Call Me Brenda Pt. 02


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"I wanted to tell you two a story. It's one that's very, very personal to me. But I just thought if anyone could understand, it'd be you both." Her tone was borderline grave, and piqued my curiosity. I looked over at mom, and her face was intent, her best "I'm listening" look. I nodded, and mom gestured her assent as well.

"My uncle is an incredible man. Wallace. We always called him W, because Wally didn't fit, and his proper name seemed too formal. He isn't very tall, maybe about 5'8", but he's built like a brick shithouse, muscles and tone and sinew and nothing else. Even in his 40's, his abs were so tight that if you punched him in them, it was like hitting bricks. He was-still is, again-a professor of Political Science who did triathlons and lifted weights and did martial arts tournaments, read incredibly thick and ancient books and would talk philosophy and old literature and all of these great topics. He's fascinating, and people flock to him. When I was younger I wanted nothing more than to be like him. I idolized him and spent as much time with him as I could, over at his house all the time. He was married to this beautiful, exotic Spanish woman who had been a model in her younger days, and then became a doctor and even traveled to remote corners of the globe to help treat odd, messed up diseases. They lived this happy, wonderful little life, and then one day, his wife went to some conference in the states, and in an Uber back from dinner, a drunk driver in a big lifted truck careened into their car and killed everyone. Naturally, it messed him up for a while. He took a sabbatical, he isolated, and he drank too much. He would still leave his house early and run with the dogs, but he had this odd, vacant look in his eyes in every thing he did. Our whole family said he seemed a zombie."

"Everyone tried hard to reach him. No one could, it seemed. I started visiting him almost daily, as his home was a 20-minute ride from my after-school job. But no matter what, I always came in to countless empty booze bottles, and a house that seemed to reek of absolute sadness."

"Finally, one day, I'd had enough, and I snapped. I dumped out all of his booze as he slept on the couch, and started cleaning. He awoke, and we fought over it. It started out verbal and got physical, but he was much too drunk to do any actual damage, so I pinned him to the floor. We ended up with us both on the floor, crying, him in nothing but a pair of pajama pants, and me in this thin tank top, splayed out on top of him, as we both cried, talking, his pain leaving slowly and me confessing my hurt over having partially lost my favorite man in my family. Somewhere in the midst of that all, we kissed, and it became intimate. We were making out, feeling each other's bodies, and he ended up fingering me to one of the most mind-blowing orgasms I'd ever had in my life. After that, we stopped, and agreed we'd talk about this again soon when he was sober." I felt myself leaning, in, suddenly not sure where this was going.

"I went by two days later. He was sober, actually both showered and shaved for the first time in months. His eyes seemed to have some life in them, finally. We talked into the night. We ended up sitting on the couch together, and after a bit, he kissed me. I didn't even hesitate kissing him back. We had sex three times that night. It'd have probably been more if I hadn't had to be home by a somewhat reasonable hour. It was far and away the best I'd ever had up to that point in my life."

"We continued on that way for about four years. I got through undergrad studies in that time, and having him as both a lover and an emotional rock was really crucial for that part of my development. We always were up front with each other. He didn't want me to throw my life away just to be with him, as he knew, I think instinctively, that it was a phase of our lives together, and he didn't want to make it any longer than it should be, for my good. Eventually, we tapered off, I was looking at grad school here in the states and he had gotten into another relationship, but he thanked me repeatedly for being there for him and rescuing him from the precipice of suicide. And for a college freshman with major confidence issues at the beginning of our relationship, I can honestly say I've never needed anything more in my life." I looked over at mom. She was breathing heavy, also seeing where this was going.

"Before tonight, the only people who knew this story were him and me. I thought you two might understand. I certainly would never judge you two for your relationship. There's lots more to my story if you ever want to hear it. But I want you to know I understand. Your secret is safe with me. But I thought we should put all our cards out on the table first."

I looked over at mom, who looked a little shaken, but her face gave everything away. I didn't see any point in denying it, either. "How did you..." I started.

