But I Do


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"Uh oh," Emily giggled, "Here comes the two biggest bitches in the world so; be prepared Michael."

"Kiss my ass, bitch," the red head said, "I heard that, Ems."

"Eat me," Emily laughed, "What're you two sluts doing here?"

"We saw your car in the parking lot," the blonde giggled, "And we came in here to tell whatever guy you were trying to seduce that you had the clap."

"Some things never change," Piper giggled, "You guys are awful."

Then, almost as if she were looking down her nose at me, the red head glared Piper and asked, "Is this the guy that you've been ranting and raving about?"

"Yes he is," Piper smiled, ignoring her "Ladies, please allow me to introduce not only the love of my life, but now my fiancé, Michael Pennington. Michael, baby, the red head here with the filthy mouth is Renee Peters, who also happens to be my roommate, and the ditzy blonde with her, is Karen Ashford."

"Fiancé," Renee asked, an astonished look on her face, "When did this happen?"

"Last night," Piper defensively replied, "Why? Do you have a problem with it?

"What's wrong with you, Piper," Renee almost jealously asked, "Have you lost your mind?"

"Quit being such a bitch, Renee," Karen said, almost protectively hugging Piper, "Congratulations sweetie, I'm so happy for you."

"Jeez, give her a break for fuck's sake" I teased them; "It's not that bad ya know."

Suddenly acting as if she were a member of the Spanish inquisition, as well as wearing an unyielding, angry look on her face, Renee glared at me and condescendingly asked, "So, what are your intentions where our sister, Piper, is concerned, Mister Pennington, is it?"

The tone of voice Renee had just used when she was talking to me was not only impolite and improper; but the way she'd just treated Piper pissed me off to no end, and I sure as hell wasn't about to let her get away with it.

So, in not only my own defense, but Piper's as well, I glared at her and then very angrily replied, "Let me make this very clear to you right now, Renee; first of all, Mister Pennington is my father, and my name is Mike. Secondly, as far as my intentions with Piper are concerned, if I thought it was any of your fucking business, I'd damn sure tell you. In the mean time, don't go sticking your rude God damn nose in our business. Do you understand me, you condescending little bitch?"

"Don't you dare talk to me like that, you Asshole," she spat.

"Fuck you," I replied, "You little cunt."

Then I stood up while reaching into my pocket, and then after throwing two twenty-dollar-bills on the table, which more than covered the cost of anything we'd eaten and drank, I looked at Piper and asked, "Are you coming with me?"

"You bet your ass I am, baby," she said, glaring at Renee, while gently taking my arm, "Would you please take me away from this fucking bitch, Michael?"

"Wait a minute," Renee suddenly said, "Who in the hell do you think you're talking to?"

"No," Piper snapped, "You wait a fucking minute, Renee. You had no reason to treat Michael the way you just did so; until you can learn how to act like a human being instead of the selfish fucking bitch that you've always been, stay the hell away from me. Do you understand, God dammit?

Piper didn't give her a chance to reply. Instead she gently took my hand and told me, "Come on, baby, let's get the hell out of here."


"I'm so sorry for the way Renee acted, Michael," Piper said, on the drive back to my dorm room, "Please don't think badly of me because of it."

"Who the fuck does she think she is?" I asked, "That little bitch treated me like I was some sort of asshole, or something."

"I think she was trying to protect me, baby," Piper sniffled, "I'm sure that Emily and Karen approve of you."

"Bullshit," I replied, "I don't care what any of them think of me."

"Maybe so, maybe not," Piper told me, trying not to cry, "But either way, it's not going to affect the way that I feel about you. Please tell me that you understand that, Michael."

"Of course I do," I smiled, placing my hand on the inside of her thigh, gently rubbing the smooth softness of her skin, "I love you with all of my heart and nothing is ever going to change that; especially the ravings of some lunatic, red-headed bitch."


"I can't tell you enough how sorry I am about the way Renee behaved earlier, Michael," Piper told me, as we lay in bed together that night, "I've never seen her act like that before."

"You have nothing to be sorry for," I replied, pulling her into a hug, as she laid her head on my chest, "Besides, it's not like you're responsible for her infantile behavior, Piper."

"I know," she said, "But she and I have been friends and roommates for going on two years now; and this is the first time I've ever seen her behave this way."

