Casey's Fall Ch. 18

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Week 3, Thurs. Nude in public. Just don't tell my Mum.
3.7k words

Part 18 of the 28 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 04/18/2020
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This story takes place on a parallel world where registered nudity and indentured slavery are legal under a government known as "The State". A young woman is blackmailed and slowly coerced into a life she never expected.

This story contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sex. Themes include cmnf, cfnf, enf, humiliation, non-consent, reluctance, blackmail, public nudity and public sex.


Casey did her morning run at the park again, then showered and inserted the butt-plug before preparing coffee and breakfast in time for Jolene to rise. As much as she loathed being an Indent, these little tasks at home that Jolene expected didn't bother her much. Not compared to being naked and having orgasms in front of people anyway.

"Is there anything you need me to do today, Jolene?" Casey asked as her sister emerged from her bedroom.

"Actually, my car needs a wash," Jolene responded after thinking about it for a moment. "I'll need you to do that this morning if you can please. I have a class at 10:00am. Can you give the inside a clean-out and vacuum as well please?"

Casey still hated being outside where people could see her, but she also knew she had to come to grips with it one way or another. Like it or not she was a nudist for life now, and that meant everything she did, whether inside or outside, would be nude now. Perhaps the more difficult aspect was convincing everyone in her life that becoming a nudist was her choice, but she knew that was necessary before life could go on.

"Yeah sure. I'll do it right now," Casey replied.

She started with cleaning out the inside of the car and vacuuming the carpets, then moved on to the outside. It was a quite cool morning, and she didn't relish getting wet so she kept her distance as much as possible so she didn't get splashed. A car went by and tooted. Casey looked up and saw the passenger and driver looking back at her as they passed.

Yeah, just watch where you're going, dickhead…

This happened two more times by different cars, and Casey wondered what the purpose behind tooting was. Did they suspect she didn't know she was naked? Was it someone just saying hello? Was it the new wolf-whistle, a form of street harassment? She wondered how to deal with it. It wasn't welcome but it wasn't necessarily unfriendly either. Her options were to give them the finger, ignore them or perhaps smile and wave. She decided the latter would be her go-to for people who were possibly neighbours, and everyone else would be best ignored to discourage a possible confrontation. Still, the wave would need to be friendly but dismissive, so it wasn't interpreted in a way that expressed any desire for them to stop and talk to her.

Perhaps wave to acknowledge them, but not look directly at them?

"Wow! That looks awesome, Casey. Good job!" Jolene exclaimed as she came out just as Casey was packing everything up.

"Thanks! I'm glad you like it," she replied. "I kept getting cars honking, though. Did you hear them? What the fuck is wrong with people?"

"Yes, there's some wankers in the world," Jolene acknowledged with an eyeroll. "They probably just like what they see, but just ignore them if it bothers you."

Casey remembered she would need to go to Mark's later, which would mean riding her bike now that Jolene and her car would be unavailable. Most of the journey would be on bikeways, but there were a few places where the path ran alongside roads where plenty of people would see her.

"Pity you need the car. It's going to suck riding my bike to Mark's later," Casey remarked.

"True," Jolene replied. "We might have to get you a car eventually but see how it goes first. I only have enough money for a crappy one for you just yet, but your career is gaining momentum, so if we give it a month or two, we might be able to get you a fairly decent one."

"You'd really buy me a car?"

"Sure. Gotta look after the talent, right?"

"Does that include looking after me after my indenture is finished as well?" Casey asked, not sure she wanted to hear the answer.

"Of course," Jolene replied without hesitation. "Well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, but I got you into this, so it's only fair I look after you in whatever way I can later, even if that means you need to stay indentured to me for the rest of your life. Obviously, the more you make for us in the meantime, the better that life is going to be for both of us."

"I'll do my best," Casey promised, gulping at the idea of being Jolene's naked slave girl for life. Still, it may be the best option for her if there were no real job or marriage opportunities for a former porn star and registered nudist in ten years' time. She would need to try to take on some freelance design work as a sideline to hone her craft in the meantime, so hopefully she had something to go onto at the end of all this.

"I know you will, babygirl," Jolene smiled. "You could always take a cab or a rideshare to Mark's if you need to? The budget might not stretch that far when you need to start commuting to Tech, but for this week at least I should be able to cover it."