"Figure it out?" Gwen began. "Just a hunch at first. I had my first inkling listening to you two talk on the phone, but then I figured I was just being silly and perhaps seeing what I wanted to, hoping perhaps you might understand that part of me. Your lovemaking positively reeked of someone who had been with someone experienced, as all the American college boys I've shagged have been absolute boors, so that was also a hint. But then when we got here, there were too many little clues. Placement of things in Martin' room with too much dust on them. Your bed seemed like it hadn't really been used heavily in years, and it's not that new. Your mom leaned in a little closer with her hips when she hugged you. You two touched each other rather familiarly, even for a close mom and son. And finally, I snooped your phone and looked at your text message history when I went to the bathroom, which I know was evil, and I apologize profusely for that. I had to go back a few months, but right before and around the time we just started dating, there was a lot of 'Brenda misses you,' and 'When I come home can I see Brenda.' Wasn't too hard to figure out that master code." She grinned her amused and most joyful smile.

"Gwen, I stopped us when you two began" mom began, but Gwen held up her hand to cut her off.

"I know. It's fine. I've no right to be upset about things that happened before he and I became an item."

"Okay," she replied. "It seems so weird to be having this conversation. I...I'm glad you're not mad, at least."

"How could I judge you two for something I did myself? Furthermore, I think it's rather beautiful. My boyfriend was taught by a woman who loves him more than any stupid vapid girl ever could. And I think there's something truly amazing and healing about what you two did. How did it start?"

"Well, my brother was homeless, and he moved in for a few weeks," mom began. She carried on through the whole tale, me interspersing a few details and corrections as she spoke, as Gwen listened raptly. When she came to the details of the first actual sex, Gwen seemed to get a little flushed, and I had to repress a smirk. Gwen seemed to notice and arched her eyebrow a little.

"So I assume it was quite a great fuck, since you two have kept this up for a couple years now," she said, more as a statement than a question.

We both looked at each other and nodded.

"Was it just the sex, or was it also the connection?"

"I think it was both," I acknowledged. "The sex was definitely fantastic, but it seemed to me like we just fit so well together in so many areas."

"Yeah," mom chimed in. "I always have trusted Martin so much. I knew if I said I wasn't in the mood, or even cut things off at some point, he wasn't going to push. He's a decent man."

"Well, I'd counter that you raised him that way."

"I suppose so," she replied, fixing me with a small, proud smile.

"Us dating must have been a bit hard on you?"

"Perhaps. But I respect it. I want him to be happy, and you to be as well, which I think matters more than my baser needs."

"What if I said I think all three are equally important?" Gwen shot back. We both froze and stared at her.

"What are..." mom began, but Gwen pressed forward.

"One thing Martin can tell you firmly is that I don't have a problem sharing. In fact, looking at you, meeting you, and seeing the two of you together, I commend you for waiting until he was 20 to bone him. I don't know that I'd have had that much self-control, personally." She grinned again. ""Brenda, I love him very much, and I could even see a long-term future with your son. He's absolutely amazing. What I want you to know, though, is that while I intend to come first in his life, I will never object to sharing him with you."

Mom exhaled, covering her mouth, and then quickly dried a tear. She stayed silent for what seemed like an eternity before looking up. "Thank you," she said so faintly I could barely hear. "I was so worried about losing him forever. And not just the sex."

"I don't intend to tear him away from you. I think what you two have is beautiful. I'll never stand in the way of you being together. I want to be his number one. But I've no objection to you being 1a."

"My god..." mom said with a faint murmur. "I...I..."

"Another thing you weren't anticipating hearing?" Gwen said with another cheeky grin.

"No," mom replied. "Definitely not." She silently wept for a few moments. "Thank you so much."

Silence hung in the air for some time. Crickets and some other assorted wildlife made their noises, but otherwise the night was ridiculously still. I had no idea what to say. Finally, after what was probably no more than five minutes, though it felt like an hour, Gwen spoke. "So honestly-how long has it been for you two?"

"Shortly after our first date," I replied.

"Five months?!" Gwen burst out. "Damn. I'm so sorry. You two must need each other something desperate."

I glanced at mom, unable to come up with words. "I've missed him quite a lot," she said. I could only nod my assent.

"Well, perhaps we could go inside, and you two can make up for some lost time," Gwen suggested. "My only condition is that I want to watch you both together."

We looked at each other in wonder, then back at Gwen, who just smiled an odd little grin and nodded. I looked at mom, and then stood up and held my hand out to lead her back inside.

We went into the house, and when we got into the bedroom, I reached over and kissed Gwen. She hummed appreciatively, then backed up, and held her hand out to Brenda. She took Gwen's hand, and Gwen surprised her by pulling her in for an absolutely melting kiss, then she backed up and said "Sorry, always had a thing for hot older blondes. Apologies if you're not into girls." Brenda shook her head fuzzily and gave her a look to indicate she hadn't minded. Then, without any further warning, she pushed us both together. "Fuck her brains out, stud," she said.

