Captured in Amber

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Carol finds people are suddenly attracted to her.
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Captured in Amber

A short story by jokermon (J.K. Ermon)

This is a work of erotic fantasy fiction. It is not meant to reflect any actual people, events or medical conditions. It contains explicit futanari (hermaphrodite) content. If that's not your thing, don't read it. If it is unlawful for you to read this type of material where you reside, don't read it. If you are not old enough to lawfully read this type of material according to your local laws, don't read it. This story is copyright the author©2009.

Cynthia inhaled deeply, leaning in close.

"Mmmm," she said with her eyes closed in bliss, "what is that beautiful scent you're wearing?"

Carol started. She'd been typing the financial report at a good clip, the words flying across her screen. Now all of a sudden her boss's assistant had invaded her cubicle and broken her groove.

"Nothing." She felt like waving her away. Shoo, fly. "I'm not wearing anything."

"Are you sure?" Cynthia sniffed again, and a dreamy smile spread over her usually pinched features. "It's goooood."

Cynthia loomed over her. It unsettled Carol. This was unlike Cynthia; ordinarily, she was the one to be standoffish and touchy about her personal space.

"Yes, I'm sure. Cynthia, please, I'm busy here."

"Okay." Cynthia walked away reluctantly, still savoring the unknown fragrance. Carol risked a discreet whiff of herself, but smelled nothing. She shook her head and resumed typing. In a few minutes she had forgotten the interruption.


Two hours ahead of schedule, Carol dropped the hard copy of her completed report on Sarah's desk.

"Oh great," her boss enthused, picking it up. She flipped through it, nodding and tapping notes on her digital notepad. "Excellent. Excellent."

Carol smiled, feeling the tension uncoil and dissipate in her tummy. It had taken a lot of evenings and weekends, but she was proud of the finished product.

All of a sudden, Sarah stopped. She looked at Carol.

"What is that delightful perfume you're wearing?"

She started, remembering Cynthia. "I'm not--I didn't put on anything."

"New shampoo? Lotion maybe?" Sarah drew in a deep breath and closed her eyes. "Oh my. That's wonderful."

"No, nothing."

Carol was more than a little taken aback when Sarah got up and walked over. Her boss leaned down to smell her. She was much closer than Carol was comfortable with, and she had no idea what to do.

Sarah's famous bosom hung directly in Carol's face. Ordinarily, Sarah wore conservative power suits, but her breasts were big enough to jut through them. Her tits were the talk of the company. Many of the male employees commented on the fact that no one on Sarah's team was male, and called that a damn shame. Sarah had the brains of a Math prodigy, the sculpted face of a fashion model and the lush body of a 50's pin-up. Only her staff knew she also had the personality of a pocket calculator.

In her own department, when none of the other partners were around, Sarah tended to let her blazers hang open and undo her blouses' top buttons. The gossip around the office, particularly vicious where Sarah was concerned, often suggested she removed her bra, too.

Carol could now attest to the truth of that rumor. True to form, Sarah had her blouse partially undone, and the cleavage presented to her was breathtaking. The movement of Sarah's big breasts was clearly unhindered by any brassiere.

"Oh, that's niiiiiiiice." Sarah's voice had the same spellbound quality that her assistant demonstrated earlier. As a matter of fact--Sarah cheeks were reddening, her nostrils flaring, and her eyes had closed.

She looks like she's having a wet dream, marveled Carol.

Sarah's lips parted slightly. Her tongue slid out lazily and licked them.

An unexpected erotic jolt shocked Carol. She was amazed at the strength of it--it was almost like a tiny orgasm. The flicker of electricity between her thighs was unreal. She could see that Sarah's nipples were erect and punching through her blouse. Her own stiffened in sympathy.

"I'm not wearing anything different." Carol made her voice harsh, and it broke the spell. Sarah drew back slightly, and Carol shot to her feet.

"Do you need me for anything else, Sarah?" she asked, backing away. "I've got...kind of a headache and I was thinking of leaving early..."

"Oh...sure." Sarah made a vague gesture. "I'm fine here. You put us ahead of schedule. Take the rest of the day, go ahead."

"Thanks." Carol lurched off to the nearest washroom. Her panties were wet. It was confounding. She thanked heaven the Ladies' room was deserted, and locked herself in a stall.

Carol lifted her skirt and pulled down her soaked underwear. She gasped and stared. Her clitoris had swollen to at least three times its normal size. It looked almost as big as the end of a pickle. A big, flushed, hot-pink pickle. She gave herself an experimental touch and an involuntary shudder ran through her. Whoa!

