Lou had started to date she dared him to confess one of his deeper desires and secrets; he admitted he had always wished he was born a cat, the idea of being able to sleep most of the day and be adored and doted on sounded lovely... though the barbed dicks didn't sound all that appealing at first on a whim after that confession she took him to a dentist friend who had his teeth added too, made to resemble more of a cat in sharpness; she also adjusted his jaw just for fun allowing him to open wider than most people.

The fact that it was their third date, that his idea of a dream life was so stupid and the fact that he went along with it before she decided to basically force him to be her pet and then later husband always embarrassed him greatly and left him shaking and red as a tomato.

A hand running through his hair slowly drew him back to reality though as he looked up at the tall black futa "If I feel them scratch i'll break em and send the tab to Lou lil fella. I hope you know that." with the way she said it deadpan and without any waiver in her voice he absolutely believed her.

"Now then. Who's a good kitty?" she clasped his head and rustled his hair petting him as if he were actually an animal, the confused look on his face was adorable to her; she knew Rin wasn't innocent, she knew her former lover applied everything Fern would do to her, Lou had shown her live feeds of the poor boy tied up and left being teased... but as he sat looking up at her confused she couldn't help but grin and smile wide imagining that she would be the one to deflower him, his first futa cock.

She tightened her grip and dragged him forward giggling at the squeal he made as she pressed him into her crotch; the hot musty air starting to affect his brain, he whimpered slightly in pain as she rubbed him against the rapidly growing mound of cock.

Rins entire existence was her cock at this current moment, the heat and scent washing over him, his lips pursed as he started to salivate as his eyes started to water from the musk he couldn't help but whimper in pain and trepidation as she dug her hand into her pants and drew out what could only be described as a monolith of flaccid meat, sweat and pre dribbled out onto his face marking him with her scent and fluids.

"H-holy sh-shit!" Rin gasped in shock before a hand struck his cheek, the weight of it tossing his head to the side knocking him into her thigh "Bad boy. I didn't give you permission to speak." She slapped him again, this time with her mass of meat leaving it on his face, it covered from chin to forehead with a notable amount of it hanging over

"Get to work." Was all that Fern gave him before getting back to her ceo work leaving him under the desk; all that kept him there was the fact her foot stayed on his leash and the scent of her, both endeared her to him and he couldn't help but let his tongue run along her shaft shivering and recoiling at the taste, it was a little bitter with an after tang of salt; gently he moved lower down wanting to suckle on her balls, they jumped under his tongue and it felt as if he was trying to suck a tennis ball into his mouth. Were it not for the surgery the dentist gave him he probably wouldn't have been able to suckle it into his jaw fully.

It was like an explosion of flavor; his caged cock flexing and jumping in place threatening to spurt his locked up load just from that sheer amount of taste and sensation, his moans vibrated throughout the enclosed office sending tingles of sensation into the mistress whom he had been gifted too, it was such a degrading scent and he loved every second of his worship; her hand rested on his head as she tried to push him down and away but he suckled harder refusing to give up his tasty conquest.

"Oh fuck. I see why Lou recommended you." came the gasping remark of Fern as she hunched over her desk; originally she didn't believe her friend, she thought it was some scheme for her to make a buttload of money and possibly nab a bit of futa dick for herself like the good old days but every word she had said about the boy was correct... he was a bonafide cock sucking master his tongue worked as if his life depended on it and the heat and suction he was giving from taking her entire right nut felt godly.

She interwove her fingers into his hair and pulled back forcing him off her with a wet pop, his eyes looked slightly glazed over with and his mouth was a mess of saliva and sweat, forming a ring as his tongue lolled and he tried to get back to his worship panting heavily; creating small puffs of air from temperature difference, she had to smack him a couple times with her shaft to remind him it existed, Fern watched as Rin blinked slowly and let out a small "oh." before readjusting to take her shaft he struggled slightly against her grasp but she let him move back.

Fern wasn't ready for him to peel her back so suddenly, nor was she ready for when he latched on and sucked with wild abandon, removing all the pre that had gotten stuck in her mighty shafts urethra. He used her like a straw to pull a mouthful of the clear liquid out. Suddenly both her hands left his body grasping the desk as she fought to subdue a moan. No slut of hers, no concubine or lover had treated her impressive pillar of meat with such commonality, none had treated it like a straw, she went to move him off perhaps yell and tell him to stop being so weird with it but to his slightly lidded eyes all he saw was a pair of hands wanting to push him down.

Rins brain scrambled to find an answer part of him wanted to let her, without the taste to savor more often than not all his blowjobs would quickly descend into lou shoving whatever hunk of plastic or silicone she had harnessed up down his throat with reckless abandon simply for the power it gave her or noises he made.

On one hand he wanted to let her push him down, give himself up to be used as a toy but on the other he wanted to impress, he wanted to make sure whatever plans Lou had were not interrupted by him not being the best whore he could be and thus when he saw those hands moving down to him he took one last breath down into his lungs before he plunged forward hitting her in an odd show of submissive dominance, his hands wrapped around her mighty balls, one forming a ring with fingers and pulling down slightly the other fondling and massaging them, almost ritualistic in the way he was begging for her to breed his throat, spittle and tears stained the CEOs suit pants as Rin gagged and fought to stay down there forcing his throat to squirm in rhythmic patterns to milk her dick like a sleeve.