I was still rather weirded out by the whole situation. However, my body wasn't about to let my mind interfere too much. Mom advanced on me, and we kissed like lovers who've been separated by a war. Within seconds I had her naked and she was hastily pulling off my shoes so my jeans could come off. I put her on the bed and dove into her pussy with enthusiasm, but after a minute or so—not nearly enough time to make her cum—she said "Later. Come here and fuck me now."

I quickly moved up, entering her with one solid plunge. It felt like coming home, familiar and wonderful and so positively tight. We pushed against each other in missionary, raw with need, and within a few scorching minutes, she was cumming hard as I emptied my balls deep into her. I heard clapping and looked over. Gwen was sitting on the edge of the bed, naked, playing lazily with her clit. "You two definitely needed that. You look great together."

"It was pretty fantastic over here," Brenda replied. I kissed her quickly, and gave her nipple a quick lick as I pulled out.

"Oh..." Gwen said, "but now you've both made a mess. Someone will have to clean that up." She crawled towards me and quickly grabbed my deflating cock, taking it all into her mouth, then meticulously licking it clean, luxuriously bathing my shaft and balls with her tongue. By the time she was done, I was at half mast, though not fully erect, my cock hanging heavy between my legs. She scooted over and kissed mom briefly, though she did, I noticed, sneak in just a touch of tongue.

"Brenda. Feel free to say no if you're not into this, but I'd really like to clean his cum out of your pussy."

", okay...I..."

"Do you not fancy girls?"

"No, no, I do, I just haven't had one since probably my freshman year."

"Well, trust me, I know what I'm doing here. And truth be told, I've wanted to lick your cunt ever since I first saw a picture Martin showed me." And before she could reply, Gwen grabbed her face, kissed her passionately, and quickly moved down to her still-dripping pussy. She set about starting with what she promised, slowly lapping up every drop I deposited in Brenda. But soon, as she began really licking hard, she just concentrated on her clit and slipped a finger in.

Watching Brenda get revved up from this angle was interesting and arousing, to say the least. She climbed quickly, more so than I had ever seen. Soon, Brenda was squirting all over Gwen's face, arching her pelvis up off the bed as she screamed, and Gwen pulled away as she exclaimed loudly "Oh thank god, I haven't had a squirter since I got to this country!"

She took a second to move up and make out with Brenda as she came back to earth, and then she moved back down. "I want more of that, it's so yummy."

I was watching this all as I slowly stroked my now renewed prick, wondering if I should just be content with watching or if I was going to get to participate, when Gwen got up on her knees and wiggled her butt. I moved a tiny bit closer, wondering if it was accidental, when she looked over her shoulder and said "Are you going to just stand there playing with your prick, or are you going to get your ass over here and fuck me while I eat your mother's muff properly?" I needed no more invitation, closing the distance and quickly entering her from behind, encountering no resistance since she was absolutely sodden. She and I both groaned simultaneously, and I began to saw in and out of her steadily.

"I don't need it gentle tonight," she admonished, and as I began to push into her harder, she began to really increase her volume. But, as I really began to give her some serious impact, I noticed that she started to have trouble focusing on Brenda.

Since I was thoroughly enjoying the show, so I backed my speed off a little bit, watching Brenda climb again as Gwen really begin to assault her pussy with some of her best tongue tricks. After a few solid minutes, Brenda was cumming again, howling loudly, and as she arched away from Gwen, I picked up speed again, grabbing onto those wonderfully curvy, wide hips and using them to pull her back into me hard. The loud clapping of our flesh filled the room for minutes as she screamed out staccato barks before she clamped down hard, lubing a bit more over my cock, running down my crotch to my balls. I slowed to nearly stopping as I let her climax wash over her.

"Hey, I have an idea," Brenda shot out.

"Yes?" Gwen responded.

"Martin, sit down on the bed," she admonished, directing me to sit against the pillows on the headboard, half reclined.

She quickly guided Gwen to sink down on me reverse cowgirl, and as we started fucking again, she crawled up between our legs and started licking Gwen's clit as we pounded away at each other. Gwen immediately started groaning hard, letting out a "Oh fuuuuccckkkk..."

"Payback," Brenda shot back, and I caught her winking up at her and then giving me a small little evil grin.

