Captured by Goblins

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Light LitRPG. Female adventurer collapses in a dungeon.
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*All characters are 18+. This is a work of fiction for erotic entertainment only. Real-life sex should always be with enthusiastic consent.*

Copyright 2024 Sastri Vera


[Defense, medium]

[Stamina, low]

[Gear: full armor, sword, bow]

[Items: potions, teleport item, misc loot]

[Stamina, low. Warning: Stamina, low.]

The edges of my vision blinked red. I dragged my overburdened bag another step. If I tossed out that jeweled goblet or silver dinner plate, I could move without using so much stamina, but the exit was so close. Gritting my teeth, I tightened my grip on the bag and kept going.

The light blinked faster.

I paused and glanced around the empty hall. There was still time. I couldn't be caught in a dungeon after dark, but I still had at least an hour. No one ever made it back after the clock hit midnight.

No one ever knew what happened to those people.

Every step cost me stamina, though. I could see the glow of the torches at the entrance. Pausing, I caught my breath and frowned at my bag. There was more than enough for the adventurers guild's entry fee. I should just throw something out.

But was there enough to make them respect me? All the good adventurers were men. The high levels, the rich and famous. If I wanted to make it, I needed to prove I was the best.

The exit was so close. Just a few more steps... All I had to do was leave the dungeon area and I could use this 'teleport home' item.

I should have enough stamina. Come on...

[Stamina, zero.]

Oh, fuck.

The blinking stopped. I collapsed onto the floor. Darkness closed in.


[Defense, light]

[Stamina, full]

[Gear: chest armor]

[Items: none]

"Oh, oh, ungh, ungh!"

Wild shaking woke me. My body scraped back and forth against the rocky ground, my armor and skin getting scratched up.

Light chest armor? What happened to my... oh!

My befuddled brain caught on to the pounding between my legs, the slick sliding of a cock thrusting in and out of my pussy as whoever was taking advantage of my unconscious body plunged deep and hard into me over and over again.

I yelled, my tongue and lips finding a cloth gag in my mouth. I struggled, but my wrists were tied behind my back, and my lower body was pinned by the asshole guy with his incessant rutting. It was too dark to see anything.

Faintly, I was glad I was alive. But I would've appreciated being asked by whoever rescued me--

"Hey! The human's awake!" a reedy voice called out nearby.

Human. Cold fear slithered down my neck. I was still in the dungeon. This was bad. Well, waking up to rape was always bad, but I'd thought it was my rescuer taking his payment from my body. That would've been slightly better. Slightly.

"Yeah! Human, your pussy feels good, thanks for the ride! Haha!"

Now I had an unknown creature driving his thick cock into my embarrassingly wet pussy, with his companion waiting his turn -- or already taken a turn. My inner muscles felt sore like they'd been at this for a while. I groaned and struggled. The few skills I had seemed useless in this situation. I couldn't think of anything to help me get away.

"Ooh, she likes it! The human women always get so nice and hot when they like it!"

The terrible truth was that this creature's cock felt amazing. Big and hard and long, stretching me fantastically. I swallowed another moan and shook my head, trying to communicate that in absolutely no way was I enjoying this. My drenched pussy and twitching inner walls probably gave me away, but that was just my body reacting to the incredible stimulation. The horrible stimulation.

"Ungh! She's way tighter when she's awake. Yeah! Ungh!"

Clenching my teeth into the gag, I wished he was a high-level hunk of an adventurer, some jerk who felt entitled to using my pussy for his pleasure even if he had no regard for me. At least then I'd be out of the dungeon.

At least then I wouldn't be cumming on some monster's cock.

Humiliating pleasure crashed through me as he pounded harder and harder. They laughed as I made desperate little panting noises, and my body twitched uncontrollably. Stupid, stupid body. Ohh, why did this feel good?!

"Hot, tight human pussy... yes, yes, unnngh!" The creature grunted loudly and filled my spasming cunt, his cock suddenly swelling. I shrieked as hot ropes of cum splashed my inner walls. Not only did it feel shockingly good, I was horrified at the possibility of being knocked up by... whatever he was.

"Mmmhh! Mmnnh, mnnhh, nngh!" I yelled and twisted my hips, desperately trying to escape the hot flood of terrible monster semen. He thrust deeper, pumped his cum right into the back of my tunnel.