Of its own accord, her index finger began to rub in tiny circles.

I could come right here, she thought dizzily. Just a few more rubs...

Appalled, she shook her head and snatched up a handful of toilet paper. She dabbed herself dry, wincing and trying not stimulate herself too much.

What in God's name is happening to me? I've never swelled up that big, ever! And because of my stupid boss?

A few minutes later she had her breathing and her emotions under control. Her clitoris was almost back to its regular size. She put her soiled panties in her purse and went straight home.

Later that night, as she undressed for bed, she went over what happened at work. She couldn't account for it. She never wore perfume, and she hadn't changed the herbal body wash she used in the shower. She hadn't even switched laundry detergents or the anti-static towelettes she bought for the dryer.

Even harder to account for was her reaction to Sarah. Carol was in between boyfriends, as she liked to say, and admittedly feeling pretty sexually deprived; but she'd never had such a powerful response even to one of the male celebrities she occasionally fantasized about. Never mind a woman. What was that all about?

She sighed and shelved it all for the night. As she removed her blouse and dumped it in the laundry hamper, she noticed the pendant between her breasts in her bedroom mirror, and reflected that the only thing different today was her jewellery. Today was the first day she'd worn her new gold pendant to work.

Carol removed her bra and considered the new pendant, nestled in her modest cleavage on the end of a slim gold chain. She liked the way it gleamed against her breasts and threw gold highlights upon them. It emphasized their roundness and made her C-cups look bigger.

The pendant was the size of a silver dollar, and had a single piece of amber set at the center of some odd-looking runic design. It was exotic but understated and she liked it. Wearing it made her feel good. More confident, somehow. Prettier.

She'd inherited it from some obscure Great Aunt from the old country. The pendant had gone to her grandmother in Orlando first, but for some reason she hadn't wanted it. Her mother had mentioned that things hadn't been good between her grandmother and Great Aunt. They'd fallen out before Grandma came to the states and never reconciled. Her mother had Fedex'd the pendant to her, and it had arrived just the day before.

Looking at it now, she could feel sensuality stealing over her again. She thought how sexy it would be to touch herself in the mirror, watch every nuance of her own arousal in her own face all the way to orgasm.

Jesus. She shook her head almost angrily. This was not like her at all. She had a much firmer grip on herself than this. She had goals, focus, and a real plan for her life: full partner by 30. You didn't achieve that by letting your feelings run you. She unclipped the chain from around her neck and dropped it on her night table. She switched off the lights and slipped into bed. She refused to acknowledge the yearning pang of regret she felt deep in her guts at removing the pendant.


Carol woke refreshed and happy after a wonderful night's sleep. She emerged from the shower and found herself reaching for her pendant even before bothering with her underwear. She hesitated, but decided that she liked it, and that was all that mattered. As she clipped it in place, a sense of well-being stole over her. Perhaps it was only her imagination, but she half-believed she caught a whiff of some exotic scent as it dropped down between her breasts, something that teased the nostrils with a delicate, sweet pungency. She paused and sniffed hard, but there was nothing. She shrugged, nodded to her reflection with a smile, and began rummaging for the new day's outfit.

She strode into work dressed more provocatively than usual. For some reason, that clingy stretch-cotton mini-skirt hadn't seemed quite so intimidating today. Even though her butt and legs were plumper than she would really prefer, slipping it on had just felt right. Likewise the sexy bikini panties and lack of bra.

She could feel eyes, male and female, following the bounce of her snugly-sheathed behind and all the jiggling up front. Rather than make her feel exposed or self-conscious, the attention boosted her good spirits and confidence. Hey, look at me world, I'm gorgeous, she sang in her head.

Even when Cynthia stopped by her desk again, it didn't dampen her spirits.

"There it is again," her boss's assistant sighed, breathing in deeply, "that scent is so wonderful."

"I guess it must be me," Carol gave her a tolerant smile. "Because I'm not wearing any perfume."

"Mmmm, maybe it is you," murmured Cynthia. "If that's the case-"

Cynthia bent down and licked the side of Carol's neck.

Carol froze. That...didn't... just happen.

She turned to look incredulously at Cynthia, who looked equally stunned. Oh shit oh shit what the hell did I just do her expression said.

"I--I need to be somewhere," Cynthia blurted, and bolted from Carol's cubicle.

