Carl Is Auctioned

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Carl is displayed ready for bids at a society auction.
4.8k words

Part 10 of the 10 part series

Updated 05/17/2024
Created 10/26/2023
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'How do you feel about charity work, Carl, dear?'

It was a strange question to wake up to, especially seeing as Doreen had clearly already had Carl's penis in her mouth while he slept: her lipstick was on it, there was precum on her face and Carl had been having the most sensuous dream in which he was fucking (he didn't know who) but clearly in the real world, it had been Doreen's mouth.

'Erm, I think it's good,' said Carl... referring to the charity work as Doreen licked her lips, licked the end of Carl's hard penis and sat up to look at him.

'Because I have been approached... we have been approached to help at a charity event in aid of a local... oh, I can't remember what, but a local something. It's tonight and I've rented a tuxedo for you to wear.'

It seemed strange to Carl that Doreen should be so keen to help with a charity that she wasn't even familiar with so he assumed it was the event she was interested in rather than the actual charity work. Whatever. Carl did as he was told at all times and if it meant serving at a charity dinner or showing people to their seats, then that was OK with him.

The day passed in its usual way, albeit with an air of excitement emanating from Doreen. She gave Carl his morning milking on the dining room table, collecting his sperm in a jar, then gave him his usual shower, inspecting him for hairs with more than usual thoroughness. But, when it came to his afternoon milking, she just said that they were going to skip it and that Carl should have another shower to make sure he was extra fresh for the dinner.

When he came back from his unsupervised shower, Doreen was sitting on his bed already done up in a long dress, her hair up, more make-up than Carl had ever seen on her and smelling strongly of perfume. She was there to watch as he put on the clothes she had arranged for him. First, there were underpants. Real underpants! Not pouch-panties! Yes, they were small and tight and stretchy and when he put them on you could see every last contour of his semi-erect cock (Carl's cock was always semi-erect if someone was looking at it and, as Doreen was always looking at it, it was pretty much permanently in a state of arousal) but underpants was a real first.

Over the underpants he pulled tuxedo trousers -- again tight enough that you could make out both balls and the shaft and head of his penis in them. Then the shirt, jacket, socks, shoes and finally, the bow tie. Carl had never tied one before so Doreen stood on a little stool and made a fuss of getting it just right.

'You look so handsome!' she said, drinking in the effects of her work. He caught himself in the full-length mirror she always encouraged him to look in but which, in reality, he barely ever used. He had to admit, he looked alright. Especially when she brushed some sort of goop through his hair so it sat down in a way that looked old-fashioned but quite cool.

A taxi arrived, they climbed in, Doreen -- as usual -- kept her hand proprietorially on Carl's thigh, high on Carl's thigh so that his penis was already twitching in the tuxedo trousers. But then that really was the purpose of the hand...

The event was seriously sophisticated and held in the local Masonic Hall, where Carl had never been before. A lady at a lectern greeted them at the door, checked a list and said, 'Oh, you're very welcome...' with a bit of a leer to Doreen, while giving the extra-handsome Carl the once over. She then waved them towards an area where people were standing with glasses of champagne.

Carl had never drunk anything in Doreen's company before -- barely in his life before -- but she took a glass of champagne from a tray that was being circulated by a waitress and handed it to him. Shouldn't he have been passing around these trays? He thought he was supposed to be working this party. As they stood drinking, or sipping, people came over and said hello to Doreen and thanked her for her kind contribution - which she waved away modestly - all the while looking Carl up and down. Strange, thought Carl, that she should have given money to a charity when she couldn't remember what it was. And strange that so many of the people here were women.

There were a few men dotted around the room but the majority were women of various ages -- from around Carl's age, 19, to older women more Doreen's age -- all done up in sparkly dresses, elaborate hairstyles, evening make-up. And, Carl supposed, seeing as there were so many women and so few men, that would explain why he was getting so much attention. And maybe the reason some of the attention was physical, as in touching: his arm, the base of his back, his buttocks... one older woman, while talking to Doreen, even smoothed her hand across his fairly obvious bulge, which Doreen allowed.

Sophie, Doreen's friend from the notorious coffee morning, the woman who ran the life-drawing class that Carl had posed at, came over to say hello and introduce the only other man Carl's age at the whole event.