As she continued her assault on her pussy, she bent down and gently begin licking my balls. She continued back up, eating her out with enthusiasm, before letting her tongue trail down my shaft and then back to my balls again. By about the fifth time she did this, I was starting to realize my own orgasm was quickly building. I tried to hold off, but the stimulation of the situation and double whammy of the added attention was just way too much to bear, and after a couple more trips, I lost it, rocketing off deep in Gwen's pussy. I was disappointed I couldn't last longer at first, but within about 15 seconds, she climbed aggressively-unusual, she was normally a somewhat slower build-and she tipped over the edge as well, yelling incoherently as she spasmed around me. She collapsed back against me and I grabbed on to her to keep her from slumping over too hard, as her breath continued to work hard in recovery.

After a few more moments, she finally let out a weak "Holy fucking shitballs..."

Brenda laughed and said "Yeah, that's a first for me."

"We have to do that again," she replied, laughing. "How about you Martin? Feel like a repeat of that?"

"Hell yes!" I replied, as both women giggled while we detangled from each other. I leaned over and kissed Gwen, then Brenda, and they reached over and shared a kiss as we got into a comfortable position on the bed, one on each side of me.

"Now I wish I'd brought my strap-on," Gwen mused. Brenda arched her eyebrow.

"Yes, I have one. I was thinking of having Martin do me up the ass while you fill the other hole."

"I have a vibrator," Brenda replied. "Also, there's a porn shop about 40 minutes away if you really want one."

"Possible," Gwen mused. "If we don't get to it this weekend, it'll definitely be something fun to do when we come back or when you visit us."

Brenda stopped, and gave her a slow, tender look, her eyes tearing up a bit. She reached over and kissed her lovingly, then gave me one for good measure. "Thank you."

"I should be thanking you," she replied. "I always hoped to meet a great guy, but I surely never thought I'd be able to have fun with his hot mom as well."

"Are you sure this doesn't seem too weird?"

"Meh. Normal is relative."

"I guess. I suppose I just worry about..."

"The future?"


"We can deal with that when it comes." Gwen paused, then looked at me. "What say you, Martin?" "You comfortable with where things are at right now?" They both fixed their gaze on me.

"Ladies, I'm the happiest man alive at the moment. Everything in this moment is perfect. So I don't know about a decade or whatever from now, but for the time being, I'll take all the happiness I can get."

They both giggled and pounced on me. We made out lazily for a bit, before settling back down. Finally, after a few minutes of contented silence of them both snuggled into either side of me, Brenda spoke up.

"We should probably shower. Then I was considering another drink. The night is still young, after all. I want more, and also, I'd really like to see him put it in your ass."

"Mmmm," Gwen moaned. "I like the way you think, Brenda." We all got up, with me Gwen going towards the shower first, and Brenda digging into the cabinet. As she bent over, I came behind her and gently caressed that muscular ass, grinning like a fool at the ridiculous fortune that is my life.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Well written. All of us want you to take this story into more chapters, here's one idea or two. Martin is a senior. In Guen' s advanced Lit class, there is a five foot 6 inch auburned hair girl wearing glasses and three sized to big sweat shirts to class every day. She turns in the best assignments. so she must be studying more than partying. Martin stops by Guen,s class one day, Cammy sees him, he sees her and he is in love, etc,etc, etc.. A cousin looses her mom and dad in a plane crash. She is just 18, and thru a series of events comes to live with them, and bingo!


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Part 3, hopefully

I don’t normally comment on many stories. I thoroughly enjoyed this one and would love to see a part 3 maybe 4. Too see how the relationships develop. Just a thought. Great job!!!

HragsHragsover 4 years ago

Gret story. Really enjoyed reading it. Hope u continue with more chapters

HragsHragsover 4 years ago

Gret story. Really enjoyed reading it. Hope u continue with more chapters

silverisgoldsilverisgoldover 4 years agoAuthor
No plans to continue

At this point, no plans to continue this. I really don't know where I would go with it, TBH. I have a file of starters and ideas I contribute to periodically, and a few ideas for next stories, but this little fantasy is likely done for now, unless I get some flash of inspiration on how to continue it.

chytownchytownover 4 years ago
Very Hot Read****

Nice storyline in between the hot sex. Very entertaining story. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Is this story done?

Really enjoyed this. Are there plans to carry out on?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
My 2 cents

What a lucky guy!! Great story. Thanks for your time and imagination.

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