"Oh, yeah! Her squirming feels so good! Oh! Oh... yeahhh." One last hard hump and he stopped, his cock filling me as he panted. Warm fluids oozed out between us. I grimaced. Disgusting. Although, I wasn't sure if I was more disgusted at myself or him.

There was a clatter to the side as his companion dug through my bag. My eyes had adjusted a bit, but his head was in the bag and it was still too dim to see much. I caught him pocketing a few gold spoons along with the silver bracelet he was already wearing. They could take all of it if they just let me go.

The creature behind me pulled out and patted my ass. "Fuck... come on, let's take her back."

Back? Back where? No, I didn't care. Don't take me anywhere. Dump me at the exit. Let me go!

"Yeah, yeah, the council will love her. We haven't had a pretty female in months! Damned elves always get them first..."

Not the dark elves, then. That was good. They were way beyond my level. Which creatures lived closest to the entrance? Golems? Some of them, but these hands didn't feel like stone or earth. Goblins? They were usually small. Their dicks couldn't possibly be as big as I just felt. Ugh. Identifying monsters by dick, what a great skill.

They tossed me on top of my bag. I bounced along between the two of them, my armor barely protecting my stomach from what felt like that thin silver vase I'd found on a windowsill. Once I got an adventuring license, I wouldn't have to make do with all this random crap. Everyone knew the good loot came from killing bosses. I had a long way to go before I could handle that.

I'd never get there at all at this rate.

Torchlight flickered around the corner. I squinted until I could see my captors.

[Goblin, Northern. Strengths, unknown. Weaknesses, unknown. Penis size, larger than the average goblin.]

Oh, wonderful. I was going to be a walking dicklopedia if I got out of this. That would definitely earn me so much respect.

Or they could always kill me, and all my problems would go away.

This was absolutely a laugh-or-cry situation. Of course, I hadn't considered the third option...

We entered a large chamber, the ceiling rising into shadows, the circular edges filled with rows and rows of seats. Most of them were filled with goblins. I caught a glimpse of wings -- demons? -- tails, fluffy ears, and scales before my captors dumped me in the center of the room. They removed my gag and scurried away.

My bare ass hit the floor. I flushed a bright pink as I squeezed my thighs together. Sure, they were all monsters, but there were a lot of them, and it felt like they were all staring at my naked pussy.

That was the least of my concerns.

Thump! Thump!

"Silence!" roared an orc beside the throne I was facing. The room went silent.

On the throne sat an old, wrinkled goblin, his skin as gray as it was green. He glared down at me. "You are here to answer for your crimes, human. Thievery. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I'm not a thief!" Looting from monsters wasn't stealing. Not in the human world. I glanced at the crowd and winced.

He scowled darker. "Raiding. Pillaging. Looting. What do you call it, human?"

"I... uh..."

The crowd murmured angrily. There were so many of them.

"I believe they call it adventuring, Your Highness," a wealthy-looking goblin called out helpfully.

The orc growled, and everyone shut up again.

Their king sneered. "Adventuring. How quaint. Destroying our homes and taking our property! Are you having a fun adventure, human? Tear off her clothes!"

"No, no, wait!" I cried out, but they ignored me. Goblin guards, bigger than the two who found me, drew their daggers. I was very still while they cut the leather straps off my armor and threw aside the scraps until nothing remained but the rope around my wrists.

That armor hadn't been cheap, and they just cut it up!

[Defense, none.]

No kidding.

Now I was completely naked, my breasts exposed to a crowd of monsters no matter which way I turned. My shoulders hunched, which probably only squished my boobs together.

The goblin king laughed. "How do you like it when we take what's yours? Stupid human! Slap her tits!"

One of the guards cackled and did just that, giving my breasts a good squeeze before leaving a red handprint with a resounding smack. I flinched as the sound echoed.

Around the room, snickers cropped up. The orc didn't silence them this time. He grinned. The crowd grew bolder, laughing and taunting as the guard slapped me again.

Through the noise, the king boomed, "The human is sentenced to the breeding chambers! Take her away!"

The what? They had a what?! I must've misheard. Reading chambers. Maybe he'd said reading chambers, like a library. I'd be forced to dust the shelves or something.

The guards picked me up by my arms and pushed me forward. I stumbled along -- it was that or get dragged. Another goblin joined us. He looked like the one who called me an adventurer. Up close, I could see gold thread woven into his coat, and rubies set into the buttons. That coat would've fetched a nice price.

He walked behind us, occasionally stroking my waist and patting my ass. The guards didn't stop him.