'This must be Kevin,' said Doreen, appraising the young man, who was tall but not as tall as Carl, well-built going by the breadth of his shoulders and dark where Carl was fair. His hair was slicked back like Carl's but was almost black as were his eyebrows while his eyes were so dark it was difficult to tell whether he was looking at you or not.

'Oh, very nice, Sophie,' she said, her eyes still running up and down Kevin. 'He's your neighbour, isn't that right?' Sophie nodded. 'And I hear that you've already had a few adventures together, Kevin...' Kevin blushed and nodded, avoiding Carl's gaze. The moment was embarrassing for the young men, both of whom hung their heads. Looking down, Carl couldn't help but notice that, like his own, Kevin's trousers were almost skin-tight so you could see all the details of their contents.

After a few minutes of this -- Doreen and Sophie small-talked excitedly, Carl and Kevin stayed silent and smiled -- a little gong was sounded and people started to drift in to a huge room laid out with round tables.

'Well, we will see you later, Sophie. Kevin,' said Doreen, putting on airs, Carl thought. The boys nodded at each other and each taking the arm of the older woman they were escorting, moved into the dining room. At the entrance was a board with a map of the tables and names on and Doreen quickly worked out that they were on one of the front tables, right near the stage. She must have donated a fortune, thought Carl.

Taking their seats, Carl noticed that on the next table, equally close to the stage were Sophie and Kevin. And like Carl's table, that table had only one man, which was Kevin. The women all took a keen interest in Carl and, he could see when he glanced over, in Kevin. 'You look so handsome in your tux!' 'Have you been to a formal dinner like this before?' 'How long have you known Doreen?' 'How did you meet?'

A lot of these questions were fielded by Doreen who spoke of Carl with great pride, occasionally looking at him and rearranging an imaginary hair or brushing an imaginary piece of lint from his sleeve. It was her way of showing ownership, Carl realised by now.

The waitresses arrived carrying bottles of red and white wine. 'Have a little white, dear,' said Doreen, noticing that Carl was wondering if he was allowed. The waitress poured, looking at him rather than the wine, which disconcerted him. Then more waitresses came out with plates containing the starter, some sort of pâté served with a triangular piece of toast.

While Carl was still eating, the woman from the lectern on the way in came over and whispered something to Doreen, then went over and had a similar exchange with Sophie. 'Carl, dear, they're ready for you backstage now,' said Doreen.

'Sorry? What do I have to do backstage,' asked Carl, surprised by this sudden interruption to the evening.

'Oh, they'll let you know. Just follow Kevin and the lady...'

Carl got up and, joining Kevin as he stood up from his table, followed the woman who was walking officiously around the stage to the side. 'Do you know what's happening?' Carl said to Kevin under his breath as they went. 'No idea,' answered Kevin, sounding equally hesitant. 'It looks like we're about to find out.'

Once backstage -- just a curtain separated the backstage from the main room and to one side there were some steps up to the side of the stage -- they were directed to some plastic chairs and sat side by side. Both felt like they wanted to talk, to bond, but the nervousness had got the better of them and they just sat silently, looking around, wondering what was coming next.

The woman from the lectern came back, adjusting a microphone headpiece as she walked towards them. She was around 45, blonde, in a tight trouser suit with elaborate make-up. Not exactly pretty but the clothes and the hair and the make-up made her seem like someone from TV.

'Here are my gorgeous boys,' she said, patronisingly, as she approached. 'Look how handsome you are. Stand up. Let me look at you...'

And it wasn't just a turn of phrase: once they were on their feet, she took each by the opposite shoulder and spun them in opposite directions while she took in their faces, their bodies, their bulges, their backsides. 'Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous,' she said, facing them and reaching round to give their buttocks a squeeze. 'And so young!'

Carl could see Kevin was as embarrassed by this as he was, the two of them burning in the face. 'Now, are you ready?' said the lady, holding the earpiece closer to her head and looking around at various people and mouthing things to them.

'Ready for what, Miss?' said Kevin.

'Miss? How sweet! That is adorable,' she cooed, not answering the question.

'What would you like us to do, Miss?' asked Carl, hoping that being more direct with her might work.

'Oh, you'll see,' she said with a smirk. 'Kevin, you'll come on first, so listen for your name... that lady there will give you a sign. And then you, Carl, when your name is called.'

