Calliope's Daddy Ch. 03


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Finally pulling her up to him he caught her hands, "Don't touch your face," his voice was low and stern.

"Yes, Daddy," she whimpered the sticky cum making her wrinkle her nose.

Padraic ripped her flimsy thong from her body and tied her hands behind her back with it before laying her back on a pillow. "Stay exactly like that, I will know if you move," he admonished and quickly pulled on his boxers leaving the door to her room wide open as he went out. Callie could feel the flush of humiliation creep into her cheeks as she watched the open door hoping Miss Bea would not see her.

She lay there for what seemed the longest time, but in reality would barely have been a minute or two before he came back. He had a digital camera in his hand, "You are so beautiful baby, Daddy wants a photo for his desk top and maybe even his wallet," he grinned excitedly as she gasped and the deeper flush made her cheeks even pinker, "You are a perfect little fuck doll, baby. I am so proud of you."

Padraic knelt over her chest taking a close up of her cum and tear streaked face. Callie's mind was in turmoil. She loved the hard hot rough sex, the nasty names he called during each session only made her hotter, but the humiliations like these, and what happened with Miss Delilah made her feel somehow wrong and she looked up at him with confused eyes as he took another snap.

The lost look of confusion only served to heighten his desire. He wanted to be her everything, to have her depend on him for guidance while still thinking for herself in some ways. That look told him her mind was trying to work out her feelings and yet asking for help. He checked the pictures and happy with what he had he smiled down at her.

"You are amazing, Calliope. You make me very happy," she could hear the joy in his voice as he picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. Let's get you cleaned up and we can have some lunch.

Padraic washed her face softly, then rinsing out the cloth he cleaned her cunt thoroughly, smiling at her the whole time as he talked of remembering the zebra she used to drag around with her as a small child. "What will you call him?" he asked as he swiped at her sensitive clit with the cloth.

Callie squeaked and pursed her lips, "Hm, Zeb, Zigzag, Ziggy? How about Zeus?"

Padraic laughed as he fixed her dress back into its proper place, "You don't have to decide now." Picking her up her took her back out to the kitchen.

Callie squirmed in his arms, "I can walk you know, Daddy?"

"Yes, baby, but Daddy likes to hold you close," he kissed her and sat her on a stool as he walked into the kitchen to see what there was for lunch.

Bea came bustling in, "Out of the kitchen you," she shooed at Padraic with a dish cloth, "Cooking is the one part of this job I really like and you are never home for me to cook for normally. I didn't think you were ever going to surface from that room though," she smirked as Padraic sat back down at the bench beside Callie.

Padraic shrugged, "What can I say? My baby is amazing," he stroked her cheek with the back of his hand and she blushed, "I just can't get enough of her." Padraic jumped up as a thought occurred to him. "I'll be right back." Bea raised an eyebrow at Callie who lifted her hands and shrugged.

Padraic came back in holding his camera, "You have to see this, simply gorgeous!" he effused walking around the kitchen bench to show Bea the photos he took of the Callie's blushing cum splattered face.

"She is so cute Paddy. You're lucky you found her first," Bea nudged him good naturedly.

"Don't I know it," she smirked and looked over at the girl of his desire whose face was flamed with humiliation. He walked over and stroked her cheek looking into her eyes, "I am the luckiest Daddy ever." He kissed her smiling mouth.

They ate warm pastry parcels filled with ricotta and spinach or chicken and mushroom as they chatted about mutual friends and events within their lifestyle community. Callie stayed quiet, feeling unusually tired as she tried to keep up with the conversation but failing dismally. During a brief lull in the conversation she spoke up, "Can I go get my presents to look at, Daddy? I have had enough lunch," she smiled sweetly at him.

Padraic eyed her plate critically, "Are you sure baby?"

Callie nodded her head, "Mm hm. It was very yummy. Thank you Miss Bea."

"You sweet girl," Bea grinned, "May call me MamaBea. That means that one day if you are a very good girl I will feed you something special."

Padraic chuckled, "Oh I don't think she is ready for that."

"I said one day, not now you buffoon," Bea laughed with him.

Callie looked between the two of them confused before asking politely, "May I be excused please?"

"Finish your juice first, baby. I will get them for you," Padraic was still chuckling as he got up.

Padraic spread a soft rug on the floor of the dining room near where he was sitting with Bea and placed her zebra, art supplies and diary on top of it. "There you go, baby. You can do some drawing while Bea and I catch up and Daddy can still see his beautiful baby," his voice was full of warmth as he helped her slide form the stool.