While relieved to hear that Jolene intended to look after her at the end of all this, she knew that meant putting everything she had into being a porn star now, and that caused her to swallow a bit. She was also conflicted about using her bicycle to commute. She loved riding her bike and would hate to be prevented from doing that just because of a few assholes harassing her, but she also hated being nude in public. But this was her life now and she had to learn to deal with it one way or another. Perhaps it was worth persevering with for a few weeks to see if the harassment was bearable or if there were ways around it? Choosing the right route could be all it would take.

"Thanks for the offer but I don't think I'll worry about rideshare for now," Casey responded. Being naked in a car with a stranger sounded way more awkward, and possibly dangerous, compared to dealing with a few rubberneckers at a relatively safe distance. "I think I want to give biking a try first and see how it goes. It is really generous of you to offer to buy me a car, though, but am I even allowed to own one?"

"Well, it couldn't officially be yours. I'd be the registered owner, but you'd be allowed to use it as my Indent in the course of doing my business, which I would always vouch was exactly what you were doing, if you were ever stopped and questioned about it."

"Ok. Yeah! Maybe we'll look at that later then when we've got more money. I'd like to see how biking goes first," Casey decided, knowing how much she enjoyed the freedom that cycling offered. Besides, in peak hour or getting around downtown, it was often faster anyway, and it helped keep her fit.

"No problems. Would you like to try some practice with the dildos before I go to class?"

Oh, hell no…

"Um... actually I'm a bit sore today after yesterday," Casey replied, knowing it wasn't a complete lie. She definitely was a bit tender, but mostly she just loathed the idea of having her vagina penetrated right now, even more than she usually did. She'd just finished washing the car, and the people gawking at her had made her a little grumpy. Sex in any form was the last thing on her mind.

"Ok. Maybe take it a bit easier today then," Jolene suggested. "Just let Mark know if he has anything too rough in mind for you later, and for the webcam tonight just use the Lush. I should be home for dinner tonight anyway, so I'll see you before you go online, and we'll make a decision then."

Whew! Thank fuck for that.

Casey spent the rest of the morning doing chores, and then had a few hours to herself so she watched some TV. Greg sent her a few texts at lunchtime to tell her how much he was looking forward to seeing her again, and she replied that she felt the same way, while secretly wishing that he wouldn't have so much of her to see when that time came. Well, at least not from the moment he walked in the door anyway.

The journey to Mark's was a little longer from Jolene's than it was from her parents' house, so she gave it an extra 10 minutes. As she suspected, the parts of the route where she was away from traffic were generally fine. Although one man crashed his bike as he passed going in the opposite direction. Casey stopped to ask if he was ok and he responded cheerfully that he was, and then apologised. Every time she went near a road, though, there was honking.


Finally, she got to Mark's and locked her bike around the side. Unfortunately, the day had turned into a warm one and she had gotten a bit sweaty on the way over, so she took a shower and got Gillian to help her redo her hair and makeup.

"Casey!" Mark greeted, obviously happy to see her. "I have a great shoot planned for you today. I'm going to be taking lots of still shots but mostly it'll be about video this time."

"Oh, what did you have in mind, Mark?" she asked, mentally preparing her excuse to spare her poor vagina any punishment today.

"Well, now that you're a registered nudist, how do you feel about a NIP shoot?"

"What's a NIP shoot?" she asked with a puzzled expression.

"NIP. You know, nude-in-public," Mark replied, as if it was something everyone knew.

Casey's heart sunk a little, but after being nude in public several times this week, including the ride over, she thought maybe she was as close as she ever could be to handling it. Plus at least this would give her vagina a much-needed reprieve.

"Ok," Mark continued. "We'll start by getting you to show off your tattoo, and then we'll step outside and make our way to the arcade at the end of the block. Gillian will have the video camera so we'll have to get you to stop and maybe repeat some sections so we can capture different angles. Are you ok without shoes for this one? I want it so that you're totally naked from head to toe."

"Sure ok, as long as I don't stand on anything sharp," Casey replied, while kicking off her shoes and making her best effort to appear enthusiastic even though she most certainly wasn't.