"Um, where are we going?" Maybe this rich-looking goblin was talkative. I glanced over my shoulder as he groped me again.

He winked. "The breeding chambers! I run the human female block. You have lovely wide hips, perfect for breeding."

My face went pale and I stumbled. "Uh, no, there must be a mistake, I'm not-- I mean, why would you even breed humans?!"

Grinning and chuckling, the goblin rubbed my arm in what he probably thought was a comforting manner. "Oh! Well, originally, we just threw all the humans into the whore houses. Tied you up until you couldn't take it anymore. But one of the women popped out a full-blood goblin! You see, sometimes humans breed true. It's a strange phenomenon, but that's why we keep you alive. You should be grateful!"

Grateful... to be a monster breeder?! I was supposed to be killing these creatures one day, not fucking them! Not... making more of them.

He liked hearing himself talk, or took perverse pleasure from horrifying his prisoners, because he continued jovially, "The halflings get tossed into the mines -- we take good care of them, they just have to work, you know." He paused and frowned at me. "Not that you'd understand. You probably haven't worked a day in your life. Thief. Consider this repayment to society -- not your human society, they're all a bunch of murderers and thieves. We're civilized here!"

Huffing angrily, he stomped off ahead. I stared after him in confused disbelief. Rape and slavery was civilized?

The philosophical question flew out of my head as we barged through a set of wooden doors. A cacophony of sounds assailed me. It took a while to sort through them. Slapping. Grunting. Groaning. Moaning.

This cavern was full of women. Human women, all locked in odd pillories, positioned on their hands and knees, bodies raised above the floor. The purpose was immediately clear -- creatures humped behind them while others used their mouths. I couldn't look away from the horrible sight of thick cocks plunging into wet holes.

A glimpse of my fate.

Miserable wailing mixed with low grunting as we continued. My captors took me down a narrow aisle toward an empty station. I struggled, but they were stronger than me, shoving my arms into place, forcing me to bend over, clicking my ankles into metal cuffs. After locking me in, they removed my gag -- only to replace it with some sort of contraption that held my jaws wide open. No biting, then. Or talking.

"There you go. Right where you belong," grunted one of the guards. He smacked my ass, grabbed a handful, and kneaded. There was the sound of clanking and shuffling behind me.

Then he said, "I get her first this time."

He wasn't talking to me. The other guard grumbled and walked in front of me. He started unbuckling his armor.

I yelled incoherently. The sound was lost in the noise all around me. No! Let me go! I tried to scream. All I could do was wriggle my ass, and that had no beneficial effects -- none for me, anyway.

The touch of hot, velvet-soft skin sliding between my legs made me stop moving altogether. I whimpered as the guard tapped my pussy with his cock. Not again. I didn't want another goblin fucking me -- or anyone, especially not like this, helplessly constrained and exposed, just one more of their many humans to breed. I knew it was coming, but it all happened so fast, my head hadn't wrapped around the idea yet.

Not like my pussy was wrapping around the bulbous head of the guard's cock.

"Urrgh! Ahh!" I whimpered as he pushed in a little deeper. "Uh-unh! Unnhh! Uhh--ulp!"

I complained until the goblin in front of me plugged my face with his half-hard shaft.

"They're always so whiny. Let's break her in hard!"

The goblin behind me laughed, grabbed my hips, and said, "Good idea. Relax, human. I'm gonna fuck you now."

Those were not relaxing words. My heart jumped as his fingers dug into my flesh. His cock slid an inch further like he was testing the waters, then the next sound out of me was a yelp.

"Oh, yeah! That's a tight human pussy! Squeeze me harder, yeah!" he shouted as he drove the full, thick length of himself deep inside me with one firm thrust.

All the air left my lungs. My inner muscles clamped down. There was no way I could relax, not with this stretching, burning, horribly incredible invasion between my legs. He felt bigger than the goblins who found me. I trembled as my body tried to adjust around his girth.

The cock in my mouth quickly grew just as big, if not bigger. I hoped these two were particularly large goblins. My poor little pussy couldn't possibly handle many more cocks like these. Or anymore. I had to get out of here. That panicked thought seemed impossible as I twisted my tightly-constrained legs and arms. Not far to my left, a high-pitched shriek dissolved into a long moan. Another human woman was getting impaled on a monster's cock. My pussy twitched in sympathy.