"Is she on some kind of medication?" I grinned, "Because if so, maybe her doctor needs to reconfigure the dosage."

"Oh, Michael," Piper began to laugh, playfully slapping my chest, "That is so wrong on so many levels."

"You're right, and I'm sorry," I impishly chuckled, "But why else would she go off on me like that...unless she's jealous?"

"Ya know I've never thought about it like that," she pondered, "But maybe you're right, Michael."

"She may be your room mate," I said, "But I've never laid eyes on her before this evening," I tactfully pointed out, "Either way, she had no reason to talk to me the way she did; and if I sounded harsh, then that's tough shit."

"No, baby, don't worry about it," Piper said, totally agreeing with me, "You were in the right to stand up for yourself."

"I just don't want to come between you and your friends, my love," I told her, "Because it's very important that...."

"No, Michael," Piper sweetly interrupted, "If she was really my friend, then she wouldn't have done what she did; and like I already told her, until she can learn how to act, then I don't want anything more to do with her."

"Okay," I replied, gently holding her body against mine as we lay in my bed naked, "I'll back you up, you know that, right?"

"Of course I do," she softly smiled, kissing my lips, "That's why I love you, baby."

"Mmm," I grinned as we kissed, "I love you, too, my angel."


Chapter Six

The next morning Piper and I woke up early enough to not only shower together, which was a lot of fun, but also to have breakfast together in the cafeteria before we had to get ready for our jazz band class.

"If the past couple of days are any indication," Piper smiled, "Then I'm really going to enjoy sharing an apartment with you."

"Is that right," I teased, "What about once we get married?"

"Are you kidding me?" she giggled, "That's going to be the best part of all...God, I love you so much, Michael."

"I know you do," I replied, lightly kissing her lips, "And I love you, too."


The moment we arrived at our jazz band class that morning, imagine the shock we experienced when none other than Shelley Oakes was there to greet us. Only this time she was not only as nice as she could be, but very apologetic as well.

"I'm really sorry for the way I treated the both of you," she humbly told us, "I was way out of line, and although I don't deserve it, I'd really appreciate another chance to be your teacher."

"Don't worry about it," I grinned, "You're only human, right?"

"That's right," Piper sweetly smiled, "Nobody's perfect."

"Thanks, you guys," Shelley replied, clearly relieved, "I can't begin to tell you how very much I appreciate it."

"You're welcome," I smiled, "And thank you."

For the rest of that morning I actually enjoyed having Shelley as a teacher and not surprisingly so, it turned out that she was very knowledgeable about the subject at hand. Not only did she compliment us as musicians, but asked me personally if I would take the time to explain the workings of my keyboard gear, telling me that she was interested in purchasing a set of keyboards that were from the same manufacturer, which of course was Dr. Robert Moog.


My next class that morning was my English, and then I had lunch after that. I never really looked forward to lunch until Piper found her way into my heart. As a matter of fact, I never really used to take a lunch break; but now that I had the opportunity to spend it with her, I really enjoyed getting to see her between my morning and afternoon classes, especially because Monday was always a busy day for me.


I had music theory after lunch with Dr. Phillips, which I always enjoyed, and then creative writing with Dr. Jessica Brennan after that. Dr. Brennan was in her early to mid thirties' and was a very pretty woman that reminded me of Piper.

She didn't look anything like her, mind you, but she carried the same air about her that I think all beautiful women have in common. And because of the fact that I did well in her class, she treated me somewhat differently than her other students. Don't get me wrong, she was neither flirtatious nor was she suggestive in her actions, but I could tell that she found me attractive, and because I did well in her class, she was always very nice to me. However, it never once went any further than that.


That afternoon after class, I was surprised when the R.A. at my dorm informed me that I needed to call home and speak to my mother.


"Hi, Mom," I said, when she answered the phone, "What's up?"

"I've got some good news for you baby," she happily replied, "We've leased you and Piper a furnished house not too far from campus."

"Is that right?" I excitedly asked, "Piper will be thrilled."

"She's such a pretty thing, baby," Mom smiled, "Your sister and Tommy think that she's the most beautiful girl they've ever seen, as do your father and I."

"Thank you, Mom," I sincerely told her, "It really means a lot to me to hear that, especially coming from you."