And with that some music started and she marched up the stairs, her face becoming animated the minute the lights from the stage hit her. The woman who was to cue them for their onstage appearance came over. She was short, fat and unattractive and also had a headset and seemed to be talking to someone else as she too appraised the two young men, running her hand over their bellies, their buttocks, their groins. 'Ooh, very nice,' she muttered, whether it was to them or the person on the other end of the headset. 'You should do very well indeed.'

Just then the word 'Kevin' was audible and the woman took Kevin by the elbow and led him to the foot of the stairs to the stage. 'Just go up, walk towards her and she'll do the rest...' she said. Kevin looked at Carl. He looked as nervous as Carl felt. Then started to go up...

'Nothing to be nervous about,' said the woman, still mauling Carl around the backside and under the balls. 'Not for someone like you.'

Someone like him? What did that mean? He thought he was coming to maybe hand round some canapés or pour a glass of wine, now he was waiting to go up on stage to... he didn't know what.

After what seemed like an age, he barely caught his own name and the woman grabbed his elbow and, like Kevin, led him to the side of the stage, where she gave him a shove on his arse. He started going up, his heart beating hard, wondering what it could be that they wanted of him on a stage at a huge charity event...

'And here he is,' said the lady, as he arrived at the side of the stage. 'The famous Carl.'

Famous? What did she mean?

'You've seen the pictures, you've enjoyed the video, you may even have been lucky enough to try out one of the replicas...' Carl burned with shame. 'You may even have had a grab of the legendary penis or a taste of the famous milk...' What was this? Why were they humiliating him like this? 'But tonight you are going to experience Carl as you've never experienced him before...'

There was a tinkle of laugher and a little round of applause and, looking round, almost for an escape, he could see that pictures of him naked were being flashed up on screen. Close ups of his cock with precum leaking out, his balls with some female hand on them, his hole with a woman's finger disappearing into it... Pictures he wasn't even aware had been taken now on a huge screen for everyone to see.

The woman indicated that he should go over and join Kevin so he stepped into the glaring light and made his way over to Kevin, who looked equally shamed - goodness knows what had been shown on the screen of him.

'And now we need to thank the women behind the men, the ladies who have donated these two beautiful specimens for tonight's auction...' said the lady into her mic, receiving a round of applause and a couple of whoops. Well, at least Carl and Kevin now knew what was in for them.

Doreen and Sophie made their way up onto the stage to clapping and cheering and, squinting in the light and shielding their eyes from it, went to stand by their respective boys. 'So...' said the woman looking down at her notes, 'Doreen, is it? Tell us something about Carl, seeing as we are going to be bidding on him this evening.'

'Well, he's very obedient,' started Doreen, to a ripple of applause. 'As you can see he's very well built... especially in some areas, but then you all saw the pictures. And, well, he's just a really lovely boy.' Another round of applause.

'And Sophie, what can you tell us about the boy you've brought along?'

'This is Kevin. He has modelled for me in my life-drawing class and as well as liking to show off his beautiful body...' Carl looked from the side of his eye and saw Kevin burning with shame, 'he does as he's told and never says no.'

'A quality we all like in a young man,' laughed the presenter through a smattering of applause. 'And now, just to change things up a bit... We obviously want to see the goods but I'm going to ask you, Sophie, to undress Carl and you, Doreen, to show us more of Kevin...'

Carl saw the women look at each other and smirk with anticipation before changing places and looking up at their new boys.

'First let's remove these ties...' said the woman with a flourish, obviously warming to her role as a hostess. Both Carl and Kevin leant forward to the much shorter women and looked them close in the face as they fiddled with the bow ties, eventually holding them up like prizes.

'Now, let's get these jackets off,' said the woman, at which Doreen and Sophie helped Carl and Kevin shrug out of their jackets. 'And are we ready for shirts, ladies?'

A cheer went up and Sophie's hands started to unbutton the front of Carl's shirt, shaking, whether from the excitement of doing it or from being in the bright lights, Carl didn't know. Untucking the shirt as she came to the bottom, she undid the bottom button, grazing Carl's penis as she did so, and flung the shirt open to a whoop from the room. A moment later, Kevin's unveiling got the same reaction as the shirts were slid down arms and the young men were left standing topless in light so bright you could see balls and shafts and cockheads in their skin tight tuxedo trousers.