Callie sat and picked through the box he had given her, he must have gone to a scrap booking store she thought, there was a vast array of childish stickers, paper and card images as well as the items she asked for. Adding the tags and the two old pairs of panties to the box she flipped open the sketchbook diary and lay on her belly to consider what she could do with it now.

She could hear snatches of conversation from the table but she was lost in her own thoughts and feeling tired. She put her head down on her zebra for just a moment to close her eyes, falling asleep her pencil still in her hand.


Callie half woke as she was picked up and carried into the study, curling into the large cushion of her oversized sized chair she felt the pillow under her head on the armrest and murmured softly as Padraic stroked her face and crooned, "Sleep, baby. Daddy is here." Squirming deeper into the soft cushion Callie drifted deeper into sleep again.

"She is just as I remember her," Carl said as he took in the sleeping girl. Her dress had ridden up exposing her naked bottom and he felt his cock twitch at the sight.

"You wouldn't have thought that a few days ago, if you had seen her," Padraic said quietly sitting at his computer and pulling up her mug shot before turning the screen to Carl.

"My god, I wouldn't have recognised her," Carl was seriously shocked, "What happened to her?"

"Typical story I expect for girls who get arrested. One of her mother's boyfriends ran an exclusive club for gentlemen. He offered her some part time work behind the bar to see how she went. A dancer didn't show one night and he offered the gig and the money. She liked the attention or the money or both but she started taking the offers of extra money for private lap dances. The club was raided and there you go, mug shot."

"Wow," Carl shook his head. "I never would have thought the painfully shy girl I knew would get caught up in that sort of business. I mean I knew she had no home life to speak of but wow and how did you get involved?"

"That's a bit more complicated, you see. I have known Calliope her whole life. I fell out of touch during those high school years when Shelly was with me but I got regular updates and photos," Padraic watched for Carl's reaction but he sat back in his chair impassively waiting to hear the rest.

"Callie is my half brother's child," again he waited for Carl to absorb the fact. Incest of any description was frowned upon by their community. The Daddy Doms each of them knew were private people knowing society would not understand their relationships with their loves, grown women acting like young girls and calling their partners Daddy was irksome to the general public. So they were careful about who they told and the bad press of incest and paedophilia.

"Go on," Carl said as the silence lingered.

"Calliope's mother rang me out of the blue in near hysteria saying she couldn't cope any more that Callie was out of control and needed help. The mother herself was in need of help, so I said that if she checked herself into rehab and went to stay with her parents I would help Calliope," as he heard himself relay the story he could hear how sordid it sounded.

"I had no intentions toward the girl. Hell, I hadn't seen her in years. I was expecting a drug addict, or a well used beaten down whore," he stopped and looked over at the sleeping girl, "What I found was a sassy, feisty young woman who didn't think anyone cared about her. Any time I tried to show her a little kindness that first day she threw it back at me with a string of expletives that would make a wharfie blush," he smiled at the memory.

"A few cakes of soap later and a spanking and she realised she was not winning any battles against me so she tried to seduce me with a half hearted cock sucking," he laughed at the expression on Carl's face, "Oh yes, my friend, she started it and I finished it for her. That little princess learned well that first day that she could not manipulate me, but at the same time she captured my heart. I was totally enchanted and spell-bound by her in that one day."

Looking at Carl he nodded in Callie's direction, "She said she had been virtually on her own since she started high school. You made her feel safe there you know. She speaks of you very fondly, like a port in a storm of a disastrous school life. She didn't want you to know why she got arrested."

"Then let's not tell her I know. It will be hard enough for her to see me as anything more than her old teacher even if you do rejoin the community with her," Carl knew Padraic well. He was a good man even if he had some strange fetishes for a Daddy. Carl had no doubt about the fact that Calliope had captured his heart, she had indeed caught at his a year or so ago. "I would like to still be that indulgent teacher who let her hide in his class room to escape the mean girls at school and be able to tell her what a good girl she is."

Carl pulled his letter of reference from his coat pocket, "I am glad you were able to be honest with me Paddy. Here's the character reference you wanted. It's all done and even notarised. When is the court date?" concern still showed in his voice.

"Monday.It should just be a formality. I spoke to the prosecutor already. A one year good behaviour bond under my guardianship," he smirked.

Carl laughed, "A court enforced submissive contract. That has to be a first!"

"I am not that unscrupulous," Padraic's answering chuckle was full of mirth, "She had already agreed to sign my contract after the court date."