"It should be fine. We'll all keep our eyes open. Ok, show me your tattoo. Big smile."


"Nice. Ok. Um... Actually… Gillian and I will be walking backwards a lot. Just try to walk slowly and let us know if we're about to walk into something. And watch out for any broken glass or whatever, ok?"

"No problems," Casey replied. The thought of Mark tripping over made her smile to herself for a moment, assuming he didn't actually hurt himself.

They stepped out onto the path outside with Mark and Gillian first setting up so they could film her opening the door. Casey stepped out and looked left and right, attracting no more attention than when she had arrived. Then the trio set off down the street.

Casey felt kind of weirder than usual, having no particular destination in mind. Her only purpose in being naked right then was to be filmed doing it, and she so hated being the centre of attention, naked or otherwise. It was so much worse knowing her dreadful labia were on full display as she walked, so she tried to keep her legs together as much as possible. People were starting to gather outside shops to watch and she saw several phones getting pointed her way and clicked. She realised there were now hundreds, if not thousands of pictures of her that she didn't know about. If she ever did get out of this, tracking them all down would never be feasible, or even possible.

Click. Click. Click.

"Ok, Casey, let's go into this arcade," Mark directed, beckoning to the entrance.

Once inside, Mark spotted a women's clothing shop and gestured for her to go in.

"Ok, look at a few dresses and pretend you miss them," Mark said.

Casey didn't need to pretend at all. She really did miss them, and she suddenly felt close to tears realising she never could wear one again.

"That's perfect. Hold it there," Mark instructed.

Click. Click.

There were a few of the usual stupid or nasty comments from people around her, but more unnerving was the small group of people behind Mark watching, pointing, and smiling while whispering things to each other with their hands over their mouths.

If those assholes want something to see, I'll give them something…

And with that she deliberately went into a squat with her legs spread wide, pretending to be looking at something on the bottom shelf.

Click. Click.

"Great, Casey! Following your lead," Mark commented.

Casey's squat just made the murmurs increase, so she stood up with a pair of shorts she had picked up from the bottom shelf, and then pretended to drop them on the floor again so she could bend over and give her audience a full view of her butt-plug.

Click. Click.

The murmurs got worse, but she felt slightly better for having mooned them.

After that, Mark had her go into a few more shops, and all the time the group of murmuring observers grew bigger. Casey was now getting seriously pissed off and it was getting harder to hide it.

Mark then beckoned to her to stop as he spent a few moments talking to a shopkeeper. Casey pretended to be interested in a window display so that she had her back to her unwanted audience and didn't have to acknowledge them. She saw the shopkeeper nod as he handed Mark some big shopping bags, which Mark then held open as the shopkeeper put some empty boxes into them.

"Casey, can you come here please?" Mark asked while waving her over. "This man would like a selfie with you if that's ok?"

"Sure, why not," Casey sighed, realising that apparently the fee for a nude photo of her amounted to a few empty boxes and shopping bags. Nevertheless, she gathered up what remained of her good humour and leaned up against the counter with a smile while Mark took a picture using the man's phone.

Mark handed the phone back to the shopkeeper and thanked him.

"No. Thank YOU!" the shopkeeper replied, clearly delighted to have rubbed shoulders with a beautiful naked woman who was probably younger than any daughters he may have had.

"Ok, Casey," Mark began as he turned to her with the bags. "I'll get you to carry these as if you've been shopping, and just make your way back to the studio with them from here."

Already realising that the empty bags were for her to use as props, Casey took them and prepared to head to the exit, hoping the shoot was nearing its end. But as she looked around to get her bearings, she suddenly noticed a familiar shape across the mall. Her heart skipped a beat, and she quickly dropped the bags to scurry into the nearest shop to hide behind a clothes rack. Mark came running in behind her.

"What's up?" Mark asked, looking around for what might have startled her. Thoughts of disgruntled postal workers or terrorists raced through his mind.

"I just saw my mother out there and I don't want her to see me like this," Casey replied.

Mark looked concerned for a moment and then started laughing.

"But you're a registered nudist now. She's going to find out sooner or later anyway, isn't she?"

"She already knows, "Casey admitted. "I just don't want her to see me right here, right now, like this with photographers all around me and people following me."