All around me, flesh slapped wetly together, and constricted throats emitted gurgling moans. I wasn't completely sure which of those sounds were my own. One woman screamed in ecstatic pleasure, and a jolt of electric tension raced up my spine. The cock in my pussy suddenly felt amazing -- terribly, horribly good. Thrust after thrust, he felt better and better, my overly cooperative body coating his shaft with copious juices, letting him slide in and out of me effortlessly, wonderfully. Too much. Lightning tingled down my legs, up my chest. I hardly noticed the cock in my mouth pushing into my throat. The sensations between my legs were driving me crazy. I couldn't handle it. I was trembling, whimpering, shaking. Gasping, choking, eyes blurring.

The goblin behind me grunted and groaned. If I were even halfway in my right mind, I would've been disgusted. But all I could do was feel, and all my nerves felt like they were on fire. Hot, burning, beautiful fire. Hotter. He thrust harder. Deeper. Faster. I screamed. Echoing that other woman's noises, I screamed and moaned as my body gave in.

"Oh! She's squeezing! Oh, that feels good! So wet and hot! Fuck, I love humans! Yes, yes, yes!" the goblin groaned as my pussy spasmed wildly along every inch of his shaft, milking him, my body desperately begging for his seed, my hips jerking backward as I tried to get him even deeper inside me.

He felt bigger as my inner muscles clenched. Bigger and better. I moaned and slid my pussy on his shaft. The sensations were unbelievable. I'd never felt a cock jerk against my inner walls like this before. It was like a silky hammer on the most sensitive spot inside me. Tap, tap, smack, smack.

And the heat! Maybe goblins had a higher body temperature than humans, or just their cum did, or I was just that sensitive -- but the wet heat of his cum pouring into my pussy was impossibly good. My hips rolled, and I didn't want to stop myself. I didn't want him to stop thrusting in the back of my tunnel, pumping his cum into my pussy, giving me every last drop of his hot sperm, and... and... breeding me?

Wait. No. Oh fuck no.

But I couldn't even say 'no' with my mouth stretched open and full of goblin cock. I had no choice but to take more and more spurts of cum, feeling it ooze out onto my thighs as my pussy overflowed. There was so much of it, so much virile goblin sperm searching for my fertile womb.

One of the more experienced female adventurers had hinted at a contraceptive spell before I headed out. I'd laughed and told her I wasn't planning on fucking the monsters. Maybe I should've listened.

As soon as the goblin behind me pulled out, his partner moved from my mouth to my pussy. I groaned at the slippery stretching. Another goblin stepped up and stuck himself past my lips. This one kinda just thrust gently, keeping his cock warm and wet until the goblin behind me finished. That didn't take long. I soon felt a gush of hot fluids deep in my belly. The second guard used my mouth pretty hard; he must've worked himself up waiting for his partner to cum.

[Stamina, half.]

A faint yellow tinted the edges of my sight. Getting fucked used stamina? It never had before. Then again, I'd never had so many dicks before.

My third -- no, wait, fifth goblin of the night plunged into my overused hole. Globs of creamy fluids dripped down my thighs with every thrust. Maybe I wouldn't get pregnant today. Maybe not even tomorrow. But I was up against a very short timer if I wanted to escape without a goblin's baby in my belly.

With that dreadful thought in mind, I got a glimpse of a line of monsters waiting to fuck me. My pussy clenched.

Correction. A monster's baby. There weren't just goblins. It looked like the busy time of the breeding chambers as more creatures wandered around the room, examining each human and picking one -- or more -- to play with. My line was one of the longest. I didn't have the stamina for all of them!

As the cock in my mouth pulled out and saliva trailed down my chin, the next creature leaned over and smiled at me. "Hmm, a new female? Well, well. Hello, sweetie."

Red eyes held mine captive as he wiped my lips with a handkerchief. His skin was purplish-red and unlike any monster I'd seen before. With those eyes, he might've been a demon, but he had no wings.

I whimpered and groaned, begging for help with my eyes. He was a monster, but he was the first to show any bit of kindness.

"Hush, love, hush," he cooed as he swiped the cloth over my chin. "There, that's better. Let's see what you can take, now. I'd say open wide, but, ah... heh."

He straightened and presented me with his cock. No, there'd be no help here.

[Incubus, Northern. Penis size, average to large.]

The second his dick touched my lips, I knew what he was. Maybe because I could see the creature using me this time. Fascinating, completely useless information. I needed to know how to get out of here, not how big his cock was!