"Why don't you go see if Bea has any more coffee on the go and some of those little cakes she made this morning and I will wake up my sleepy girl so you can catch up with her," Padraic stood up from behind his desk and Carl walked toward the door taking a long look at the sleeping girl. He wished he could have helped her more when she had been at school but it is a fine line for a male teacher to cross between infatuation and something more. He had done the right thing in leaving her alone, he knew it. Part of him was happy for the couple another part of him was jealous and he decided to cultivate the friendship that was springing up again between himself and Padraic.

Padraic moved the desk further out of the way and went to pick up Callie when she rolled over and looked at him with tears in her eyes. "You heard us talking baby?" Padraic asked quietly.

She nodded, "Not all of it but most. You were both laughing so loud."

"Then you know he is not disappointed in you one bit. If anything he feels guilty for not helping you more. Come now baby dry those eyes. You my sweet baby are part of a big family now, with lots of uncles and aunts just like Mama Bea and Carl, and they will all love you for who you are not what you have done." He lifted her face and kissed her lightly, "If you heard most then you know you have captured Daddy's heart and wrapped him around your little finger."

Callie giggled and shook her head, "I don't think that's possible. You don't let me get away with anything!"

"That's because I only want the best for you, baby. I want you strong and healthy and most of all happy," he looked into her now smiling eyes, "You are happy with Daddy now, aren't you? I know a lot has happened in a short time but you are the perfect girl for me, Calliope, and I have so much for you to learn and explore."

"Like what?" she eyes him suspiciously.

"Things you won't like at first like getting a spanking," he chuckled.

"I didn't like the one this morning when you wouldn't play with me after it," she pouted.

"That was for punishment not for pleasure, Callie. You were being a brat this morning and didn't deserve play time," his voice became stern.

"It worked I felt miserable after it," she admitted.

"Good because Daddy doesn't like to punish you. He much prefers spanking you for pleasure too," he winked at her making her smile up at him again.

"Now baby when we go outside I want you to stop worrying. Give Carl a big cuddle and thank him for helping you with the reference. Maybe even sit on his lap for a bit and have a chat. He will like that a lot," Padraic smiled down at her, "You are part of a small tight family group now, Callie, you don't have to worry, okay?"

"Okay Daddy," but she was worried and a little tentative about seeing Mr Lewis again.

Standing up Padraic took her hand and lead her out to the lounge room where Bea and Carl were chatting amiably, "There she is," Carl boomed stand up and holding out his arms to her, "Come give me a cuddle its been far too long, Calliope," he had decided breaking the ice would be up to him and he smiled as he watched her let go of Padraic's hand and walk into his arms cuddling him back as he picked her up.

Sitting back on the couch he pulled her into his lap, "Tell me all about Calliope," he grinned, "It is so good to see you again."

She could see his genuine interest in her and she looked down speaking softly, "I heard you talking to Daddy in there. I know you know what I did," she peeked up through her lashes as she spoke.

"Who cares what you did?" he said emphatically, "The question is, are you a good girl now?"

Callie looked at Padraic before answering, "I am trying really I am, but my bottom seems to turn red an awful lot lately."

Padraic spluttered his coffee and Carl howled with laughter while Bea tried to hide her snickers of delight. Taking a deep breath Carl looked at her, "Sometimes Daddies have to do that to teach a lesson. I am sure you won't get many more. You were always a good girl and a quick learner."

She smiled up at him and frowned slightly she hadn't remembered him being so old. She pictured him in her mind and she realised he had no beard when she knew him and she reached up and touched the well kept short grey beard. "You look older with this," she murmured, "like a Grandpa sort of. I don't remember you being old."

"Oh, sweet girl, I have been old for a long time now," he laughed good naturedly, "Its why I need little girls like you in my life to keep me young and entertained."

"Can I call you Grandpa?"Callie asked unsure of herself or if she was even allowed to ask such a forward question. She looked over at Padraic, who was smiling widely at her as he sat with his coffee. "It's just I don't think I can call you Mr Lewis any more and I have a Daddy and a MamaBea and Daddy says we are all family now, and I have known you a very long time," she ran out of breath and looked up worriedly.

After looking askance at Padraic, Carl lifted her face, "I would be honoured, little one," he said softly and gave her a chaste kiss.

"I think Daddy is happy we are family," she whispered conspiratorially.

Carl laughed and hugged her again, "I am sure of it." Callie squeaked in the strong embrace as Carl chuckled to Padraic, "I can see how you were so captivated so quickly. She is just adorable."

