MJ 7B: Case of the Little Death Pt 2


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Then he kissed me with the burning passion I felt. We tore at each others clothes, falling to the fixed couch. There was no time, no patience for anything else. The second we were naked and I was on my back he entered. Justas always he held still, shaking with the effort, letting me adjust to his size.

Then he began to move, thumb between us on my clit, mouth fused to mine. In sheer seconds I reached the climax and he followed right behind, like we were two horny teenagers.

We collapsed together, clutching one another close.

"Remember all those nights in my dim apartment where all we did was talk about this? Sailing away together?"

He kissed my temple. "Yeah?"

"I'm sorry it took so goddamn long for me to come around."

He turned my face to his and those amazing blue eyes peered through to my soul. "You were always worth the wait."

Finn: my greatest enemy, my most treasured lover, my dirty little secret, and the hardest lie I'd ever told. And now he was mine forever, and I was his.

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fanfarefanfareover 10 years ago
Fantastic Miss-adventure!

I really, really hate shopping on Amazon but Marly & Finn's story has been such a rollercoaster of thrills and chills, I'm just going to have to overcome my prejudices against spending money on not-so-amazon and buy all your published works.

zeanababy1zeanababy1almost 12 years ago
Happily surprised

I almost stopped reading when she killed Finn... I was crying and everything. But I decided that I wanted to know the ending. Good god I'm relieved and excessively happy! Good series! Well done. Kept me on my toes which is hard to do

renaissancequeenrenaissancequeenabout 12 years ago
standing ovation for this series

Do not remember how I stumbled onto this series but I am so glad that I did. How refreshing it was to read a storyline centered on an adult woman instead of a barely legal chit. All around terrific writing from the mystery and action to the sex and romance. This last installment was especially well done and heart wrenching. You got five stars even though there were several typos.

geonisisgeonisisover 12 years ago

I was supposed to go to sleep 3 hours ago. I have work in five hours. 6 hours ago I started reading your Marly Jackson stories. They may be the absolute best stories I have ever read. And I don't just mean on this site. I'm a very avid reader. My personal library is just over 200 books, small but I only have an apartment. I've read well into the thousands and this take the cake. All of it, the mystery, the intrigue, the sex everything was perfect. Thank you is all I can say. Thank you very much.

ladybug71ladybug71about 13 years ago
Holy cow!!!

That was a great series of stories of Marly Jackson and Michael Finnegan....just utterly outstanding!!!! I'm very glad I saw your name listed under JazCullen's favorites!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!

katgoddess1katgoddess1over 13 years ago

What a great ending for Marley and Finn!

kittiekimmeekittiekimmeeover 13 years ago
Best Ending

That was the best ever. I loved it!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Great conclusion to a kick ass story!

I truly loved the last two chapters. While I am not a patient person, I admit that this one was worth the wait! Great story!

madam_noemadam_noeover 13 years agoAuthor
Sorry Anonymous

But as I've always planned, this is the final Marly Jackson adventure.

However, in the style of Dashiell Hammet (who inspired these stories) I am expanding the first novella "Case of the Missing Millionaire" into a full novel that should be published this year.

so while there are no more planned adventures for Marly, you will be able to revisit them and delve a bit more deeply into her past.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
5 stars

Good job,can't wait next adventure of marly&michael

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I knew i was right :D!

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