"You're welcome, sweetie," Mom purred, "But it's easy to tell the truth. Besides, you and Piper are going to give your father and I some beautiful grandbabies to spoil one day."

"Come on, Mom," I chuckled, "You're beginning to sound like Nikki."

"Oh, honey," Mom teased, "I'm alot worse that your sister could ever be."

"Yeah," I grinned, "You're probably right about that one"

"Just ask your father," Mom impishly giggled, "Here's the address so; make sure you write it down correctly, sweetie."

And after she gave me the address, repeating it, and then making me repeat it back to her, I told her not only how appreciative I was for the house, but also how much I loved her and Dad, and then hung up the phone, anxiously awaiting Piper's arrival to my dorm room.


"Hi, baby," Piper sweetly smiled, when I answered my door, "I missed you this afternoon."

"I've got something I want to tell you," I gravely replied, making her think something was wrong, "And you need to sit down, too."

"Michael, honey," she worriedly said, "Is something wrong?"

"Maybe, maybe not," I strung her along, doing my best to keep a straight face, "It all depends on how you look at it."

"Oh, my God," she began to truly worry, "Is this about you and me?"

"I'm afraid it is," I said, looking down at the floor, "And I'm not really sure how to tell you this."

"Oh, no," she said, her eyes beginning to fill with tears, "Please don't tell me that you're leaving me, please, I just couldn't take it."

"Well, I'm leaving here," I began to grin, "But it's only to move into the house that Mom and Dad just leased for us, and I'm taking you with me," and then I began to giggle like a little boy.

"Has anyone ever told you what a shit-ass you can be?" she looked at me, now smiling, "You had me worried, you fucker!"

"If you think I'm going to do anything to jeopardize what we have together, you're sillier than I am," I began to laugh.

"Don't do that again," she said, a hurt look on her face, "You really scared me, baby."

"Aw, I'm sorry, sweetheart," I told her, placing my arms around her neck and hugging her, "I was just kidding around, I swear."

"So, when do we move in?" she asked.

"Mom gave me the address," I grinned, "I thought that after we ate dinner, we could go check it out, if you want to that is."

"Are you kidding me?" she giggled, "I'd love to."

However, before I could respond, I heard a knock at my door.

"I wonder who that could be?" I said to Piper, "Are you expecting anyone?"

"No," she replied

Imagine my pure and total shock when I opened the door to find Piper's friend, Renee Peters, standing there with a frightened look on her face, making both Piper and I immediately take the defensive.

"You've got a lot of balls coming here," I angrily said, "What the hell do you want?"

"Can I come in?" she meekly asked, "Please."

"That all depends," I sternly replied, "Personally I don't give a flying fuck what you think of me, but I will not allow you to be rude to Piper, not in the least. Do you understand me?"

"Yes," she quietly said, tears beginning to form in her eyes, "I'm here to apologize to both of you if you'll give me a chance, please?"

"If that's the case the come in," I coldly replied, opening the door wider to allow her to enter my dorm room.

Renee walked up to Piper who sat on my bed with her arms crossed defensively, and then while trying not to cry, but failing miserably, she looked at her and said, "I'm really sorry for the way I acted yesterday evening, Piper," and then she began to cry, "I was wrong for being such a bitch to both of, and I don't know what else to say except for I'm so very sorry and I hope that you guys can find it in your hearts to forgive me."

And because of this being one of the many reasons that I lover her so much, Piper stood up, and with her arms open wide, she warmly smiled at Renee and said, "Come here girl," and then took her into her arms, as Renee began to bitterly weep."

"I'm so sorry, Piper," Renee cried, tightly hugging Piper, "I was so very wrong to judge you for loving someone so much," and then she couldn't continue for crying.

"Shh, it's okay," Piper smiled, "We all make mistakes sometimes."

"I know that this is no excuse," Renee sniffled, "But I'd had a couple of drinks before I saw you guys last night."

"You're right, that is no excuse," Piper suddenly said, holding Renee at arms length, "But I've seen you drink a whole lot more than just a couple of drinks so it's something else."

"You're right," Renee began to cry again, "And I'm so ashamed."

"Then you'd better some clean right now," Piper said, crossing her arms again, "I swear to God that I'll never speak to you again if you don't tell me right now, Renee. What is it?"