Carol took a breath. Her heart was pounding, and Cynthia's tongue had sent involuntary tingles over her skin. Once she caught her breath, she had to fight back an absurd fit of giggles. The side of her neck was wet and she dabbed it dry with a surreptitious Kleenex.

Well, that was...certainly different.

The prickle between her legs was back and realized her clitoris had swelled up again. She glanced down and could actually see a bulge where it pressed through her skirt.

Oh, for heaven's sake. For some odd reason her predication struck her as funny rather than alarming. On impulse, she gave her bulge a light squeeze.

A jolt of sexual pleasure rocked her. Ooh, that felt good! Her clitoris grew visibly bigger, and that luscious engorged feeling down there intensified.

She took another breath. All right, that's enough. If I grow any bigger I'll need a jockstrap or something.

Carol focused on typing her email to the office supply company. It was boring, routine, unsexy work. After a while she calmed down and that odd feeling faded from between her legs. When she looked down the bulge was gone.

Thank God. That felt really...thick, there.

She shook her head and smiled. She supposed she should have felt alarmed at the unusual way her body had...changed, but it seemed her upbeat mood couldn't be shaken. She found herself humming as she moved on to the other items in her Inbox. In one idle moment between items, she caught herself speculating on how big her clitoris could actually get if she really let herself go. She refocused before she could get too distracted.


It was ten minutes to quitting time when she received the email.

Carol, I need to go over something real quick. See me in my office asap.

- Sarah.

Oh crap.


"Hi Carol, I was wondering, can you maybe integrate our July figures into your report?"

Sarah's hair was down, and she seemed more dazed and distracted than usual.

"Sure." Shit woman, why didn't you ask for this two weeks ago? "It'll just take an hour or so to update the style sheets."

"Great." Sarah's delicate nostrils twitched. "Ahh, there's that wonderful fragrance again." She inhaled deeply and hungrily. It made Carol think of someone doing a line of cocaine.

"I don't know what it is," Sarah mused in a faint voice, "but I haven't been able to get it out of my head. It makes me feel so..."

She trailed off with a shrug and a giggle, like a girl half her age. Carol gave her a bland smile. "I still don't know what everyone's talking about."

Sarah went on like she hadn't heard her. "It's just so...irresistible."

Carol tried not to roll her eyes when her boss came over to stand next to her again. Sarah bent down and brushed her nose against Carol's neck. It tickled. Her top buttons were undone, and those fleshy footballs were practically spilling out of her shirt. No bra again today. They bumped against her, and Carol found their warmth and softness...titillating.

My, Sarah is a lot more interesting when she's horny.

Her bosses' closeness didn't bother Carol so much today. She found her panting arousal oddly endearing. And a little exciting.

Carol reached up and caressed the side of Sarah's neck, just to tease her. Her boss shuddered and moaned. It was comical. The woman looked like she was in an erotic trance.

Carol ran her fingers through Sarah's long hair, sifting its luxuriant thickness between her fingers. She'd always wanted to do that. The woman made an anxious whining sound. Her eyes were closed and her lips parted. Carol touched her full lower lip with her index finger, and Sarah promptly sucked it into her mouth.


The woman sucked her finger, and folded her tongue around it. Her head slid back and forth. That's interesting.

Carol realized she was just as flushed as her boss. She felt that strange swelling between her legs again, only now it was surging forth in a sudden, powerful rush. Her clitoris bloated to a delicious fullness unlike anything she'd ever felt. It grew bigger and bigger, and Carol's heart began to pound. She felt a wildness enter her.

On impulse, Carol squeezed one of Sarah's big breasts through her silk blouse. Her boss moaned her approval. Carol hefted it, watched it bounce in her palm. She kneaded it, savoring its size and softness. She'd always wanted to do that, too. She slipped her finger out Sarah's mouth so she could squeeze both of them.

Sarah moaned again. She ran her palms over her forehead and neck like a fevered woman and stood there whimpering while Carol fondled her.

Carol calmly unbuttoned the other woman's blouse. Sarah made no protest. Carol tugged on the shirttail to free it from the skirt, and then threw it open.

Sarah's time at the tanning salon had certainly paid off. Carol feasted her eyes on Sarah's sumptuous, evenly-tanned nudity. Aside from a sprinkling of freckles just below her collarbone, her bosses' golden skin was smooth and unblemished. Uncovered, her breasts actually seemed bigger and Carol didn't hesitate to cup them. Her areolas were broad, slightly darker than the rest of her, and puffed with arousal. Carol squeezed, and watched Sarah's nipples ballooning up between her fingers.