Callie was enjoying the attention lavished on her today, she found herself enjoying the role of little girl that had been pressed upon her two days ago. The idea that she could be loved for just being herself, a bratty young girl, had been thrown away long ago when her mother's drinking had grown worse but these people seemed to encourage it and make her feel special because of it.

Padraic too could see the change in her today. He had seen her potential from the start but the rapid change in her was astounding. All it had really taken was some love and security for her to drop the street wise brashness he had battled with on that first day. It was only then he realised how truly alone she must have been living with her permanently inebriated mother and no father figure.

Their guests left shortly after and Padraic took Callie out onto the back deck to watch the sunset. He had a beer and he let her have the rare treat of a vodka cruiser. The alcopops were harmless really and the bright blue colour made her happy as she sipped it through a straw. Relaxed and happy in each others quiet company, they settled in for the night.

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DevilbobyDevilbobyover 2 years ago

I am still rereading this Ellie I am loving this tale of loss and rescue I know it is an old one but I am keeping my discipline and not jumping ahead I wonder if you still look back at the comments on your older stories, I would think it would still be a valuable exercise, if you were to do that. Anyway thanks for this, I have a door to paint, but when I finish that it's on to chapter 4 for me.

ohmy181ohmy181over 5 years ago

Once again I find myself totally captivated by your story, and like others who had never thought of daddy/daughter relationships you really have opened my eyes to this so once again

Thank you

hornets06hornets06over 7 years ago
Never would have thought

xelliebabex, you truly are a master story teller. I love this one almost as much as I loved the Bella series'. It's funny, I never would have thought I'd be into BDSM, but apparently I am really into the Dom/sub thing more than I thought. Thank you for opening my eyes to this new world.

Twinkie429Twinkie429almost 11 years ago
A must read!

I rarely comment on stories. I usually just give a star rating and move on. But Calliope and her Daddy have captivated me. I love their story. It really is sweet. It reminds me of my relationship with my Daddy. Please keep up the wonderful work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
agreeing with another anom

i too hope that paddy/daddy learned from his past mistakes with shelly. no sharing your little girl in sex clubs and even with friends, nor should he be sexing up another. that can and would lose the trust callie places in paddy. it is clear she needs paddy to herself and needs to feel she is loved. daddy and calli are just too cute together and it would be ashame for daddy to loan his little girl out. and well, calli has no real desire for that since it would only serve to remind her of her past and make her feel like a ho for hire instead of a beloved sub/little girl. imo she seems more of a one daddy type of girl and that is fine by me. personally, this story seems to have daddy pushing his little girls limits, yet at the same time daddy is having to change too. he is having to learn about caring on a deeper level how much callie means to him and that in turn changes just how far he will really push for certain things while remaining a true dom who can and will inforce the law, with a heart of gold.

so paddy/daddy may try that same lifestyle with callie, but i would hope the story would correct that with callie putting her foot down and making daddy realize that that just isn't what she needs from her daddy. moreover, paddy should of figured out that sharing his little girl/s is a dangerous proposition. allowing for people to be in their relationship can lead to jealousy, mistrust, hurt feelings, and yes can cost him once again his loving relationship with yet another sweet girl (the love of his life, callie). so paddy needs a little reality check imo. i guess maybe he didn't learn from his mistake with shelly and swinging. i have a feeling (also based on the writing) that paddy is gonna have to make some consessions about what he finds pleasurable (ie partner swapping) to please callie and ultimatly himself. loving callie and keeping is paramount over any other fetish he has.

spearishspearishabout 11 years ago
Loving your work

I hope he doesn't take the punishment pain lifestyle too far ..or the sharing .Hope he learnt his lesson with Shellly .

taniqndstaniqndsabout 11 years ago

i cant believe how it keeps getting better

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
More Please!

I really like this story...a lot LOL

xelliebabexxelliebabexover 11 years agoAuthor

The next chapter is having a small issue with getting a couple of minor flashback scenes through the submission process, Just thought I would let people who sent me lovely feedback know, the next chapter is on its way just taking a little extra time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
loved this story

I hope you write more soon ..I cant wait to read it

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

the story is amazing! can't wait for the next chapter. loved your mastering bella story too. please do continue and write another one about bella's training also.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
love love love

love the story's so much and please write some more. i will be a reader for life love your writing style. i had to read all 3 before i could go to bed they are that good keep up the GREAT WORK and i hope to see more

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
In love

I love this story, and if it went on forever....I would be so happy. I can't get enough!

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