"Oh ok," Mark replied. "I guess I can understand that. You gave me such a fright with the way you dropped everything and ran in here. I thought there was a bomb threat or something. Ok, which one is she? I'll let you know when she's gone."

"That one over there with the floral dress and dark hair," Casey pointed out.

"Got it. Ok she seems to be headed towards the grocery store down the back. You should be safe now."

Casey gathered up her fake shopping bags, and with a worried look around to double check for her mother, she started making her way back towards the exit with Mark and Jolene walking backwards in front of her. Thankfully the group that had formed earlier had mostly dispersed while Casey was hiding in the shop.

As they made their way through the food court section, she still kept nervously glancing around. Then to her great dismay she saw her mother looking straight at her across from the other side. Realising there was no escape now, Casey gave her a smile and a wave, but she just stood staring back with a blank expression on her face, making no effort to return the wave at all. Casey's smile quickly faded, and she continued walking, keeping her eyes down and mustering as much dignity as she could. She felt she'd struck a new low point in her life. Her mother was clearly shocked, and who could blame her? Her once innocent daughter was now showing off her naked body, in public, surrounded by photographers and cretins.

Arriving back at the studio, Mark announced it was a wrap and thanked Casey for her professionalism.

"You are such an amazing girl, Casey. I can't believe someone as young and beautiful as you would register as a nudist. I've dreamed of doing a NIP shoot for years but there was too much risk with other models, and finding an attractive registered nudist proved next to impossible. The way you so willingly and freely show your body is a breath of fresh air. You are truly wonderful to work with."

"Oh, thanks, Mark," Casey replied, just glad it was finally over. The shoot had left her feeling washed out and disappointed with herself, on top of the usual level of humiliation she felt at parading around naked against her will.

It occurred to her that Mark's compliment meant that she was unique in becoming a nudist at her age, which was something she was now stuck with. It was a lonely feeling, which was now compounded with self-disgust and disappointment after the way her mother had looked at her. She so hated being noticed, and she so hated being naked. Nothing about it felt natural or normal, and it had cost her so much. Not just her privacy and her dignity, but also her relationship with her parents. She hadn't worn clothes for nearly a week now, and it still felt like that nightmare where you find yourself naked at school, and suddenly everyone notices but you have nowhere to hide. She also couldn't shake the feeling that at any moment she might get stopped and arrested.

Biking home was much the same as the journey in, except now with more melancholy than fear. Every time she went near a road there were idiots honking, but she almost didn't hear them, let alone acknowledge them, in the mood she was in.

Finally home, she made herself a drink and curled up on the couch without even bothering to turn the TV on. About an hour later, Jolene arrived home.

"Hi, Case, how was Mark?" she greeted.

"He was fine," Casey replied, not really bubbling with personality at that moment. Jolene didn't seem to notice, though.

"So, what did he have you do? Nothing hard on your lady bits, I hope? Are you still sore?"

"Um... no. It feels a bit better now. He had me walk around in public and into a mall. I almost died when I saw Mum in there," Casey sadly informed her.

"Really? How did she look? Ok?"

"I didn't really see her up close. I think she was just there to do the grocery shopping. She saw me too, and she clearly wasn't happy with me," Casey replied, starting to choke up a little.

"Oh ok," Jolene replied. "I kind of miss Mum, but she made her choice to side with Dad."

Jolene went over to Casey and put her arm around her, sensing that she was upset.

"Um... yeah," Jolene continued. "Stuff like this is going to happen sometimes, but people will get used to it eventually. Look, just take it easy on the webcam tonight. Just use the Lush and don't stress too much. Tomorrow is a brand-new day."

Casey's glum mood continued as she prepared dinner and then cleaned up, but then she brightened a little as it came time for the webcam session. She realised she wasn't dreading them as much as some of the other stuff Jolene had her doing. The dildo show in front of the boys yesterday was so humiliating, but for some reason repeating the performance on the webcam hadn't been anywhere near as bad. It was possibly even enjoyable, even though afterwards she realised she had made herself a bit sore. Logically she knew there were thirty of forty people watching her on the webcam at any given time, vs just the four boys yesterday in her lounge room, but it made a massive psychological difference not being able to see the faces of the people watching her. She felt like she was in her own space and had all the control over what was happening to her there.