Carol felt like there was some force pulling her mouth forward, and she didn't fight it. She leaned forward began to suck on her bosses' thick, stiff-bloated nipples. Mmmmm.

Sarah choked, and several spasmodic little shivers went through her.

Did she just come? The thought registered in Carol's amazed brain: I think I just made her come.

She realized she could smell Sarah's arousal; an intoxicating mixture of sea-salt and musk. Carol closed her eyes and sucked. The taste and stiff rubbery texture of her nipples were delightful. Sarah moaned loudly in response.

There was an enormous, hot, throbbing presence between Carol's thighs. She could feel mass and wetness where there was nothing moments ago. She paid it no mind just yet. She knew, at the back of her mind that she would have to deal with it eventually, but she also knew she didn't have to, just yet.

Right now, more than anything else, Carol needed to see Sarah naked. She disengaged, and yanked down the other woman's skirt. To her amazement, a small, neatly-trimmed brunette triangle revealed itself. Sarah wore no panties, either.

"You slut," exclaimed Carol delightedly.

Sarah responded with a stifled giggle and a helpless half-shrug that might have been agreement. Her eyes were very wide, and her pupils so dilated that Carol could hardly see any blue. Her rapid-fire pulse fluttered like butterflies' wings on the side of her throat.

Carol peeled Sarah's shirt away and tossed it on her desk. With Sarah's assistance she got that tight skirt all the way down and off as well. Aside from her black heels and lace-topped mid-thigh stockings, Sarah was naked.

She drank her in. The sight of Sarah's nude and vulnerable body lit a crazy, aggressive fire in Carol. She wanted to touch and lick and bite her all over. She ran her hands over all that bare skin. Everywhere she touched was warm and soft and smooth.

Mmmm, sexy sexy sexy.

Carol had to admit Sarah's body was gorgeous. Not only were her breasts spectacular, she had big, muscular legs and a firm, prominent ass. Carol squeezed that tempting rump, and gave it a slap. Sarah squealed. Carol smoothed her palm down over a nearly-flat tummy and ran her fingers through the fine curls of Sarah's pubes. She cupped the softness of her mound. She slipped a finger up into the snug, burning morass of her vagina and wiggled it around. Sarah gasped at the intrusion, and uttered a helpless moan.

Carol pulled her finger out, and saw it glistening. Without thinking, she put it in her mouth and sucked it. Sarah's juices were sharp and tangy. The taste inflamed her; her eyes closed, and she could feel her eyeballs rolling behind her lids.

I need to get naked, too. The thought came firm and unarguable. Carol stood, and Sarah gave a gasp so sharp and so loud it was almost a scream. Carol looked down and saw what Sarah saw: a zucchini-sized bulge stretching out the front of Carol's skirt.

In a trance, Carol lifted up her skirt. Something leaped out. The upward force of its emergence had pushed down the elastic waist of Carol's panties, allowing it to thrust out into the open air.

It was a penis; an enormous erect penis right down to its peeled-back foreskin and gleaming fuchsia dome. The soft flesh of her gingery pubic mound rose forward into this broad, muscular stalk that bobbed and throbbed out to at least a foot in front of her. It was the same hot pink color as her clitoris; it was her clitoris, grown to unimaginable size and...changed.

Sarah staggered back against her desk and leaned against it, her palms on the blotter. She panted, staring with glassy eyes between Carol's legs. Carol didn't even notice; she was too caught up in her own little drama.

Cautiously, Carol reached down and grasped this fat new appendage. It was part of her; its width prevented her thumb from reaching her fingers, but she could feel her hand on it, feel the pulse of blood within it. It felt good. It thrummed with erotic power and sensitivity.

She gave it an experimental stroke, and gave a shivery sigh; an outer sheath of hot, veiny skin slid pleasurably over a solid, sinewy hub. It was just like any other penis. Any other fucking enormous penis, she thought with crazed hilarity. A clear drop of pre-seminal fluid appeared at the tip as she did. She could feel its wetness, feel it ooze out of her.

Carol felt something else different, and when she reached under its shaft (her shaft), she thought she might faint when she felt the soft fleshy bag of a scrotum. The testicles (her testicles, she realized) were almost, but not quite the size of billiard balls. She cupped them, and they rolled around in her sac with complete naturalness. It felt nice to fondle them. She gave them a light squeeze, and that felt good too, albeit with a faint achy warning that squeezing any harder might hurt.