'How delicious, right, ladies?' said the woman, moving first over to Kevin and rubbing her hand down his body and feeling his impressive abs, and then to Carl where she ran her palms over both pecs then down till they were just below his waistband.

'Now we need to get rid of these shoes,' she then said, at which Kevin and Carl both scooped off their footwear without bending down. 'But we want to see feet, don't we ladies?' at which both boys lifted one foot at a time to pull off their socks. 'You can tell a lot about a man from his feet,' she went on, collecting something from her lectern, which turned out to be a little GoPro camera. Coming back over to Kevin and Carl, she leaned down and pointed the GoPro first at Kevin's feet, which appeared on the big screen behind them and then at Carl's.

'Well, I would say we have a treat in store for us,' she went on, laughing theatrically, passing the GoPro past Kevin and Carl's crotches for a cheap laugh as she went.

'And now, the bit you've all been waiting for... turn round, boys, turn round... the reveal. Ladies, remove these young men's trousers...' Doreen and Sophie moved round so they were facing Kevin and Carl and looking out into the audience -- Carl could see Sophie was relishing the attention -- and, in unison, began undoing the button on the trousers then slowly undoing the zip making sure there was lots of contact between their hands and the young men's penises. Carl looked sideways and saw that Doreen was enjoying having her hands on a brand-new boy and had a pang of... was it jealousy?

With their trousers round their ankles, Carl and Kevin gave the whole room a delicious sight of two young muscular arses in identical, tiny, skin-tight underwear. The hostess was purring as she came over and, standing between them, ran her hands over each arse in turn, squeezing Kevin's buttocks and looking round with a leer to the audience and then taking Carl's buttocks from the bottom, bouncing them on her hand. 'How dellllllicious is that ladies but...'

And she went around to the front of the young men so that she was looking at them and out at the audience and, making a pantomime of looking down, said, 'Are you in for a treat! I can't believe what I'm seeing here...' And she approached them and made a theatrical groping of both cocks, theatrical for the entertainment of the audience but for Kevin and Carl, very real. She gripped hard, felt their balls, ran her hands in unison along their shafts... all of which had its desired effect of making Kevin and Carl so hard in the tiny briefs that they both risked overspilling their waistbands.

'Ladies, are we ready?' she shouted to a cheer of 'Yes!'

'I can't hear you. Ladies, are we ready?' The 'Yes!' cheer was even louder.

'But before I get Doreen and Sophie to spin their boys around, how about a little preview?' And she picked up the GoPro again and -- with the live feed on the screen in front of Carl and Kevin - ran it from Kevin's blushing face, down his athletic body to the tiny white briefs and the penis that was thick and veiny and clearly visible. But she only gave a glimpse, teasing the room that was still cheering. Then it was Carl's turn. She lingered longer on his face -- he averted his eyes from the camera -- and then got the camera to follow her hands, with dangerous looking red nails, to his chest, his tight stomach and, finally, his bulge, which she squeezed for the camera.

'OK, ladies,' she said, now addressing Doreen and Sophie. 'The moment of truth. Spin your boys...' Sophie reached across Carl's arse, giving it a little squeeze as she went and, taking him by the opposite hip, span him so he was facing the audience. Doreen was a little slower but by the time Carl had blinked in the lights and taken in the sight of a whole room of cheering women, Kevin was beside him. The hostess came over and moved them closer together for the cameras that were going off everywhere. They were hip to hip, Carl could actually feel Kevin trembling, and the hostess stood there, posing, her hands on both bulges, looking into cameras and pouting.

And then, crouching down so those bulges were at face level, she turned over her shoulder and said to the audience, 'And now for the big reveal... Are you ready?' The cheer went up. Carl could feel the woman's breath on his thighs. 'I said, Are you ready?' A bigger cheer. Then, moving in front of Kevin, she looked back over her shoulder in a saucy way, and, taking the waistband of the briefs in her hands from each hip, slid them down, past his thighs and his calves and then got him to step out of them.

Sniffing the underwear then whirling it around her head she finally moved out of the way so that the whole room could take in the sight of Kevin naked. His cock was sticking out horizontally, his balls available for everyone to see, especially when the hostess picked up the GoPro and, focusing it on first the balls, then the shaft, then the head of Kevin's beautiful penis, projected it simultaneously onto the back screen. Looking out, all Carl could see were cameras pointed at Kevin, at him, at the screen...