"I'm jealous of you, Piper," Renee cried, holding her head down in shame, "And I'm so sorry."

"Why in the hell would you ever be jealous of me?" Piper crossly asked her, "What is it about me that you're jealous of, huh? Tell me, God dammit!"

"Because you always get all the hot guys," Renee continued crying, "And I always end up being alone."

"Hot guys, my ass," Piper said, now pissed off, "Michael is the only guy, and I mean the only guy that I've ever let get this close to me and you damn well know it. It's not because of me that guys don't want to be with you, it's because you act like such a spoiled little bitch when you're around them; and the guys that you have been with, you've treated like shit, every single one of them. So, don't you dare say that I always get the guys, because that's bull shit, damn you."

"You're right," Renee said, and then she looked at me nodding her head and said, "She's right."

"So, what're you going to do about it?" I plainly asked.

"She's going to have to figure this one out by herself," Piper said, shaking her head, "Because I don't know what to tell her, I really don't."

"Listen," I said, trying to clam them both down, "Let's talk about this like adults, okay?"

"I agree," Piper said, then she looked at Renee and told her, "You should listen to Michael, he's very smart, and can probably help you, but only if you're willing to truly listen to him, okay?"

"Okay," Renee meekly answered, "I don't want to lose the best friend I ever had so; I'm willing to try anything at this point."

Okay then," I smiled, pulling the chair out from behind my desk, and then looking at Renee, said, "Why don't the three of us sit down and have a talk?"

I invited Renee to take the chair while I took a seat on the bed next to my beautiful Piper. Then after giving her a kiss, I looked back over at Renee and said, "So, tell me about Renee."

"There's really not much to tell," she said.

"Why don't you start at the beginning," I smiled, "And then we'll go from there."

For the next forty five minutes, the things that Renee told me made me look at her very differently once she was finished. She told Piper and I about how she was born an only child to wealthy parents that showed her love by spending money on her. And as opposed to dealing with her themselves, she'd been tossed back and forth between nannies, private all-girls school, as well as relatives. And as a self defense mechanism, she dealt with opposition by either throwing money at it, or putting herself in a position to where she could gain full and total control, which in the long run had turned her into a spoiled, selfish, self centered, manipulative little cretin.

However, when I pointed out to her what I'd surmised from the information she'd given, she tried to deny it at first, claiming that, in no way was she like anything I'd just described.

Still, when Piper made her take a look at herself, she also told her that changing her attitude was something that wasn't going to be accomplished overnight. She also told Renee that perhaps she might seek some counseling to help her overcome her own demons.

"I don't need counseling," Renee said, "I'm not crazy."

"Nobody said that you were," I gently told her, "But from what you just told me about yourself, I can see that you have issues regarding control."

"So," she asked, "What's wrong with that?"

"Control is an illusion," I softly replied, "You don't know what's going to happen from one minute to the next, and if you don't believe me, just ask anyone who has served under combat conditions. They will tell you the same thing."

"That's such bull shit," Renee denied, "Who told you that?"

"My father was a fighter pilot in Vietnam, and he told me," I said, "And my brother-in-law was a Green Beret there also, and he said the same thing."

I would never hurt you," I told her, "I'm only trying to help you, because I think you're a very beautiful young woman that has the potential to be something very wonderful."

"Really," she wistfully asked, "What do I have the potential to be?"

"I don't know...a better person perhaps," I honestly replied, "But whatever it is, it's something that you're going to have to figure out for yourself, because no one can tell you, but you."

She suddenly looked at Piper, and with tears coming back to her eyes, Renee smiled and said, "You were right about him, Piper, he really is smart."

Then she stood up and walked over to where I sat. Then she leaned down, and after softly kissing me on the cheek, stood up with a heartfelt smile and said, "I'm very, very sorry about the way I treated you, Mike. I was wrong, dead wrong...I've been very wrong about a great number of things for a long time now; and I hope that one day you can find it in your heart to forgive me," and then she turned to walk away.

"Renee," I said, right before she got to my door, making her turn to look at me, "You were forgiven the moment you apologized to me. I wanted you to know that, okay?"

"I appreciate it," she smiled, with a light of genuine hope in her eyes for what was probably the first time in her life, "And I can't begin to tell you what it means to me to hear you say that, Mike."
